
Active and passive viewing, 206207

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) system, 56, 65

Advanced Television Enhancement Forum (ATVEF), 7677

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), in depth, 6061

Advertising as a revenue source, 104108

banner advertising, 104

benefits of interactive television, 104

Coty’s Rimmel brand campaign, 120121

direct response interactive television, 105107

enhanced television techniques, 104

Finish Powerball 3in1 campaign, 121123

interstitial adverts, 104

sponsorship, 107

AltiComposer, 181182

Analogue teletext, 10

Analogue television transmission:

bandwidth efficiency, 4647

carrier waves and modulation, 41

simultaneous with digital, 57

switching off intentions, 90

vertical blanking intervals (VBIs), 4142

AOL early services, 28

Application programming interface (API), 69

Applications, software, 70

Armchair Athletes – tribal sports fans, 230231, 235

Aspect ratios, 218

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) system, 56, 65

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee), in depth, 6061

ATVEF (Advanced Television Enhancement Forum), 7677

Avago bingo channel, 100

Back (return path/two-way/out-of-band) television channels, 5051


bandwidth efficiency, 4647

and digital television, 49

Banking, benefits of banking services on interactive television, case study by Mike Constantine (HSBC), 126128

Banner advertising:

Finish Powerball 3in1 campaign, 122

as a revenue source, 104

with walled gardens, 100

Base-T (Ethernet) interface, 66


enhanced television production (ETV) workflows by Humphrey Lau, 188190

must-have interactive television by Scott Gronmark (BBC), 241243

role of user-centred design (UCD), 228229

user research by Dr Guy Winter (BBC), 226229

Walking with Beasts programme, 2021, 8285

What’s Your Story programme, 28

Wimbledon interactive tennis, 20, 9798

BBCi (BBC’s digital text service) by Vlad Cohen, case study, 190194


bringing betting home, case study by Ismail Vali, 128131

as a revenue source, 114115

Big Brother production process, Andy Wyper (Victoria Real), case study, 184187

Bingo channel, Avago, 100

Bluetooth interface, 66

Brief or pitch writing, 148

Broadband digital television systems, 51

Broadcast (one-way/forward path/in-band) television channels, 4850

Broadcasting companies, 5

Budgets for production projects, 158162

in-depth study, 159162

Business model for interactive television platforms and service providers, case study by Mervyn Metcalf, 124125

cost model, 125

execution risks, 125

revenue model, 124

Cable platforms/systems:

advantages, 5253

cable modems, 54

digital text (BBC), 193194

fibre-optic cable, 53

hybrid fibre co-axial (HFC) networks, 53

Caching systems, digital television, 51

Canal Satellite (France), 111

Carousel systems, digital television, 4950

Carrier waves, digital television, 48

Carrierless amplitude phase (CAP) system, 65

Case studies:

BBCi (BBC’s digital text service) by Vlad Cohen, 190194

Benefits of banking services on interactive television by Mike Constantine (HSBC), 126128

Benefits of public-service interactive television by Richard Steel (Newham Council), 133135

Big Brother production process by Andy Wyper (Victoria Real), 184187

Bringing betting home by Ismail Vali (Ladbrokes), 128131

Business model for interactive television platforms and service providers by Mervyn Metcalf (Merrill Lynch International), 124125

Commercial experience of interactive television advertising by Andrew Howells (formerly OMDtvi), 119123

Enhanced television production (ETV) workflows-now and in the future by Humphrey Lau (BBC), 188190

‘Hands on TV’ – interactive television consumer research by Andy Mayer (formerly Netpoll), 229236

MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA) by Rod Clark (NDS), 7982

Regulation of interactive television services in the UK by Martin Hart (ITC), 135136

Sky NZ’s weather channel by Michael Atherton, 194197

Television and healthcare by Ronnette Lucraft (Flextech), 131133

Usability of electronic programme guides (EPGs) by Daly-Jones (Serco Usability Services), 222225

User research for interactive television by Dr Guy Winter (BBC), 226229

Walking with Beasts BBC programme by Sandra Gorel (BBC), 8285

Ceefax, 2728

Change management for production, 172

Chat shows, 5

Chicken Tonight cooking sauce adverts, 106

Chrominance, 220

Colour saturation problems/checking tools, 220, 221

Commercial attractions of television:

brands are trusted, 92

interactivity, 9293

it has impact, 9192

it is in the home, 92

it is ubiquitous, 9091

it makes big money, 89

Commercial characteristics of successful interactive services:

alignment with existing viewer behaviour, 97

clear propositions, 9798

customer relations management (CRM), 102103

Domino’s Pizza, 96

ease of use, 97

electronic programme guides (EPGs), 96

flexibility, 101

interactive games, 96

interactivity with sport, 96

marketing and promotion, 98101

multiple channel approach, 102

partners, 101102

Playjam, 9798

Sky Active, 99

unsuccessful businesses, 95

viewer numbers, 9697

Wimbledon interactive tennis, 9798

Commercial experience of interactive television advertising, case study by Andrew Howells (formerly OMDtvi), 119123

Commercial and marketing team, in-depth study, 169

Commercial/monetary aspects see E-commerce as a revenue source; Revenue sources

Commission payments and Tenancy fees, 117118

Compression of video signals, 4546

common characteristics, 96

see also MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) standards

Connected television services, Microsoft TV, 6

Consumer goods companies for interactive TV equipment, 6

Consumers of interactive television see Viewers

Content and operations team for interactive production, in-depth study, 167168

Coty’s Rimmel brand advertising campaign, 120121

Credit cards for pay-per-view payments, 111112

Customer relationship management (CRM), 102103

DASE (Digital Television Applications Software Environment), 76

Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS) in USA, 65

DAVIC (Digital Audio Visual Council), 65

Daytime Dabblers, 232233, 235

Deadline management for production, 172173

for Big Brother, 185

Debit cards for pay-per-view payments, 111112

Design checklist:

aspect ratios, 218

avoiding detail, 219220

avoiding high brightness, 220221

avoiding high colour saturation, 220

canvas size considerations, 218

colour check tools, 221

fonts, choosing, 221222

pixel shape, 219

safe areas of screens, 218219

Design teams for interactive production, in-depth study, 164165

Development of ideas and opportunities, 144159

brief or pitch writing, 148

concept development, 146

concept prototyping, 146

concept testing, 146148

financial forecasting and analysis, 147

market and user research, 146147

spotting opportunities, 145146

technical assessment, 147148

Different Kind of Television (DKTV) service, 134

Digital Audio Visual Council (DAVIC), 65

Digital cable with digital text, 193194

Digital subscriber line (DSL) system, 5657

Digital teletext:

applications and operation, 1012

BBCi (BBC’s digital text service), 190194

Digital television, 4757

bandwidth for, 49

bandwidth/bandwidth efficiency, 4647

basic principles, 4344

binary coding, 43, 44

broadband systems, 51

broadcast (one-way/forward path/in-band) channel, 4850

caching systems, 51

carousel systems, 4950

carrier waves, 48

compression, benefits of, 4546

data transport protocols, 52

jargon, 47

multiplexing, 48

return path (two-way/back/out-of-band) channel, 5051

robust nature of, 45

sampling, 4344

simultaneous with analogue, 57

standards, 51

see also Cable platforms/systems; Satellite platforms/systems

Digital Television Applications Software Environment (DASE), 76

Digital terrestrial television (DTT):

advantages, 5556

disadvantages, 56

Digital Video Broadcasting see DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) group

Direct response interactive television, 105107

Discrete multi-tone (DMT) standard, 65

Distribution interactivity (Henley Centre), 6

DOCSIS (Data Over Cable System Interface Specification) in USA, 65

Domino’s Pizza, 96, 109

Dreamcast TV-internet games, 15

DSL (digital subscriber line) system, 5657

DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM) system, 56

DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) group:

in-depth, 60

DVB-CA (conditional access) standard, 60

DVB-MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), 60, 7476

DVB-SI (service information), 60

DVDs (digital versatile/video discs), future usage, 244

E-commerce as a revenue source, 108111

impulse buying, 109

infrastructure requirements, 109

retailer/platform operator co-operation, 109

and walled gardens, 108109

E-gaming (Ladbrokes), 129

Early Clickers, 231, 235

Ease of use see Usability

Election 2001 ITV programme, 18

Electronic programme guides (EPGs):

function/purpose, 79

now/next (present/following) boxes, 9

usability of, case study, 222225

Enhanced television services:

definition, 17

Election 2001 ITV programme, 18

enhanced television (ETV) production workflows-now and in the future by Humphrey Lau (BBC), case study, 188190

function/purpose, 1718

individualised programming, 2223

Microsoft TV, 6

Two Way TV walled garden games and overlays, 1718

video switching, 1822

EPGs see Electronic programme guides

Fast-text, 10

Fibre-optic cable systems, 53

Finish Powerball 3in1 advertising campaign, 121123

Firewire (IEEE 1394) interface, 65

Flextech’s Living Health information service, 131133

Fonts, choosing, 221222

Forward path (broadcast/one-way/in-band) television channels, 4850

Future iTV see Must-have interactive television by Scott Gronmark (BBC); Power to the people by Andrew Curry (Henley Centre); A social future by Ian Pearson (BTexact Technologies)

Gadget Guys, 231, 235

Games, with walled gardens, 1315

Generation ‘i’ – socially active teenagers, 230, 235

Graphic design and storyboard design brief, 155156

Graphics design, 169170

‘Hands on TV’ – interactive television consumer research by Andy Mayer (formerly Netpoll), 229236

Hardware sales as a revenue source, 117

Health care and television, case study by Ronnette Lucraft, 131133

Henley Centre:

on interactive usage during advertising, 215

modes for interactive television, 67

Power to the people by Andrew Curry, 245247

on viewer expectations, 213214

HomeChoice, VideoNetwork, 56

HSBC’s interactive television banking service, 126128

HTML presentation engines for set-top boxes, 70

Hue, 220

Hybrid fibre co-axial (HFC) networks, 53

i-Potato – recumbent channel-hopper, 233, 235

Ideas, how to promote, 9394

IEEE 1284 parallel interface, 65

IEEE 1394 (Firewire) interface, 65

Impulse buying, 109

In-band (broadcast/one-way/Forward path) television channels, 4850

In-depth studies:

DVB and ATSC, 6061

interactive television budget, 159162

interactive television production team, 163169

MPEG-2, 5859

Winky Dink and You programme, 3031

Independent Television Commission (ITC), case study of regulation of UK interactive television, 135136

Individualised programming, 2223

Information interactivity (Henley Centre), 7

Installation and support, 172

Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (ISDB) standards, 61

Interactive consumers see Viewers

Interactive television:

concise history:

1930s to 1960s, 27

1970s, 2728

1980s, 28

1990s, 2930

early 2000s, 30

definitions, 2, 45

Must-have interactive television by Scott Gronmark (BBC), 241243

types of, 626

UK industry, 34

what to do with ideas, 9394

why wanted, 27

Interfaces for set-top boxes:

Base-T (Ethernet), 66

Bluetooth, 66

IEEE 1394 (Firewire), 65

parallel interface (IEEE 1284), 65

Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMIA), 66

purpose, 65

universal serial bus (USB), 65


function/purpose, 3940

progressive scanning, 40

Internet on television services:

function/purpose, 15

internet protocol (IP), 52

layout/readability problems, 1516

Microsoft TV, 6

two-screen interactive television, 16

Internet-PC versus television, 93

Interstitial adverts, as a revenue source, 104

IP (internet protocol), 52

ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) standards, 61

ITC (Independent Television Commission), case study of regulation of UK interactive television, 135136

ITV Digital, goes bust, 30


JavaScript presentation engines, 70, 181

for Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) tools, 181182


Best Bets on digital cable, 129130

e-gaming service, 128130

future with interactive television, 130131

Launch and operation for production, 174175

Lean forward versus lean back, 206207

Littlewoods Leisure sponsorship deals, 107108

Living Health information service by Flextech, 131133

Luminance, 220

Market and user research, 146147

Marketing benefits of interactive television, 115117

Marketing and commercial teams, in-depth study, 169

Marketing interactive services, 98101

MCNS (Multimedia Cable Network System)in USA, 65

MediaHighway tools, 180

MHEG-5 presentation engines, 70, 183

MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), 60, 7476

Microsoft TV software, 6

Middleware tools/software, 176181

MediaHighway tools, 180

OpenTV tools, 177178

OpenTV Author, 178

OpenTV Publisher, 178

for set-top boxes, 68

TV Navigator tools, 178180

TV Navigator client, 179

TV Navigator Connect Suite, 179

using graphical-interface web production tools, 180

using programmers’ text-editing tools, 179180

Minitel (France), 28

Models, business model for interactive television platforms and service providers, case study by Mervyn Metcalf, 124125

Modems, in set-top boxes, 65

Monetary aspects see Commercial attractions; Commercial characteristics of successful interactive services; E-commerce as a revenue source; Revenue sources

Mood designs, 170

MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) standards:

organisation, 58

MPEG-1, 58


application/advantages, 46

in-depth study, 5859

video synchronisation problems, 72

MPEG-4, 58, 7778

advantages, 77

MPEG-7, 58, 78

MPEG-21, 78

MSN TV, TV-internet games, 15

MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA), case study, 7982

Multimedia Cable Network System (MCNS)in USA, 65

Multimedia Home Platform (MHP), 60, 7476

with Java, 181182

Multiple channel considerations, 102

Multiplexing, digital television, 48

Must-have interactive television by Scott Gronmark (BBC), 241243

Navigation maps, 155156

NDS, and the MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA), 7982

Near-video-on-demand (NVOD), 2324

Netpoll (user attitude specialist), 229

New Zealand, Sky NZ’s weather channel, 194197

Newham Council’s DKTV service, 134135

Now/next (present/following) EPG boxes, 9

NTSC and PAL/Secam systems, 40

One-way (broadcast/forward path/in-band) television channels, 4850

OpenTV tools, 177178

Sky NZ’s weather channel, 196197

Operating systems, set-top box software, 6768

Operation and post-operation scrutiny of productions, 175

Operations and content team for interactive production, in-depth study, 167168

Out-of-band (return path/two-way/back) television channels, 5051

PAL/Secam and NTSC systems, 40

Participation interactivity (Henley Centre), 7

Passive and active viewing, 206207

Pay-per-view/pay-per-use, 64, 111113

credit card or debit payments, 111112

telephone payments, 112113

PC-internet versus television, 93

Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMIA), 66

Personal television services, Microsoft TV, 6

Personal video recorders (PVRs), 2426

the future, 246247

Pitch or brief writing, 148

Pixel shapes on screens, 219

Plasma screens, 243244

Platform operators, 6

providing ideas for, 94

Playjam, 96, 9798, 111

Polymer screens, 243244

Power to the people by Andrew Curry (Henley Centre), 245247

Present/following, (now/next) EPG boxes, 9

Presentation engine-specific tools, 181183

Prestel, 28

Production agencies, 148

Production companies, 5

providing ideas for, 94

Production of interactive television, 139198

change management, 172

coding the application, 172

deadline management, 172173

deskilling of production tools, 144

graphics design, 169170

installation and support, 172

launch and operation, 174175

money saving, 144

mood design, 170

overview, 141144

reuse of existing elements, 144

software development, 142143

technical architecture build, 170172

testing, need for rigor, 173174

web site production, 143

see also Development of ideas and opportunities; Production specification; Production tools

Production specification, 148159

budget production, 158162

collating requirements, 152153

functional specification, 154155

production agencies, use of, 148149

project management tools, 151

project plan production, 157158

rapid application development, 150151

specifying the service, 153157

staff recruitment, 159

stakeholder identification, 151152

storyboard and graphic design brief, 155156

technical specification, 156157

waterfall (staircase) projects, 149150

Production team for interactive television, in-depth study, 163169

Production tools, 176184

for authoring once, publishing to many, 183184

virtual machine- and presentation engine-specific tools, 181183

Java for Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) tools, 181182

MHEG-5 tools, 183

WML tools, 182

see also Middleware tools/software

Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP), 61

Progressive scanning, and interlacing, 40

Project plans, 157158

Promoting interactive services, 98101


digital television, 52

internet protocol (IP), 52

Prototyping and testing with users, 227228

Public-service benefits as revenue sources, 118119

Public-service interactive television, case study of DKTV by Richard Steel, 133135

PVRs see Personal video recorders

Qube (Warner Amex in USA), 28

Rapid application development, 150151

Regulation of interactive television services in the UK, case study by Martin Hart of ITC, 135136

Remote controllers:

clarity aids (intra-ocular trauma test), 209211

escape route for lost viewers, 212213

feedback from screen, 212213

general facilities, 66

navigation, 208211

text input, 211

Response speed/times, 203204

Retailers for interactive TV equipment, 6

Retailing companies, providing ideas for, 94

Return path (two-way/back/out-of-band) television channels, 5051

Revenue sources:

betting, 114115

e-commerce, 108111

hardware sales, 117

marketing, 115117

Pay-per-view/pay-per-use, 111113

public-service benefits, 118119

soft benefits, 118

subscription payments, 113114

tenancy fees and commission payments, 117118

see also Advertising as a revenue source

Rimmel brand advertising campaign by Coty, 120121

Sampling, 4344

sample rate and video quality, 44

Satellite platforms/systems:

advantages, 55

basic principles, 5455

disadvantages, 55

Saturation, 220

Scan lines, television sets, 3739


aspect ratios, 218

pixel shapes, 219

safe areas, 218219

Server-side technologies, 70

Set-top boxes: features and applications, 43, 6162

the future, 247

sidecars, 61

see also Synchronisation of video/ interactive content

Set-top boxes: hardware, 6266

audio cards, 63

central processing unit (CPU), 63

conditional access (CA) system, 62

cost considerations, 62

demodulators, 62

demultiplexers, 62


flash memory, 6364

modems, 65

random access memory (RAM), 63

read-only memory (ROM), 63

remote controls, 66

smart cards, 6465

tuners, 62

video cards, 63

see also Interfaces for set-top boxes

Set-top boxes: software, 6670

application programming interface (API), 69

application software, 70

applications/purpose/function, 66, 70

HTML presentation engines, 70

Java virtual machines, 69

JavaScript presentation engines, 70

MHEG-5 presentation engines, 70

middleware, 68

multi-tasking, 67

operating systems, 6768

thin clients, 70

virtual machines/engines, 6970

WML presentation engines, 6970

Shopping, with walled gardens, 14

Silver Sofas, 233234, 235

Simplicity, 204205

Sky Active, 99

Sky Digital, and walled gardens from other companies, 13

Sky News Active video switching, 1920

Sky NZ’s weather channel by Michael Atherton, case study, 194197

Smart cards, in set-top boxes, 6465

A social future by Ian Pearson (BTexact Technologies), 243245

Soft benefits as revenue sources, 118


application software, 70

development, 142143

Digital Television Applications Software Environment (DASE), 76

Microsoft TV software, 6

see also Middleware tools/software; Settop boxes: software

Specification for production see Production specification

Speed of response, 203204

Sponsorship and advertising, 107108

Staff recruitment for production projects, 159

Staircase (waterfall) projects, 149150


ATVEF (Advanced Television Enhancement Forum), 7677

DASE (Digital Television Applications Software Environment), 76

DVB-MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), 7476

need for, 51

TV Anytime, 78

see also MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) standards

Stargazer video-on-demand system, 29

Storyboard and graphic design brief, 155156

Subscription payments, 113114

Synchronisation of video/interactive content:

announcement/trigger/content streams, 73

and MPEG-2 usage, 72

problems, 7172

Teams for interactive production, in-depth study, 163169

contents and operations team, 167168

design team, 164165

marketing and commercial team, 169

production team, 163164

technical team, 166167

Technical architecture build, 170172

Technology companies for interactive television, 6

Telephone premium rate payments, 112113

Telephone systems providing television:

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), 56

DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM), 56

DSL (digital subscriber line) system, 5657

VideoNetwork’s HomeChoice, 56


analogue teletext, 10

BBCi (BBC’s digital text service), 190194

with digital cable, 193194

digital teletext, 1012

fast-text, 10

page number concept, 1112

Television, the experience of, 206217

active and passive viewing, 206207

distance from screen, 207208

holding attention, 208

lean forward versus lean back, 206207

minimising enjoyment interference from interactivity, 216

social context, 215216

time of day considerations, 216217

viewer demographics, 214215

viewer expectations, 213214

see also Remote controllers

Television and healthcare, case study by Ronnette Lucraft (Ladbrokes), 131133

Television Par Satellite (France), 30

Television production see Production of interactive television

Television sets, 3740

interlacing, 3940

PAL/Secam and NTSC systems, 40

scan lines, 3739

shadow masks, 3839

Telewest cable walled garden service, 12

Tenancy fees and commission payments, 117118

Terrestrial television, digital (DTT), 5556

Testing interactive systems with users, 228

Testing for production, need for rigor, 173174

Text see Teletext

Text input from controllers, 211

Thin clients, set-top box software, 70

Tools see Production tools

Transmission network/platform:

basic principles, 4041

problems of change, 4243

set-top boxes, 43

see also Analogue television transmission; Digital television

TV Anytime, 78

TV Navigator tools, 178180

Two Way TV walled garden games and overlays, 1718, 111

Two-screen interactive television, 16

Two-way (return path/back/out-of-band) television channels, 5051

UK interactive television industry, 34

Universal serial bus (USB) for set-top boxes, 65


cross media design, 206

different media needs different approaches, 205206

ease of use, 97

fundamental principles, 201206

simplicity, 204205

speed of response, 203204

usability of electronic programme guides (EPGs) by Daly-Jones (Serco Usability Services), case study, 222225

usability research, 170, 202

user considerations/user-centred design, 202203

see also Remote controllers; Television, the experience of

User and market research, 146147

User-centred design (UCD), user research for interactive television, case study, 226229

Vertical blanking intervals (VBIs), 4142

Video quality and sample rate, 44

Video switching:

function/purpose, 1820

Sky News Active, 1920

Walking with Beasts BBC programme, 20

Wimbledon tennis by BBC, 20

Video-on-demand (VOD)/near-video-on-demand (NVOD), 2324

VideoNetwork’s HomeChoice, 56

Videotron video switching system, 29

Viewdata, 28


Armchair Athletes – tribal sports fans, 230231, 235

Daytime Dabblers, 232233, 235

demographic considerations, 214215

early adopters, 230

Early Clickers, 232, 235

expectations of, 213214

Gadget Guys, 231, 235

Generation ‘i’ – socially active teenagers, 230, 235

i-Potato – recumbent channel-hopper, 233, 235

Silver Sofas, 233234, 235

visual perception of, 36

and visual persistence, 3637

Viewing numbers:

Europe/Japan/USA, 91

importance of, 9697

UK market share of channels, 116

Virgin Mobile’s 2001 advertising campaign, 106107

Virtual machine-specific tools, 181183

Virtual machines/engines for set-top boxes, 6970

Visio storyboard creation program, 155

Visual perception, 36

Visual persistence, 3637

Walking with Beasts BBC programme, 2021

case study, 8285

Walled garden systems:

function/purpose, 1213

games on, 1315

as revenue sources, 108109

shopping on, 14

Sky Digital must permit use by other companies, 13

Telewest cable service, 12

Waterfall (staircase) projects, 149150

Weather, Sky NZ’s weather channel, 194197

Web site production, 143

What’s Your Story BBC programme, 28

Wimbledon interactive tennis (BBC), 20, 9798

Wink and RespondTV, 107

Winky Dink and You programme, 45, 27

in-depth study, 3031

WML presentation engines, 6970, 182

World Wide Web, early days, 29

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