Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


accessibility. See Section 508 compliance

acknowledgment. See credit


of audio, 5155

music content, 5255

of B-roll, 104105

compression during, 90b

picking format for, 2931, 85

digital SLR cameras, 9091

HD options, 8788

SD options, 8590

size, 11

tapeless, 35, 9496

with multicamera productions, 99

action- and title-safe areas, 116, 116f

action-safe areas, 97

actors. See talent

Adobe After Effects, 108

creating show graphics, 124

Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium, 132133

Adobe Encore, 181

Adobe Flash. See Flash video

Adobe Flash Catalyst, 180181

Adobe Flash Media Server, 174, 176b

Adobe Flash Player, updating, 177f

Adobe Flash Professional, 180

creating custom player with, 181185

Adobe Media Encoder, 151f, 163, 180

Adobe Photoshop, 107

creating show graphics, 124

Photoshop for Video, 123b

Understanding Adobe Photoshop, 13f, 123b

Adobe Premiere Elements, 132, 133f, 160161, 160f

Adobe Premiere Pro, 132b, 137f

Adobe Soundbooth, 171b

Adobe's On Location software, 82

adoption of broadband access, 5b

AdSense advertisements, 266f

Advanced Media Group, 56b

advertising, 256, 265266. See also promoting

banner ads and click-through, 275b

revenue from, 265266. See also monetization

vs. sponsorships, 268269

video hosting and, 233

working with advertisers, 267274

making your case, 269271

affiliate revenue, 264265

affordability, encoding for, 163

After Effects (Adobe), 19, 108

creating show graphics, 124

age, audience, 10b

agencies, for talent, 17

aggregating content, 256257

alternate text, 170, 170f, 265

analog screen captures, 111b

animating photos, 108

app-building services, 278


Apple-compatible podcasts, 213214

Apple-compatible presets (encoding), 158159

Flash video and, 174b

podcasting for Apple TV, 214, 214t

QuickTime. See QuickTime format

Apple Compressor, 162163

Apple Final Cut Express, 132

Apple Final Cut Pro, 19, 110, 126b, 132b, 138f

history of, 131

Apple Final Cut Studio, 132133

Apple Compressor, 162163

Apple GarageBand, 160

Apple iMovie, 132, 134f, 160

Apple iPad, 7f

applications for, 278

Apple iPhone, 5f

Apple iPod, 195, 198

Apple-compatible podcasts, 213214

Apple iTunes, 8f, 160

affiliate program, 265

aggregating content on, 256257

being found on, 249b

iTunes client vs. iTunes Store, 215b

podcast categories and, 204

podcast compatibility with, 206b

submitting RSS feeds to, 216217, 217b

Apple Keynote slides. See speaker support slides

Apple Motion, 125

Apple QuickTime Pro, 159160. See also QuickTime format

applications for mobile devices, 277278

architecture (compression), 164

archive materials, 105

artist pages, iTunes, 256257

artwork, project-related, 123124

aspect ratio (pixel), 164

Flash video for Facebook, 188

Flash video for YouTube, 186

associations, getting visuals from, 106

assumptions, as bad idea, 15

attaching lavaliere microphones, 44


age, 10b

building relationship with, 259262

capabilities of (LCD test), 12, 12b

deciding on, 9, 13

growth of internet use, 34, 4t, 5t

hosting video and, 224

interacting with, 260

LCD test, 12b

for podcasts, 196

statistics tracking, 232233

sharing results with sponsors, 270

surveying, 270271

viewer fatigue, 16f

audio, 4155

books on, 54b

capturing, 4251

common errors, 4951

edits in vocal tracks, 143b

equipment, 4248

cables, 46

external audio recorders, 4748

headphones, 48

lavaliere microphones, 4344

multichannel mixers, 4647

shotgun microphones, 4445, 44f, 45f

standard audio kit, 53b

stick microphones, 48b

wireless microphones, 46

for Flash video, 165b

limitations of web audio, 4142

music, 5255

noise reduction, 143b

normalization, 143

number of inputs, 99

from portable devices, 50b

quality, lowering, 165

sound effects, 52, 55b

sources of, to acquire, 5155

tracking video traffic, 232233

troubleshooting from editors, 142

for visually impaired, 170, 170f

XLR audio inputs, 82

audio recorder, for site survey, 27

author, podcast, 203204, 206, 207

auto-save feature, 144

auto white balance, 61b, 65

available light, using, 6667

AVC format. See H.264 format

AVC-Intra format, 90

AVCHD format, 90

AVI format, 145

Avid editing products, 131


B-roll, 104106

acquisition of, 104105

stock sources, 105106

back episodes, sale of, 276277

backdrop selection, 65


colors of, 122123

players in, 18b

video graphics and, 117118

type on pattern, 118, 118f

backlight, 75

backup copies, 96

Common Media Folder, 145

during editing, 144145

balanced connections, 46, 82

bandwidth requirements for video hosting, 227228, 228b

banner advertising, 275b

batch processing, in encoding, 159, 164

batteries, dead, 4950

Berkman Center (Harvard University), 200

Betacam SP format, 8687

Betacam SX format, 8687

Bing, 248

bit rate, 164

variable bit rate (VBR) compression, 164

Black, Hayden, 260. See Evil Global Corporation

black level, matching, 100

blackwrap, 68, 176f, 246247

blog-based RSS feeds, 207208

blog software, 211

blogs, publishing, 244b

blue screen, lighting and, 6566, 65f, 66f

bookmarking technologies, enabling, 252

books, electronic, 278

boom, 44, 44f

bps. See data rate

brand recognition, 261262. See also identity

brief videos, as better, 16

Brightcove, 248

broadband internet, growth of, 34, 4t, 5t

broadband video, growth of, 5b

browser-based file loading, 230

browser-based RSS feed generators, 211

budget, 1416. See also financial considerations

crew size, determining, 27

defining, 13

for hosting, 224227, 227b

sharing line-item budgets, 17b

Burns, Richard. See Culture Catch

business groups, getting visuals from, 106

business models, 7

busyness of video graphics, 117118

type on pattern, 118, 118f

buzz. See promoting



crossing wires, 51

having spares for, 83b

for microphones, 46

XLR cables, 82

call sheet, 3637

camera motion, avoiding, 97. See also supports for cameras

camera supports (stabilizers), 9294

cameras, 8085

digital SLR cameras, 9091

feature to consider, 8083

for multicamera productions, 99

color calibration, 69b, 101b, 138139

matching cameras, 99

syncing, 102, 102f, 135

using as deck or card reader, 137b

using for site survey, 27

what to avoid, 8385

Camtasia Studio, 109

captioned video, 171172, 171f, 172f

captures. See screen captures

cardioid microphones, 43

Cardomain, 248

case (lettering), mixing, 116b

casting talent, 1718

categories for podcasts, 204, 206, 208

CCDs (charge-coupled devices), 8081, 80f

cell phones. See mobile devices

channel information, RSS feeds, 207208

channels, compression, 164

china ball lanterns, 7273, 73f

chroma key, 65, 66b

circuit tester, for site survey, 27

clapboard, 33f, 102

clarity, image, 108

clean appearance of motion graphics, 121

click-through, 275b

clients (customers), 20b

educating, 34

explaining podcasts to, 199b

questions for project beginnings, 13b

working with, 1819

clothes, attaching lavaliere microphones to, 44

clothespins, for lighting, 69

CMOS sensors, 8081

CMX 6000, 131


defined, 164

for Flash video, 177179

for Facebook, 189t

for YouTube, 187t

matching, 99, 100

motion graphics and, 114115

rule of 8, 166b

screen captures and, 110

cognitive impairment, 170


color calibration, 69b, 101b

editing and, 138139

editing and color correction, 138139

graphics, set design and, 122124

matching settings for, 100

matching with QP cards, 69b

restoring washed-out video, restoring, 167

saturation, improving, 167

telling story with, 139b

visual impairment and, 171

color balance, video graphics, 117f

color grading, 139

color temperature, 5960

auto white balance, 61b

color temperature orange (CTO) gels, 60

colored gels, 60f, 68

comedy genre, 10

Common Media Folder, 145


with audience, 260

with clients, 19

with sponsors. See sponsors

using PDF documents, 36b

word-of-mouth marketing, 257258, 258b

compass, for site survey, 27

compatibility, encoding for, 163

compelling title, value of, 241

compensation. See financial considerations

competition, being different from, 8

compression (encoding), 149172. See also encoding (compression); format

during acquisition, 90b

advice on, 163168

challenges of, 150

de-interlacing during, 141, 165

defined, 164

delivery format selection, 150157

data rate, 157

display size, 156157

file format, 151156

Section 508 compliance, 169172, 169b

server-side encoding, 150b

shaky video and, 97

testing, 159, 162f, 168, 169b

tools for, 158161, 162163

essential features, 158159

vocabulary of, 164b

compression preview feature, 159

Compressor (Apple), 162163

computer screen, capturing. See screen captures

concept development, 89, 12

being different from competition, 8

involving sponsors, 272274

questions for project beginnings, 13b

writing treatment, 12

conference calls, 18

connection types, camera, 8182, 88f


creating or acquiring. See acquisition; concept development

describing. See descriptions of podcasts and shows

identity and. See identity

keeping focused, 259

promoting with, 242

selling, 275278

content rights management, 276

contests, 273


increasing for visually impaired, 171

of video graphics, 117

type on pattern, 118, 118f

correcting color. See color

costs. See financial considerations

counterprogramming, 261

coverage with multiple cameras, 35

Creative Commons, 107

creative commons music, 54

Creative Suite Production Premium (Adobe), 132133

credit, 16b

motion graphics production, 120b

thanking sponsors, 274


call sheet, 3637

determining proper size, 2527

maximizing the day and, 3234

one-man-band production approach, 26b

professionalism of, 19

release form, 37

cross-promoting and cross-selling, 255256, 266

crossing wires, 51

crushing blacks, 167

CTO (color temperature orange), 60

Culture Catch, 28b

customer ratings, 257f

customer support for editing tools, 137

customers. See clients

customizable video players, 181185, 231232

customized encoding presets, 159


daily backups, 145

Dailymotion, 248

data assistant, 96

data rate, 157

de-interlacing, 141, 165, 165f

dead batteries, 4950

deadlines, determining, 13

dedicated video hosting services, 226

delivery, 1112

format selection, 150157

preprocessing Flash video, 185188

for Facebook, 188

for YouTube, 186188

descriptions of podcasts and shows, 204205, 206, 208, 209

audio, for visually impaired, 170, 170f

sharing with potential sponsors, 270

development, 714

concept development, 89, 12

being different from competition, 8

involving sponsors, 272274

writing treatment, 12

genre development, 10, 10f

questions for project beginnings, 13b

technical approach, 1112

writing video or description, 14

DigiBeta format, 8687

digital camera, for site survey, 27

digital downloads (sales), 275276

digital rights management (DRM), 276

digital SLR cameras, 9091, 9394

tapeless acquisition with, 94

dimmers, 68, 68f

direct monetization, 264

direct to DVD, 84

direction, microphone, 43

directories for podcasts, 218. See also Apple iTunes

display size. See screen size

dissolves, 140, 143b

distributing video, 12

back episodes, 276277

delivery, 1112

format selection, 150157

preprocessing Flash video, 185188

direct-to-publishing camera features, 84

HD format and, 29, 30

podcasts, 202b, 214219. See also RSS technology

with Apple compatibility, 213214

optimizing the feed, 216

programming RSS feeds, 209213

submitting to directories, 216218

testing the feed, 214215

sharing videos with sponsors, 274


essential planning documents, 3637

call sheet, 3637

release form, 37

shot list, 36

lighting diagrams, 7578

domain name selection, 225b

private-domain hosting, 231

download statistics, tracking, 232233

sharing results with sponsors, 270

drive mirroring, 144

drive speed, 136b

DRM (digital rights management), 276

DSLR. See digital SLR cameras

dual chain errors, 141b

DV format, 86

editing tools and, 130

keying and, 65b

motion graphics and, 115b

screen captures and, 110

DVCAM format, 86

DVCPRO format, 86

DVCPRO 50 format, 86

DVCPRO HD format, 86, 8889

DVR players, 156b

dynamic noise reduction, 143b


e-books, 278

ease of using editing software, 133134

edit points (motion graphics), 121

editability of motion graphics, 120121

EditDroid system, 131

editing, 129145

action- and title-safe areas, 97

interlacing fixes during, 142b

nonlinear, evolution of, 129137

nonlinear, history of, 131b

software for, 131132

editing formats, 134135

selection criteria, 132137

from tapeless media, 95b

technical considerations, 137145

audio mix, 142

audio normalization, 143

backups, 144145

color and exposure, 138139

finishing size, 137138

flash frames, 139, 140

interlacing, 140, 141f

run time strategies, 143144

sequence settings, 138

shot selection, 141142

transitions, 140

workflow for quality improvements, 144b

educating clients, 34

educational videos, 10

electrical power. See power

electromagnetic hum from crossed wires, 51

Electronic Field Production (EFP), 16

Electronic News Gathering, 16

Elgato Turbo .264 HD, 163b

email marketing, 262

email subscriptions to podcasts, 216b

embedded Flash video, 177

encoding (compression), 149172

during acquisition, 90b

advice on, 163168

challenges of, 150

compression tools, 158161, 162163

essential features, 158159

delivery format selection, 150157

data rate, 157

display size, 156157

file format, 151156

resource on, 168b

Section 508 compliance, 169172, 169b

server-side encoding, 150b

shaky video and, 97

testing, 159, 162f, 168, 169b

vocabulary of, 164b

Encore (Adobe), 181

enhanced content, selling, 277

enhancing images, 107

Episode and Episode Pro (Telestream), 162

episode details, podcasts, 205, 208209


audio, 4248

cables, 46

external audio recorders, 4748

headphones, 48

lavaliere microphones, 4344

multichannel mixers, 4647

portable devices, 50b

shotgun microphones, 4445, 44f, 45f

standard audio kit, 53b

stick microphones, 48b

wireless microphones, 46

cables. See cables

camera supports, 9294

cameras, 8085

digital SLR cameras, 9091

feature to consider, 8083

for multicamera productions, 99

what to avoid, 8385

clapboard, 33f, 102

for Culture Catch, 2427

LetsKnit2gether podcast, 132137

lighting, 6773

building lighting kits, 69b

china ball lanterns, 7273, 73f

fluorescent fixtures, 7071

HMI lights, 6263, 62f

LED lights, 7172

multicamera talk shows, 78

reflectors, 62, 62f

safety considerations, 59b

technical training sets, 77

tungsten lighting kit, 6769, 68f

two-person interviews, 76

maximizing day and, 33

moving, lost time from, 34

Rest of Everest gear list, 104105

for site survey, 27, 28b

slates, 135b

two-camera HD package, 98b

estimating time. See time estimates

events, shooting at, 37b

Evil Global Corporation, 3b, 14f, 260

exclusive content, selling, 277

expanded content, selling, 277

expenses. See budget; financial considerations

exporting from editors, 136

exporting speaker slides, 112113

Expression Encoder, 161

Expression Encoder Pro, 161

external audio recorders, 4748


F4V format, 179

Facebook, 254

specifications for Flash video, 188

false hits, 232b

featured content, iTunes Store, 249

Feed Validator, 215f

feedback from viewers, 257f

FeedBurner, 216, 247b, 262

field mixers, 47

batteries for, dead, 4950

file format. See format

file size

display size and, 165

Flash video for Facebook, 189t

Flash video for YouTube, 187t

files, saving. See backup copies

fill light, 74

filming. See shooting

Final Cut Express (Apple), 132

Final Cut Pro (Apple), 19, 110, 126b, 132b, 138f

history of, 131

Final Cut Studio (Apple), 132133

Apple Compressor, 162163

financial considerations. See also monetization

budget. See budget

crew size, determining, 27

editing software costs, 132133

encoding for affordability, 163

hosting web video, 224227, 227b

lighting. See lighting

talent, 18

finishing size, editing and, 137138

FireStore, 35f

FireWire technology, 8182, 82b

dual chain errors, 141b

editing tools and, 130

fish pole, 44, 44f

the Five W's, 9b, 13b, 248

fix-it-later philosophy, 31, 63b

Flash Catalyst (Adobe), 180181

flash frames, 140, 140b

Flash Media Server (Adobe), 174, 176b

Flash Player (Adobe), updating, 177f

Flash Professional (Adobe), 180

creating custom player with, 181185

Flash video, 154, 173188

audio rate, 165b

compression tool support for, 158

delivery of, 174177

essential formats, 177179

history of, 174b

players for

Adobe Flash Player, updating, 177f

creating custom players, 181185

preprocessing, 185188

for Facebook, 188

for YouTube, 186188

tools for creating, 179181

worldwide presence, 173t

flexibility of motion graphics, 120121

flip cameras. See mobile devices

fluorescent fixtures, 7071

FLV format, 178

foam core reflectors, 62f

Focalware, 28f

Foley, Kim, 276f

font selection, 115116

mixed case, 116b

footage, B-roll. See B-roll

for-sale digital files, 275276

foreground, video graphics and, 117118

type on pattern, 118, 118f

format. See also specific format by name

delivery format, 150157

dual chain errors, 141b

editing software and, 134135, 136

encoding for the Web. See encoding (compression)

high-definition. See HD video

JPEG, avoiding, 107b

LCD test, 12b

matching in multicamera productions, 99

picking acquisition format, 2931, 85

digital SLR cameras, 9091

HD options, 8788

SD options, 8590

podcasts, Apple-compatible, 213214

RSS feeds, 202

self-contained files, 145

speaker slides, for editing, 112113

web audio, limitations of, 4142

4 × 3 aspect ratio, 98

fps. See frame rates

frame rates, 100. See also format

Flash video for Facebook, 188, 189t

Flash video for YouTube, 186, 187t

reducing, in compression, 168

screen captures and, 110

frame size, matching, 100

free hosting services, 225

frequency of production, 11

planning on multiple shows, 32

frequency of release, 32

Fresnel lamps, 68

FTP software, 230b

FTP upload, for video hosting, 230

full-color viewfinders, 83


gaffer tape, 69

gamma settings, matching, 100

GarageBand, 160

gear. See equipment

gear lists

Culture Catch, 2427

LetsKnit2gether podcast, 132137

Photoshop User TV, 221

Rest of Everest gear list, 104105

two-camera HD package, 98b. See also multicamera coverage

gels, 60f, 68

genre development, 10, 10f

giveaway events, 273

gloves, for handling lights, 68

goals, determining, 12

gobos, 123124

Goodnight Burbank series, 240f

Google FeedBurner, 216, 247b, 262

Google Image Search, 107b

graphic identity, 120124

brand recognition, 261262

logo bugs, 121

podcasts, 206

video style and, 122, 123b

graphics. See motion graphics; text graphics; visuals, for telling story

Graspr, 248

grayscale viewfinders, 83

green screen, 3435

lighting considerations, 6566, 65f, 66f

GrindTV, 248

growth of broadband internet, 34

growth of broadband video, 56

guests, sponsors as, 273

GUIDs for podcast episodes, 209


H.264 format, 90, 152153, 153b

compression tool support for, 158

Elgato Turbo .264 HD, 163b

with Flash video, 175

as future proof, 152b

as podcast format, 213, 214

testing editing software output, 136

handcoding RSS feeds, 206209

hard drives

mirroring, 144

protected, 145

speed of, 136b

Harrington, Richard, 107

HD video, 11, 11b, 8788

benefits of, 2930

drawbacks of, 30

HDV format, 89, 89b

keying and, 65b

screen captures and, 110

headphones, 48

hearing impairment, 170, 171172

high-definition video, 11, 11b, 8788

benefits of, 2930

drawbacks of, 30

high-resolution viewfinders, 83, 83f

HMI lights, 6263, 62f

host recognition, building, 261262

hosting web video, 223235

budgeting for, 224227, 227b

places to host content, 247248

requirements for, 227234

advertising model, 233

bandwidth and tools, 227229, 228b, 231232

domain, 231

file upload, 230

statistics tracking, 232233

terms of service, 234

website requirements, 223224

vendors, list of, 235, 236t

Howcast, 248

HTML5, 153b, 154b

Flash video and, 175

HTML5 video, 153

Hulu, 7f

hum from crossed wires, 51

human resources. See crew; talent

humor. See comedy genre

hyper-syndication, 158b, 245250

places to host content, 247248

RSS notifications, 250

tools for, 245247

hypercardioid microphones, 43


i-books, 278

identifiers for podcast episodes, 209

identifying sponsors, 271272


being different from competition, 8

brand and host recognition, 261262

domain name, 225b, 231

graphic identity, 120124

brand recognition, 261262

logo bugs, 121

podcasts, 206

video style and, 122, 123b

iFood.TV, 248

image quality

data rate and, 157

importance of, 149f

images. See photos; visuals, for telling story

iMovie (Apple), 132, 134f, 160

impairment types, 170

importing video into Flash Professional, 183

indirect monetization, 264

indoor lighting considerations, 5861, 58f

multicamera coverage, 6364

reflectors, 61b

using available light, 6667

inputs (audio), number of, 99

interacting with audience, 260

interlacing, 140141, 141f, 165f. See also de-interlacing

internet users, growth of, 34, 4t, 5t


lavaliere microphones for, 4344

multicamera talk shows, lighting, 78

stick microphones for, 46

technical training sets, lighting, 77

tips for, 91b

two-person interviews, lighting, 76

involving sponsors, 272274

iPad (Apple), 7f, 278

applications for, 278

iPhone (Apple), 5f, 213214

iPod (Apple), 195, 198, 213214

iShowU, 109, 110f

iTunes. See Apple iTunes

iWeb, 210f


Jammin Java, 67f

JPEGs, avoiding, 107b


kbps. See data rate

key. See chroma key

key light, 74

Keygrip project, 131

Keynote slides. See speaker support slides

keywords for videos, 205, 206, 244, 252

for Facebook, 188

findability on iTunes Store, 249b

Kino Flo lights, 70f, 71f


landing pages, 267f

large events, shooting at, 37b

lavaliere microphones, 4344

LCD (lowest-common denominator) test, 12b

LCD viewfinders, 83

LED lights, 7172

length, video, 16, 143144

Flash video for Facebook, 189t

Flash video for YouTube, 187t

podcast episodes, 209

LetsKnit2gether podcast, 135b

lettering. See font selection

levels, sound, 49

normalization, 143

licensed music, 5253

licensing content for money, 276

light-emitting diodes. See LED lights

light bulbs, 70f, 73

lighting, 5778

books on, 73b

color calibration, 69b, 101b

editing and, 138139

color matching with QP cards, 69b

equipment, 6773

building lighting kits, 69b

china ball lanterns, 7273, 73f

fluorescent fixtures, 7071

HMI lights, 6263, 62f

LED lights, 7172

multicamera talk shows, 78

reflectors, 62, 62f

technical training sets, 77

tungsten lighting kit, 6769, 68f

two-person interviews, 76

green or blue screen, 6566, 65f, 66f

indoor, 5861, 58f

for multicamera coverage, 6364

outdoor, 6167

power for, 6061

safety, 59b, 68f

setup design, 34f

three-point lighting, 74b

using available light, 6667

lighting diagrams, 7578

LightTrac, 28f

line-item budgets, sharing, 17b

live social engagement, 255


field interviewing with stick microphones, 46

large events, 37b

maximizing, 3435

surveying, 27, 27b, 28b

for lighting situation, 59


logo bugs, 121

podcasts and podcast episodes, 208

project-related, 123124

loop-based music, 5455


MacBreak, 157f

Macromedia Keygrip project, 131

Magic Bullet, 63

makeup and makeup artists, 19b

mapping production, 3135

maximizing locations, 3435

maximizing the day, 3234

planning for multiple shows, 32

tapeless acquisition, 35, 9496

with multicamera productions, 99

marketing. See also monetization

by email, 262

groundwork for, 239245

tracking video traffic, 232233

word-of-mouth marketing, 257258, 258b

matching cameras, 100

calibrating, 69b, 101b

color calibration, 101b

editing and, 138139

maximizing locations, 3435

maximizing the day, 3234

Mbps. See data rate

mDialog, 248

meal breaks, 33

media companies (traditional)

alignment with, 243

licensing content for money, 276

press coverage, 258b

role of, 67

Media Encoder (Adobe), 151f, 163, 180

media kits, 271, 272

media partners, alignment with, 243

message. See visuals, for telling story

metadata, importance of, 252b. See also keywords for videos

Metcafe, 248

microphone flags, 124

microphones, 43

batteries for, dead, 4950

cables for, 46

lavaliere, 4344

mic/line level, 49

multiple, multichannel mixers with, 4647

placement of, 5051

shotgun, 4445

shotgun microphones, 44f, 45f

stick microphones, 46

USB microphones, 5152, 54f

wireless, 46

Microsoft Expression Encoder, 161

Microsoft Expression Encoder Pro, 161

Microsoft PowerPoint slides. See speaker support slides

Microsoft Silverlight, 155156

Miller, Jon, 126

mini connectors (cables), 46

Miro podcast player, 197f

mirroring drives, 144

mixed-case text, 116b

mixed-resolution motion graphics, 110

mixers, 4647

batteries for, dead, 4950

mobile devices

applications for, selling, 277278

audio from, 50b

Flash video on, 173b, 174, 174f

podcasts on, 198, 198b, 198f. See also podcasting (podcasts)

video on, 16f, 84

growth of, 56

shooting for portability, 9698

MommyCast program, 11f, 32, 123f, 268f

audience surveys, 270

monetization, 2, 263278. See also financial considerations; marketing; promoting

advertising, 256, 265266

banner ads and click-through, 275b

revenue from, 265266

vs. sponsorships, 268269

video hosting and, 233

working with advertisers, 267274

hosting video and, 224

revenue sources, 264266

selling content, 275278

sponsors and advertisers, 267274

traditional media companies, 7

value of, 267268

monopods, 93

Motion (Apple), 125

motion blur, 115b

motion control to animate photos, 108, 108b

motion graphics, 113119. See also text graphics; visuals, for telling story

clean appearance of, 121

color integration with set design, 122124

editability of, 120121

graphic identity, 120124

brand recognition, 261262

logo bugs, 121

podcasts, 206

video style and, 122, 123b

logo bugs, 121

production company credit, 120b

for Rest of Everest series, 126b

show graphics, creating, 124125

spelling errors, 142b

testing, 119b

visibility with captions, 172f

motion of camera, avoiding, 97. See also supports for cameras

motor impairment, 170

.mov files. See QuickTime format

moving RSS feeds, 213b

.mp4 files. See MPEG format

MPEG format, 151152

compression tool support for, 158

keying and, 65b

as podcast format, 213

testing editing software output, 136

MPEG Streamclip, 161, 161f

multicamera coverage, 35, 99102

camera requirements, 99

color calibration, 69b, 101b, 138139

matching cameras, 100

syncing cameras, 102, 102f, 135

editing abilities, 135

lighting considerations, 6364

talk shows, lighting, 78

two-camera HD package, 98b

multichannel mixers, 4647

batteries for, dead, 4950

multiple shows, planning for, 32

multiple treatments, having, 12b

music, 5255


narration audio, 5152

Netflix, 7f

nightly backups, 145

9-pin ports, 82

NLE. See editing; nonlinear editing software

noise-canceling headsets, 48

noise reduction, 143b

nondestructive editing, 129b

nonlinear editing software, 131132, 131b. See also editing

editing formats, 134135

selection criteria, 132137

nonunion talent, 51

normalizing audio, 143


offsite video hosting, 226

old productions, getting visuals from, 106

omnidirectional microphones, 43

OmniGraffle, 34f

on-camera behavior, 20b

On Location software (Adobe), 82

On2 VP6 codec, 178179

one-man-band production approach, 26b

OneLoad service, 246

online video. See entries at video

open captions, 171

open communication, 19

open face type light, 68

Open Screen Project, 179b

opportunities with web video, 37

opt-in advertising programs, 265, 265f

optimizing RSS feeds, 216

original music, 55

originality, 8, 22

Ortega, Roy, 190b, 240, 241f, 253

outdoor lighting considerations, 6167

multicamera coverage, 6364

using available light, 6667

outlet testing, 60f


P2 cameras, 30f, 8889

tapeless acquisition with, 94

Panasonic AVC-Intra format, 90

Panasonic DVC formats. See entries at DVC

Panasonic P2. See P2 cameras

paper lanterns, 73

parameters of video, setting, 12

partnering with sponsors. See sponsors

past productions, getting visuals from, 106

PDF files for essential documents, 36b

personality, video, 116b, 122, 123b. See also graphic identity

motion graphics and, 122, 123b

personnel. See crew; talent

Pew Internet Project, 3

phones. See mobile devices

phono connectors (cables), 46

Photo Trekker series, 242f

photos, 106108. See also screen captures

animating with motion control, 108, 108b

enhancing images, 107

Photoshop (Adobe), 107

creating show graphics, 124

Photoshop for Video, 123b

Photoshop User TV, 220b

Photovision One Shot, 101

ping, 250, 250

pixel aspect ratio, 164

placement of microphones, 5051

planning, 1

determining preproduction needs, 2427, 3135. See also preproduction

determining crew size, 2527

site survey, 27, 27b, 28b, 59

work breakdown structure, 2425

essential planning documents, 3637

call sheet, 3637

release form, 37

shot list, 36

for multiple shows, 32

prepping talent, 19

questions for project beginnings, 13b

talent. See talent


customizable video players, 181185, 231232

for Flash video, 177f, 181185

portable. See mobile devices

podcast aggregators, 197b

podcast descriptions. See descriptions of podcasts and shows

Podcast Maker, 212

Podcast RSS Buddy, 212

podcasting (podcasts), 193219

aggregating content, 256257

audience for, 196

contents of RSS feeds, 206209

criteria for, 195

defined, 194198, 194b, 196b

delivering with Apple compatibility, 213214

designing RSS feeds, 203206

explaining to clients, 199b

iTunes-friendly, 206b

making money from. See monetization

Photoshop User TV, 220b

programming RSS feeds, 209213

promoting. See promoting

publishing, 202b

with Apple compatibility, 213214

RSS and, 202. See also RSS technology

submitting to directories, 216218

testing the feed, 214215

subscriptions, 195, 216b

for-sale digital files, 275276

of listeners, studying, 259

making easy for audience, 261f

podsafe music, 54

political videos, 10

polling audience, 270271


encoding for, 163

shooting for, 9698

portable media players. See mobile devices


audio recording, 4950

for lighting, 6061

power windows, 118b, 139b

PowerPoint slides. See speaker support slides

PR firms, 243b

Premiere Elements (Adobe), 132, 133f, 160161, 160f

Premiere Pro (Adobe), 137f

preparing talent, 19

prepping talent, 19

preproduction, 2337

acquisition format selection, 2931, 85

digital SLR cameras, 9091

HD options, 8788

SD options, 8590

essential planning documents, 3637

call sheet, 3637

release form, 37

shot list, 36

needs for, determining, 2427, 3135

determining crew size, 2527

site survey, 27, 27b, 28b, 59

work breakdown structure, 2425

prerendering, 120

presets, encoding, 158159, 162f

preview, compression, 159

previous productions, getting visuals from, 106

private-domain hosting, 231

Produce Picker podcast, 190b, 241f, 261f

producing video, 1

essential preproduction, 2337

determining preproduction needs, 2427

essential planning documents, 3637

mapping production, 3135

picking acquisition format, 2931, 85

frequency of production, 11, 32

involving sponsors, 272274

maximizing production days, 3234

maximizing the day, 3234

technical approach, 1112

time estimates, 1516, 33b

notifying talent of, 18

production company credit, 120b

products, sponsor, 273

professional groups, getting visuals from, 106

professional video, defined, 23

professionalism, 17, 19

progressive download, for Flash video, 176177

progressive frame rates, 30, 141

project logos or artwork, 123124

promoting, 2, 239262. See also monetization

additional strategies, 255258

advertising, 256, 265266

banner ads and click-through, 275b

revenue from, 265266

vs. sponsorships, 268269

video hosting and, 233

working with advertisers, 267274

affiliate revenue from, 264265

building audience relationships, 259262

cross-promoting and cross-selling, 255256, 266

groundwork for, 239245

hyper-syndication, 158b, 245250

places to host content, 247248

RSS notifications, 250

tools for, 245247

using social media, 251255

prop pieces (set design), 124

protected drives. See backup copies

public relations firms, 243b

publishing video. See distributing video


QP cards, 69b, 101

quality, audio, 165

quality, image. See image quality

quality, video. See video quality

questions for project beginnings, 13b

queue, podcast submission, 218219, 219b

QuickTime format, 145, 154, 154b

captioning for, 172b

QuickTime Pro (Apple), 159160


RapidWeaver platform, 224f

RasterVector blog, 224f

RCA connectors (cables), 46

read-aloud rule, 119f

read times, 119

real-time engagement, 255

receptacle tester, 60f

recommending sponsor products, 273

recording audio. See audio

recruiting talent, 18

refillable sandbags, 71b

reflectors, 62, 62f

registering podcasts on iTunes, 216217

regular backups. See backup copies

Rehabilitation Act. See Section 508 compliance

relationships with audience, 259262

release form, 37

render time, 30

reshaping video, 166


defined, 164

editing software and, 134135

Flash video for Facebook, 188, 189t

Flash video for YouTube, 187, 187t

images, 108

motion graphics, 110

screen captures, 109110

video, as not everything, 84

Rest of Everest series, 126b

restoring blacks, 167

revenue sources, 264266

reviewing sponsor products, 273

RF microphones (wireless), 46

RHED Pixel, 123b, 132b, 224f, 266

Rich Harrison blog, 107

rights management, 276

royalty-free music, 54

RSS-DEV Working Group, 200

RSS technology, 199202

capabilities and flexibility of, 201

designing feeds, 203206

feed contents, 206209

history of, 200

hosting tools with, 229

moving RSS feeds, 213b

notifying directories of new content, 250

podcasting and, 202

programming feeds, 209213

publishing feeds, 214219

with Apple compatibility, 213214

optimizing the feed, 216

programming RSS feeds, 209213

submitting to directories, 216218

testing the feed, 214215

rule of 8, 166b

run time, 143144


safety, lighting, 59b, 68f

sampling rate, defined, 164

sandbags, refillable, 71b

saturation, improving, 167

saving work. See backup copies; format

scan converters, 111

scene transitions, quality of, 140


being reasonable, 33

call sheet, 3637

lighting on deadline, 5867

maximizing the day, 3234

Sclipo, 248

screen captures, 108110

analog, 111b

strategies for, 109110

screen size

file format selection and, 156157

file size and, 165

motion graphics for, 113114

shooting for, 96

Screenflow, 109

Screenr application, 109

SD video, 8590

search engine optimization (SEO), 244245

search keywords. See keywords for videos

Section 508 compliance, 169172, 169b

Seeley, Justin, 253f

self-contained movie files, 145

self-hosting, 226227

selling content, 275278

sensor, camera, 8081

SEO (search engine optimization), 244245

sequence settings, editing to, 138

server-side encoding, 150b

set design, color palette and, 122124

shaky video, avoiding, 97. See also supports for cameras

share technologies, enabling, 252

sharing videos with sponsors, 274

shooting. See videography

short videos, as better, 16

shot list, 36

shotgun microphones, 4445, 44f, 45f

show descriptions. See descriptions of podcasts and shows

show graphics, creating, 124125, 206

show ratio, 14b

shutter speed, matching, 100

signal sensors, 81

Silverlight, 155156

simplicity of editing software, 133134

Singular Software, 49b, 135

site survey, 27, 27b, 28b

for lighting situation, 59

6-pin ports, 8182

16 × 9 aspect ratio, 98


display size (window size)

file format and, 156157

file size and, 165

reshaping, 166

finishing size, editing and, 137138

motion graphics, 113114

screen captures, 109110

video files. See file size

skinning custom Flash player, 183185

slates, 135b

slaving cameras together, 102

SLR cameras (digital), 9091

small screen size, shooting for, 96

smart phones. See mobile devices

Snapz Pro, 109

social media. See also Facebook; Twitter

enabling share technologies, 252

integrating with, 229

promoting with, 242

tools for, 251255, 253b

software for editing, 131132

editing formats, 134135

history of, 131b

selection criteria, 132137

solid bar background for text, 118f

Sony Betacam format. See entries at Betacam

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 132

Sony XDCAM formats. See entries at XDCAM

Sorenson Spark codec, 179

Sorenson Squeeze, 162

sound. See audio

sound effects, 52, 55b

sound recorder, for site survey, 27

Soundbooth (Adobe), 171b

speaker support slides, 112113

design of, 112, 112f

exporting for editing, 112113

speed, hard drive, 136b

spelling errors, 142b

sponsors, 267274

vs. advertising, 268269

explaining value to, 269271

hosting websites and, 224

identifying and approaching, 271272

involving, 272274

Sportpost, 248

stabilizers, 9294

staffing. See crew; talent

standard-definition video, 8590

stands, lighting, 69, 69f

statistics tracking, 232233

sharing results with sponsors, 270

Steadicam, 93

stealing music, 5255

stick microphones, 46

stock sources of footage, 105106

photos, 107

Stomp, 159f, 161

storage requirements for hosting, 228229

storytelling. See visuals, for telling story

Stretfire, 248

StupidVideos, 248

submitting feeds to directories, 216218

subscriptions, 195, 216b

for-sale digital files, 275276

of listeners, studying, 259

making easy for audience, 261f

summary, podcast, 206

SunPath calculator, for site survey, 27

supercardioid microphones, 43

support for editing tools, 137

supports for cameras, 9294

surveying audience, 270271

surveying locations, 27, 27b, 28b

for lighting situation, 59

surveys, to audience, 260f

Susch, CAT and Eric, 135b

SWF format, 177, 178

sync sound workflow, 49b

syncing cameras, 8081, 102f

syndication, 158b, 195


tagging videos, 205, 206, 244, 252

for Facebook, 188

findability on iTunes Store, 249b

talent, 1719

background players, 18b

call sheet, 3637

casting, 1718

narration, recording, 5152

on-camera behavior, 20b

original music, 55

preparing, 19

recruiting, 18

talent release form, 37

tape formats. See format

tapeless acquisition, 35, 9496

with multicamera productions, 99

tapeless media, editing from, 95b

Tascam audio recorder, 49f

technical approach, developing, 1112

technical support for editing tools, 137

technical training sets, lighting, 77

Telestream Episode and Episode Pro, 162

television networks, 67

telling story. See visuals, for telling story

terms of service, with video hosting, 234


editing software exports, 136

encoding (compression), 159, 162f, 168, 169b

Flash video for Facebook, 188

Flash video for YouTube, 187188

podcast feeds, 214215

server-side encoding, 150

text graphics

font selection, 115116

mixed case, 116b

logo bugs, 121

placement of visuals, 116

production company credit, 120b

read times, 119

spelling errors, 142b

testing, 119b

type on pattern, 118, 118f

typeface selection, 115116

texting graphics, 119b

thank-yous. See credit

thanking sponsors in programs, 274

third-party video hosting, 226

three-point lighting, 74b

time estimates, 1516, 33b

notifying talent of, 18

time of day timecode, 102

timecode properties, 100, 102

timeline (sequence settings), editing to, 138

title-safe areas, 97

titles of podcasts (shows), 203, 205, 206, 207

being compelling, 241

TiVo, 156b, 247f

TiVoCasts, 156

TiVoToGo software, 156

Top List (iTunes Store), 249

topics, keeping focused, 259

tracking video traffic, 232233

trade groups, getting visuals from, 106

traditional media

alignment with media partners, 243

licensing content for money, 276

press coverage, 258b

role of, 67

traffic, tracking, 232233

training on editing software, 134b

transcripts, 172

transitions, quality of, 140

treatment, writing, 12

having multiple treatments, 12b

questions for project beginnings, 13b

tripods, 92

TubeMogul, 246

tungsten lighting kit, 6769, 68f

building, 69b

Turbo .264 HD (Elgato), 163b

Twitter, 252253

scheduling tweets, 253b

two-person interviews, lighting, 76

type on pattern, 118, 118f

typeface. See font selection; text graphics


unbalanced connections, 46

Understanding Adobe Photoshop, 13f, 123b

unidirectional microphones, 43

union talent, 51

unique identifiers for podcast episodes, 209

unlimited bandwidth for hosting, 227f, 228b

upload limits, 150

uploading videos (for hosting)

from browser, 230

with FTP, 230

USB microphones, 5152, 54f

USB video conferencing cameras, 85

UStream, 255b


variable bit rate (VBR) compression, 164

VBR compression, 164

Vegas Movie Studio (Sony), 132

vendor selection, for video hosting, 235, 236t

Viddler, 248


development of. See development

distributing. See distributing video

editing. See editing

encoding. See encoding (compression)

hosting. See hosting web video

internet users, growth of, 34, 4t, 5t

monetizing. See monetization

opportunities with web video, 37

planning. See planning

producing. See producing video

promoting. See promoting

publishing. See distributing video

shooting. See shooting

sites for sharing, 7, 265, 265f

writing, 14

video cameras. See cameras

video conferencing cameras, 85

video formats. See format

video graphics. See graphics

Video Import Wizard (Flash Professional), 181

video length, 16, 143144

Flash video for Facebook, 189t

Flash video for YouTube, 187t

podcast episodes, 209

video players

customizable video players, 181185, 231232

for Flash video, 177f, 181185

portable. See mobile devices

video podcasts. See podcasting (podcasts)

video quality

encoding for, 163

improvement workflow, 144b

video style, graphics and, 122, 123b

video subscriptions, 195, 216b

for-sale digital files, 275276

of listeners, studying, 259

making easy for audience, 261f

video upload (for hosting)

from browser, 230

with FTP, 230

videography, 79102. See also acquisition

acquisition format, 2931, 85

digital SLR cameras, 9091

HD options, 8788

SD options, 8590

camera selection, 8085

feature to consider, 8083

what to avoid, 8385

camera supports, 9294

green screen, 3435

lighting considerations, 6566, 65f, 66f

locations for. See locations

multicamera productions. See multicamera coverage

matching cameras, 100

shooting at large events, 37b

shooting for portability, 9698

tapeless acquisition, 35, 9496

with multicamera productions, 99

videojug, 248

viewer fatigue, 16f

viewer statistics. See statistics tracking

viewfinders, 83, 83f

vignettes (power windows), 118b, 139b

Vimeo, 234f

visual impairment, 170

audio description, 170, 170f

visuals, for telling story, 103125

B-roll, 104106

acquisition of, 104105

stock sources, 105106

color, to tell story, 139b

creating show graphics, 124125

graphic identity, 120124

brand recognition, 261262

logo bugs, 121

podcasts, 206

video style and, 122, 123b

motion graphics, 113119

photos, 106108

animating with motion control, 108, 108b

enhancing images, 107

production company credit, 120b

for Rest of Everest series, 126b

screen captures, 108110

speaker support slides, 112113

design of, 112, 112f

exporting for editing, 112113

spelling errors, 142b

testing, 119b

text. See text graphics

video personality, 116b, 122, 123b

motion graphics and, 122, 123b

visibility with captions, 172f

Vogelzang, Paul, 272f. See also monetization


Wal-Mart effect, 167

wardrobe, attaching lavaliere microphones to, 44

washed-out video, restoring, 167

WBS. See work breakdown structure

web audio. See audio

web-based RSS feed generation, 211

Web, encoding for. See encoding (compression)

web video. See entries at video

website requirements for video hosting, 223224

website statistics. See statistics tracking

widgets, 254b

Wikimedia Commons, 107

wind noise, 45

Windows Media, 155

Windows Media Encoder, 161

Windows Media Player, 155

Windows Movie Maker, 132

Winer, Dave, 200

wireless microphones, 46

WMV format, 84

wooden clothespins, for lighting, 69

word-of-mouth marketing, 257258, 258b

work breakdown structure, 2425

workflow for quality improvements, 144b

Wright, Dusty. See Culture Catch

writing treatment, 12

questions for project beginnings, 13b

writing video, 14. See also development

WYSIWYG feed generation, 212213


XDCAM format, 87

tapeless acquisition with, 94

XDCAM HD format, 8990

tapeless acquisition with, 94

XLR, meaning of, 82b

XLR audio inputs, 82

XLR connectors (cables), 46

XML feeds, reading, 199f


Yahoo! Video, 248

YouTube, 84, 153f, 155b

aggregating content on, 257

player, as not customizable, 231

social media integration, 229f

technical specifications, 186188


Zoopy, 248

Zune player, 155, 211b

Zylight fixtures, 72f

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