Academy Mobile (Microsoft), 242

Advertising Practitioners Association of Tanzania, 198199

Albright, Madeleine, 171

Alignment, 64

Amabile, Teresa, 2425

Ambady, Nalini, 22, 23

Amemiya, Kazuhiro (Japan), 182183, 198, 202, 205, 209210, 213214, 216, 219, 223

American “take charge” attitude, 193

Amygdala, 16, 70, 87

Anger, 190

Anger effect, 162

Anterior cingulate cortex, 9596

Anterior insula, 90

Apple Computers, 26

Arab culture, 185, 186, 201202, 205, 209, 213, 219, 223

Areva (France), 156

Asynchronous mode, 129130

ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratory, 105

Australian culture, 186, 201, 205, 208, 212213, 216, 218, 222

Authenticity, 252253

Authority, 2426, 63, 121, 124, 165, 168, 170, 171

Autonomic nervous system reactors, 73

Avatars, 95, 140142, 244, 245; with body language skills, 246


Baby Boomers, 239, 240

Bangalore, India, 246, 247

Baseline, 2930; identifying, 3940

Behavior: and behavioral invisibility, 131; knowledge-hoarding, 94; molding, 175; and “thin slices of behavior,” 22

“Believable truth,” 76

Berlin, Germany, 18

BlackBerry, 107, 127128

Blink (Gladwell), 22

Blogging, 130

Bluffing, 5457

Body language: biology of, 1920; connection of, with leadership, 17; cues for inclusion, 93126; in debates, 24; definition of, 34; early origins of, 14; five mistakes people make in reading, 2732; and gender, 151175; of great leader, 34; incongruence in, 3233; international, 195235; in multicultural world, 177194; in negotiation, 3565; and nonverbal future of leadership, 237253; as nonverbal key to effective change management, 6792; predictions for future of, 249253; science and, 67; in virtual and face-to-face communication, 127150; wired for, 1819

Body-mind connection, 7378; and charisma, 7476; and emotional memory, 7678

Book Passage (Corte Madera, California), 61

Borderless organizations, 248

Brain Rules (Medina), 135

Brain stem, 15

Brando, Marlon, 76

Brazilian culture, 183, 200201, 204, 207, 212, 215, 218, 222

“Brilliant but Cruel” (Amabile), 2425

British culture, 200, 204, 207, 212, 215, 217, 221222, 225, 226

Brizendine, Louann, 153

Business gaze, 172


Calero, Henry H., 52

Cambié, Silvia (Germany), 197, 201, 205, 208, 213, 216, 218219, 222223, 225227

Canadian culture, 186

Caribbean culture, 187, 222

Carnegie Mellon University, 105

Center for Neuroscience (Berlin), 18

Cerebellum, 15

Chambers, John, 247

Change, announcing, 7989; body language in, 7987; and ditching lectern, 82; and freeze, flight, or fight response, 8789; maintaining eye contact in, 82; and making confident entrance, 8182; and managing stress level, 80; monitoring audience in, 8687; movement in, 86; and talking with hands, 8286

Change management: and announcing change, 7989; body-mind connection in, 7378; and brain analysis, 6873; and motivating change, 71; nonverbal key to effective, 6792; and people's expectations, 9091; and power of emotion, 6970; and power of empathy, 9192

Charisma, 3, 9, 11, 30, 68, 253; faking, 7476

Chinese culture, 181, 183185, 193194, 204, 207, 212, 215, 218, 222, 225

Chinese Dream: The Rise of the World's Largest Middle Class (Wang), 196

Cisco Systems, 5, 133, 138139, 242, 244, 246248; Globalization Centre East, 246. See also TelePresence (Cisco Systems)

Cisco TelePresence On-Stage Experience (Cisco Systems and Musion Systems), 246

Close personal zone, 112

Coca-Cola, 141

Cold shoulder, 49, 106107

Colgate University, 32

Collaboration: and body language cues for inclusion, 93126; and dressing for success, 121123; and exclusion, 9596; and familiarity, 125126; and organizational status, 123125; and proximity, 111121; and speech convergence, 111; universal need for, 9496; and wired for connection, 97102

Comfort zone, 87, 227, 249

Communication: balancing virtual and face-to-face, 127150; and first meetings, 144145; and high-touch, 147150; and informal encounters, 145147; and lean communication, 129132; and myth of multitasking, 134135; new range of technological options for, 138143; and richer communication, 132133; and six tips for conference call, 135137; technology as great enabler of, 129135; and tips for videoconferencing, 137138; and value of face-to-face meetings, 143150; and videoconferencing, 133134

Compliance effect, 148

Conference call, six tips for, 135137

Confidence, 2627, 75, 162, 171; displaying, 6164; nonverbal signs of, 63

Connection: hunger for, 97; and listening styles, 101102; and mirror neurons, 97100; and paralinguistic communication, 108111; and six body language tips for inclusion, 102108; synchrony and cooperation in, 100101; wired for, 97102

Contempt, 190, 193

Context, 2728

Conversations of Change (Australia), 197

Copeland, L., 181

Corpus callosum, 16, 152153

Cortical brain, 1516

Cortisol, 75, 148

Coward-Puglisi, Judette (Trinidad and Tobago), 187, 197, 204, 207208, 215216, 218, 222, 226227

Credibility, 9, 119, 168, 170172

Crisis motivation, 71

Crocodile Dundee (movie), 231

Crossmedia Communications, Inc., 198

Cultural bias, filter of, 3132

Cultural determination, 18

Culture, 179187; and continuum of high-context to low-context cultures, 181; and high-context cultures, 180; and low-context cultures, 180; reserved or effusive, 184185; time as commodity or constant in, 183184

Curb appeal, personal, 8, 14, 24; and look of leadership, 2324; overview of, 2123; and warm and authoritative leaders, 2425


Damasio, Antonio, 70

Danish culture, 186

De Beer, Marthin, 247

Deception detection, 54

DeNiro, Robert, 76

DePauw University, 149

“Digital natives,” 250

Disengagement, 42, 44, 49, 51, 88; behaviors, 88; and crossed legs, 52; dealing with, 5354; pursed lips of, 46

Disgust, 190

Disney Corporation, 244

Distancing behaviors, 88

Dominance, 15, 64, 75

Dressing for success, 121123, 172

Duke University, 67


Eden, Dov, 103

EEG. See Electroencephalograph (EEG) machine

Effusive cultures, 184185

Eisenberger, Naomi, 95

Ekman, Paul, 190

Electroencephalograph (EEG) machine, 32

Electronic Visualization Laboratory, 244

E-mail, 127, 130133, 144

Emblematic gestures, 83, 188

Emotional contagion, 7174

Emotional cues, 72

Emotional decisions, 16

Emotional leads, 72

Emotional memory, 7678

Emotional touch, 149

Emotions, 16; and emotional contagion, 7174; faked, 193; and international body language, 221224; power of, 6970; power of, over logic, 70; processing of, by gender, 153; seven basic, 189193; understanding each other through, 99

Empathy: by gender, 155; increasing, 251; power of, 9192; role of mirror neurons in, 99; as workplace motivator, 9798

Engagement, 13, 67, 144; dilated eyes of, 45; power of, 43

Engagement behaviors, 4252; and bluffing, 5456; and eyes, 4345; and feet, 4952; hands and arms in, 4748; head, face, and neck in, 4647; and look of business, 45; shoulders and torso in, 4849

Event-related potentials, 32

Exclusion, 9596

Explicit knowledge, 125

Eye contact, 58; in announcing change, 82; dysfunctional, 134; gender differences in, 160; in international body language, 215217; maintaining, 59; as motivator to engage speaking, 105109; prolonged, 55

“Eye of the beholder,” 2021

Eye-blocking behaviors, 88

Eyebrow flash, 5758, 188


Face touching, 56

Facial feedback, 73

Familiarity, 125126

Far personal zone, 112

Fear, 190

Fight, flight, or freeze response, 50, 8789, 154, 188. See also Flight, preparing for

Final impression, positive, 6465

Finnish culture, 184185

First impression, 14

First meetings, 144145

Flight, preparing for, 8889. See also Fight, flight, or freeze response

Flirting, 45, 172173

fMRI. See Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Foot movements, 4852, 55

Formal culture, 186187

Fortune magazine, 156, 196

Frahm, Jennifer (Australia), 197, 201, 205, 208, 212, 216, 218, 222

Franklin, Aretha, 194

Freezing, 8789

French culture, 186, 200

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 6, 7, 18, 54, 90, 95, 154


Galvanic skin response, 115

Gandhi, Mahatma, 98

Gender: and body language of leaders, 151175; and lack of women in leadership positions, 155158; and leadership styles of men and women, 163164; neuroscience of, 152155; and thirteen differences in nonverbal communication, 159162; and tips for men seeking to project more warmth and empathy, 173174; and tips for woman seeking to project authority and credibility, 170172; and top three communication strengths of female leaders, 165166; and top three communication strengths of male leaders, 165; and top three communication weaknesses of female leaders, 167; and top three communication weaknesses of male leaders, 166167; and Venus-Mars dichotomy, 174175

Generation X, 239240

Generation Y, 240, 241; and future of visual technology, 242248

Generations, new: and change, 238240; and future of leadership, 248249; and future of visual technology, 242248; and new generation of workers, 240242; and new technology, 237253

Genetic programming, 18

German culture, 201, 205, 208, 209, 213, 216, 218219, 225227

Gesture clusters, 41

Gestures: arm, 42, 4748, 86; arrested, 5657; fig leaf, 83, 86; hand, 4748; head, 104105; hidden-hand, 86; illustrative, 83; nodding, 87, 101, 102, 105, 140, 160; open-palm, 56; pacifier, 83; shoulder and torso, 4748; steepling, 26, 62, 86; three categories of, 83

Gladwell, Malcolm, 22

Global teams: and body language in multicultural world, 177194; and cross-cultural body language, 188193; and culture, 179187; and universal emotional expressions, 189193

Global workforce, 7

Going International: How to Make Friends and Deal Effectively in the Global Marketplace (Copeland and Griggs), 181

Goleman, Daniel, 69

Goman, Carol K., 146

Google, 244

Gray, John, 174

Great Depression, 239

Griggs, L., 181


Hall, Nicholas, 7778

Halo effect, 31

Hand gestures, 4748; congruent, 64; and talking with hands, 8286; three categories of, 83

Handshake, 5859

Happy feet, 52

Harvard Business Review, 143

Harvard Business School, 75

Harvard University, 2425, 31, 159

Haynes, John-Dylan, 18

HCCs. See High-context cultures (HCCs)

Head gestures, 104105

Heuristic cues, 137

Hidden hands, 56

High touch, 147150

High-context cultures (HCCs), 180, 182

High-power poses, 75

Hippocampus, 16

Holograph technology, 138

Holographic TelePresence, 246248

Hot button, 53

How to Read a Person like a Book (Nierenberg and Calero), 52

HSBC Asia-Pacific, 199

HSBC Private Bank (UK) Ltd., 197

Humintell, 192193

Hurt feelings, 9596


IABC. See International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)

IAT. See Implicit Association Test (IAT)

IBM, 141, 244

Icebreaker exercises, 194

Icelandic culture, 186

Illustrative gestures, 83

Implicit Association Test (IAT), 31

Inclusion: body language cues for, 93126; and expectations, 102103; and head gestures, 104105; and looking at people when they speak, 105106; and removing barriers, 106108; six body language tips for, 102108; and smile power, 103104; and ultimate connective gesture, 106

Increased blink rate, 55

Indian culture, 206, 210, 214, 216217, 219220, 223224, 226, 227

Informal culture, 186187

Informal encounters 145147

Instant messaging (IM), 130

Intel, 141, 244

Intel Japan, 198

Intelligent Systems Laboratory, 244

International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), 195199

International body language, 195235; and business cards, 204206, 229230; and distance and touch, 211215; and emotions, 221224, 233235; and eye contact, 215217, 232233; and greeting behaviors, 200203, 228229; and seating, 217221; and space, 231232; and time, 206211, 230231; and women, 225

Intimate zone (North America), 111112

Islas, Roberto (Mexico), 197, 201, 205, 208, 213, 216, 218, 222, 225, 227

Isolation factor, 131

Italian culture, 183, 185, 205

IVN Silhouette, 242244


Japanese culture, 181, 182185, 200, 202, 205, 209210, 213214, 216, 219, 223

Jobs, Steve, 26

Journal of Personality and Social Science, 132

Joy, 190


Kandola, Pearn, 133

Keim, B., 18

Kelly, Spencer D., 32

Kennedy, John F., 23

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), 201202

Knowledge-hoarding behaviors, 94


Langleben, Daniel, 54

Latin American culture, 185, 186, 201

LCCs. See Low-context cultures (LCCs)

Leaders: and eye of beholder, 2021; and genetic programming for body language, 1819; look of, 2324; and personal curb appeal, 2127; reading body language of, 1334; symbolic behavior of, 91; warm and authoritative, 2425; and your three brains, 1518

Leadership: connection of, with body language, 17; future of, 248249; and how people read body language of leaders, 1334; nonverbal future of, 237253

Leading Out Loud (Pearce), 144145

Lean communication, 129132

Left brain hemisphere, 15

Lewis, Thomas, 145

Lie to Me (television show), 54

Limbic brain, 1517, 89; and cross-cultural body language, 188; and emotional response to stress, 154; key role of, in nonverbal communication, 17; and vocal cues, 110

Linden Lab, 138139

Listening styles, 101102

Lojeski, Karen Sobel, 131

Low-context cultures (LCCs), 180, 182


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 6

Malaysian culture, 187

Mango Media Caribbean, 197

Marmot, Michael, 121

Marriott International, 140

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6, 3536

Matsumoto, D., 1920, 192

Mazda, 141

MBWA (management by walking around), 145146

McCain, John, 24

Meaning, in single gesture, 2829

Media space, 132

Medina, John, 135

Mediterranean culture, 186

Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives (Naisbitt), 147

Melbourne, Australia, 197

Mentalist, The (television show), 54

“Mere exposure effect,” 125

Metaverse, 140

Method acting technique, 7578

Mexican culture, 201, 205, 208, 213, 216, 218, 222223, 225, 227

Micro expressions, 192

Microsoft, 242, 244; Academy Mobile, 242; PowerPoint, 242

Middle Eastern culture, 200, 202, 209

Millennials, 240242

Mirror neurons, 97100, 153

Mirroring, 6061; and empathy, 94; and mirror neurons, 97100

MIT Media Lab, 6, 37

Mouth covering, 56

MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Mufuruki, Saada Ibrahim (Tanzania), 198199, 203, 206, 210211, 214, 217, 221, 224

Multitasking, myth of, 134135

Musion Systems, 246

Muslim culture, 203, 206, 210211, 214, 217, 221, 224


N400 (brain wave valley), 32

Nachbereitung, 209

Naisbitt, John, 147, 148

National Teaching & Learning Forum, 102

Neck touching, 89

Negotiation: body language guidelines in, 5765; considering context in, 4142; and evaluating gestural clusters, 41; four tips for reading body language in, 3842; and identifying baseline, 3940; and paying attention, 39; signs of engagement or disengagement in, 4252; use of body language for, 3564

Neuroendocrine levels, 75

New Leaders, The (Goleman), 69

New Zealand culture, 186

Nierenberg, Gerard I., 52

Nixon, Richard, 23

Nodding, 87, 160

Nonverbal Advantage (Goman), 29

Nordic countries, 221

Northwest University, 162

Norwegian culture, 186


Obama, Barak, 24

OECD. See Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Ogilvy & Mather, 198

Olympic Games (2004), 1920, 189

Open-palm gestures, 56

Orbitofrontal cortex, 67

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 156

Organizational status, 123125

Osaka University (Japan), 105

Oxytocin, 148


Pacifiers, 89; gestures, 83

Pacino, Al, 76

Paralinguistic communication, 108111

Paralympics Games, 1920, 189

Patil, Sujit (India), 120, 198, 202, 206, 210, 214, 216217, 219220, 223224, 226, 227

Pearce, Terry, 144145

People skills, 163

PepsiCo, 156

Peripheral vision, 153

Personal bias, 3031

Philippines, 203, 206, 211, 214215, 217, 221, 224, 226

Physical contact, 148

Physical obstructions, 107

Pitch, 53

Podcast, 132

Political Brain (Westen), 21

Power, 26, 63, 64, 75, 85, 115, 117, 121, 124, 160, 163, 165, 168, 169, 251

Prefrontal cortex, 15, 70

Princeton University, 90

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Tracy and Matsumoto), 19

Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (Rosenthal), 159

Project LifeLike, 243246

Prolactin, 154

“Proteus effect,” 142

Proximity, 111121

Public zone (spatial zone), 112

Pupil dilation, 55

Pygmalion effect, 102103

“Pygmalion in the Classroom” (National Teaching & Learning Forum), 102


Radboud University (the Netherlands), 7374

Rapport, building, 5960

Relationships, psychology of, 9091

Reptilian brain, 15

Reserved culture, 184185

Response time, 56

Restak, Richard, 72

Rheim, J., 102

Right brain hemisphere, 15

Robotics, 105106, 138

Robovie, 105106

Rosenthal, Robert, 22, 23, 159


Sadness, 190

San Francisco Examiner, 238

San Jose, California, 246

Santana, Laine (Philippines), 199, 203, 206, 211, 214215, 217, 221, 224, 226

Sarma, Priya (United Arab Emirates), 198, 201202, 205, 209, 213, 219, 223

ScanAd Kenya, 198

Scandinavian culture, 184185

Science, and body language, 67

Seating arrangements, 117121, 217221

Second Life (Linden Lab), 138143, 160

Self-representations, digital, 141

Self-touching, 89

Servant leadership, 239

Shame, 189, 252

Silo mentality, 94, 196

Small, Gary, 250

Smile, genuine versus polite, 103104

Soares, Paulo (Brazil), 196, 200201, 204, 207, 212, 215, 218, 222, 226

Social zone, 112, 115

Sociometers, 6, 3536

Space: invasion, 115, 116; and seating arrangements, 117121; use of, 111121

Speech convergence, 111

Stanford University, 78, 100, 142, 196, 246

Stanislavsky, Constantin, 76

Star Trek (television show), 247248

Starwood Hotels and Resorts, 140, 141

Status, 26, 115, 121, 123, 124, 160, 162, 168, 251

Status cues, 123125

Status Syndrome (Marmot), 123

Steepling, 62

Strategic positioning, 117121

Strong exit, 6465

Stucki, Chuck, 247

Subtle Expression Recognition Training (Humintell), 192

Suppression, problem with, 78

Surprise, 190

Sympathetic nervous system, 115

Synchrony, 100101, 129


Tacit knowledge, 125

Tata Chemicals Limited, 120, 198

Technology, 127128; communication, 129135; and lean communication, 129132; and myth of multitasking, 134135; and new range of communication options, 138143; and richer communication, 132133; and videoconferencing, 133134

Tel Aviv University, 103

Teleconference, 132

TelePresence (Cisco Systems), 5, 133, 138140, 243, 246, 247. See also Cisco Systems

Temporal-parietal junction, 153

Tend-and-befriend response, 154

Territorial responses, 115, 116

Testosterone, 75

Texas Instruments Japan, 198

This Isn't the Company I Joined (Goman), 146

Thorndike, E. L., 31

Time, cultural perception of, 183184

Topless meeting, 135

Touch, 148; emotional, 149; by gender, 160

Touch Research Institute (University of Miami), 148

Tracy, J. L., 1920

Treatment, perception of, 91

Trinidad and Tobago, 187, 204, 207208, 215216, 218, 222, 226227

Triune brain, 1518

Trust, 133, 148


Uncertainty, 13

University of California, Berkeley, 149, 172

University of California, Los Angeles, 95, 250; Memory and Aging Research Center, 250

University of California, San Francisco, 145, 153, 190

University of California School of Medicine, 73

University of Central Florida, 244

University of Delaware, 157

University of Geneva (Switzerland), 110

University of Illinois, Chicago, 244

University of Maryland, 138

University of Michigan, 125

University of Parma (Italy), 98

University of Pennsylvania, 54, 154

University of Southern California, 155

U.S. Department of State, 24

U.S. Government, 244


Vale mining company, 196

Value judgments, 1617

van Wassenhove, Virginie, 138

Venus-Mars dichotomy, 174175

Videoconferencing, 132134; tips for, 137138

Virtual Distance International, 131

Virtual hallway, 132

Virtual organizations, 127128

Visual technology revolution, 5, 249250

Vocal body language. See Paralinguistic communication

Vocal prosody, 132133

Voice, 109; modulation, 135136

VU University Amsterdam (Netherlands), 101


Wang, Helen (China), 22, 196, 204, 207, 212, 215, 218, 222

Warmth, 106, 168, 173; increasing, 252

Web presentation, 132

Westen, Drew, 21

Whiteboard, 130

Wiki, 130

Wikipedia, 140

Wright, Marc (United Kingdom), 196, 200, 204, 207, 212, 215, 217, 221222, 225


Yale University, 71, 162

YouTube, 5, 242


Zajonc, Robert, 125

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