Other Search Options

This section provides tips for searching hidden text, expanding or limiting your search scope, and using regular expressions.

Hidden Text

The Find And Replace window provides a way to enable or disable searching within hidden text.

Tip 3.20: How to search hidden text in the editor

Press Ctrl+F to bring up the Find And Replace window. You can then expand the Find Options section and select Search Hidden Text.

Tip 3.20: How to search hidden text in the editor

This is usually the first option I set (or I verify it is set).

Search Scope

You can select the scope of your search, including the current code block, the current document, all open documents, the current project, and the entire solution.

Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution

Press Ctrl+F to open the Quick Find window. Then click the arrow to display the drop-down list for the Look In combo box to select the search scope.

Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution

Regular Expressions

You can search using either wildcards or regular expressions in the Find And Replace window.

Tip 3.22: How to use wildcards and regular expressions while searching

In the Find And Replace window, expand the Find Options node and check the Use check box. This option enables you to select either wildcards or regular expressions.

Now that little grayed-out arrow, which is called an expression builder and is located next to the Find What text box, is enabled. In case you’re like me and don’t use regular expressions all that often, the expression builder can be a great little cheat sheet.

Tip 3.22: How to use wildcards and regular expressions while searching

Note that the editor’s regular expressions engine is slightly different from the .NET Framework regular expressions engine; hence, the cheat sheet may really come in handy.

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