
Chapter One:
The Desire to Acquire

1. Dr. Brosnan, quoted in Charles Q. Choi, “Chimps Act Like Humans: Mine! Mine! Mine!” LiveScience, posted October 8, 2007, at; accessed September 7, 2010. The research by Dr. Brosnan and her colleagues was published in “Endowment Effects in Chimpanzees,” Current Biology 17 (2007): 1704–7; see

2. John Dawes, “Price Changes and Defection Levels in a Subscription-Type Market,” Journal of Services Marketing 18, no. 1 (2004): 35–44.

3. For a definitive history of sales in America, see Walter Friedman, Birth of a Salesman (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2005).

4. For a more detailed history of luxury, see Christopher Berry, The Idea of Luxury: A Conceptual and Historical Investigation (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

5. From Juvenal’s Satires, quoted in Berry, Idea of Luxury, p. 69.

6. Tacitus, The Agricola (London: Loeb Library, 1924), chap. 21, p. 690.

7. Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold, Roman Civilization: Selected Readings, Volume 1 (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 439.

Chapter Two:
The Passion of the Salesperson

1. Richard Behar Dallas, “Ross Perot’s Days at Big Blue,” Time, July 20, 1992;,9171,976048-1,00.html; accessed September 8, 2010.

2. “Ross Perot: The Billionaire Boy Scout,” Entrepreneur, October 10, 2008; available; accessed September 8, 2010.

3. Dallas, “Ross Perot’s Days.”

4. Ebenezer Hannaford, Success in Canvassing: A Practical Manual of Hints and Instructions, Specifically Adapted to the Use of Book Canvassers of the Better Class (St. Louis, Mo.: N.D. Thompson, 1875; revised 1884).

5. Abraham Cahan, The Rise of David Levinsky (Whitefish, Mont.: Kessinger, 1917/2004), p. 283.

6. Matt Oechsli, The Art of Selling to the Affluent: How to Attract, Service, and Retain Wealthy Customers and Clients for Life (Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley, 2005), p. 202.

7. Remy Stern, But Wait . . . There’s More! Tighten Your Abs, Make Millions, and Learn How the $100 Billion Infomercial Industry Sold Us Everything but the Kitchen Sink (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), p. 4.

8. Charles Wilson Hoyt, Scientific Sales Management: A Practical Application of the Principles of Scientific Management to Selling (New York: Charles B. Woolson, 1918), p. 26.

9. “The Science of Selling,” NCR, August 1, 1903, p. 529.

10. NCR, July 1, 1902, p. 409.

11. Elsie Oschrin, “Vocational Tests for Retail Saleswomen,” Journal of Applied Psychology 2 (1918): 148–55.

12. Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr., et al., “The Determinants of Salesperson Performance: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research 22 (May 1985): 103–18.

13. Ibid., p. 104.

14. For example, see Robert Rosenthal et al., Contrasts and Effect Sizes in Behavioral Research (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2000).

15. Fernando Jaramillo et al., “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Salesperson Job Performance: 25 Years of Research,” Journal of Business Research 58 (2005): 705–14.

16. Data and conclusions in this paragraph are from Murray R. Barrick and Michael K. Mount, “The Big Five Personality Dimension and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis,” Personnel Psychology 44 (1991): 1–26.

17. Martin Seligman, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life (New York: Vintage, 2006).

18. Andrew J. Vinchur, Jeffery S. Schippmann, Fred S. Switzer III, and Philip L. Roth, “A Meta-Analytic Review of Predictors of Job Performance for Salespeople,” Journal of Applied Psychology 83 (1998): 586–97.

19. Tony Rutigliano and Benson Smith, Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World’s Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers (New York: Random House, 2003), p. 8.

20. Ibid., p. 15.

21. “Strength-Based Development: Using Strength to Accelerate Performance”;; accessed September 8, 2010.

22. “Employee Engagement Report, 2008”;; accessed September 8, 2010.

23. “Employee Engagement: A Leading Indicator of Financial Performance”;; accessed September 8, 2010.

24. For example, David Myers, The Pursuit of Happiness: What Makes a Person Happy and Why (New York: William Morrow, 1992).

25. Quoted in Michael Torrice, “Want Passionate Kids? Leave ‘em Alone,” LiveScience;; posted February 9, 2010; accessed September 9, 2010.

26. Nalini Ambady et al., “The 30-Sec Scale: Using Thin-Slice Judgments to Evaluate Sales Effectiveness,” Journal of Consumer Psychology 16 (2005): 4–13.

27. For a review of Dr. Dweck’s work, see Carol Dweck and Ellen Leggett, “A Social-Cognitive Approach to Motivation and Personality,” Psychological Review 95 (1988): 256–73. Conclusions in this chapter about how a learning orientation improves sales performance are detailed in Don VandeWalle, Steven P. Brown, William L. Cron, and John W. Slocum, Jr., “The Influence of Goal Orientation and Self-Regulation Tactics on Sales Performance: A Longitudinal Field Test,” Journal of Applied Psychology 84 (1999): 249–59.

28. John Norcross and D. J. Vangarelli, “The Resolution Solution: Longitudinal Examination of New Year’s Change Attempts,” Journal of Substance Abuse 1 (1989): 127–34. See also John Norcross et al., “Auld Lang Syne: Success Predictors, Change Processes, and Self-Reported Outcomes of New Year’s Resolvers and Nonresolvers,” Journal of Clinical Psychology 58 (2002): 397–405.

29. George R. Franke and Jeong-Eun Park, “Salesperson Adaptive Selling Behavior and Customer Orientation: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research 43 (2006): 693–702. See also Rosann Spiro and Barton Weitz, “Adaptive Selling: Conceptualization, Measurement and Nomological Validity,” Journal of Marketing Research 27 (1990): 61–69.

30. Stephen Kraus, Psychological Foundations of Success: A Harvard-Trained Scientist Separates the Science of Success from Self-Help Snake Oil (San Francisco: ChangePlanet Press, 2002), pp. 82–83.

31. Ibid., pp. 42–44.

Chapter Three:
The Passion of the Prospect

1. Freud is often quoted as saying love and work are the essence of mental health and the objectives of psychotherapy. According to the Freud museum, this was psychoanalyst Erik Erikson’s characterization of Freud’s thinking, rather than Freud’s explicit point of view; see

2. For an archive of “right track/wrong track” and similar polling questions from a variety of firms, see; accessed September 10, 2010.

3. Phil Wahba and Jessica Wohl, “Retail Holiday Sales Improve After Dismal 2008,” Reuters, December 28, 2009;; accessed September 10, 2010. See also

Chapter Four:
The Passion of the Product

1. Clive Coates, Côte d’Or: A Celebration of the Great Wines of Burgundy (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1997), p. 596.

2. Bruce Palling, “The Best Wine in the World,” More Intelligent Life;; accessed September 10, 2010.

3. Quoted in “Modern Living: Channel No. 1.” Time, Monday, Jan. 25, 1971. Available at,9171,904672-3,00.html; accessed October 17, 2010.

4. For example, in Denver, prices rose in “neighborhoods that are very valuable—old historic neighborhoods. Their values have historically held up just because there is a limited supply. They are located very centrally, and they are in fairly affluent areas,” says Ryan Tomazin, Integrated Asset Services, a company that tracks real estate prices (cited in Mike Mullen, “Some Home Prices Are Actually Rising in Denver,”; posted April 4, 2008; accessed September 10, 2010).

5. David Brough, “Record Diamond Prices Spark Fears Over Speculation,” Reuters;; posted March 12, 2008; accessed September 10, 2010.

Chapter Six:
From Passion to Execution

1. For information about the National Weight Control Registry and the research based on it, visit

2. Richard Wiseman, “The Luck Factor,” Skeptical Inquirer, May/June 2003;; accessed September 10, 2010.

3. Lawrence Tabak, “If Your Goal Is Success, Don’t Consult These Gurus,” Fast Company, December 31, 1996;; accessed September 10, 2010.

4. For a detailed review of the goal-setting literature, and documentation of the findings summarized here, see Stephen Kraus, Psychological Foundations of Success: A Harvard-Trained Scientist Separates the Science of Success from Self-Help Snake Oil (San Francisco: ChangePlanet Press, 2002).

5. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Laura King, and Ed Diener, “The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” Psychological Bulletin 131 (November 2005): 803–55.

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