
Image Purpose: To open a course by putting in participants’ hands some of the items they will use during the session.

Image Time Required: 15 minutes.

Image Size of Group: Unlimited.

Image Materials Required: Stickers with letters on them. A variety of items participants use in class (for example, markers, handouts, etc.).

Image The Exercise in Action: Mandy Proctor, a nurse educator for Sinai Samaritan Medical Center in Milwaukee, starts some of her classes by sending participants on a scavenger hunt that she sets up in the training room. She places letter stickers above the items, and as the participants find each item, they remove the letters and place them on their instruction sheets.

When the participants are finished, the letters spell out the words “Welcome to 5A (Proctor’s unit). We’re glad you’re here.”

The items you list for the hunt could be items participants will use during the training programs such as flipcharts, markers, and other supplies, or the pieces of equipment they are going to learn about.

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