Chapter 10

Regression (Linear Modeling)

What You Will Learn In This Chapter:

  • How to carry out linear regression (including multiple regression)
  • How to carry out curvilinear regression using logarithmic and polynomials as examples
  • How to build a regression model using both forward and backward stepwise processes
  • How to plot regression models
  • How to add lines of best-fit to regression plots
  • How to determine confidence intervals for regression models
  • How to plot confidence intervals
  • How to draw diagnostic plots

Linear modeling is a widely used analytical method. In a general sense, it involves a response variable and one or more predictor variables. The technique uses a mathematical relationship between the response and predictor variables. You might, for example, have data on the abundance of an organism (the response variable) and details about various habitat variables (predictor variables). Linear modeling, or multiple regression as it is also known, can show you which of the habitat variables are most important, and also which are statistically significant. Linear regression is quite similar to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) that you learned about earlier. The main difference is that in ANOVA, the predictor variables are discrete (that is, they have different levels), whereas in regression they are continuous.

Although this is not a book about statistical analysis, the techniques of regression are so important that you should know how to carry them out. The lm() command is used to carry out linear modeling in R. To use it, you use the formula syntax. Undertaking regression involves a range of other R skills that are generally useful; this will become evident as you work through the examples in the text.

Simple Linear Regression

The simplest form of regression is akin to a correlation where you have two variables—a response variable and a predictor. In the following example you see a simple data frame with two columns, which you can correlate:

> fw
         count speed
Taw          9     2
Torridge    25     3
Ouse        15     5
Exe          2     9
Lyn         14    14
Brook       25    24
Ditch       24    29
Fal         47    34

> cor.test(~ count + speed, data = fw)

       Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  count and speed 
t = 2.5689, df = 6, p-value = 0.0424
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.03887166 0.94596455 
sample estimates:

Note that in this simple correlation you do not have a response term to the left of the ~ in the formula. You can run the same analysis using the lm() command; this time, though, you place the predictor on the left of the ~ and the response on the right:

> lm(count ~ speed, data = fw)

lm(formula = count ~ speed, data = fw)

(Intercept)        speed  
     8.2546       0.7914  
Correlation and simple regression are similar in that you are looking to compare one variable with another. In the Pearson correlation you are assuming that the data are normally distributed and are looking to see how close the relationship is between the variables. In regression you are taking the analysis further and assuming a mathematical, and therefore predictable, relationship between the variables. The results of regression analysis show the slope and intercept values that describe this relationship. The R squared value that you obtain from the regression is the square of the correlation coefficient from the Pearson correlation, which demonstrates the similarities between the methods.

The result shows you the coefficients for the regression, that is, the intercept and the slope. To see more details you should save your regression as a named object; then you can use the summary() command like so:

> fw.lm = lm(count ~ speed, data = fw)
> summary(fw.lm)

lm(formula = count ~ speed, data = fw)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-13.377  -5.801  -1.542   5.051  14.371 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)   8.2546     5.8531   1.410   0.2081  
speed         0.7914     0.3081   2.569   0.0424 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 10.16 on 6 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5238,      Adjusted R-squared: 0.4444 
F-statistic: 6.599 on 1 and 6 DF,  p-value: 0.0424

Now you see a more detailed result; for example, the p-value for the linear model is exactly the same as for the standard Pearson correlation that you ran earlier. The result object contains more information, and you can see what is available by using the names() command like so:

> names(fw.lm)
 [1] "coefficients"  "residuals"     "effects"       "rank"         
 [5] "fitted.values" "assign"        "qr"            "df.residual"  
 [9] "xlevels"       "call"          "terms"         "model"     

You can extract these components using the $ syntax; for example, to get the coefficients you use the following:

> fw.lm$coefficients
(Intercept)       speed 
  8.2545956   0.7913603 

> fw.lm$coef
(Intercept)       speed 
  8.2545956   0.7913603 

In the first case you type the name in full, but in the second case you see that you can abbreviate the latter part as long as it is unambiguous.

Many of these results objects can be extracted using specific commands, as you see next.

Linear Model Results Objects

When you have a result from a linear model, you end up with an object that contains a variety of results; the basic summary() command shows you some of these. You can extract the components using the $ syntax, but some of these components are important enough to have specific commands. The following sections discuss these components and their commands in detail.


You can extract the coefficients using the coef() command. To use the command, you simply give the name of the linear modeling result like so:

> coef(fw.lm)
(Intercept)       speed 
  8.2545956   0.7913603 

You can obtain confidence intervals on these coefficients using the confint() command. The default settings produce 95-percent confidence intervals; that is, at 2.5 percent and 97.5 percent, like so:

> confint(fw.lm)
                  2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept) -6.06752547 22.576717
speed        0.03756445  1.545156

You can alter the interval using the level = instruction, specifying the interval as a proportion. You can also choose which confidence variables to display (the default is all of them) by using the parm = instruction and placing the names of the variables in quotes as done in the following example:

> confint(fw.lm, parm = c('(Intercept)', 'speed'), level = 0.9)
                   5 %      95 %
(Intercept) -3.1191134 19.628305
speed        0.1927440  1.389977

Note that the intercept term is given with surrounding parentheses like so, (Intercept), which is exactly as it appears in the summary() command.

Fitted Values

You can use the fitted() command to extract values fitted to the linear model; in other words, you can use the equation of the model to predict y values for each x value like so:

> fitted(fw.lm)
      Taw  Torridge      Ouse       Exe       Lyn     Brook     Ditch       Fal 
 9.837316 10.628676 12.211397 15.376838 19.333640 27.247243 31.204044 35.160846 

In this case the rows of data are named, so the result of the fitted() command also produces names.


You can view the residuals using the residuals() command; the resid() command is an alias for the same thing and produces the same result:

> residuals(fw.lm)
        Taw    Torridge        Ouse         Exe         Lyn       Brook 
 -0.8373162  14.3713235   2.7886029 -13.3768382  -5.3336397  -2.2472426 
      Ditch         Fal 
 -7.2040441  11.8391544 

Once again, you see that the residuals are named because the original data had row names.


You can access the formula used in the linear model using the formula() command like so:

> formula(fw.lm)
count ~ speed

This is not quite the same as the complete call to the lm() command which looks like this:

> fw.lm$call
lm(formula = count ~ speed, data = fw)

Best-Fit Line

You can use these linear modeling commands to help you visualize a simple linear model in graphical form. The following commands all produce essentially the same graph:

> plot(fw$speed, fw$count)
> plot(~ speed + count, data = fw)
> plot(count ~ speed, data = fw)
> plot(formula(fw), data = fw)

The graph looks like Figure 10-1.

To add a line of best-fit, you need the intercept and the slope. You can use the abline() command to add the line once you have these values. Any of the following commands would produce the required line of best-fit:

> abline(lm(count ~ speed, data = fw))
> abline(a = coef(fw.lm[1], b = coef(fw.lm[2])))
> abline(coef(fw.lm))

The first is intuitive in that you can see the call to the linear model clearly. The second is quite clumsy, but shows where the values come from. The last is the most simple to type and makes best use of the lm() result object. The basic plot with a line of best-fit looks like Figure 10-2.

You can draw your best-fit line in different styles, widths, and colors using options you met previously (lty, lwd, and col). Table 10-1 acts as a reminder and summary of their use.

Table 10-1: Summary of Commands used in Drawing Lines of Best-Fit

Command Explanation
lty = n Sets the line type. Line types can be specified as an integer (0 = blank, 1 = solid (default), 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted, 4 = dotdash, 5 = longdash, 6 = twodash) or as one of the character strings "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash", where "blank" uses invisible lines (that is, does not draw them).
lwd = n Sets the line width using an numerical value where 1 is standard width, 2 is double width, and so on. Defaults to 1.
col = color Sets the line color using a named color (in quotes) or an integer value. Defaults to “black” (that is, 1). You can see the list of colors by using colors().

You look at fitting curves to linear models in a later section.

Simple regression, that is, involving one response variable and one predictor variable, is an important stepping stone to the more complicated multiple regression that you will meet shortly (where you have one response variable but several predictor variables). To put into practice some of the skills, you can try out regression for yourself in the following activity.

Try It Out: Carry Out Linear Regression
In this activity you will carry out a simple regression and look at the results, as well as produce a graph with a line of best-fit.
1. Look at the cars data; these come as part of R and you can access them simply by typing the name. You have two variables, speed and distance:
> str(cars)
'data.frame':     50 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ speed: num  4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 ...
 $ dist : num  2 10 4 22 16 10 18 26 34 17 ...
2. Create a simple regression of stopping distance and car speed:
> cars.lm = lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
> summary(cars.lm)
3. Now look at the result object:
> names(cars.lm)
4. Get the coefficients; you can do this in two ways:
> cars.lm$coeff
> coef(cars.lm)
5. Now obtain the confidence intervals of the coefficients:
> confint(cars.lm)
6. Get the fitted values for the regression model; once again, you can use two methods:
> cars.lm$fitted
> fitted(cars.lm)
7. Look at the residuals from the regression model:
> cars.lm$resid
> resid(cars.lm)
8. Remind yourself of the formula used in the analysis:
> cars.lm$call
lm(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars)
> formula(cars.lm)
dist ~ speed
9. Draw a scatter plot of the relationship:
> plot(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
10. Add a line of best-fit to the scatter plot:
> abline(cars.lm)
How It Works
The cars data are available from within R and the str() command enables you to see what you are dealing with. You can bring up more information if you type:
> help(cars)
The regression is a simple one carried out using the lm() command, and by using the names() command you can see that the result is comprised of several parts. Some of these are available using dedicated commands.
The plot() command draws a scatter plot of the two variables. You could try altering the axis titles or the plotting character by including some extra instructions (recall Chapter 7 on graphs). Finally, you add the line of best-fit with the abline() command. The command is able to extract the coefficients from the result you created, and uses these to place the line. You might try looking at Table 10-1 and making the line appear slightly differently.

Similarity between lm() and aov()

You can think of the aov() command as a special case of linear modeling, with the command being a “wrapper” for the lm() command. Indeed you can use the lm() command to carry out analysis of variance. In the following example, you see how to use the aov() and lm() commands with the same formula on the same data:

> str(pw)
'data.frame': 18 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ height: int  9 11 6 14 17 19 28 31 32 7 ...
 $ plant : Factor w/ 2 levels "sativa","vulgaris": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 ...
 $ water : Factor w/ 3 levels "hi","lo","mid": 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 ...
 $ season: Factor w/ 2 levels "spring","summer": 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 ...

> pw.aov = aov(height ~ water, data = pw)
> pw.lm = lm(height ~ water, data = pw)

You can use the summary() command to get the result in a sensible layout like so:

> summary(pw.aov)
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
water        2 2403.11 1201.56  84.484 6.841e-09 ***
Residuals   15  213.33   14.22                      
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

> summary(pw.lm)

lm(formula = height ~ water, data = pw)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-7.0000 -2.0000 -0.6667  1.9167  9.0000 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   35.000      1.540  22.733 4.89e-13 ***
waterlo      -27.667      2.177 -12.707 1.97e-09 ***
watermid     -19.000      2.177  -8.726 2.91e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 3.771 on 15 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9185,      Adjusted R-squared: 0.9076 
F-statistic: 84.48 on 2 and 15 DF,  p-value: 6.841e-09 

In the first case you see the “classic” ANOVA table, but the second summary looks a bit different. You can make the result of the lm() command look more like the usual ANOVA table by using the anova() command like so:

> anova(pw.lm)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: height
          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
water      2 2403.11 1201.56  84.484 6.841e-09 ***
Residuals 15  213.33   14.22                      
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

ANOVA is essentially a special form of linear regression and the aov() command produces a result that mirrors the look and feel of the classic ANOVA. For most purposes you will use the aov() command for ANOVA and the lm() command for linear modeling.

Multiple Regression

In the previous examples you used a simple formula of the form response ~ predictor. You saw earlier in the section on the aov() command that you can specify much more complex models; this enables you to create complex linear models. The formulae that you can use are essentially the same as you met previously, as you will see shortly. In multiple regression you generally have one response variable and several predictor variables. The main point of the regression is to determine which of the predictor variables is statistically important (significant), and the relative effects that these have on the response variable.

Formulae and Linear Models

When you looked at the aov() command to carry out analysis of variance, you saw how to use the formula syntax to describe your ANOVA model. You can do the same with the lm() command, but in this case you should note that the Error() instruction is not valid for the lm() command and will work only in conjunction with the aov() command.

The syntax in other respects is identical to that used for the aov() command, and you can see some examples in Table 10-2. Note that you can specify intercept terms in your models. You can do this in aov() models as well but it makes less sense.

In Table 10-2 lowercase x and y refer to continuous variables, uppercase X refers to a numeric matrix, and uppercase A, B, and C are factor variables with two or more levels.

Table 10-2: Formula Syntax and Regression Modeling

Formula Explanation
y ~ xy ~ 1 + x Linear regression of y on x. Implicit intercept.Explicit intercept.
y ~ 0 + xy ~ -1 + xy ~ x -1 Linear regression of y on x through origin, that is, without intercept.
log(y) ~ x1 + x2 Multiple regression of transformed variable y on x1 and x2 with implicit intercept.
y ~ poly(x, 2)y ~ 1 + x + I(x^2) Polynomial regression of y on x of degree 2. First form uses orthogonal polynomials. Second form uses explicit powers.
y ~ X + poly(x, 2) Multiple regression y with model matrix consisting of matrix X as well as orthogonal polynomial terms in x to degree 2.
y ~ A One-way analysis of variance.
y ~ A + x Single classification analysis of covariance model of y, with classes determined by A and covariate x.
y ~ A * By ~ A + B + A:B Two-factor non-additive analysis of variance of y on factors A and B, that is, with interactions.
y ~ B %in% Ay ~ A/B Nested analysis of variance with B nested in A.
y ~ (A + B + C)^2y ~ A * B * C – A:B:C Three-factor experiment with model containing main effects and two-factor interactions only.
y ~ A * xy ~ A/xy ~ A/(1 + x) -1 Separate linear regression models of y on x within levels of A, with different coding.Last form produces explicit estimates of as many intercepts and slopes as there are levels in A.

You can see from this table that you are able to construct quite complex models using the formula syntax. The standard symbols , +, * , /, and ^ have specific meanings in this syntax; if you want to use the symbols in their regular mathematical sense, you use the I() instruction to “insulate” the terms from their formula meaning. So, the following examples are quite different in meaning:

y ~ x1 + x2
y ~ I(x1 + x2)

In the first case you indicate a multiple regression of y against x1 and x2. The second case indicates a simple regression of y against the sum of x1 and x2. You see an example of this in action shortly in the section, “Curvilinear Regression.”

Model Building

When you have several or many predictor variables, you usually want to create the most statistically significant model from the data. You have two main choices: forward stepwise regression and backward deletion.

  • Forward stepwise regression: Start off with the single best variable and add more variables to build your model into a more complex form
  • Backward deletion: Put all the variables in and reduce the model by removing variables until you are left with only significant terms.

You can use the add1() and drop1() commands to take either approach.

Adding Terms with Forward Stepwise Regression

When you have many variables, finding a starting point is a key step. One option is to look for the predictor variable with the largest correlation with the response variable. You can use the cor() command to carry out a simple correlation. In the following example you create a correlation matrix and, therefore, get to see all the pairwise correlations; you simply select the largest:

> cor(mf)
           Length       Speed      Algae         NO3        BOD
Length  1.0000000 -0.34322968  0.7650757  0.45476093 -0.8055507
Speed  -0.3432297  1.00000000 -0.1134416  0.02257931  0.1983412
Algae   0.7650757 -0.11344163  1.0000000  0.37706463 -0.8365705
NO3     0.4547609  0.02257931  0.3770646  1.00000000 -0.3751308
BOD    -0.8055507  0.19834122 -0.8365705 -0.37513077  1.0000000

The response variable is Length in this example, but the cor() command has shown you all the possible correlations. You can see fairly easily that the correlation between Length and BOD is the best place to begin. You could begin your regression model like so:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

In this example you have only four predictor variables, so the matrix is not too large; but if you have more variables, the matrix would become quite large and hard to read. In the following example you have a data frame with a lot more predictor variables:

> names(pb)
 [1] "count"      "sward.may"  "mv.may"     "dv.may"     "sphag.may"  "bare.may"  
 [7] "grass.may"  "nectar.may" "sward.jul"  "mv.jul"     "brmbl.jul"  "sphag.jul" 
[13] "bare.jul"   "grass.jul"  "nectar.jul" "sward.sep"  "mv.sep"     "brmbl.sep" 
[19] "sphag.sep"  "bare.sep"   "grass.sep"  "nectar.sep"

> cor(pb$count, pb)
     count sward.may   mv.may     dv.may sphag.may   bare.may  grass.may
[1,]     1 0.3173114 0.386234 0.06245646 0.4609559 -0.3380889 -0.2345140
     nectar.may sward.jul    mv.jul  brmbl.jul sphag.jul   bare.jul  grass.jul
[1,]   0.781714 0.1899664 0.1656897 -0.2090726 0.2877822 -0.2283124 -0.1625899
     nectar.jul sward.sep   mv.sep  brmbl.sep sphag.sep   bare.sep  grass.sep
[1,]   0.259654 0.6476513 0.877378 -0.2098358 0.7011718 -0.4196179 -0.6777093
[1,]  0.7400115

If you had used the plain form of the cor() command, you would have a lot of searching to do, but here you limit your results to correlations between the response variable and the rest of the data frame. You can see here that the largest correlation is between count and mv.sep, and this would make the best starting point for the regression model:

> pb.lm = lm(count ~ mv.sep, data = pb)

It so happens that you can start from an even simpler model by including no predictor variables at all, but simply an explicit intercept. You replace the name of the predictor variable with the number 1 like so:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ 1, data = mf)
> pb.lm = lm(count ~ 1, data = pb)

In both cases you produce a “blank” model that contains only an intercept term. You can now use the add1() command to see which of the predictor variables is the best one to add next. The basic form of the command is as follows:

add1(object, scope)

The object is the linear model you are building, and the scope is the data that form the candidates for inclusion in your new model. The result (shown here) is a list of terms and the “effect” they would have if added to your model:

> add1(mf.lm, scope = mf)
Single term additions

Length ~ 1
       Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC
<none>              227.760 57.235
Speed   1    26.832 200.928 56.102
Algae   1   133.317  94.443 37.228
NO3     1    47.102 180.658 53.443
BOD     1   147.796  79.964 33.067

In this case you are primarily interested in the AIC column. You should look to add the variable with the lowest AIC value to the model; in this instance you see that BOD has the lowest AIC and so you should add that. This ties in with the correlation that you ran earlier. The new model then becomes:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

You can now run the add1() command again and repeat the process like so:

> add1(mf.lm, scope = mf)
Single term additions

Length ~ BOD
       Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
<none>              79.964 33.067
Speed   1    7.9794 71.984 32.439
Algae   1    6.3081 73.656 33.013
NO3     1    6.1703 73.794 33.060

You can see now that Speed is the variable with the lowest AIC, so this is the next variable to include. Note that terms that appear in the model are not included in the list. If you now add the new term to the model, you get the following result:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD + Speed, data = mf)
> summary(mf.lm)

lm(formula = Length ~ BOD + Speed, data = mf)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.1700 -0.5450 -0.1598  0.8095  2.9245 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 29.30393    1.62068  18.081 1.08e-14 ***
BOD         -0.05261    0.00838  -6.278 2.56e-06 ***
Speed       -0.12566    0.08047  -1.562    0.133    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 1.809 on 22 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6839,      Adjusted R-squared: 0.6552 
F-statistic:  23.8 on 2 and 22 DF,  p-value: 3.143e-06 

You can see that the Speed variable is not a statistically significant one and probably should not to be included in the final model. It would be useful to see the level of significance before you include the new term. You can use an extra instruction in the add1() command to do this; you can use test = ‘F’ to show the significance of each variable if it were added to your model. Note that the ‘F’ is not short for FALSE, but is for an F-test. If you run the add1() command again, you see something like this:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

> add1(mf.lm, scope = mf, test = 'F')
Single term additions

Length ~ BOD
       Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC F value  Pr(F)
<none>              79.964 33.067               
Speed   1    7.9794 71.984 32.439  2.4387 0.1326
Algae   1    6.3081 73.656 33.013  1.8841 0.1837
NO3     1    6.1703 73.794 33.060  1.8395 0.1888

Now you can see that none of the variables in the list would give statistical significance if added to the current regression model.

In this example the model was quite simple, but the process is the same regardless of how many predictor variables are present.

Removing Terms with Backwards Deletion

You can choose a different approach by creating a regression model containing all the predictor variables you have and then trim away the terms that are not statistically significant. In other words, you start with a big model and trim it down until you get to the best (most statistically significant). To do this you can use the drop1() command; this examines a linear model and determines the effect of removing each one from the existing model. Complete the following steps to perform a backwards deletion.

1. To start, create a “full” model. You could type in all the variables at once, but this would be somewhat tedious so you can use a shortcut:
> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ ., data = mf)
2. In this instance you use Length as the response variable, but on the right of the ~ you use a period to represent “everything else.” Check what the actual formula has become using the formula() command:
> formula(mf.lm)
Length ~ Speed + Algae + NO3 + BOD
3. Now use the drop1() command and see which of the terms you should delete:
> drop1(mf.lm, test = 'F')
Single term deletions

Length ~ Speed + Algae + NO3 + BOD
       Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC F value   Pr(F)  
<none>              57.912 31.001                  
Speed   1   10.9550 68.867 33.333  3.7833 0.06596 .
Algae   1    6.2236 64.136 31.553  2.1493 0.15818  
NO3     1    6.2261 64.138 31.554  2.1502 0.15810  
BOD     1   12.3960 70.308 33.850  4.2810 0.05171 .
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 
4. Look to remove the term with the lowest AIC value; in this case the Algae variable has the lowest AIC. Re-form the model without this variable. The simplest way to do this is to copy the model formula to the clipboard, paste it into a new command, and edit out the term you do not want:
> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ Speed + NO3 + BOD, data = mf)
5. Examine the effect of dropping another term by running the drop1() command once more:
> drop1(mf.lm, test = 'F')
Single term deletions

Length ~ Speed + NO3 + BOD
       Df Sum of Sq     RSS    AIC F value     Pr(F)    
<none>               64.136 31.553                      
Speed   1     9.658  73.794 33.060  3.1622   0.08984 .  
NO3     1     7.849  71.984 32.439  2.5699   0.12385    
BOD     1    88.046 152.182 51.155 28.8290 2.520e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

You can see now that the NO3 variable has the lowest AIC and can be removed. You can carry out this process repeatedly until you have a model that you are happy with.

Comparing Models

It is often useful to compare models that are built from the same data set. This allows you to see if there is a statistically significant difference between a complicated model and a simpler one, for example. This is useful because you always try to create a model that most adequately describes the data with the minimum number of terms. You can compare two linear models using the anova() command. You used this earlier to present the result of the lm() command as a classic ANOVA table like so:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

> anova(mf.lm)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Length
          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
BOD        1 147.796 147.796  42.511 1.185e-06 ***
Residuals 23  79.964   3.477                      
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

You can also use the anova() command to compare two linear models (based on the same data set) by specifying both in the command like so:

> mf.lm1 = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)
> mf.lm2 = lm(Length ~ ., data = mf)

> anova(mf.lm1, mf.lm2)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: Length ~ BOD
Model 2: Length ~ Speed + Algae + NO3 + BOD
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F  Pr(>F)  
1     23 79.964                              
2     20 57.912  3    22.052 2.5385 0.08555 .
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

In this case you create two models; the first contains only a single term (the most statistically significant one) and the second model contains all the terms. The anova() command shows you that there is no statistically significant difference between them; in other words, it is not worth adding anything to the original model!

You do not need to restrict yourself to a comparison of two models; you can include more in the anova() command like so:

> anova(mf.lm1, mf.lm2, mf.lm3)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: Length ~ BOD
Model 2: Length ~ BOD + Speed
Model 3: Length ~ BOD + Speed + NO3
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     23 79.964                           
2     22 71.984  1    7.9794 2.6127 0.1209
3     21 64.136  1    7.8486 2.5699 0.1239

Here you see a comparison of three models. The conclusion is that the first is the minimum adequate model and the other two do not improve matters.

Building the best regression model is a common task, and it is a useful skill to employ; in the following activity you practice by creating a regression model with the forward stepwise process.

Try It Out: Build a Regression Model
In this activity you will build a regression model using the forward stepwise procedure.
1. Look at the mtcars data item. This is built into R.
> str(mtcars)
2. Start by creating a blank model using mpg as the response variable:
> mtcars.lm = lm(mpg ~ 1, data = mtcars)
3. Determine which predictor variable is the best starting candidate:
> add1(mtcars.lm, mtcars, test = 'F')
4. Add the best predictor variable to the blank model:
> mtcars.lm = lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
5. Do a quick check of the model summary:
> summary(mtcars.lm)
6. Now look again at the remaining candidate predictor variables:
> add1(mtcars.lm, mtcars, test = 'F')
7. Add the next best predictor variable to your regression model:
> mtcars.lm = lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
8. Now check the model summary once more:
> summary(mtcars.lm)
9. Check the remaining variables to see if there are any other candidate predictors to add:
> add1(mtcars.lm, mtcars, test = 'F')
10. The current model remains the most adequate.
How It Works
The mtcars data is part of R and you can examine it simply by typing its name. The str() command shows you that the variables are all continuous numeric data. If you want to find out more, use the help entry for these data:
> help(mtcars)
In this activity you dive right in and create a regression model, but you could explore the data more fully using a pairs plot, for example, and look at the correlations between the mpg variable (the response) and the others:
> pairs(mtcars)
> cor(mtcars$mpg, mtcars)
The blank model contains the response variable and the number 1, which is essentially a simple intercept. The add1() command now gets to work by looking at the influence of each predictor variable if you were to add it to the basic model. You want to select the variable with the lowest AIC value. This will also have the highest F-value. Once you have identified a variable, you can edit the original lm() command to add the new term in place of the 1. The first variable added is wt, and after this the add1() command reveals that the cyl variable is the next candidate.
Once the model includes wt and cyl variables, the add1() command shows that none of the remaining predictor variables would be statistically significant if added. The hp variable has the lowest AIC value, but the F-value is too low to be statistically significant.
This means that the minimum adequate descriptive model includes only two predictor variables. You could add the hp variable and use the summary() command to convince yourself that the new model is no better.
A regression model contains explanatory variables (called terms). Each of these terms may be statistically significant. The model also has an overall statistical significance. In general, you aim to produce a model that is minimally adequate. In other words you only add terms if they significantly improve the model.

Curvilinear Regression

Your linear regression models do not have to be in the form of a straight line; as long as you can describe the mathematical relationships, you can carry out linear regression. When your mathematical relationship is not in straight-line form then it is described as curvilinear). The basic relationship for a linear regression is:

y = mx + c

In this classic formula, y represents the response variable and x is the predictor variable; this relationship forms a straight line. The m and c terms represent the slope and intercept, respectively. When you have multiple regression, you simply add more predictor variables and slopes, like so:

y = m1x1 + m2x2 + m3x3 + mnxn + c

The equation still has the same general form and you are dealing with straight lines. However, the world is not always working in straight lines and other mathematical relationships are probable. In the following example you see two cases by way of illustration; the first case is a logarithmic relationship and the second is a polynomial.

In the logarithmic case the relationship can be described as follows:

y = m log(x) + c

In the polynomial case the relationship is:

y = m1x + m2x2 + m3x3 + mnxn + c

The logarithmic example is more akin to a simple regression, whereas the polynomial example is a multiple regression. Dealing with these non-straight regressions involves a slight deviation from the methods you have already seen.

Logarithmic Regression

Logarithmic relationships are common in the natural world; you may encounter them in many circumstances. Drawing the relationships between response and predictor variables as scatter plots is generally a good starting point. This can help you to determine the best approach to take.

The following example shows some data that are related in a curvilinear fashion:

> pg
   growth nutrient
1       2        2
2       9        4
3      11        6
4      12        8
5      13       10
6      14       16
7      17       22
8      19       28
9      17       30
10     18       36
11     20       48

Here you have a simple data frame containing two variables: the first is the response variable and the second is the predictor. You can see the relationship more clearly if you plot the data as a scatter plot using the plot() command like so:

> plot(growth ~ nutrient, data = pg)

This produces a basic scatter graph that looks like Figure 10-3.

You can see that the relationship appears to be a logarithmic one. You can carry out a linear regression using the log of the predictor variable rather than the basic variable itself by using the lm() command directly like so:

> pg.lm = lm(growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg)
> summary(pg.lm)

lm(formula = growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.2274 -0.9039  0.5400  0.9344  1.3097 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)     0.6914     1.0596   0.652     0.53    
log(nutrient)   5.1014     0.3858  13.223 3.36e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 1.229 on 9 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.951, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9456 
F-statistic: 174.8 on 1 and 9 DF,  p-value: 3.356e-07 

Here you specify that you want to use log(nutrient) in the formula; note that you do not need to use the I(log(nutrient)) instruction because log has no formula meaning.

You could now add the line of best-fit to the plot. You cannot do this using the abline() command though because you do not have a straight line, but a curved one. You see how to add a curved line of best-fit shortly in the section “Plotting Linear Models and Curve Fitting”; before that, you look at a polynomial example.

Polynomial Regression

A polynomial regression involves one response variable and one predictor variable, but the predictor variable is encountered more than once. In the simplest polynomial, the equation can be written like so:

y = m1x + m2x2 + c

You see that the predictor is shown twice, once with a slope m1 and once raised to the power of 2, with a separate slope m2. Each time you add an x to a new power, the curve bends. In the simplest example here, you have one bend and the curve forms a U shape (which might be upside down).

Polynomial relationships can occur in the natural world; examples typically include the abundance of a species in response to some environmental factor. The following example shows a typical situation. Here you have a data frame with two columns; the first is the response variable and the second is the predictor:

> bbel
   abund light
1      2     2
2      3     4
3      8     6
4     13     8
5     16    10
6     23    16
7     26    22
8     25    28
9     20    30
10    17    36
11     6    48

It appears that the response variable increases and then decreases again. If you plot the data (see Figure 10-4), you can see the situation more clearly:

> plot(abund ~ light, data = bbel)

The relationship in Figure 10-4 looks suitable to fit a polynomial model—that is, y = x + x2 + c—and you can therefore specify this in the lm() model like so:

> bbel.lm = lm(abund ~ light + I(light^2), data = bbel)

Notice now that you place the light^2 part inside the I() instruction; this ensures that the mathematical meaning is used. You can use the summary() command to see the final result:

> summary(bbel.lm)

lm(formula = abund ~ light + I(light^2), data = bbel)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-3.538 -1.748  0.909  1.690  2.357 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -2.004846   1.735268  -1.155    0.281    
light        2.060100   0.187506  10.987 4.19e-06 ***
I(light^2)  -0.040290   0.003893 -10.348 6.57e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

Residual standard error: 2.422 on 8 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9382,      Adjusted R-squared: 0.9227 
F-statistic: 60.68 on 2 and 8 DF,  p-value: 1.463e-05 

The next step in the modeling process would probably be to add the line representing the fit of your model to the existing graph. This is the subject of the following section.

Plotting Linear Models and Curve Fitting

When you carry out a regression, you will naturally want to plot the results as some sort of graph. In fact, it would be good practice to plot the relationship between the variables before conducting the analysis. The pairs() command that you saw in Chapter 7 makes a good start, although if you have a lot of predictor variables, the individual plots can be quite small.

You can use the plot() command to make a scatter plot of the response variable against a single predictor variable. For instance, earlier you created a linear model like so:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

You can make a basic scatter graph of these data using the plot() command:

> plot(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)

The graph that results looks like Figure 10-5.

If you have only one predictor variable, you can also add a line of best-fit, that is, one that matches the equation of the linear model.

Best-Fit Lines

If you want to add a best-fit line, you have two main ways to do this:

  • The abline() command produces straight lines.
  • The lines() command can produce straight or curved lines.

You have already met the abline() command, which can only draw straight lines, so this will only be mentioned briefly. To create the best-fit line you need to determine the coordinates to draw; you will see how to calculate the appropriate coordinates using the fitted() command. The lines() command is able to draw straight or curved lines, and later you will see how to use the spline() command to smooth out curved lines of best-fit.

Adding Line of Best-Fit with abline()

To add a straight line of best-fit, you need to use the abline() command. This requires the intercept and slope, but the command can get them directly from the result of an lm() command. So, you could create a best-fit line like so:

> abline(mf.lm)

This does the job. You can modify the line by altering its type, width, color, and so on using commands you have seen before (lty, lwd, and col).

Calculating Lines with fitted()

You can use the fitted() command to extract the fitted values from the linear model. These fitted values are determined from the x values (that is, the predictor) using the equation of the linear model. You can add lines to an existing plot using the lines() command; in this case you can use the original x values and the fitted y values to create your line of best-fit like so:

> lines(mf$BOD, fitted(mf.lm))

The final graph looks like Figure 10-6.

You can do something similar even when you have a curvilinear fit line. Earlier you created two linear models with curvilinear fits; the first was a logarithmic model and the second was a polynomial:

> pg.lm = lm(growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg)
> bbel.lm = lm(abund ~ light + I(light^2), data = bbel)

When you come to plot these relationships, you start by plotting the response against the predictor, as shown in the following two examples:

> plot(growth ~ nutrient, data = pg)
> plot(abund ~ light, data = bbel)

The first example plots the logarithmic model and the second plots the polynomial model. You can now add the fitted curve to these plots in exactly the same way as you did to produce Figure 10-6 by using the original x values and the fitted values from the linear model:

> lines(pg$nutrient, fitted(pg.lm))
> lines(bbel$light, fitted(bbel.lm))

This produces a line of best-fit, although if you look at the polynomial graph as an example (Figure 10-7), you see that the curve is really a series of straight lines.

What you really need is a way to smooth out the sections to produce a shapelier curve. You can do this using the spline() command, as you see next.

Producing Smooth Curves using spline()

You can use spline curve smoothing to make your curved best-fit lines look better; the spline() command achieves this. Essentially, the spline() command requires a series of x, y coordinates that make up a curve. Because you already have your curve formed from the x values and fitted y values, you simply enclose the coordinates of your line() in a spline() command like so:

> lines(spline(bbel$light, fitted(bbel.lm)))

This adds a curved fit line to the polynomial regression you carried out earlier. The complete set of instructions to produce the polynomial model and graph are shown here:

> bbel.lm = lm(abund ~ light + I(light^2), data = bbel)
> plot(abund ~ light, data = bbel)
> lines(spline(bbel$light, fitted(bbel.lm)), lwd = 2)

The final graph appears like Figure 10-8.

In this case you have made your smooth line a trifle wider than the standard using the lwd = instruction that you saw previously.

In the following activity you will carry out a logarithmic regression and create a plot that includes a curved line of best-fit.

Try It Out: Carry out Logarithmic Regression and Add a Line of Best-Fit
Use the pg data from the Beginning.RData file for this activity, which you use here to carry out a logarithmic regression. You will draw the relationship between the variables and add a curved line of best-fit.
1. Use the logarithmic example data pg that you saw earlier to create a logarithmic regression:
> pg.lm = lm(growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg
2. Look at the model summary:
> summary(pg.lm)
3. Draw the basic graph to show the relationship:
> plot(growth ~ nutrient, data = pg, ylab = 'Plant growth',
 xlab = 'Nutrient concentration')
4. Add the line of best-fit:
> lines(spline(pg$nutrient, fitted(pg.lm)), lwd = 1.5)
5. Redraw the graph using the logarithm of the predictor variable:
> plot(growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg, ylab = 'Plant growth', xlab = 'log(Nutrient)')
6. Now add a line of best-fit:
> abline(coef(pg.lm))
How It Works
The regular lm() command carries out a simple regression where you specify the predictor variable in terms of its logarithm. When the basic graph is plotted, the curved nature of the relationship becomes clear. The line of best-fit is curved and the lines() command adds it to the existing plot. The spline() command curves the line and makes it smooth. The y values for the line are taken from the fitted values (via the fitted() command).
If you plot the graph using the same formula as the linear regression, you see that the points are more nearly in a straight line. In this case you can use the abline() command to draw the line of best-fit. This time you use the coefficients from the regression to form the coordinates for the line.

Confidence Intervals on Fitted Lines

After you have drawn your fitted line to your regression model, you may want to add confidence intervals. You can use the predict() command to help you do this. If you run the predict() command using only the name of your linear model result, you get a list of values that are identical to the fitted values; in other words, the two following commands are identical:

       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9 
16.65687 17.76092 20.24502 21.07305 21.62507 21.07305 22.45310 18.42334 17.76092 
      10       11       12       13       14       15       16       17       18 
16.93288 18.97537 19.69299 19.96901 19.69299 18.58895 17.37450 17.20889 19.03057 
      19       20       21       22       23       24       25 
22.72912 14.72480 16.65687 24.66119 22.89472 22.34270 22.45310

However, you can make the command produce confidence intervals for each of the predicted values by adding the interval = “confidence” instruction like so:

> predict(mf.lm, interval = 'confidence')
        fit      lwr      upr
1  16.65687 15.43583 17.87791
2  17.76092 16.78595 18.73588
3  20.24502 19.45005 21.03998
4  21.07305 20.17759 21.96851
5  21.62507 20.62918 22.62096
6  21.07305 20.17759 21.96851
7  22.45310 21.27338 23.63282
8  18.42334 17.56071 19.28597
9  17.76092 16.78595 18.73588
10 16.93288 15.77840 18.08737
11 18.97537 18.17562 19.77511
12 19.69299 18.92137 20.46462
13 19.96901 19.19054 20.74747
14 19.69299 18.92137 20.46462
15 18.58895 17.74852 19.42938
16 17.37450 16.32009 18.42891
17 17.20889 16.11799 18.29980
18 19.03057 18.23527 19.82587
19 22.72912 21.48183 23.97640
20 14.72480 12.98494 16.46466
21 16.65687 15.43583 17.87791
22 24.66119 22.89113 26.43126
23 22.89472 21.60574 24.18371
24 22.34270 21.18925 23.49615
25 22.45310 21.27338 23.63282

The result is a matrix with three columns; the first shows the fitted values, the second shows the lower confidence level, and the third shows the upper confidence level. By default, level = 0.95 (that is both upper and lower confidence levels are set to 95 percent), but you can alter this by changing the value in the level = instruction.

Now that you have values for the confidence intervals and the fitted values, you have the data you need to construct the model line as well as draw the confidence bands around it. To do so, perform the following steps:

1. Begin by using the predict() command to produce the confidence intervals, which you make into a named object:
>prd = predict(mf.lm, interval = 'confidence', level = 0.95)
2. Next add your x data to the result object. You do it in this way because you want to make sure that the values are sorted in order of increasing x value. Your result object is a matrix, but convert it to a data frame as you add the x data like so:
> attach(mf)
> prd = data.frame(prd, BOD)
> detach(mf)
Notice that you used the attach() and detach() commands to get the BOD data. You could have used mf$BOD, but then the column would be named mf.BOD. You could, of course, rename the columns in the new data frame, but in the end it is easier to keep the name of your x variable as it was originally written. You cannot use the with() command in this case; if you try it you get an error:
> with(mf, prd = data.frame(prd, BOD))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : argument is missing, with no default
Instead, make the result matrix into a data frame first and then add the original x values (BOD) like so:
> prd = data.frame(prd)
> prd$BOD = mf$BOD
You now have a data frame containing the original x values, as well as the fitted values and lower and upper confidence intervals:
> head(prd)
       fit      lwr      upr BOD
1 16.65687 15.43583 17.87791 200
2 17.76092 16.78595 18.73588 180
3 20.24502 19.45005 21.03998 135
4 21.07305 20.17759 21.96851 120
5 21.62507 20.62918 22.62096 110
6 21.07305 20.17759 21.96851 120
3. The only remaining problem is that the x values (that is, BOD) are not in numerical order, and if you try to make a line it will not come out looking right; to counteract this, re-sort the data frame using the ascending numerical values of the y data. Use the order() command to alter the sort order of your data frame:
> prd = prd[order(prd$BOD),]
> head(prd)
        fit      lwr      upr BOD
22 24.66119 22.89113 26.43126  55
23 22.89472 21.60574 24.18371  87
19 22.72912 21.48183 23.97640  90
7  22.45310 21.27338 23.63282  95
25 22.45310 21.27338 23.63282  95
24 22.34270 21.18925 23.49615  97
4. Now at last you have the data you need sorted in the correct order; you can build your plot starting with the original data:
> plot(Length ~ BOD, data = mf)
5. Now add your lines using the data frame you created:
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$fit)
6. This makes the line of best-fit and gives the same result as using the abline() command. Follow up by adding the lower and upper confidence bands like so:
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$lwr, lty = 2)
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$upr, lty = 2)
7. In this case, make the confidence lines dashed using the lty = 2 instruction. The full process is shown in the following command lines:
> prd = predict(mf.lm, interval = 'confidence', level = 0.95) # make CI
> attach(mf)
> prd = data.frame(prd, BOD) # add y-data
> detach(mf)
> prd = prd[order(prd$BOD),] # re-sort in order of y-data
> plot(Length ~ BOD, data = mf) # basic plot
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$fit) # also best fit
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$lwr, lty = 2) # lower CI
> lines(prd$BOD, prd$upr, lty = 2) # upper CI

This produces a plot that looks like Figure 10-9.

If you use these commands on a curvilinear regression, your lines will be a little angular so you can use the spline() command to smooth out the lines as you saw earlier:

>lines(spline(x.values, y.values))

If you were looking at the logarithmic regression you conducted earlier, for example, you would use the following:

> plot(growth ~ nutrient, data = pg)
> prd = predict(pg.lm, interval = 'confidence', level = 0.95)
> prd = data.frame(prd)
> prd$nutrient = pg$nutrient
> prd = prd[order(prd$nutrient),]
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$fit))
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$upr), lty = 2)
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$lwr), lty = 2)

Confidence intervals are an important addition to a regression plot. To practice the skills required to use them you can carry out the following activity.

Try It Out: Add Confidence Intervals to a Regression Plot
In this activity you will plot a logarithmic regression and add a curved line of best-fit and confidence intervals.
1. Look again at the logarithmic regression you made earlier:
> pg.lm = lm(growth ~ log(nutrient), data = pg
2. Redraw the plot:
> plot(growth ~ nutrient, data = pg, ylab = 'Plant growth',
 xlab = 'Nutrient concentration')
3. Create an object that contains the fitted values and 95-percent confidence intervals:
> prd = predict(pg.lm, interval = 'confidence')
4. Convert these data from a matrix into a data frame:
> prd =
5. Now add the original predictor data to the predicted values and confidence intervals:
> prd$nutrient = pg$nutrient
6. Reorder the values in ascending order of the predictor variable:
> prd = prd[order(prd$nutrient),]
7. Add the line of best-fit:
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$fit))
8. Add the upper confidence band:
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$upr), lty = 2)
9. Add the lower confidence band:
> lines(spline(prd$nutrient, prd$lwr), lty = 2)
How It Works
The logarithmic regression uses the lm() command and the regular plot() produces a curve, as you have already seen. The predict() command produces a matrix containing the predicted (that is, fitted) values, and the interval = ‘confidence’ instruction makes columns for 95-percent confidence values (upper and lower). You need to convert these data into a data frame, and add the original predictor values to the frame.
In this case the values are already in ascending order, but it is a good habit to make sure by using the order() command. Now the prd object contains the original predictor variable, the fitted values, as well as values for upper and lower confidence intervals. The lines() commands add the lines to the plot, and the spline() commands make the lines curved (rather than segments of straight lines).

Summarizing Regression Models

Once you have created your regression model you will need to summarize it. This will help remind you what you have done, as well as being the foundation for presenting your results to others. The simplest way to summarize your regression model is using the summary() command, as you have seen before. Graphical summaries are also useful and can often help readers visualize the situation more clearly than the numerical summary.

In addition to producing graphs of the regression model (which you see later), you should check the appropriateness of your analysis; you can do this using diagnostic plots. This is the subject of the next section.

Diagnostic Plots

Once you have carried out your regression analysis, you should look at a few diagnostics. The methods of regression have some underlying assumptions, and you should check that these are met before presenting your results to the world at large.

You can produce several diagnostic plots quite simply by using the plot() command like so:


Once you type the command, R opens a blank graphics window and gives you a message. This message should be self-explanatory:

Hit <Return> to see next plot:

Each time you press the Enter key, a plot is produced; you have four in total and you can stop at any time by pressing the ESC key. The first plot shows residuals against fitted values, the second plot shows a normal QQ plot, the third shows (square root) standardized residuals against fitted values, and the fourth shows the standardized residuals against the leverage. In the following example, you can see a simple regression model and the start of the diagnostic process:

> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD + Speed, data = mf)
> plot(mf.lm)
Hit <Return> to see next plot:

In Figure 10-10 the graphics window has been set to display four graphs so the diagnostic plots all appear together.

You see how to split the graphics window in Chapter 11 “More About Graphs.” If you do not want all the plots, you can select one (or more) by adding a simple numeric instruction to the plot() command like so:

> plot(my.lm, 1)
> plot(my.lm, c(1,3))
> plot(my.lm, 1:3)

In the first case you get only the first plot. In the second case you get plots one and three, and in the final example you get plots one through three.

Summary of Fit

If your regression model has a single predictor variable, you can plot the response against the predictor and see the regression in its entirety. If you have two predictor variables, you might attempt a 3-D graphic, but if you have more variables you cannot make any sensible plot. The diagnostic plots that you saw previously are useful, but are aimed more at checking the assumptions of the method than showing how “good” your model is.

You could decide to present a plot of the response variable against the most significant of the predictor variables. Using the methods you have seen previously you could produce the plot and add a line of best-fit as well as confidence intervals. However, this plot would tell only part of the story because you would be ignoring other variables.

One option to summarize a regression model is to plot the response variable against the fitted values. The fitted values are effectively a combination of the predictors. If you add a line of best-fit, you have a visual impression of how good the model is at predicting changes in the response variable; a better model will have the points nearer to the line than a poor model. The approach you need to take is similar to that you used when fitting lines to curvilinear models. In the following activity you try it out for yourself and produce a summary model of a multiple regression with two predictor variables.

Try It Out: Produce a Summary Plot of a Multiple Regression
In this activity you will create a multiple regression model and then make a summary plot of the result.
1. Start by making a regression model. Use the mf data that you used earlier to make a two-factor model with BOD and Speed as the predictor variables:
> mf.lm = lm(Length ~ BOD + Speed, data = mf)
2. Now make a result object to hold the predicted values:
> prd = predict(mf.lm, interval = 'confidence')
3. Convert the predicted values result from a matrix to a data frame:
> prd =
4. Add the response variable to the predicted values data frame:
> prd$Length = mf$Length
5. Reorder the predicted values in ascending order of the response variable:
> prd = prd[order(prd$Length),]
6. Make a scatter plot of the response variable against the predicted/fitted values:
> plot(Length ~ fit, prd, xlab = 'Fitted Values')
7. Add a line of best-fit:
> abline(lm(Length ~ fit, prd))
How It Works
The basic lm() command makes the regression, and the predict() command uses the model to create fitted values (that is, values of the response variable predicted by the model) as well as confidence intervals. The result object is a matrix, so you need to convert it to a data frame before adding new columns. The response variable is added to the predicted variables simply using the $ syntax; you need this because the data need to be reordered so that they are in ascending order (of the response variable).
The order() command reorders the data according to the variable you specify, in this case the Length variable, which is the response factor. The plot() command can now produce a scatter plot showing the original response data against the values predicted by the model. The abline() command draws the line of best-fit. Note that you need to use another lm() command to do this. The final graph should look like Figure 10-11.


  • You use the lm() command for linear modeling and regression.
  • The regression does not have to be in the form of a straight line; logarithmic and polynomial regressions are possible, for example.
  • Use the formula syntax to specify the regression model.
  • Results objects that arise from the lm() command include coefficients, fitted values, and residuals. You can access these via separate commands.
  • You can build regression models using forward or backward stepwise processes.
  • You can add lines of best-fit using the abline() command if they are straight.
  • You can add curved best-fit lines to plots using the spline() and lines() commands.
  • Confidence intervals can be calculated and plotted onto regression plots.
  • You can produce diagnostic plots easily using the plot() command.


You can find the answers to these exercises in Appendix A.

1. Look at the mtcars data that are built into R. You saw these data earlier when you used the mpg variable as the response and built a regression model. Compare three linear models: use the wt and cyl variables by themselves and together.
2. Earlier you looked at the mtcars data and built a regression model; the wt variable was the best single predictor variable in the regression. How can you plot the relationship between mpg and wt and include a line of best-fit and 99-percent confidence intervals?
3. The regression model you created earlier was a forward, additive model; that is, you added terms one after another. Take the mtcars data again and create a backward deletion model. How does this compare to the earlier (forward) model?
4. How can you compare the forward and backward regression models for the mtcars data?
5. Now you have created a range of regression models for the mtcars data. How can you produce an overall model plot that shows the line of best-fit and confidence bands?

What You Learned in this Chapter

Topic Key Points
Simple regression:
cor.test() lm()
Simple linear regression that could be carried out using the cor.test() command can also be carried out using the lm() command. The lm() command is more powerful and flexible.
Regression results:
coef() fitted() resid()confint()
Results objects created using the lm() command contain information that can be extracted using the $ syntax, but also using dedicated commands. You can also obtain the confidence intervals of the coefficients using the confint() command.
Best-fit lines:
You can add lines of best-fit using the abline() command if they are straight lines. The command can determine the slope and intercept from the result of an lm() command.
ANOVA and lm():
Analysis and linear modeling are very similar, and in many cases you can carry out an ANOVA using the lm() command. The anova() command produces the classic ANOVA table from the result of an lm() command.
Linear modeling:formula syntax The basis of the lm() command is the formula syntax (also known as model syntax). This takes the form of response ~ predictor(s). Complex models can be specified using this syntax.
Model building:
You can build regression models in a forward stepwise manner or by using backward deletion. Moving forward, terms are added using the add1() command. Backward deletion uses the drop1() command.
Comparing regression models:
You can compare regression models using the anova() command.
Curvilinear regressionlm() Regression models do not have to be in the form of a straight line, and as long as the relationship can be described mathematically, the regression can be described using the model syntax and carried out with the lm() command.
Adding best-fit lines:
abline()fitted() spline()
Lines of best-fit can be added using the abline() command if they are straight. If they are curvilinear, the lines() command is used. The lines can be curved using the spline() command. The fitted() command extracts values from the lm() result that can be used to determine the best-fit.
Confidence intervals:
predict()lines() spline()
Confidence intervals can be determined on the fit of an lm() model using the predict() command. These can then be plotted on a regression graph using the lines() command; use the spline() command to produce a smooth curve if necessary.
Diagnostic plots:
You can use the plot() command on an lm() result object to produce diagnostic plots.
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