Architecting Application User Interfaces


  • An introduction to the UI challenges involved in loosely coupled, distributed, and nondistributed Domain-Driven Design (DDD) systems
  • An example of building a UI that pulls in content from multiple bounded contexts that run as a single application
  • An example of building a UI that pulls in content from distributed bounded contexts

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Customers mostly care about the user interface of your application. If it looks compelling and allows them to achieve what they want, such as finding the perfect holiday, they will be happy to spend lots of money. But getting the UI right is more than just about letting designers come up with eye candy. There are significant engineering challenges tied to the performance, scalability, and loose coupling of your behind-the-scenes bounded contexts.

One of the fundamental engineering challenges of a UI is pulling together all the data. For an e-commerce application, you may want to show catalog items, prices, shipping options, special offers, and other types of information on a single page. You know from Part II of this book, “Strategic Patterns: Communicating Between Bounded Contexts” that with event-driven applications, this variety of information is stored in multiple, eventually consistent bounded contexts. You also know that these types of systems are share-nothing; in other words, the web application cannot simply query the database of another bounded context because that increases coupling. To solve this problem, you have choices, each with a variety of trade-offs. For instance, you can combine the data on the server or via AJAX calls directly in the web page. Your bounded contexts have the option of returning plain data, usually XML or JSON, or they may return HTML that can be directly dumped onto the page. This chapter has examples of each of these scenarios, along with guidance about when each pattern is relevant and what trade-offs are involved.

Before commencing with the examples, though, this chapter begins by taking you through some of the main UI considerations from high-level decisions—such as which team should own it—to low-level decisions—like which programming language to use. After completing this chapter, you will learn about how the application tier deals with inputs coming from the UI and provides all the infrastructural glue to coordinate actions with bounded contexts.

Design Considerations

It can be quite surprising to see the variety of options and trade-offs that are involved in designing UIs that bring in content from multiple bounded contexts. Some of the options may affect how you design your back-end application programming interfaces (APIs), whereas others may even impact your choice of programming language(s). In fact, your UI could even affect which data needs to be stored by some bounded contexts.

Owned UIs versus Composed UIs

Your first decision when designing a UI is to decide who logically owns it. For instance, it could live within a single bounded context (more specifically a single business component) and be owned by the team responsible for that bounded context. Alternatively, the view could pull in data from multiple bounded contexts but not be owned by any of them.


A UI for an autonomous application belongs to a single business component. It does not need to pull in content from another bounded context. However, this means the business component needs to store locally all the information that should be presented on the UI. To make this possible, the business component has to subscribe to events from other bounded contexts that contain the data it needs and store the data locally. This was discussed previously in Part II and is illustrated in Figure 23.1.


FIGURE 23.1 UI for autonomous applications.

Figure 23.1 illustrates a content-enhancement application that the Catalog bounded context owns. This allows people working in the catalog team to update and override the content for specific products. All the content for products is stored in this business component, so it is fully available. However, when they’re updating content, the business staff members want to know how often a product is sold so they can understand how much effort they should put into the quality of content. This information is retrieved by subscribing to the Sales bounded context’s Sale Completed event and stored in the Content Enhancement database, ready to be presented in the autonomous web application’s UI.

Eventual consistency can be an important consideration with UIs in autonomous applications because the information shown may not be fully up to date. For the example in Figure 23.1, it is fine for the number of sales to be minutes, hours, or even days out of date because the catalog staff just need an idea of an item’s popularity. But if data freshness was a big concern, an authoritative application may be a better choice.


When you want the latest snapshot of information from multiple bounded contexts in a single UI, the application has to request each piece of information directly from the authoritative bounded context. You can see this in Figure 23.2.


FIGURE 23.2 UI that defers to authority.

Figure 23.2 shows an e-commerce web page that calls into multiple bounded contexts, each the authority for the desired information, to get special offers, prices, and other kinds of information. This happens each time the page is requested, so the information is fully up to date, not eventually consistent.

UIs that defer to the authority of each piece of information do not belong to a bounded context. Instead, many companies have dedicated web teams that don’t own bounded contexts but are completely responsible for the website. If that approach doesn’t work for you, you can let teams that own a bounded context also be responsible for UIs that defer to authority. It’s just important to remember that conceptually the UI does not belong to their bounded context.

Some Help Deciding

A good starting point for choosing between autonomous and authoritative applications is to think about team relationships. If the UI is for a specific department, like an internal tool might be, it may be more efficient to keep it within that team. On the other hand, if the UI forms part of a bigger application that contains many UIs, such as a public website, you may want a dedicated web team to deal with all the web and front-end challenges.

Another consideration is the amount of extra data storage and complexity involved in enabling an autonomous application to have all the data it needs locally. If it is a lot of extra work for a relatively minor use case, the authoritative option might provide the most benefit for the least amount of short- and long-term effort. But if you do need fully up-to-date information, eventually consistent autonomous applications are probably not the best choice.

HTML APIs versus Data APIs

By constructing web pages with snippets of HTML that are returned from each bounded context, you give bounded contexts control of the appearance and behavior of specific regions of a page, as Figure 23.3 shows.


FIGURE 23.3 Composing a web page with HTML provided by bounded contexts.

Another option, which offers less presentational control to bounded contexts, is to have pages only pull in data from bounded contexts. With this alternative approach, you can manage all the presentation concerns in a single location, as shown in Figure 23.4.


FIGURE 23.4 Pulling in data from multiple bounded contexts.

Most online experience reports indicate that the second approach is by far the most prominent, and it’s usually expressed as JSON APIs. But both approaches can work. One important consideration is whether you provide APIs that are used externally. It was mentioned in Chapter 13, “Integrating Via HTTP with RPC and REST,” that dogfooding your API can have a number of benefits in such scenarios.

Client versus Server-Side Aggregation/Coordination

For a UI that pulls in content (data or HTML) from multiple bounded contexts, there is the choice of performing the aggregation on the client or the server. By making each request an AJAX request inside the web page, you can avoid the complexity and additional failure point of the server-side application. Conversely, you will have more complexity on the client as JavaScript. Building Single Page Applications (SPAs), as many teams are now, is one case in which this is less of a problem. The general recommendation on this topic tends to favor the client, but both approaches are in wide use. Figure 23.5 illustrates knitting together content on the client, whereas Figure 23.6 illustrates the server-side approach.


FIGURE 23.5 Aggregating on the client.


FIGURE 23.6 Aggregating on the server.

Example 1: An HTML API-Based, Server-Side UI for Nondistributed Bounded Contexts

Even when all your bounded contexts live inside the same solution and run as a single application, UI composition can still be useful for partitioning presentational responsibility among bounded contexts. When one bounded context would like to alter its portion(s) of a page, the changes may be confined to that bounded context, meaning no interference with others. This is the same intention that motivates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). In this section, you implement this scenario using ASP.NET MVC’s RenderAction(). You’re going to create a simple page that pulls in HTML content from three bounded contexts that live inside the same solution, as shown in Figure 23.7.


FIGURE 23.7 The design for this example.

To begin this example, you need to create a new ASP.NET web application called PPPDDD.NonDist.UIComp. Choose the Empty template, and check the MVC check box. This application contains only a single view, which will be the composite UI, so it’s fine for it to be the initial page of the application. To achieve this, add a class called HomeController in the Controllers folder with the content shown in Listing 23-1.

All the HomeController does is return a view, which you can create by adding a file called Index.cshtml in the /Views/Home/ folder (which you must create). Once you’ve added the view, you need to replace its contents with the code shown in Listing 23-2.

Listing 23-2 shows a basic implementation of UI composition. You can see that the page itself is almost just a template. It pulls in its main content by directly rendering HTML provided by each bounded context by calling RenderAction(). The first argument is the name of the method to be called on a controller that has the name of the second argument. So in this example, the first RenderAction()calls CatalogBoundedContextController.ItemInBasket(), passing in the product ID of the catalog item that needs to be rendered. You can see at the top of the page that the list of product IDs is hard-coded. This keeps the example focused on the UI aspects and is not a recommended practice.

For this page to render correctly, you must implement the three controller methods to be called by each RenderAction(). Starting with the first, you need to add a class called CatalogBoundedContextController to the Controllers folder. It should contain the code shown in Listing 23-3.

Conceptually, the most important concern in Listing 23-3 is that this controller is getting all the information it needs from the Catalog bounded context by calling methods on its ProductFinder. You wouldn’t want to call methods on other bounded contexts inside this controller because then you would have a coupling on multiple bounded contexts, where changes to one might affect the other. It might also lead to different teams getting in each other’s way as they try to make changes at the same time.

Technically, the important detail is the call to PartialView(), which passes in a view model. This returns the HTML that is produced by a partial view page at the location /Views/CatalogBoundedContext/ItemInBasket.cshtml (which is a Razor view page). You can now add that file. The code for it is shown in Listing 23-4.

In Listing 23-4, an HTML template is created that uses Razor syntax to populate placeholders with values from the passed-in view model. The HTML generated by this template is directly rendered onto the composite UI where the ItemInBasket RenderAction() occurs.

To complete this example, you need to add the other two controllers: PricingBoundedContextController and ShippingBoundedContextController in the Controllers folder. You also need to add the partial views: /Views/PricingBoundedContext.Price.cshtml and /Views/ShippingBoundedContext/DeliveryOptions.cshtml. The code for each of these files is shown in Listings 23-5 through 23-8.

When running the application and navigating to the root URL, you should see the composite UI rendered, as shown in Figure 23.8.


FIGURE 23.8 Rendering of composite UI.

Example 2: A Data API-Based, Client-Side UI for Distributed Bounded Contexts

Creating web pages that pull in information from multiple HTTP APIs is a common scenario in web development. In this example, you learn how to pull in information from multiple bounded contexts—each running as a separate application—and aggregate all the information using JavaScript directly in the browser. You can see the design this example simulates in Figure 23.9.


FIGURE 23.9 The design for this example.

In Figure 23.9, the first key detail to note is that each API lives inside a bounded context that knows nothing about the other bounded contexts. You can write each bounded context in a completely different technology as long as it provides the required HTTP API. Another key detail is that each API returns JSON. This means all the presentation concerns are isolated in the main website.

To start this example, you need to create a new ASP.NET web application called PPPDDD.Dist.UIComp. As before, when creating the project, it is important to select the Empty template and check the MVC check box. With your project created, you can add a HomeController and its corresponding view /Views/Home/Index.cshtml, which is automatically chosen as the default page for the application. The content of HomeController is shown in Listing 23-9, and the content of Index.cshtml is shown in Listing 23-10.

In Listing 23-9, the HomeController renders the view. You can see the markup for the view in Listing 23-10. Notice that there is more content than in the UI from Example 1. This is because the bounded contexts only provide data and not HTML markup. Some of the markup is dynamically added as the data is asynchronously fetched from each bounded context’s HTTP API. This happens inside the pppddd-application.js JavaScript file that is referenced in the head of the page. The content of pppddd-application.js is shown in Listing 23-11. You need to add this file to the Scripts folder.

In pppddd-application.js, a web request for JSON is made to each bounded context when the page loads. When the JSON response is received, relevant parts of the page are updated. One important detail is the createHolidayView() function. Notice how it generates HTML that will be rendered on the page. This demonstrates that all presentation concerns remain inside the web application as opposed to being scattered among each bounded context as would be the case if the APIs returned HTML. (This is neither better nor worse; it’s a conscious choice you need to make based on the trade-offs.)

Your UI is now complete. All that is lacking is an HTTP API that each bounded context provides. In a real distributed system, each of those APIs would be running as a separate application inside a different bounded context. But in this example, they live inside the same web application to make your life easier. To add those APIs to the project, you need to add a HolidaysController, a PromotionsController, and a RecommendationsController in the Controllers folder. The code for each of these classes is shown in Listings 23-13 through 23-15.

As you can see, each controller does the bare minimum to return JSON in the required format (see Listing 23-12). In a real application, this is where your application services take control. As you’ll learn in the next chapter, application services sit between the domain and external contracts, such as an HTTP API, to coordinate actions based on data coming in from the UI or going out to the UI. Before moving on to the next chapter, if you press F5 inside your project, you should see the page rendered as per Figure 23.10.


FIGURE 23.10 Client-side JSON API composition in action.

The Salient Points

  • The arrangements of the back-end bounded contexts can heavily influence the user interface and vice versa.
  • Deciding which team owns a UI can significantly affect the team dynamics and engineering solutions.
  • Pulling in data from multiple bounded contexts can occur on the client as JavaScript or on the server with your preferred technology.
  • Client-side composition can reduce the complexity and coupling of an additional server component.
  • Server-side aggregation and orchestration remove the reliance on JavaScript and the performance constraints of running inside a browser.
  • UIs can be composed of HTML, or they can pull in data from each bounded context as JSON or XML.
  • Composition with HTML gives more control to each bounded context but distributes presentational concerns.
  • Aggregation of data isolates presentation concerns to a single web application but removes ownership of presentation concerns from each bounded context.
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