Chapter 5

Key-Value Stores in the Enterprise

In This Chapter

arrow Ensuring you have enough space for your data

arrow Achieving faster time to value in implementations

Key-value stores are all about fast storage and retrieval. If you need a key-value store, then by definition you need to scale out — massively — and ensure maximum performance of your database. This high speed comes at the cost of more-advanced database features — features that would add to each request’s processing time.

Being designed for high speed means that key-value stores have a straightforward architecture that allows you to quickly create applications. Knowing some easy approaches can greatly reduce the time you spend deploying them. For large-scale enterprise systems these features are a must.

In this chapter, I cover how to ensure that not only is your key-value store fast, but that you can achieve productivity (and cost savings) quicker. I also mention how to do this while being frugal with resources, such as disk space.


Scaling is important to ensure that as your application and business grows, you can handle the new users and data that come online. Some aspects of scaling are difficult to pull off at the same time — for example, the ability to handle high-speed data ingestion while simultaneously maximizing the speed of reading.

Key-value stores are great for high-speed data ingestion. If you have a known, predictable primary key, you can easily store and retrieve data with that key. It’s even better if the key is designed to ensure an even distribution of new data across all servers in the cluster.

icon tip Avoid traditional approaches of an incremented number. Instead, use a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). A UUID is a long alphanumeric string that is statistically unlikely to already be in use.

Using a UUID means that statistically the partitions you create over the key will each receive an even amount of new data. This approach evens out the ingestion load across a cluster. One partition will have keys starting with, for example, 0000 to 1999.

Unfortunately, the more records you have, the more likely your keys will clash, even when using UUIDs. This is where you can use a timestamp — concatenated to after the UUID — to help ensure uniqueness.

Without complex indexing or query features, key-value stores ensure the maximum ingestion speed of data. The databases needed to accomplish fast storage are relatively simple, but you need to consider hardware such as the following:

  • Memory: Many databases write to an in-memory storage area first and only checkpoint data to disk every so often.

    icon tip Writing to RAM is fast, so it’s a good idea to choose a database that does in-memory writing to provide more throughput.

  • SSD: High-speed flash storage is great for storing large synchronous writes — for example, large in-memory chunks of new data that are offloaded to disk so that RAM can be reserved for new data. Using high-quality SSDs take advantage of this write speed advantage. Some databases, such as Aerospike, natively support SSD storage to provide maximum throughput.
  • Disk arrays: It’s always better to have more spindles (that is, more discs) with less capacity than one large disk. Use 10 K RPM spinning discs as your final tier and consider a high-performance RAID card using RAID 10. RAID 10 allows newly written data to be split across many discs, maximizing throughput. It also has the handy benefit of keeping an extra copy of your data in case a hard disk fails.

Simple data model – fast retrieval

Storing all the data you need for an operation against a single key means that if you need the data, you have to perform only one read of the database. Minimizing the number of reads you need to perform a specific task reduces the load on your database cluster and speeds up your application.

If you need to retrieve data by its content, use an index bucket. Suppose you want to retrieve all orders dispatched from Warehouse 13. (Assuming, of course, you’re not worried about the supernatural content of the package!)

Key-value stores aren’t known for their secondary index capabilities. It’s sometimes better to create your own “term list” store for these lookups. Using the warehouse ID as a key and a list containing order IDs as the value allows you to quickly look up all orders for a given warehouse.

In-memory caching

If you’re offering all website visitors the current top-ten songs according to their sales, many of your queries will look the same. Moreover, choosing a database that has an in-memory value cache will improve repeated reading of the top-ten songs information.

Aerospike is notable for giving you the ability to dynamically reprioritize its use of memory, depending on whether you have a high ingest load or a high query load. If your load varies during the day, you may want to consider using Aerospike.

You can also use Redis or a similar key-value store as a secondary layer just for caching. Redis is used frequently in conjunction with NoSQL databases that don’t provide their own high-speed read caching.

Having a cache in front of your primary database is generally good practice. If you suffer a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, the cache will be hit hard, but the underlying database will carry on as normal.

Reducing Time to Value

Time to value is the amount of time required from starting an IT project to being able to realize business benefit. This can be tangible benefits in cost reduction or the ability to transact new business, or intangible benefits like providing better customer service or products.

Key-value stores are the simplest NoSQL databases with regards to data model. So, you can quickly build applications, especially if you apply a few key principles, including reviewing how you manage data structures, which I cover next.

Using simple structures

Key-value stores are more flexible than relational databases in terms of the format of data. Use this flexibility to your advantage to maximize the rate of your application’s throughput. For example, if you’re storing map tiles, store them in hex format so that they can be rendered immediately in a browser.

In your application, store easy-to-use structures that don’t require scores of processing time. These structures can be simple intrinsic types like integers, strings, and dates, or more sophisticated structures like lists, sorted sets, or even JSON documents stored as a string.

icon tip Because it can be interpreted directly by a JavaScript web application, use JSON for simple web app status or preference storage. If you’re storing log data, store it in the format most appropriate for retrieval and analysis.

Use the most appropriate structure for your application, not your database administrator. Also consider the effects of time on your database. Will you want to modify data structures in the future to support new features?

icon tip Data structures change over time. A flexible JSON document is better than a CSV data file or fixed-width data file because JSON structures can easily vary over time without needing to consider new or deleted properties. Change a column in a CSV file stored in a key-value store, and you must update all of your application’s code! This isn’t the case with a JSON document, where older code simply ignores new properties.

Complex structure handling

If you have complex interrelated data sets, give careful thought to the data structures in your key-value store. My best advice is to store data sets in a way that allows easy retrieval. Rather than store eight items separately that will require eight reads, denormalize the data — write the data to the same record at ingestion time — so that only one read is needed later. This does mean some data will be stored multiple times. An example is storing customer name in an order document. Although this stores the customer name across many orders, it means when showing a summary of the order you don’t have to discover that the value customer_number=12 means Mr A Fowler — preventing an additional read request.

Denormalization consumes more disk space than relational databases’ normal form, but greatly increases query throughput. It’s the NoSQL equivalent of a materialized view in a relational database. You’re sacrificing storage space for speed — the classic computer science tradeoff.

For computer scientists of my generation, it’s considered heresy to keep multiple copies of the same data. It’s simply inefficient. Our relational database lecturers would eat us for breakfast!

However, with the current low cost of storage and the increasing demands of modern applications, it’s much better to sacrifice storage for speed in reading data. So, consider denormalization as a friend.

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