Chapter 8

Riak and Basho

In This Chapter

arrow Selecting a key-value store for your needs

arrow Finding commercial companies providing support for Riak

Riak is the highest praised and most-used NoSQL key-value store. Its customers range from public health services in Europe to web advertisement agencies the world over.

Basho Technologies, the makers of Riak, has offices worldwide and is the go-to place for support, which it offers 24/7.

In this chapter, I talk about issues you need to consider when selecting a key-value store. These include finding support for your key-value store based development efforts.

Choosing a Key-Value Store

As I’ve mentioned in Chapter 2, key-value stores are relatively simple database designs. The operations they provide are largely the same, with only a few providing extra features for application developers.

Most of the choices relate to whether you want an ACID-compliant database, one with secondary indexes, or one that supports a very specific, niche feature, such as native support for flash storage.

Being able to create well-built applications also means you need to find well-trained personnel and support services. You’ll also need to consider integrating the key-value store with existing complementary technology, and how to handle storage of the data formats required by your application.

Ensuring skill availability

Skill availability is a major reason for using key-value stores. Being able to construct keys effectively and use special buckets to mimic indexes are very specific skills. Finding people who have proven these skills in the field rather than merely downloaded and ran through a tutorial for the database is a good idea!

Each key-value store also has different client libraries, each with a difference in feature support. Many are straightforward and use common semantics. Each, for instance, provides a store, get, and delete operation for keys. Ensure your developers are not only familiar with the database, but also conversant in the programming language API chosen for your project.

The application programming model of key-value stores is pretty straightforward. Application developers still may need to do some work on indexing and deserialization of the value returned by a key-value store, especially when the chosen NoSQL database doesn’t support secondary indexes natively.

People who are familiar with an organization’s programming language should be able to understand these semantics quickly. It’s much easier to learn key-value semantics than it is to learn the Structured Query Language (SQL) of relational database systems.

Integrating with Hadoop Map/Reduce

Normally in a Hadoop Map/Reduce job, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the input source and output destination of an operation’s data. It’s possible, though, to use Riak as input, or output, or both.

Using Riak as an input means that you can specify a set of keys, a secondary index query, or a Riak Search query to execute which returns a list of keys for the records that Hadoop needs to process. When Hadoop requests these records by key, Riak fetches each of them, iterating through all the matching records.

When Riak is used as an output destination for map/reduce jobs, Riak’s Java client library uses annotations to determine how to best store the output generated. You need, of course, to specify which bucket the output goes into. This Hadoop output mechanism supports secondary index tags, links, and metadata.

icon tip Using Riak as an output may be particularly useful when you’re implementing context computing, which I describe in Chapter 7. For example, say that you write the output as “If you see a customer with these attributes, then serve this advertisement.” The web application then uses the fast Riak key-value store to quickly determine which advertisement to show.

Meanwhile, map/reduce can batch-process customer information overnight to determine the best advertisements to show, updating Riak as an output data storage destination each day with the latest analysis.

Using JSON

JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation. JavaScript programmers “discovered” this format. They realized that a subset of JavaScript object definition features could be used to store and pass data. Now, it’s used extensively behind web applications for data serialization.

The following code shows an order modeled as a JSON document:

    “order-id”: 5001,
    “customer”: {
      “customer-id”: 1429857,
      “name”: “Adam Fowler”,
      “address”: {
        “line1”: “some house”,
        “line2”: “some place”,
        “city”: “some city”
    “order-date”: “2014-09-24”,
    “total”: 134.24,
    “items”: [
      {“item-id”: 567, “quantity”: 5, “unit-price”: 3.60},
      {“item-id”: 643, “quantity”: 1, “unit-price”: 116.23}

Key-value stores don’t tend to operate on complex values. (After all, document NoSQL databases are about dealing with documents.) A JSON order document, such as the preceding one, is a complex treelike structure. You can see that the JSON object includes a customer object, which in turn includes an address object.

Riak, however, can handle JSON documents natively. For example, in the preceding code, you can add secondary indexes to customer-id, item-id, and order-date. Doing so enables fast querying for a variety of order records. A good example is providing a summary of a customer’s orders for a particular month.

Riak supports its own internal map/reduce engine, which is not the same as Hadoop Map/Reduce. The difference is that Riak uses JavaScript as the processing language and allows for processing data across Riak nodes without the need for a full Hadoop Map/Reduce installation.

Riak Search is a Solr-based (see Chapter 27) add-on that allows for full text searches. Note that, even though it’s tightly integrated with Riak, unlike Riak’s built-in secondary indexes, Riak Search’s indexes aren’t updated in real time. However, if you need free text search for Riak-held data (which is especially useful if you’re storing JSON documents containing lots of free text), then Riak Search may be a good option.

Riak also supports multi-datacenter replication, which you can purchase from Basho. This feature allows asynchronous updates from a master cluster to one or more secondary (read-only) clusters. These updates are typically configured to occur as soon as possible, but are asynchronous so as not to affect the speed of operations on the primary datacenter.

Finding Riak Support (Basho)

A key aspect to selecting a vendor to bet a mission-critical application on is ensuring you have expert support when you need to. Perhaps you need support for a major live system outage, or maybe just best practice guidance when developing an application or sizing a cluster.

Basho was founded in 2008, and as I mentioned earlier, is the maker of Riak. This worldwide company is the primary consultant for Riak, and the contributions to Riak’s code come primarily from Basho employees.

Enabling cloud service

Basho provides a rental option for cloud services known as Riak CS (Basho publishes the latest price on its website). Basho also sells the Enterprise version of Riak on a perpetual license basis — that is, with an upfront fee followed by a smaller annual maintenance and support. The price of this fee is available only upon application to Basho’s sales team.

This cloud service supports Amazon S3 storage, a simple distributed storage API at affordable pricing. Riak CS also supports OpenStack and the Keystone authentication service.

icon tip Having Riak available on Amazon is particularly helpful if you need rapid scale out or scale back of the cluster. These services are typically seasonal and peak a few weeks out of each year, especially during the Christmas and tax-filing seasons.

Handling disasters

To ensure that your data remains available when an entire datacenter goes down (often caused by workers mechanically digging up network cables!), you need to have a second datacenter with the latest possible information.

You can do so with Riak by purchasing Basho’s Riak Enterprise. This edition supports asynchronous or timed replication of data from a primary master site to one or more secondary replica sites. If the primary site goes down, you can switch your customers and applications to one of the replica sites. Because replication is asynchronous, it’s still possible to lose some data, but this is the typical replication method used between datacenters across all types of database software. Asynchronous cluster-to-cluster replication provides the best tradeoff between primary cluster performance and data durability and consistency.

Evaluating Basho

Basho also offers expert consultation services for the Riak database. In the UK, Basho offers perpetual licenses, support, and consultation on the UK government’s G-Cloud store, and you can find the government’s prices online by searching for Riak at

Basho also claims to have several high-profile customers, including Best Buy, the Braintree payments service, Comcast, and Google (in its Bump service). Various media and advertisement companies, including Rovio Entertainment, creator of Angry Birds, are customers, too.

At the time of this writing, Basho has offices in Washington, D.C., London, and Tokyo.

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