Chapter 22

Triple Store Products

In This Chapter

arrow Documenting relationships

arrow Creating scripts

arrow Running fast graph traversal operations

With two key approaches to managing semantic facts — triple stores with RDF and graph stores — you have a wide variety of functionality to consider. This abundance makes choosing which database to use difficult.

My advice is to follow the queries. Both graph and triple stores are capable in their data models of describing things — subjects or vertices — and their properties and relationships. So, the deciding factor isn’t a list of features; it’s what you want to do with the queries.

Perhaps you want to store a set of facts on related concepts, maybe to drive a product-suggestion engine, or to link disparate data sources or reports, or just to provide a very flexible data model for querying that, unlike other NoSQL databases, includes relationships. In this case, a triple store may well work for you.

In other situations, you may need a graph store. You may need to identify the similarities (or not) between different networks. Perhaps you’re looking for parts of your data that match a known pattern of fraud. Maybe you’re powering a navigation application and need the shortest path between two points.

Once you decide which route to take — triple store or graph store — you need to choose which product to use. Is the key difference its open source or commercial license? Maybe you also need to incorporate hybrid features such as a document NoSQL database. Or perhaps you need a rich and expressive graph query language.

But don’t be overwhelmed. Use this chapter to get a flavor of which system is most likely to have the functionality you need. Given the variability in this section, I heartily recommend carefully reading your chosen vendor’s website, too, in order to discover whether all the features you need are supported.

Managing Documents and Triples

Document NoSQL databases offer a rich way to store and manage variably structured data. Although document NoSQL databases enable grouping of data through collections or secondary indexes, what they don’t provide is the concept of relationships between records held within them.

Document NoSQL databases also don’t allow you to detail complex relationships about the entities mentioned within documents — for example, people, places, organizations, or anything about which you’ve found information.

ArangoDB, MarkLogic Server, and OrientDB all allow you to manage documents alongside triples in the same database. They are all examples of distributed triple stores — not graph stores. Their features vary significantly, though, in what you can do with documents and triples.

Storing documents and relationships

An obvious place to start in unpicking your requirements is by mapping the relationships between documents. This can be achieved through the following methods:

  • Provenance of data storage: This includes changes applied over time and links to previous versions or source documents, perhaps by using the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) PROV Ontology (PROV-O).
  • Entity extraction: This involves storing facts extracted from free text about things like people, places, and organizations, along with the fact that they’re mentioned in particular documents.
  • Management of compound documents: This includes complex documents that contain other documents that exist in their own right — for example, modular documentation that can be merged together in workbooks, online help, or textbooks.

Each of these situations requires management of data relationships between records (documents). Each one also requires linking the subject described to one or more source documents in your database. For example, a police report might mention a gang name and a meeting of three people on October 23. These facts can be extracted into person, organization, and event RDF types.

A separate document could contain the fact that this organization will be purchasing guns from a particular arms dealer. This linkage provides another person instance and another event (which may or may not be the same as the previously mentioned event).

These documents aren’t directly related. Instead, they’re related by way of the extracted entities mentioned in the text they contain. You need to maintain the links between the extracted subjects and the source documents, though, because you may need to prove where you found the facts for a later court case or investigation.

For instance, say that a police department creates a document requesting an operation to intercept expected criminal activity, and it bases that request on the preceding kind of research. In that case, the police need to store the provenance of their data. The resulting document may undergo multiple versions, but it’s based on material in the police report’s source documents.

Once the operation is completed, each officer needs to write a statement. A final file is created as evidence to submit to the prosecutor’s office. This file comprises summary information, all source intelligence, and the officers’ statements.

In checking evidence, the prosecutors need to know who changed what, when, and how; with what software, and why? What was the reasoning behind an arrest (was it the content of other documents, for example)?

Each individual document exists as a record in its own right, but the final submission exists only because these other documents are combined. This is an example of a compound document pattern. A prosecution file could contain an overview describing the contents of the file, multiple statements made by witnesses, transcripts of an interview of the accused, and photographs of a crime scene.

All three databases discussed in this book allow you to store triples that relate to documents. After all, all you need to do is create an RDF class to represent a document, with a property that links to the ID of the document you’re making statements about. Use of these facts is left up to your application.

OrientDB also enables you to create triples that relate documents based on their data. Say that you have a JSON order document that has a list of order items. These order items could have a “product-id” field related to the “_id” field within a product document. You can configure OrientDB to automatically use this information to infer facts about their relationship. Even better, if you want to present a single order document containing all related data, you can request OrientDB to do so at document fetch time.

MarkLogic Server provides different document and triple functionality. You can embed semantic facts within XML documents themselves. These facts are still available in any standard semantic (SPARQL) query. Then, if the document is updated, the facts are updated. No need for a separate and RDF-only way to update facts. This approach is particularly useful when you’re using an entity enrichment process with products like TEMIS, SmartLogic, and OpenCalais. You can take the output from these processes and store them as a document. Here your semantic work is done — all the facts and the original source text is indexed.

icon tip MarkLogic Server’s internal XML representation of facts doesn’t use RDF/XML. This means you must store these in-document facts as sem:triple XML elements. This implementation detail is hidden when you’re using standard interfaces like the W3C Graph Store and SPARQL protocols.

ArangoDB allows you to store documents and triples. It uses a document to store triples, much like MarkLogic Server does. These are specific classes of documents in ArangoDB, though. ArangoDB doesn’t support embedding triples within documents like MarkLogic Server or automatically inferring document relationships like OrientDB.

Combining documents in real time

OrientDB’s capability to hold the relationships of documents to one another based on property values in their data is very useful. It allows you to update individual documents but request a full compound document as required.

OrientDB provides a lazy loading method for fetching these complex documents and populating Java objects with their data. This makes processing the main object fast while providing the entire graph of object relationships to the programmer.

OrientDB also allows the specification of a fetch plan. This allows you to customize how data is loaded when following these document relationships. If you know, for example, that a list of related content needs only the first ten linked documents, then you can specify that. You can also restrict the data returned to the field level for each object.

Combined search

MarkLogic Server is unique in this book in that it provides a very feature-rich search engine and triple store built in to the same database engine as a single product.

This enables you to do some interesting content searches in MarkLogic. Consider a situation like the preceding example where a document has triples embedded within it.

You can perform a query like “Find me all police reports that mention members of Dodgy Company, Inc., that contain the word ‘fraud,’ that were reported at locations in New England, and that were reported between March and July 2014.” New England isn’t a defined region, so it is provided as a geospatial polygon (an ordered list of points — like connect the dot drawings).

This search contains several types of queries:

  • Geospatial: Denotes longitude and latitude places in the document within the specified polygon for New England.
  • Range: A date range must be matched.
  • Word/Phrase: The word “fraud” must be mentioned. This requires full text indexing and stemming support. (So “frauds” would also match.)
  • Collection: I want only documents in the police reports collection.
  • Semantic: You’re looking for documents that mention people who are members of Dodgy Company, Inc.

MarkLogic uses term indexes to provide the types of queries listed above. Each individual query returns a set of document IDs. These are then intersected so that only documents that match all of the terms are returned.

I’ve assumed AND logic between terms, but there’s nothing stopping you from defining very complex tree-like criteria, with queries within queries, as well as NOT and OR logic.

This checking of term lists is very quick because they’re cached in memory and store a list of matching document IDs for each indexed value. Supporting a variety of composable index queries allows semantic (SPARQL) queries to also be combined with all the preceding query types.

Evaluating ArangoDB

ArangoDB is the most popular NoSQL database available that has an open-source license and that provides both document store and triple store capabilities. These two features aren’t yet deeply linked, but they can be used together, if required.

icon tip ArangoDB claims to be an ACID-compliant database. This is true only for the master. ArangoDB writes to the master, but replicas receive changes on an asynchronous basis. As a result, client code gets an eventually consistent, non-ACID view of the database, unless it always accesses the master.

ArangoDB, like many NoSQL databases in this book, also supports sharding of the triple store. This allows very large databases to be split across (relatively!) cheap commodity servers.

Unlike other triple stores, ArangoDB does support graph query functions such as shortest path and distance calculation. Careful management of sharding is required to ensure efficient performance of distributed graph queries and to avoid many (relatively slow) network trips to other servers to complete a single graph query.

ArangoDB also supplies its own Annotation Query Language (AQL), eschewing support for RDF and W3C standards like SPARQL.

ArangoDB is an appropriate choice if you want a single eventually consistent database cluster that provides JSON document storage and triple store features in the same product, and if you need an open-source license.

Evaluating OrientDB

OrientDB is a very interesting NoSQL database. It’s fully ACID-compliant and can run in fully serializable or read committed modes. It’s high availability replicas are also updated with ACID consistency, ensuring that all data is saved and all replicas have the same current view of data.

Even more interestingly, OrientDB uses the open-source Hazelcast in-memory NoSQL database to provide high availability replication. I didn’t include Hazelcast in this book because it’s in-memory only — it doesn’t store data to disk, and thus isn’t fully durable. However, it’s a very promising ACID-compliant NoSQL technology, as evidenced by its use in OrientDB.

OrientDB has an impressive array of features. JSON, binary, and RDF storage are all supported. It also allows (optionally) you to enforce schema constraints on documents within it.

OrientDB also has a range of connectors for both ingestion and query. Several Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) connectors are available to import data from elsewhere (JDBC, row, and JSON). In addition, a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver is available for querying; it allows OrientDB to be queried like any relational database or via the Java Persistence API (JPA) in the Java programming language.

You must manage sharding by manually configuring several partitions (called clusters, confusingly in OrientDB) and explicitly specifying which partition you want each record update saved to. This forces a manual check on the application developer to ensure consistent performance cluster-wide.

OrientDB has great support for compound JSON documents through its interleaved semantics and document capabilities.

A community license is available under Apache 2 terms, although most functionality is available only in the commercial edition. Favorable commercial licensing terms are also available for startups or small organizations.

OrientDB also doesn’t support open standards integration such as RDF data import/export or SPARQL query language support. Instead, it provides its own customized HTTP and JSON-based API for these functions.

If you need a JSON database with triple support and compound documents, then OrientDB could well be the database for you.

Evaluating MarkLogic Server

MarkLogic Server is a long-established database vendor; it emerged in 2001 as a provider of an XML database with enterprise search technology built in. MarkLogic Server predates the modern usage of the term “NoSQL,” although its architecture is definitely similar to that of newer NoSQL databases.

MarkLogic Server’s triple store support is built upon a document NoSQL database foundation. Triples are stored as XML in documents. A special triple index (actually several indexes) ensures that queries across facts held in these documents, or embedded within XML documents, are available at speed in semantic (SPARQL) queries.

This functionality was introduced in version 7 in 2013 and is part of a multi-release cycle of improvements to semantics support in MarkLogic Server. Version 8 will include support for a wider range of SPARQL features, including SPARQL 1.1 update and SPARQL 1.1 aggregations (sum, count, and so on). Version 9 will complete the roadmap for delivering full semantics capability.

At the moment, MarkLogic Server’s SPARQL 1.1 support isn’t as extensive as some competitors’ products, although many triple and graph stores haven’t implemented SPARQL at all.

The commercial-only model will not appeal to some people who have their own dedicated development teams and prefer to learn and enhance open source software instead. There’s a free, full-featured Enterprise Developer version, with a fixed time limit of six months, after which you must approach MarkLogic to purchase a license.

A change to the licensing terms in version 7 in late 2013 led to a new “Essential Enterprise” edition that’s available for purchase at a much lower price point than previous versions. This entry level edition is limited to nine production server instances, but is otherwise fully featured, including support for security, high availability, disaster recovery, and backup/restore as standard.

Although MarkLogic Server provides both a document database and a triple store and compound search within documents across both content and semantic querying, integration of these two types of query is weaker than it is in OrientDB. There’s no support for compound documents using the semantics capability, although by using XInclude, you have some support on the document database side.

If you need a secure Common Criteria-certified NoSQL database with document management, triple store, and advanced search capabilities, then MarkLogic Server is a good option.

Scripting Graphs

Storing and retrieving triples is great, but you can achieve more by applying open standards in new and interesting ways.

AllegroGraph from Franz is a triple store that supports open standards and allows you to use them to script the database. This provides for advanced triple and quad functionality across indexing, inferencing, defining reusable functions, and integrating with third-party products.

Automatic indexing

AllegroGraph stores seven indexes for every triple in the database. These indexes are composed of the subject, predicate, object, graph, and identifier — a unique ID for every triple stored. The seven indexes are

  • S P O G I: Used when the subject is known to find a list of triples.
  • P O S G I: Used to find unknown subjects that contain known predicates and objects.
  • O S P G I: Used when only the object is known.
  • G S P O I, G P O S I, G O S P I: Used when a subgraph is specified, one for each of the preceding three scenarios.
  • I: A full index of all triples by identifier. Useful for fast multi-triple actions, such as deletions.

All triples in AllegroGraph have the these seven indexes, which helps to quicken both triple (fact returning) queries and subgraph queries that require graph traversal.

Using the SPIN API

The SPARQL Inferencing Notation (SPIN) API provides behavior for objects held within a triple store.

SPIN allows you to define a named piece of SPARQL that can be referenced as a function in future SPARQL queries. An example is a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query that returns an ?area bound variable to calculate the area of an instance of a rectangle subject.

You create a function by associating a class with a SPIN rule, which in turn is an RDF representation of a SPARQL query. The SPIN API was submitted by semantic web researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, TopQuadrant, and OpenLinkSW. Franz has implemented the SPIN API in its AllegroGraph triple store product.

SPIN is used in AllegroGraph to

  • Encode SPARQL queries as RDF triples.
  • Define rules and constraints.
  • Define new SPARQL functions that can be used in filters or to return extra bound variables (called magic properties in AllegroGraph).
  • Store SPARQL functions as templates.

These stored SPARQL queries have their own URI, which makes referencing them easy.

AllegroGraph uses SPIN to provide free text, temporal and geospatial search, and a Social Networking Analysis (SNA) library. You can use SNA to define reusable functions, thus easing the work for query developers.

JavaScript scripting

AllegroGraph also allows you to pass in Lisp (or LISP) and JavaScript functions via a HTTP service, which enables you to execute arbitrary server-side JavaScript code in the triple store.

The JavaScript API provided allows developers to add triples, query triples, execute SPARQL, and loop through result sets using a cursor mechanism. This allows you to step through results one page at a time.

Using this mechanism, you can even define a new HTTP endpoint service. You provide the API with the service name, HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), and a callback function. This function is executed each time a request is received. The same API is available to implement your service to do whatever functionality you require.

Triple-level security

AllegroGraph provides security at the triple level. As a result, administrators can set allow/deny rules for particular subjects, predicates, objects, or graph URIs for roles.

Multiple filters are composed together so that they always produce the same result regardless of the order in which they’re defined. There are two types of filter:

  • Allow: Only allows triples matching the pattern; removes all other triples.
  • Deny: Allows triples, except the ones specified by the filter.

In complex situations where you want to deny a subgraph, you may want to apply filters to named graphs rather than to the triples.

icon tip Security filters apply only to remote HTTP clients. Local Lisp clients have full access to all triples in the database, regardless of what filters are in place.

Integrating with Solr and MongoDB

AllegroGraph provides its own free-text search API. If you need to go beyond this basic functionality, you can integrate the Solr search engine, too. Using Solr for free-text searches returns a set of matching AllegroGraph triples.

Solr provides support for multiple languages; has customizable tokenizers and stemmers to handle language rules; and allows ranking, word boosting, faceted search, text clustering, and hit highlighting.

icon tip Unlike the native free-text indexer, the Solr search indexes are updated asynchronously at some point after the triples are added to AllegroGraph. You must manage this indexing to ensure that you don’t return out-of-date views of triples or miss triple results entirely.

You can also use AllegroGraph to store semantic triples that are linked to MongoDB documents. You create links to MongoDB documents by using triples of the following form:

ex:someSubject <> 1234

A magic predicate is used to provide functions that allow querying of MongoDB data using SPARQL. This enables you to submit JSON property queries within a string to the mongo:find function. This JSON is used as a query by example. This means the JSON will restrict matches to just those documents with the exact same properties and values.

Here's an example SPARQL query:

prefix mongo: <>
prefix f: <>
select ?good ?bad {
  ?good mongo:find '{ Alignment: "Good" }' .
  ?bad mongo:find '{ Alignment: Bad" }' .
  ?good f:likes ?bad .


In the preceding code, note that, rather than returning a document, the mongo:find function returns the list of subject URIs with associated documents that match the query. This functionality is particularly useful if you have extracted semantic data that you need to store in a triple store, but store complex data documents inside MongoDB.

Providing links means you avoid the classic “shredding a document in to many subjects and properties” problem common to trying to store a document within a triple store. (The shredding problem also applies to relational databases, as mentioned in Chapter 2 of this book.)

Evaluating AllegroGraph

AllegroGraph is a commercial graph store product that provides very rich functionality. Franz, the company behind AllegroGraph, follows the accepted and emerging standards while providing its own APIs where gaps exist. This provides customers with a best-of-both-worlds approach to open standards support. You can use the standards while Franz provides added SPARQL functions and other scripting mechanisms to allow you to go beyond out of the box functionality in your application.

AllegroGraph doesn’t support sharding or highly available operations. If a server fails, you must manually switch the service to another server using network routing rules or similar techniques.

AllegroGraph is commercial software. A free version, limited to 5 million triples, is available. A developer version, limited to 50 million triples, is also available. The enterprise version has no limits.

AllegroGraph does support online backups with point-in-time recovery. It also provides a useful triple-level security implementation. Its extensive support for open standards such as SPARQL 1.0 and 1.1, the SPIN API, CLIF++ and RDFS++ reasoning, and stored procedures in Lisp with JavaScript scripting will make it popular to many developers.

Using a Distributed Graph Store

For some difficult network math problems, you want a dedicated graph-store approach. Although a graph store means holding all data on a single node, or a copy on every node in a highly available cluster, having all the data locally allows for fast graph traversal operations.

Neo4j provides support for nodes and relationships. Nodes can have one or more labels. Labels are similar to RDF types. Property indexes can be added for specific labels. Any node with a given label will have that labels defined properties indexed.

Adding metadata to relationships

Unlike the RDF data model and SPARQL query standard, Neo4j enables you to add properties to relationships, rather than just nodes. This is especially important when you need to hold information about the relationship itself. A good example is in-car route planning where you store each town as a node. The towns nearest it are stored as nodes, too, with a “next to” relationship between them. The distance between each town is stored as a property of the relationship.

icon tip If you model car route planning in an RDF triple store, you can store the “journey segment” between towns as a node (subject), with a normal subject property of distance. Each town can have a “touches journey” relationship to the journey segment. In this way, the queries are more verbose, and although they involve more node traversals, the use case can be solved using the RDF data and SPARQL query models.

Optimizing for query speed

Although you can perform property queries in Neo4j without adding dedicated property indexes, significantly higher query speed is possible by adding indexes.

Indexes can be configured for any property. These are scoped by the label and property name. If a property is used for lookup by a number of different node labels, you need to configure multiple indexes.

Indexes can enforce uniqueness constraints, which allows for a useful guarantee when you need to generate, store, and enforce unique ID properties.

You need to index only the properties you use in queries. If you don’t use properties in queries, then adding indexes for these properties won’t help your query performance; they’ll just take up disk space.

Using custom graph languages

Neo4j provides a rich custom query language called Cypher that enables you to configure complex graph queries, including properties and labels attached to nodes and relationships.

If you’re experienced with the Structured Query Language (SQL) of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), the Cypher query language will be familiar. An example of a cypher query is shown in Listing 22-1, in which all actors who performed in any movie with the title Top Gun are found.

Listing 22-1 Example Cypher Query

MATCH (a:Movie { title: 'Top Gun' })

This query shows an optional match query. The query returns the Top Gun movie node and all actors in the movie.

Cypher enables very sophisticated programming, including the programming of each loop, create, merge, and delete operation.

icon tip Neo4j has an interesting web page on modeling (shredding) different data structures in a graph store. You can find it here:

Evaluating Neo4j

Neo4j is the leading open-source graph store. It provides ACID-compliant transactions on the primary master node. Writes can be arranged at any node in a highly available cluster, with a two-phase commit ensuring that the master always has the latest copy of the data in the cluster.

The default isolation level is read committed. This means that long-running transactions will see information committed in other transactions that occur within the same time period as the long-running transaction. For a long-running transaction that performs the same query twice — once at the start of a transaction and once at the end — both queries in the same transaction could see different views of the data for the same query.

Not all replicas are kept in sync with the master in all situations, though. Replica updates provide “optimistic transactional consistency.” That is, if the replica can’t be updated, the transaction still commits on the master. The replica will be updated later on. Thus replicas are eventually consistent.

Neo4j provides a range of graph operations including shortest path, Dijkstra, and A* algorithms. Neo4j also provides a graph traversal API for managing sophisticated graph operations.

Many of the enterprise features are available only in the paid-for Neo4j Enterprise Edition from Neo Technology, Inc. The enterprise edition is also provided under the AGPL license. However, this license requires you to either pay for the enterprise edition or license your Neo4j-based application built on it under an open-source license.

Neo4j does have a startup license that is discounted, too. A community edition is freely available for commercial applications, but it’s severely limited. No support is provided in the community edition for backups, highly available clustering, or systems management.

It’s also worth noting that because Neo4j is designed for heavy graph traversal problems, all the data of the graph must be storable in each and every node in the cluster. This means you must invest in significant hardware for large graphs. Neo4j’s documentation recommends good-quality, fast SSDs for production.

Neo4j 2.1 included a fix, available only in the enterprise edition, for good performance on systems with six or more processor cores. Any server you buy now will have more than six cores, so this is worth noting. It’s also worth doing significant performance testing at a realistic scale before going in to production with your application.

Neo4j doesn’t support the open standards of RDF or SPARQL, because it is designed for graph problems rather than triple storage and querying, although it can also be used for those tasks, too.

If you have a sophisticated set of hard graph traversal problems or need to embed a graph store in a Java-based application, then Neo4j may well be a very good choice, given its concentration on solving hard graph problems.

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