Chapter 7

Key-Value Store Products

In This Chapter

arrow Ensuring data is retrieved as fast as possible

arrow Taking advantage of flash storage speed

arrow Using pluggable storage engines underneath your key-value store

arrow Separating data storage and distribution across a cluster

arrow Handling partitions when networks fail

Some applications require storage of information at high speeds for later analysis or access. Others are all about responding as quickly as possible to requests for data. Whatever your use case, when speed is key, key-value stores reign. Their simple processing and data models adapt to a range of use cases.

You can find many NoSQL key-value stores, each with its own niche. Understanding these niches and the unique benefits of each option is the path to selecting the best solution for your particular business problem.

In this chapter, I introduce the main vendors in the key-value NoSQL database space by describing use cases they are each uniquely useful for. This contrasts against the general use cases in the previous chapter that all key-value stores can address.

High-Speed Key Access

Key-value stores are all about speed. You can use various techniques to maximize that speed, from caching data, to having multiple copies of data, or using the most appropriate storage structures.

Caching data in memory

Because data is easily accessed when it’s stored in random access memory (RAM), choosing a key-value store that caches data in RAM can significantly speed up your access to data, albeit at the price of higher server costs.

Often, though, this tradeoff is worth making. You can easily calculate what percentage of your stored data is requested frequently. If you know five percent is generally requested every few minutes, then take five percent of your data size and add that number as spare RAM space across your database servers.

Bear in mind that the operating system, other applications, and the database server have memory requirements, too.

Replicating data to slaves

In key-value stores, a particular key is stored on one of the servers in the cluster. This process is called key partitioning. This means that, if this key is constantly requested, this node will receive the bulk of requests. This node, therefore, will be slower than your average request speed, potentially affecting the quality of service to your users.

To avoid this situation, some key-value stores support adding read-only replicas, also referred to as slaves. Redis, Riak, and Aerospike are good examples. Replication allows the key to be stored multiple times across several servers, which increases response speed but at the cost of more hardware.

icon tip Some key-value stores guarantee that the replicas of the key will always have the same value as the master. This guarantee is called being fully consistent. If an update happens on the master server holding the key, all the replicas are guaranteed to be up to date. Not all key-value stores guarantee this status (Riak, for example), so if it’s important to be up to date to the millisecond, then choose a database whose replicas are fully consistent (such as Aerospike).

Data modeling in key-value stores

Many key-value stores support only basic structures for their value types, leaving the application programmer with the job of interpreting the data. Simple data type support typically includes strings, integers, JSON, and binary values.

For many use cases, this works well, but sometimes a slightly more granular access to data is useful. Redis, for example, supports the following data value types:

  • String
  • List
  • Set
  • Sorted set
  • Hash maps
  • Bit arrays
  • Hyperlog logs

Sorted sets can be queried for matching ranges of values — much like querying an index of values sorted by date, which is very useful for searching for a subset of typed data.

Operating on data

Redis includes operations to increment and decrement key values directly, without having to do a read-modify-update (RMU) set of steps. You can do so within a single transaction to ensure that no other application changes the value during an update. These data-type specific operations include adding and removing items to lists and sets, too.

You can even provide autocomplete functionality on an application’s user interface by using the Redis ZRANGEBYLEX command. This command retrieves a set of keys which partially matches a string. So, if you were to type “NoSQL for” in the search bar of an application built on Redis, you would see the suggestion “NoSQL For Dummies.”

Evaluating Redis

Redis prides itself on being a very lightweight but blazingly fast key-value store. It was originally designed to be an in-memory key-value store, but now boasts disk-based data storage.

You can use Redis to safeguard data by enabling AOF (append only file) mode and instructing Redis to force data to disk on each query (known as forced fsync flushing). AOF does slow down writes, of course, but it provides a higher level of durability for data. Be aware, though, that it’s still possible to lose up to one second of commands.

Also, Redis only recently added support for clustering. In fact, at the time of this writing, Redis’s clustering support is in the beta testing phase. Fortunately, Redis uses a shared-nothing cluster model, with masters for particular keys and slaves that are never directly written to by a client; only the master does so. Providing shared-nothing clustering should make it easier for Redis to implement reliable clustering than it is for databases that allow writes to all replicas.

icon tip If you want a very high-speed, in-memory caching layer in front of another database — MongoDB or Riak are commonly used with Redis — then evaluate Redis as an option. As support for clustering and data durability evolves, perhaps Redis can overtake other back-end databases.

Taking Advantage of Flash

When you need incredibly fast writes, flash storage is called for (as opposed to calling for Flash Gordon). This comes at the cost of using RAM space, of course. Writing to RAM will get you, well, about as far as the size of your RAM. So having a very high-speed storage option immediately behind your server’s RAM is a good idea. This way, when a checkpoint operation to flush the data to disk is done, it clears space in RAM as quickly as possible.

Spending money for speed

Flash is expensive — more so than traditional spinning disk and RAM. It’s possible to make do without flash by using RAID 10 spinning disk arrays, but these will get you only so far.

A logical approach is to look at how fast data streams into your database. Perhaps provisioning 100 percent of the size of your store data for a spinning disk, 10 percent for flash, and one percent for RAM. These figures will vary depending on your application’s data access profile, and how often that same data is accessed.

Of course, if you’re in an industry where data ages quickly and you absolutely need to guarantee write throughput, then an expensive all-flash infrastructure could be for you.

To give you an idea about the possible scale achievable in a key-value store that supports native flash, Aerospike claims that, with native flash for data and RAM for indexes, 99.9 percent of reads and writes are completed within one millisecond.

Context computing

Aerospike espouses a concept called context-aware computing. Context-aware computing is where you have a very short window of time to respond to a request, and the correct response is dictated by some properties of the user, such as age or products purchased. These properties could include:

  • Identity: Session IDs, cookies, IP addresses
  • Attributes: Demographic or geographic
  • Behavior: Presence (swipe, search, share), channels (web, phone), services (frequency, sophistication)
  • Segments: Attitudes, values, lifestyle, history
  • Transactions: Payments, campaigns

The general idea is to mine data from a transactional system to determine the most appropriate advertisement or recommendation for a customer based on various factors. You can do so by using a Hadoop map/reduce job, for example, on a transactional Oracle relational database.

The outputs are then stored in Aerospike so that when a particular customer arrives on your website and they have a mixture of the preceding list of factors (modeled as a composite key), the appropriate advertisement or recommendation is immediately given to the customer.

Evaluating Aerospike

Aerospike is the king of flash support. Rather than use the operating system’s file system support on top of flash, as other databases do (that is, they basically treat a flash disk as any other hard disk), Aerospike natively accesses the flash.

This behavior provides Aerospike with maximum throughput, because it doesn’t have to wait for operating system function calls to be completed; it simply accesses the raw flash blocks directly. Moreover, Aerospike can take advantage of the physical attributes of flash storage in order to eke out every last bit of performance.

Aerospike is one of my favorite NoSQL databases. I was very close to using it in this book as the primary example of key-value stores, instead of Riak. However, I didn’t because Riak is currently more prevalent (and I wanted to sell books).

I fully expect Aerospike to start overtaking Riak in large enterprises and mission-critical use cases, though. It has enterprise-level features lacking in other databases, including the following:

  • Full ACID consistency: Ensures data is safe and consistent.
  • Shared-nothing cluster: Has synchronous replication to keep data consistent.
  • Automatic rebalancing: Automatically moves some data to new nodes, evening out read times and allowing for scale out and scale back in a cluster.
  • Support for UDFs and Hadoop: User defined functions can run next to the data for aggregation queries, and Hadoop Map/Reduce is supported for more complex requirements.
  • Secondary indexes: Adds indexes on data value fields for fast querying.
  • Large data types: Supports custom and large data types; allows for complex data models and use cases.
  • Automatic storage tier flushing on writes: Flushes RAM to flash storage (SSDs) and disk when space on the faster tier is nearly exhausted.

Whether or not you need blazing-fast flash support, these other features should really interest people with mission-critical use cases. If you’re evaluating Riak for a mission-critical system, definitely evaluate Aerospike as well.

Using Pluggable Storage

There are times when you want to provide key-value style high speed access to data held in a relational database. This database could be, for example, Berkeley DB (Java Edition for Voldemort) or MySQL.

Providing key-value like access to data requires a key-value store to be layered directly over one of these other databases. Basically, you use another database as the storage layer, rather than a combination of a file system for storage and an ingestion pipeline for copying data from a relational database.

This process simplifies providing a high speed key-value store while using a traditional relational database for storage.

Changing storage engines

Different workloads require different storage engines and performance characteristics. Aerospike is great for high ingest; Redis is great for high numbers of reads. Each is built around a specific use case.

Voldemort takes a different approach. Rather than treating the key-value store as a separate tier of data management, Voldemort treats the key-value store as an API and adds an in-memory caching layer, which means that you can plug into the back end that makes the most sense for your particular needs. If you want a straightforward disk storage tier, you can use the Berkeley DB Java Edition storage engine. If instead you want to store relational data, you can use MySQL as a back-end to Voldemort.

This capability combined with custom data types allows you to use a key-value store’s simple store/retrieve API to effectively pull back and directly cache information in a different back-end store.

This approach contrasts with the usual approach of having separate databases — one in, say, Oracle for transactional data and another in your key-value store (Riak, for example). With this two-tier approach, you have to develop code to move data from one tier to the other for caching. With Voldemort, there is one combined tier — your data tier — so the extra code is redundant.

Caching data in memory

Voldemort has a built-in in-memory cache, which decreases the load on the storage engine and increases query performance. No need to use a separate caching layer such as Redis or Oracle’s Coherence Java application data caching product on top.

The capability to provide high-speed storage tiering with caching is why LinkedIn uses Voldemort for certain high-performance use cases.

With Voldemort, you get the best of both worlds — a storage engine for your exact data requirements and a high-speed in-memory cache to reduce the load on that engine. You also get simple key-value store store/retrieve semantics on top of your storage engine.

Evaluating Voldemort

In the Harry Potter books Lord Voldemort held a lot of magic in him, both good and bad, although he used it for terrorizing muggles. The Voldemort database, as it turns out, can also store vast amounts of data, but can be used for good by data magicians everywhere!

Voldemort is still a product in development. Many pieces are still missing, so it doesn’t support the variety of storage engines you might expect. This focus for Voldemort’s development community is likely because Voldemort is built in the Java programming language, which requires a Java Native Interface (JNI) connector to be built for integration to most C or C++ based databases.

Voldemort has good integration with serialization frameworks, though. Supported frameworks include Java serialization, Avro, Thrift, and Protocol Buffers. This means that the provided API wrappers match the familiar serialization method of each programming language, making the development of applications intuitive.

Voldemort doesn’t handle consistency as well as other systems do. Voldemort uses the read repair approach, where inconsistent version numbers for the same record are fixed at read time, rather than being kept consistent at write time.

There is also no secondary indexing or query support; Voldemort expects you to use the facilities of the underlying storage engine to cope with that use case. Also, Voldemort doesn’t have native database triggers or an alerting or event processing framework with which to build one.

If you do need a key-value store that is highly available, is partition-tolerant, runs in Java, and uses different storage back ends, then Voldemort may be for you.

Separating Data Storage and Distribution

Oracle Corporation is the dominant player in the relational database world. It’s no surprise then that it’s at least dabbling in the NoSQL space.

Oracle’s approach is to plug the gaps in its current offerings. It has a highly trusted, enterprise-level relational database product, which is what it’s famous for. However, this approach doesn’t fit every single data problem. For certain classes of data problems, you need a different way of storing things — that’s why I wrote this book!

Oracle has a data-caching approach in Coherence. It also inherited the Berkeley DB code. Oracle chose to use Berkeley DB to produce a distributed key-value NoSQL database.

Using Berkeley DB for single node storage

Berkeley DB, as the name suggests, is an open-source project that started at the University of California, Berkeley, between 1986 and 1994. It was maintained by Sleepycat Software, which was later acquired by Oracle.

The idea behind Berkeley DB was to create a hash table store with the best performance possible. Berkeley DB stores a set of keys, where each key points to a value stored on disk that can be read and updated using a simple key-value API.

Berkeley DB was originally used by the Netscape browser but can now be found in a variety of embedded systems. Now you can use it for almost every coding platform and language. An SQL query layer is available for Berkeley DB, too, opening it up to yet another use case.

Berkeley DB comes in three versions:

  • The Berkeley DB version written in C is the one that’s usually embedded in UNIX systems.
  • The Java Edition is also commonly embedded, including in the Voldemort key-value store.
  • A C++ edition is available to handle the storage of XML data.

Berkeley DB typically acts as a single-node database.

Distributing data

Oracle built a set of data distribution and high-availability code using NoSQL design ideas on top of Berkeley DB. This approach makes Oracle NoSQL a highly distributed key-value store that uses many copies of the tried-and-true Berkeley DB code as the primary storage system.

Oracle NoSQL is most commonly used alongside the Oracle relational database management systems (RDBMS) and Oracle Coherence.

Oracle Coherence is a mid-tier caching layer, which means it lives in the application server with application business code. Applications can offload the storage of data to Coherence, which in turn distributes the data across the applications’ server clusters. Coherence works purely as a cache.

Oracle Coherence can use Oracle NoSQL as a cache storage engine, providing persistence beneath Oracle Coherence and allowing some of the data to be offloaded from RAM to disk when needed.

Oracle Coherence is commonly used to store data that may have been originally from an Oracle RDBMS, to decrease the operational load on the RDBMS. Using Oracle NoSQL with Coherence or directly in your application mid-tier, you can achieve a similar caching capability.

Evaluating Oracle NoSQL

Despite claims that Oracle NoSQL is an ACID database product, by default, it’s an eventually consistent — non-ACID — database. This means data read from read replica nodes can potentially be stale.

The client driver can alleviate this situation by requesting only the absolute latest data, which not surprisingly is called absolute consistency mode. This setting reads only data from the master node for a particular key. Doing so for all requests effectively means that the read replicas are never actually read from — they’re just there for high availability, taking over if the master should crash.

It’s also worth noting that in the default mode (eventually consistent), because of the lack of a consistency guarantee, application developers must perform a check-and-set (CAS) or read-modify-update (RMU) set of steps to ensure that an update to data is applied properly.

In addition, unlike Oracle’s RDBMS product, Oracle NoSQL doesn’t have a write Journal. Most databases write data to RAM, but write the description of the change to a Journal file on disk. Journal writes are much smaller than writing the entire change to stored data, allowing higher throughput; and because the journal is written to disk, data isn’t lost if the system crashes and loses the data stored in RAM.

If there’s a system failure and data held in RAM is lost, this journal can be replayed on the data store. Oracle NoSQL doesn’t have this feature, which means either that you run the risk of losing data or that you slow down your writes by always flushing to disk on every update. Although small, this write penalty is worth testing before going live or purchasing a license.

Oracle is plugging Oracle NoSQL into its other products. Oracle NoSQL provides a highly scalable layer for Oracle Coherence. Many financial services firms, though, are looking at other NoSQL options to replace Coherence.

Another product that may be useful in the future is RDF Graph for Oracle NoSQL. This product will provide an RDF (Resource Description Format — triple data, as discussed in Chapter 19) persistence and query layer on top of Oracle NoSQL and will use the open-source Apache Jena APIs for graph query and persistence operations.

icon tip The concept of major and minor keys is one of my favorite Oracle NoSQL features. These keys provide more of a two-layer tree model than a single layer key-value model. So, I could store adam:age=33 and adam:nationality=uk. I could pull back all the information on Adam using the “adam” major key, or just the age using the adam:age key. This is quite useful and avoids the need to use denormalization or migrating to a NoSQL document database if your application has simple requirements.

Oracle NoSQL is also the only key-value store in this book that allows you to actively enforce a schema. You can provide an Avro schema document, which is a JSON document with particular elements, to restrict what keys, values, and types are allowed in your Oracle NoSQL database.

If you want a key-value store that works with Oracle Coherence or want to fine-tune availability and consistency guarantees, then Oracle NoSQL may be for you. Oracle’s marketing messaging is a little hard to navigate — because so many products can be used in combination. So, it’s probably better to chat with an Oracle sales representative for details on whether Oracle NoSQL is for you. One commercial note of interest is that Oracle sells support for the Community (free) Edition — that is, you don’t have to buy the Enterprise Edition to get Oracle support. If cost is an issue, you may want to consider the Community Edition.

Handling Partitions

The word partition is used for two different concepts in NoSQL land. A data partition is a mechanism for ensuring that data is evenly distributed across a cluster. On the other hand, a network partition occurs when two parts of the same database cluster cannot communicate. Here, I talk about network partitions.

On very large clustered systems, it’s increasingly likely that a failure of one piece of equipment will happen. If a network switch between servers in a cluster fails, a phenomenon referred to as (in computer jargon) split brain occurs. In this case, individual servers are still receiving requests, but they can’t communicate with each other. This scenario can lead to inconsistency of data or simply to reduced capacity in data storage, as the network partition with the least servers is removed from the cluster (or “voted off” in true Big Brother fashion).

Tolerating partitions

You have two choices when a network partition happens:

  • Continue, at some level, to service read and write operations.
  • “Vote off” one part of the partition and decide to fix the data later when both parts can communicate. This usually involves the cluster voting a read replica as the new master for each missing master partition node.

Riak allows you to determine how many times data is replicated (three copies, by default — that is, n=3) and how many servers must be queried in order for a read to succeed. This means that, if the primary master of a key is on the wrong side of a network partition, read operations can still succeed if the other two servers are available (that is, r=2 read availability).

Riak handles writes when the primary partition server goes down by using a system called hinted handoff. When data is originally replicated, the first node for a particular key partition is written to, along with (by default) two of the following neighbor nodes.

If the primary can’t be written to, the next node in the ring is written to. These writes are effectively handed off to the next node. When the primary server comes back up, the writes are replayed to that node before it takes over primary write operations again.

In both of these operations, versioning inconsistencies can happen because different replicas may be in different version states, even if only for a few milliseconds.

Riak employs yet another system called active anti-entropy to alleviate this problem. This system trawls through updated values and ensures that replicas are updated at some point, preferably sooner rather than later. This helps to avoid conflicts on read while maintaining a high ingestion speed, which avoids a two-phase commit used by other NoSQL databases with master-slave, shared-nothing clustering support.

If a conflict on read does happen, Riak uses read repair to attempt to return only the latest data. Eventually though, and depending on the consistency and availability settings you use, the client application may be presented with multiple versions and asked to decide for itself.

In some situations, this tradeoff is desirable, and many applications may intuitively know, based on the data presented, which version to use and which version to discard.

Secondary indexing

Secondary indexes are indexes on specific data within a value. Most key-value stores leave this indexing up to the application. However, Riak is different, employing a scheme called document-based partitioning that allows for secondary indexing.

Document-based partitioning assumes that you’re writing JSON structures to the Riak database. You can then set up indexes on particular named properties within this JSON structure, as shown in Listing 7-1.

Listing 7-1: JSON Order Structure

 “order-id”: 5001,
 “customer-id”: 1429857,
 “order-date”: “2014-09-24”,
 “total”: 134.24

In most key-value stores, you create another bucket whose key is the combined customer number and month and the value is a list of order ids. However, in Riak, you simply add a secondary index on both customer-id (integer) and order-date (date), which does take up extra storage space but has the advantage of being transparent to the application developer.

These indexes are also updated live — meaning there’s no lag between updating a document value in Riak and the indexes being up to date. This live access to data is more difficult to pull off than it seems. After all, if the indexes are inconsistent, you’ll never find the consistently held data!

Evaluating Riak

Basho, the commercial entity behind Riak, says that its upcoming version 2.0 NoSQL database always has strong consistency, a claim that other NoSQL vendors make. The claim by NoSQL vendors to always have strong consistency is like claiming to be a strong vegetarian . . . except on Sundays when you have roast beef.

Riak is not an ACID-compliant database. Its configuration cannot be altered such that it runs in ACID compliance mode. Clients can get inconsistent data during normal operations or during network partitions. Riak trades absolute consistency for increased availability and partition tolerance.

Running Riak in strong consistency mode means that its read replicas are updated at the same time as the primary master. This involves a two-phase commit — basically, the master node writing to the other nodes before it confirms that the write is complete.

At the time of this writing, Riak’s strong consistency mode doesn’t support secondary indexes or complex data types (for example, JSON). Hopefully, Basho will fix this issue in upcoming releases of the database.

Riak Search (a rebranded and integrated Apache Solr search engine uses an eventually consistent update model) may produce false positives when using strong consistency. This situation occurs because data may be written and then the transaction abandoned, but the data is still used for indexing — leaving a "false positive" search result — the result isn’t actually any longer valid for the search query.

Riak also uses a separate sentinel process to determine which node becomes a master in failover conditions. This process, however, isn’t highly available, which means that for a few seconds, it’s possible that, while a new copy of the sentinel process is brought online, a new node cannot be added or a new master elected. You need to be aware of this possibility in high-stress failover conditions.

Riak does have some nice features for application developers, such as secondary indexing and built-in JSON value support. Database replication for disaster recovery to other datacenters is available only in the paid for version, whose price can be found on their website (rental prices shown, perpetual license prices given on application only).

The Riak Control cluster monitoring tool also isn’t highly regarded because of its lag time when monitoring clusters. Riak holds a lot of promise, and I hope that Basho will add more enterprise-level cluster-management facilities in future versions. It will become a best-in-class product if it does.

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