Chapter 20

Triple Stores in the Enterprise

In This Chapter

arrow Taking care of your data

arrow Managing facts about data alongside source data itself

As with any other type of database system, there are best practices for organizing and setting up triple stores to ensure consistent and reliable service. There is a difference, though, between triple stores and graph stores. That is, two different architectural approaches are taken in the design of triple stores and graph stores. These two approaches are due to different types of queries — graph wide analysis functions and listing records (subjects), and their properties that match some criteria. These differences lead to tradeoffs related to ensuring data durability, supporting high availability of associated services, and providing for disaster recovery.

In this chapter, I discuss the issues around maintaining a consistent view of data across both triple stores and graph stores. I also talk about a common enterprise use case of using a triple store to store facts about and relationships between data that is managed in other systems.

Ensuring Data Integrity

Most enterprises expect a database to preserve their data and to protect it from corruption during normal operations. This can be achieved through server side features, or settings in a client driver. Whatever the approach, the ultimate aim is to store multiple copies of the latest data, ensuring that even if one copy is lost the data stays safe and accessible.

Enabling ACID compliance

Many of the triple and graph databases featured in this book are ACID-compliant. I talk about this in Chapter 2. As a reminder, ACID compliance means that a database must guarantee the following:

  • Atomicity: Each change, or set of changes, happens as a single unit. In a transaction, either all the changes are applied or all are abandoned (that is, a rollback occurs in which the database is restored to its previous state).
  • Consistency: The database moves from one consistent state to another. Once data is added, a following request will receive view of the data.
  • Isolation: Each transaction is independent of other transactions running at the same time so that, ideally, each transaction can be played one after the other with the same results. This arrangement is called being fully serializable.
  • Durability: Once data is confirmed as being saved, you’re guaranteed it won’t be lost.

These properties are important features for mission-critical systems where you need absolute guarantees for data safety and consistency. In some situations, relaxing these rules is absolutely fine. A good example is a tweet appearing for some people immediately, but for others with a few seconds delay.

For highly interconnected systems where data is dependent on other data, or where complex relationships are formed, ACID compliance is a necessity. This is because of the unpredictable interdependency of all the subjects held in a triple store.

icon tip Graph stores tend to guarantee ACID properties only on their primary master server. Because of the complex math involved, graph stores tend not to be sharded — that is, they don’t have part of their data residing on different servers. I discuss sharding’s advantages for other NoSQL databases in Chapter 15, but in the following I talk about sharding in terms of consistency and cross-record query throughput.

It’s much quicker for the math involved to have all the data on one server. Practically, this means that you have two or more big servers, as described here:

  • All clients talk only to the first server, which I’ll call the master. Therefore, that database can easily provide ACID guarantees.
  • For the server’s replica(s) though, replication may ship data changes asynchronously, rather than within the same transaction boundary. This is normal on other NoSQL databases and relational databases, but usually only between two separate clusters in different data centers rather than two servers in the same cluster.

Graph stores ship changes asynchronously for the master and the replica(s) within the same data center. So, although graph stores like Neo4j and AllegroGraph are technically ACID-compliant, they don’t guarantee the same-site consistency that other NoSQL databases covered in this book do. This is because of the two approaches to building a triple or graph store.

A better option is to select either a graph store or triple store approach, based on the query functionality you need.

  • Single server for a whole database: High server costs. Other servers act as disaster recovery or delayed read replicas. You get very fast graph analysis algorithms, though.
  • Multiserver, sharded database: Lower server costs. Other servers are masters for portions of the data, and highly available replicas for other servers in the cluster. This option produces slower, complex graph analysis functions, but you can still do fast SPARQL-style triple queries for individual records held just one a single server.

icon tip In an asynchronous, eventually consistent replica, it’s possible that, after a failure, some of the saved data will not be available on the replica.

Sharding and replication for high availability

The simplest way to provide high availability is to replicate the data saved on one server to another server. Doing so within the transaction boundary means that, if the master dies on the next CPU cycle after saving data, the data is guaranteed to be available on its replica(s), too.

This is the approach ACID-compliant NoSQL databases generally take. Rather than have these replica servers sit idle, each one is also a master for different parts of the entire triple store.

So, if one server goes down, another server can take over the first server’s shards (partitions), and the service can continue uninterrupted. This is called a highly available service and is the approach that MarkLogic Server and OrientDB take.

An alternative and easier implementation is to make each replica eventually consistent with respect to its view of the data from the master. If a master goes down, you may lose access to a small frame of data, but the service as a whole remains highly available.

If you can handle this level of inconsistency, then ArangoDB (from Franz, Inc.) may be a good open-source alternative to MarkLogic Server and OrientDB. ArangoDB is busy working on providing fully consistent replicas, but they’re not quite there yet.

Replication for disaster recovery

The replication approach that graph stores provide in the same data center, and the replication approach three triple stores mentioned previously provide between data centers, is an eventually consistent full copy of data.

Secondary clusters of MarkLogic Server, OrientDB, and ArangoDB are eventually consistent with their primary clusters. This tradeoff is common across all types of databases that are distributed globally.

Primary clusters of Neo4j and AllegroGraph also employ this method between servers in the same site. Their master servers hold the entire database, and replica servers on the same site are updated with changes regularly, but asynchronously.

In addition to replicating the master to local replicas, consider replicating the data to a remote replica, too, in case the primary data center is taken offline by a network or power interruption.

Storing Documents with Triples

An emerging pattern is for document NoSQL databases to integrate triple store functionality. This makes sense. Document NoSQL databases typically provide

  • The ability to store many elements/properties within a single document
  • Concept of a collection for a group of documents
  • Ability to create specialized indexes over structures within their content
  • Ability to join different query terms together to satisfy a request to match a document

You can map these properties onto their equivalent triple store functionality. Specialized indexes are used to ensure that the triple store-specific query functionality is fast. These databases then simply adopt the open standards of RDF and SPARQL to act as a triple store to the outside world.

Also document NoSQL databases don’t support relationships among documents. By applying triple store technology to these databases, you can represent a document as a subject, either explicitly or implicitly, and use triples to describe them, their metadata, relationships, and origin.

icon tip Some of these databases, such as OrientDB, are also capable of using triples to describe containment relationships within documents. As a result, you can request a merged document (say a book) that is created at query time from many related documents (chapters, images, and so on).

This functionality is provided in two ways, depending on the approach you take with the triple store:

  • Use a document as a representation of a subject/vertex and a relationship/edge (ArangoDB).
  • Use a document as a container for many triples (OrientDB, MarkLogic Server).

Neo4j and AllegroGraph don’t provide this functionality, as it focuses solely on providing a graph store.

You can find more information on this hybrid approach, including additional functionality, in Part VII of this book.

Describing documents

Some of the databases mentioned in this part (Part V), such as OrientDB and ArangoDB, don’t support storage of metadata about documents outside of the documents themselves.

By creating a subject type for a document, you can graft document metadata functionality into these databases. This subject type can hold the ID field of the document and have a predicate and object for every piece of metadata required.

You can construct this extra metadata automatically by using a custom API entry point in the database’s own APIs, or perhaps by constructing specialized database triggers that execute when the document is saved and extracted. Alternatively, you can add this metadata accordingly with additional API calls from your application.

Combining queries

Once you start implementing this joined approach between the document and semantic worlds, you may get to a point where you need to perform a combined query.

With a combined query, you query both the document and the triple store in order to answer a question related to all the information in your database.

A combined query could be a document provenance query where you want to return all documents in a particular collection that have, for example, a “genre” field of a particular value and that also were added by a semantically described organization called “Big Data Recordings, Inc.”

Another likely possibility is that the document you’re storing is text that was semantically extracted and enriched. (Refer to Part IV for more on this process.) This means that the text in the document was analyzed, and from the text you extracted, for example, names of people, places, and organizations and how they relate to one another.

If this document changes, the semantic data will change also. In this case, you want to be able to replace the set of information extracted from the document and stored in the triple store. There are two mechanisms for doing so:

  • Use a named graph. Use the document ID, or a variation of it, for the name of a graph and store all extracted triples in that graph, which makes it easy to update the extracted metadata as a whole. This process works for all triple stores.

    The advantage of a named graph is that it works across triple store implementations. The downside is that you have to manually create server-side code to execute one query against the triple store and another against the document store in order to resolve your complex document provenance query.

  • Store the triples in the document they were extracted from. If your document structure supports embedding different namespaces of information, like MarkLogic Server, you can store an XML representation of the triples in an element inside the document.

    This approach offers the advantage of linking all the required indexes in the same document ID (MarkLogic Server calls this a URI). MarkLogic Server has a built-in search engine that includes support for full text, range (less than, greater than) queries, as well as semantic (SPARQL) queries.

    This means you can construct a MarkLogic Server Search API query that, in a single hit of the indexes (called a search index resolution), can answer the entire query. This works regardless of the ontology or document search query needed. It’s just a different type of index inside the same document.

    The AllegroGraph graph store product takes a different approach to joining a document NoSQL database to a graph store. It provides an API to integrate to a MongoDB document store. This allows you to use SPARQL to find subjects that match a SPARQL query and that relate to documents that match a MongoDB query, which is achieved using standard SPARQL queries and AllegroGraph’s own custom MongoDB-linked functions.

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