Chapter 32

Hybrid NoSQL Database Products

In this chapter

arrow Managing documents alongside semantic information

arrow Managing documents, search, semantics, and analytics

Hybrid NoSQL databases fall into two categories:

  • Those that use a non-relational data type and triples to store relationships and metadata about those records
  • Those that integrate search with document structures (whether they are key-value stores or document databases)

Using a triple store approach to provide schema agnosticism in the relationships mirrors the way that NoSQL databases provide schema agnosticism in their own records’ data models. A triple store approach to relationships between records goes some way towards providing cross record information links, avoiding some of the need for producing denormalizations.

OrientDB, ArangoDB, and MarkLogic Server all take the document-oriented approach, using triples to store relationship information either within, or independently of, the document records they describe.

There is a level of depth required in multiple NoSQL areas (such as document, triples, and search) that is required to be a true hybrid NoSQL database.

In this chapter, I describe the most common data management use cases that hybrid NoSQL databases are used for.

Managing Triples and Aggregates

Rarely do I gush about NoSQL databases, but I really like OrientDB’s simplicity in terms of synergies between a document database and a triple store. Many NoSQL databases are criticized for being unnecessarily complicated or esoteric, so it’s refreshing to find one that solves complex problems in compact and easy-to-use ways.

For example, document NoSQL databases are often used to achieve denormalization, which means that, rather than follow the relational model and split data into constituent parts, you put all the data in a single document.

Product orders are typical examples. An order may include a product id, a name, a price, the quantity ordered, customer and delivery details, and payment information. It makes sense to model information in a single container (document) so that all the information can be accessed at the same time.

In some circumstances, though, it still makes sense to treat the information as discrete documents. What do you do then? Do you manage many denormalizations (“probably” is the honest answer!), or do you keep atomic structures, such as relational tables, and piece them together at query time?

Merging data at query time isn’t fun, as anyone who has written a complex system in relational databases can tell you! Complex inner and outer joins are hard to get right at query time, and it’s even harder to make them run fast.

Generating triples from documents

OrientDB has a nice solution to the problem of managing these compound document use cases. As well as being a full-featured document NoSQL database, OrientDB gives you the ability to configure it so that it generates the triples (relationships) between documents as they’re added, and to materialize views automatically at query time based on those relationships. All without nasty complex SQL-like queries or complex triggers to maintain multiple denormalized documents.

OrientDB actually achieves this through lazy loading of the child documents, transparent from the calling code. This means that the OrientDB client API will receive the definition of a compound document and only fetch the parts needed from the server when the host application accesses them.

Lazy loading avoids materializing every relationship before returning the full document to the client. For many applications where a user drives accessing parts of a document this approach is likely a better performing one overall.

In the preceding example, you can configure OrientDB so that any JSON document being added that has a product_id field also generates a triple (relationship), thereby linking the document and the relevant product document it refers to.

Enforcing schema on read

Schema on read means that, as an app developer, you can design an app so that when the details on a customer’s latest order are shown, the application asks for the order document and indicates that the product details should be embedded within the order document. This procedure puts data merging activities into the database where they belong and relieves application developers of having to deal with all the complex code and modeling of client-side manual data aggregation.

If you have numerous JSON documents that need to be maintained individually but combined at retrieval time, or if you want triples generated automatically, then consider using OrientDB.

Evaluating OrientDB

OrientDB is available both as an open-source product and as a commercially supported product. The company that makes it is based in the UK and is relatively small, although it succeeded in being included in the 2013 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems.

icon tip I have only one criticism about OrientDB: It provides only its proprietary API for accessing triples. I’d liked to see a more open-standards approach, such as support in the core platform for the Resource Description Format (RDF) and SPARQL semantic query standards.

I definitely recommend that you take a look at OrientDB if you need a database that goes beyond JSON document storage and that requires complex relationship modeling.

Combining Documents and Triples with Enterprise Capabilities

MarkLogic Server is one of the oldest NoSQL databases included in this book. In fact, MarkLogic has been around even longer the term NoSQL.

MarkLogic was originally an ACID-compliant XML database with a built-in search engine. It was developed for the U.S. government’s clients that wanted the enterprise features in XML documents that they used in their relational DBMS systems.

MarkLogic adopts a lot of the approaches to indexing and search that you see in standalone search engines.

Full Disclosure: I work as a principal sales engineer for MarkLogic, so obviously I have a bias; however, as author of this book, I cover both MarkLogic’s strengths and its weaknesses. (The Publisher wouldn’t let me do otherwise!) Some of these strengths and weaknesses are mentioned in Chapter 17, such as MarkLogic’s historic dependency on the XQuery language, not familiar to many developers. (JavaScript is supported in the version 8 release of MarkLogic Server.)

Combined database, search, and application services

MarkLogic’s abundant uniqueness is why I included it in this book. First, it’s commercial-only software, which is rare in the NoSQL world, in which most NoSQL databases are perceived as being open-source, meaning they have free developer licenses.

MarkLogic Server is a single product that combines a document-orientated NoSQL database, a sophisticated search engine, and a set of application services that expose the functionality of the server.

MarkLogic currently supports XML, binary, and text documents. At the time of this writing, the MarkLogic 8 Early Access version also includes support for native JSON storage — although an automatic translation between JSON and XML had been available for two years.

The primary reason I include MarkLogic in the hybrid section is because it has a built-in triple store with support for both the W3C graph store and SPARQL protocols and for ingestion and production of RDF data in a variety of formats. This means MarkLogic Server is both a document-orientated NoSQL database and a triple store, as well as a search engine — all in a single product. You’re free to use only document operations or only semantic operations. You can use both at the same time, and combine this data format support with free text, range query operations (less than and greater than), and geospatial search.

These are two layers in MarkLogic Server:

  • The database layer provides ACID compliance, compressed storage, and indexing during a transaction.
  • The evaluation layer is a query layer that supports several query languages.
  • There is a high-level, Google-style grammar search API (the Search API) and a lower-level structured query (CTS API — CTS is an abbreviation for MarkLogic’s former name, Celoquent Text Search). This layer also provides support for the W3C SPARQL 1.0 and 1.1 API and the W3C graph store protocol for semantic queries.

In terms of the programming language used in the evaluation layer, the server is written in C++ and uses the XQuery native language (and thus XPath) and XSLT. MarkLogic Server 8 adds server-side JavaScript support to this mix. Anything you can currently do in XQuery, you’ll be able to do in JavaScript.

Schema free versus schema agnostic

Most document NoSQL databases are schema agnostic — that is, they don’t enforce schema. MarkLogic is a schema-free database. You don’t normally enforce XML schema, but you can do so if you wish.

MarkLogic hailed from the XML standards world, so as you might expect, there’s a lot of XML standards support. If you need to enter data into the database and still validate (compare) a document to a schema and generate a compliance report, you can do so with a schematron approach. Although this isn’t one of MarkLogic’s standard features, it’s been implemented for several customers in the evaluation layer as a pluggable extension module.

Providing Bigtable features

The fastest way to perform aggregate functions, sorting, and search is to use an in-memory data representation. Column stores do this by storing ordered columns or column families in RAM. Search engines do this by storing one or more term lists (including forward, reverse, and text indexes) in RAM.

In-memory databases, in contrast, store all data in RAM, so you can quickly churn through it. The problem with in-memory databases is that if your data runs beyond the amount of RAM you have in a cluster, issues with the system’s stability or with data consistency arise.

MarkLogic’s indexes are used both for normal database queries — like Give me document with ID 'MyDocument' or 'where owner=afowler' — and search engine operations — like “Give me all suspicious activity report documents that talk about places in this geospatial polygon, that mention ‘pedestrians’ and that are related to vehicles with ABC* on the license plate.”

The same indexes are also used for range queries, sorting, and aggregate functions. Storing these in memory makes accessing them fast, and ACID compliance ensures that they’re also kept on disk keeping them safe should a system failure occur.

Consider a common column store operation like counting the number of kernel panics in a log file from a particular system over a specified day. You perform an exact-value-match query to match the system name, and a range query to set the upper and lower limits of the time of the log entry. You then perform an aggregate function over the result — in this case, a simple count (summation) operation.

Aggregate functions can be much more complex — such as calculating a standard deviation over a set of matching range index values, or even a user defined function written in C++ and installed in a cluster.

Once you have range indexes, and thus in memory columns, defined and associated with a document, you can do another interesting thing. Take the document id as a record ID, and a set of range indexes as columns. Using this approach, you can model a relational view of the co-occurrence of these fields within a particular set of documents.

MarkLogic Server uses this approach to provide Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver access. This allows business intelligence tools to query MarkLogic Server’s documents as though they were relational database rows.

MarkLogic Server handles in-memory data aggregation at high speed, much like a column store. Therefore, you can use MarkLogic Server both as an Operational Database Management System (OpDBMS, a term used by Gartner to refer to both relational databases and NoSQL databases used for live operational workloads) and as an analytics/data warehousing database.

Securing access to information

Many of the first MarkLogic customers were in the defense sector. This sector realized early on that they needed the same business capabilities across unstructured and semi-structured documents as they had in their relational database systems.

A key requirement in defense is security of the data. I cover this functionality in detail in Chapter 17, but I include a summary here for convenience.

MarkLogic provides granular access to information by supporting the following functionality at the document level:

  • Authentication: Checks users to be sure they’re who they say they are. This is done either in a database or through an external mechanism like LDAP or Kerberos.
  • Permissions: A list of roles with whether they have read or update access to documents, URIs (directories), and code modules.
  • Authorization through role based access control: Users are assigned roles, and these roles are associated with permissions at the document level. User roles can be set in MarkLogic Server or read from an external directory server through LDAP.
  • Compartment security: Enforces AND logic on roles rather than OR logic. Basically, a user must have all roles attached to a named security compartment in order to have that permission on a document, rather than just one role with that permission. This role logic mode is useful for combining citizenship, job function, organization, and mission involvement criteria required for any user to access information.

These permissions are indexed against the document like any other term list in the internal workings of the MarkLogic Server search engine. This makes permission checking just as fast as any other search lookup, and just as scalable.

MarkLogic Server is also used in security accredited systems at a very high level in defense. It’s also the only NoSQL database to achieve independent accreditation through the NIAP Common Criteria at EAL 2. This is an industry standard, recognized throughout NATO countries, that states that a product and its development process has been checked so that it complies to industry best practice for producing systems used in secure environments.

Evaluating MarkLogic

A key advantage of MarkLogic is that you can use the same database cluster for both types of operations. In the relational world, you have two separate databases, with different structures (schema) — each requiring timed pushes to an alternatives database warehouse structure, typically only updated every 24 hours.

MarkLogic Server provides a wide range of functionality spanning document ingestion, conversion, alerting, search, exploration, denormalization, aggregation, and analytics functions. It does so in a commercial product with strong support for open W3C standards across the document, search, and semantic areas of functionality.

As a hybrid NoSQL database MarkLogic Server spans several NoSQL areas — document management, search, and storing triples. MarkLogic Server also supports fast in memory data aggregate operations, and access to its data from legacy relational, SQL query based, Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

If you need a wide variety of functionality spanning a single or combined areas within document, search and triple store capabilities then you should consider MarkLogic Server.

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