Chapter 16

Document Database Use Cases

In This Chapter

arrow Distributing electronic articles

arrow Controlling unstructured data feeds

arrow Modifying data structures

arrow Joining data streams

Documents are all around us. From shopping orders to patient notes to books like this one. A world of infinite possibilities exists with documents.

Knowing which use cases can be handled by a document NoSQL database is an increasing challenge. Unlike some other types of NoSQL databases in this book, document database providers are continually adding new features that enable you to turn plain data storage into more functional information.

The use cases I describe in this chapter are industry- and solution-agnostic, which makes sense because there are so many ways to apply document databases. Take each example as a suggested “recipe” and apply it to your particular data-management needs.

Publishing Content

The sale of online books is a big industry. People download whole books to read offline at their leisure or as references in their jobs, for example.

It’s a little different with other kinds of digital publications, though. You can access articles in scientific journals, for example, by subscribing to the journal itself, by purchasing a single issue, or by downloading a single article.

Some scientific publishers, with varying degrees of copyright options, allow you to buy access to the images used in their publications. Say that you want to create a slide strictly for 30 students. In that case, the licensing requirements won’t be as great as they would be if you were to write and plan to market a book that uses existing published material.

This fine-grained access to content and the associated licensing for its use signifies where digital publishing is today.

Managing content lifecycle

I used to work in the enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM) software industries. One inescapable realization was that process and content go hand in hand. As content goes through its lifecycle — from creation, to modification, dissemination, and destruction — different business actions generally need to happen.

When you fill in a bank account opening form online, an account opening process starts. This process uses information within that form document, and a sequence of well-known actions, to move the document and business process through a lifecycle.

An account opening document could have the following steps in its lifecycle:

  1. Validation: Check the form for any semantic or business rule errors. For example, “We don’t cover business in a particular part of the UK, such as the Channel Islands.”
  2. Identity check: Check the identity of the user against other systems (for example, check the official ID and credit reports).
  3. Risk assessment: If the credit report is poor or otherwise not acceptable, a decision is made to manually assess by the appropriate bank employee.

    If the credit check was okay, the process moves to Step 4.

  4. Process for opening account: This is a holding period during which appropriate systems create the bank account.
  5. Waiting for customer to activate card and account: Communications are sent out during account opening, and then the account activation pauses until the customer activates their card.
  6. Opening of account is complete: The process is successful.

The same process applies to publishing:

  1. A concept for a book is submitted to a publisher for approval.
  2. If the proposal is approved, the author generates a table of contents.
  3. The author, if new, goes though initial training.
  4. The book is written, produced in a variety of formats, and published to digital and print vendors.

While these processes are happening, it’s helpful to use the document lifecycle status as a query field. This means the status metadata either resides in the document itself or is written into the document’s metadata by the process. For example, MarkLogic Server allows you to store a separate metadata document alongside the content document, which means that you don’t have to store this status information in the document itself.

This approach is useful when the format of the source document isn’t designed to hold internal process information. Many publishers use internal XML schema to describe their publications’ content, which doesn’t allow information about the status of the book and process to be held. So an external metadata association capability is needed in the document database.

Unlike many ECM vendors, very few document NoSQL database vendors support content-centric workflow like those described previously. None have full end-to-end business process management functionality built natively on top of their products.

MarkLogic Server does have a feature called Content Processing Framework (CPF) that provides content-centric workflow. You provide this feature with a definition of the states within the lifecycle (called a pipeline) and the list of documents (document collections or URI prefixes) that this pipeline should be applied to.

With this feature, it’s possible to build sophisticated workflow-based applications without having to install, integrate, and maintain a separate and complex business process management system.

Distributing content to sales channels

Publishers were among the first to embrace the Extensible Markup Language (XML) as a generic language to describe documents that can be repurposed into different formats as required.

icon tip The availability and popular use of XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to convert XML to a variety of other formats, including HTML for web pages and Portable Document Format (PDF) documents, is a key benefit to using XML over other formats like JSON. The use of XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) to describe a common format for exchanging information is also useful.

During the publishing process, you need the ability to repurpose a source document, or documents, into a target format. Publishers may do this at the proofing stage so they can be sure the output looks correct, which generally means these documents are generated and stored alongside the originals in a collection of documents (MarkLogic Server) or attachments (Microsoft DocumentDB).

For other industries, the ability to generate different formats on the fly for occasional use outweighs the need to create and store them just in case they’re requested. This concept is called schema on read because you morph the data to your target format — the schema — when you request the document.

You can accomplish schema on read in MarkLogic Server by using XSLT for individual documents, or XInclude for merging documents, or a custom XQuery stored procedure to perform any transformation you like. XInclude is a way to merge in other documents at query time. It’s a similar, but limited, approach to query joins in the relational database world.

Microsoft provides a similar mechanism for JSON documents via Structured Query Language (SQL) syntax to project, or describe at query time, the structure of the content you want to receive.

This special query syntax is very similar to that used in a relational database management system’s (RDBMS) SQL syntax. It allows for repurposing of a number of related document sections, restricting the information returned, and even specifying fixed values and results from aggregation functions (mean average, count, standard deviation, and so on).

icon tip Although Microsoft describes pulling together information in a DocumentDB query as a join, it should be pointed out that, unlike a join in a relational database, DocumentDB joins are possible only within sections of the same JSON document. They don’t allow joining of multiple documents.

Managing Unstructured Data Feeds

Managing unstructured data is very challenging. Unlike well-designed JSON and XML documents, unstructured data doesn’t provide hints to the objects it describes. Structures also vary greatly because human language isn’t restricted to a single way of writing.

In this section, I discuss how to manage large quantities of unstructured texts within documents in a document oriented NoSQL database.

Entity extraction and enrichment

Some of these variable structures may be in binary formats. In this situation, you need to extract the text and/or metadata from those formats. When that’s done, you can treat this output as a document that can be processed, which could be a text, a JSON, or an XML (including XHTML) document.

Once the data is extracted, it’s likely to be a lot of text with no structure. You need to figure out what the “things” mentioned are. These could be, for example, people, places and organizations mentioned by name in the test.

This approach is very common for free text forms such as letters, patient referrals, medical notes, tweets, or news articles.

You’ll then probably want to wrap the identified text with a tag — a JSON property or an XML element. So, for example “Adam Fowler” becomes <person>Adam Fowler</person> in XML or “person”: “Adam Fowler” in JSON.

icon tip Entity extraction is particularly useful if you want to perform a query afterward for all documents that mention Adam Fowler the person. An element lookup is always quicker and more accurate than a full-text search.

How do you get to this point, though? This is where Natural Language Processing (NLP) comes in. You can keep it simple by using a full-text search for a phrase and then a stored procedure to mark up your text. Using MarkLogic Server alerts, for example, enables entity extraction to run fast, asynchronously after adding a document.

For more complex situations or where you want the relationships between entities, not just their mention, you need a more sophisticated solution. Consider the text “Adam Fowler was observed entering Uncommon Ground on Main Street, Medford, WI.”

From this text, you get a person’s name, a business name, and an address. You also get the fact that Adam Fowler visited the shop Uncommon Ground, which is located on Main Street, Medford, WI.

You can use an open-source tool such as OpenCalais to perform this type of entity and semantic extraction. You can store these results separate from the document or use them to tag the indicated places in the document.

More sophisticated commercial offerings are available, too. The two that I’ve seen mentioned most frequently by NoSQL-adopting organizations are Smartlogic’s Semaphore and TEMIS’s Luxid products.

These tools go one step further by providing information about an entity. Returning to the Adam Fowler example, say that the zip code and the longitude and latitude are included with the address.

You can store this enhanced information within the document. Instead of storing

<place>Uncommon Ground, Main Street, Medford, WI</place>

you store

<place lon=”-34.567” lat=”54.321” zipcode=”54451” type=”business” subtype=”coffee”>Uncommon Ground, Main Street, Medford, WI</place>

In this case, if your document database, or the search engine integrated with it, supports geospatial search, you can use the longitude and latitude data. You can also provide a full address summary or link to a Google map using longitude and latitude or the zip code.

The process of adding more information to original content rather than just tagging it is called entity enrichment. It’s very useful for enhancing ordinary text data, and for allowing the searching of that data.

Managing Changing Data Structures

Each organization has many systems, each with its own data. These individual information silos are typically split by organization area. Examples include HR, customer sales, product quantities available, and complaints. Each of these systems is independent, with their own application managing the data.

Some applications, however, consolidate data from a number of systems within an organization, as well as third party or public data, in order to provide a more flexible application. This provides for a rich array of information with which to mine for useful business answers.

Organizations don’t have control over external data-feed formats, and they can be changed at any time without warning. Even worse, many data structures in use today change depending on the application that creates them, rather than the system that stores them.

A good example of this is a tweet. A tweet isn’t just a 140-character message — hundreds of fields are behind it, and they vary depending on the application that created the tweet.

In this section, I discuss how this great variety of ever changing data can be handled in a document NoSQL database.

Handling variety

Storing and retrieving variable information is a key benefit of all NoSQL document databases. Indexing and searching their structure, though, is difficult.

Many document databases don’t perform these operations natively; instead, they use an external search engine such as Solr (MongoDB) or Elasticsearch (Couchbase) to do so. These search engines typically index either the text in the document or specifically configured elements within the document.

Microsoft’s DocumentDB and MarkLogic Server both take a different approach. They have a universal index that examines the documents as they’re ingested. They both index the structure as well as the values. This enables you to perform element-value queries (exact match queries) as soon as a document is stored.

Microsoft’s implementation even allows you to do range queries (less than, greater than, and so on) over this universal index, whereas with MarkLogic server, range indexes need to be configured individually.

This extra indexing, of course, comes at a cost. It takes extra time at ingest if you want to keep your indexes consistent with your data. It also costs in storage space for the indexes. Either can increase server and storage rental costs.

Both Microsoft’s DocumentDB and MarkLogic Server allow you to configure your indexes to a fine-grained level for each database (MarkLogic) or Collection (Microsoft’s DocumentDB, which is akin to a “bucket” within a database that manages a set of documents).

Managing change over time

If you change the format of documents, you need to rework your search index configurations. In many search engines, this forces the regeneration of the index of all of your content! A very costly procedure, indeed.

MarkLogic Server gets around redoing a full re-indexing operation by supporting field indexes. In this way, you can query via a single index that is configured to look at element A in one document and element B in another document — the structure is different, but you use a single query to reference the field.

So, for example, as well as having a separate index for “id” within product documents and “prod_id” within order documents, you can have a field index called “product_id” that will include results from both these elements. Doing so would be useful if you were searching for a page on a website, as well as comments about that page, where you could set up an index for “page_name.”

Having to manually reconfigure indexes delays the handling of new types of content. You have to perform index changes before making use of the data. This is where a universal index like those in Microsoft’s DocumentDB and MarkLogic Server really pays dividends.

Having a universal structural index allows you to search and explore the data you’ve ingested and then decide to perform different queries over it. You don’t have to manually configure the structure before loading content in order to search it immediately.

Where Microsoft’s implementation has the advantage is in automatic range index queries because you can perform less than and greater than data operations over numbers and dates.

Where MarkLogic’s implementation has the advantage is in providing a full-text search over all content in addition to structure and values. This supports word stemming (“cat” and “cats” both stem to “cat”) and word and phrase searches and has configurable diacritic support for languages with interesting dots and dashes over their letters.

MarkLogic Server also includes specialized support for many world languages and is configurable at runtime for specific query needs. An example is a search that is or isn’t case-sensitive or diacritic-sensitive or that ignores or includes particular characters as word boundaries.

Consolidating Data

Sometimes an answer isn’t available in a single document. Perhaps you need to join multiple streams of information together in order to paint a picture. Maybe instead different systems hold their own data, which needs to be brought together to answer a question.

Handling incoming streams

When building these “answer” documents, your first task is to join the data together. Very few document NoSQL databases (Microsoft DocumentDB, OrientDB, and to a lesser extent, MarkLogic Server) provide support for these joins at query time, which means you have to do this work yourself.

First, though, you need to store the information. Using constructs to store related data is a good start. If you know, for instance, that some tweets and news stories are about the same topic, then tagging them as such in their metadata, or adding them to the same collection, makes sense. In this way, you can quickly look up all data related to the same topic.

Some document databases, for example MarkLogic Server, support adding documents to multiple collections. Others just support one collection for a document. You can work around this issue by using a metadata property, like this JSON document with an internal _topic property:

 “_id”: 1234, “_someInternalProperty”:”a value”, “_topic”: “business”,
 “url”: “” , “title”: “A Business Inc. bankrupt”,
 “content”: “Lorem ipsum dolar sit amet”

Where metadata properties aren’t supported, use an element in the document. A good trick is to use names that start with underscores in order to avoid clashes with fields used by application code, as shown in the preceding example.

In the past, it was normal to receive dumps of information overnight and process them in the wee hours of the morning. Now information is generated 24/7 and needs to be ingested as soon as it arrives. This means your service must operate 24/7 also. No more downtime for system checks, backups, or upgrades.

To handle 24/7 operations, your database cluster needs to support

  • Online backups: Back up nodes within the cluster with no loss of service.
  • Online upgrades: Take a server offline (another server takes over its data), upgrade the offline server; then bring it back online with no service interruptions.
  • Data replication: If a replica server can’t take over one server’s data, then it can’t support online upgrades. You achieve replication through a shared network disk, or disk replication between servers.

These availability constraints are peculiar to 24/7 streamed incoming data. A lot of databases don’t need this degree of availability. It’s increasingly common to find that service is required 24/7, though, so you need to be aware of these issues.

Amalgamating related data

After you successfully store the data — by the way, well done, because it’s no mean feat! — you must join it together.

Say that you use an ID tracing database for banking arrears collection systems. In this case, you want the latest internal information on customers. Perhaps you receive feeds of data from credit reporting agencies, consented email and cell phone records, public twitter messages (including geocoded tweets so you know where they were sent from), and maybe even local phone directory or census information. The consented cell phone and email data typically includes names and addresses, too. (Think of all those web forms you fill in with privacy check boxes.)

You want to integrate this data to provide a picture of a person and where he has lived. Basically, you join the public fragments of his identity. After all, if he moves out of his house and skips the $110,000 he owes the bank on his mortgage, then it’s worth trying to find him!

So, you want to create a “Person” document joining information about the particular person at this particular address. Maybe you find his cell phone number, email address, and mortgage records.

You could then mine tweets near his house and see if any cluster at this address. Then look at the profile and tweets to determine whether he is living there, or perhaps his daughter. If it is him, attach this data to the “Person” object.

To ensure that it’s the right person, store the provenance information of what you find, and how it was modified or generated. Why did you add the twitter id to the record? What evidence do you have (list of tweets)? How certain are you (percentage match relevance)?

You’ll then be able to see whether any of the identifying information in the last couple of months clusters at a new address. Perhaps a rented property in the next town. In this fashion, you can find the debtors new address.

Providing answers as documents

Once you bring all the information together, you need to provide it in a user-friendly way to people who utilize your application.

For catch-up TV services, for example, there’s no point in showing episode summaries or a list of all the channels and times for the past two weeks and the next six months that they’ll be showing. Instead, it’s better to show a set of episodes that the user can watch now, no matter when its start and end dates occurred.

Taking this source information and creating a different amalgamated view at different levels of granularity is called denormalization. This is a very common use case with document-oriented NoSQL databases. Instead of doing joins at query time (as you can do with a relational database), you precompute the joins and store the results as documents, perhaps in a different collection.

Doing so is particularly useful if each of the source documents you need to join together is controlled by a different set of users. The producers of a television show may be responsible for describing the episode, but the network director is responsible for its scheduling.

You need to pull information from the episode and availability documents, perhaps along with series, brand, and platform (for example, Wii, web, set-top box, Apple Store) in order to compose the denormalized episode-availability documents.

The best way to think about these denormalized documents is as answer documents. Based on the questions users can ask, what would they expect the answer to look like? Given this information, you can create a set of denormalization operations that make sense for your application.

If you’ve created denormalizations well, the answer documents will contain all the information that a user needs for a query in order to find them. These documents can then be indexed for query. Alternatively, you can use a search engine to provide a full-text index for episode-availability searches.

Although it does take up more space, creating denormalizations reduces query and processing time because only one document is read, and the query doesn’t have to process and join together many records in order to provide the single answer the user is looking for.

Producing denormalizations is the document NoSQL database equivalent of a materialized view in the relational database world. Materialized views are pre-computed joins across tables, used to avoid joins at query time. You’re trading storage space for query speed and I/O workload. Depending on your application and complexity of the joins, this tradeoff may well be worth making.

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