Chapter 17

Document Database Products

In This Chapter

arrow Replacing memcache

arrow Providing a familiar developer experience

arrow Delivering an end-to-end document platform

arrow Creating a web application back end

If you’ve decided that a document-orientated, schema-free, tree-structured approach is for you, then you have several choices because many great and varied document NoSQL databases are available. But the question, of course, is which one to use?

Perhaps your organization requires the ability to scale out for high-speed writes. Maybe, instead, you have only a few documents with high-value data. Perhaps you’re looking for a relational database that your developers are familiar with.

Because the fundamental designs of databases differ, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. These designs are neither wrong nor right; they’re just different because each database is designed for a different use. They become “wrong” only if they’re applied to the wrong type of problem.

In this chapter, I explain how to make the choice that best suits your needs.

Providing a Memcache Replacement

Memcache is an in memory caching layer that is frequently used to speed up dynamic web applications by lowering database query load.

In some web applications, you must provide an in-memory storage layer — to offload repeated reads from a back-end operational database server or, alternatively, to store transient user session data that lives only while a user is on a website.

Memcached was the original open-source, in-memory key-value store designed for this purpose. It provides either an in-memory store within a single web application’s memory space, or a central service to provide memory caching for a number of application servers.

Other similar open-source and commercial options exist. Oracle Coherence is a sophisticated offering, along with Software AG’s Terracotta. Hazelcast is a popular open-source in-memory NoSQL option. Redis can also be used for in-memory caching (refer to Part II for more on key-value stores).

Ensuring high-speed reads

The primary purpose of a memcache layer is to attain high-speed reads. With memcache, you don’t have to communicate over the network with a database layer that must read data from a disk.

Memcache provides a very lightweight binary protocol that enables applications to issue commands and receive responses to ensure high-speed read and write operations.

This protocol is also supported by other NoSQL databases. Couchbase, for instance, supports this protocol natively, allowing Couchbase to be used as a shared service drop-in replacement for memcache.

Using in-memory document caching

Using Couchbase as a memcache replacement ensures that cached data is replicated quickly around multiple data centers, which is very useful, for example, when a news story is prompting numerous views and tweets. With Couchbase, you can prevent increasing the load on the server by caching this popular story in memory across many servers.

Because Couchbase is a document NoSQL database, it also supports setting up indexes on complex JSON structures. Memcache doesn’t provide this type of aggregate storage structure; instead, it concentrates on simpler structures such as sets, maps, and intrinsic types like strings, integers, and so on.

icon tip Couchbase is particularly useful when a web application retrieves a cached news item either by a page’s URL or by the latest five stories on a particular topic. Because Couchbase provides views and secondary indexes, you can execute exact-match queries against data stored in memory.

Supporting mobile synchronization

Increasingly, services such as Evernote, SugarSync, and Dropbox require that data is stored locally on a disconnected device (like a cell phone) for later synchronization to a central cloud service. These services are particularly critical when devices like cell phones and laptops are disconnected from a network, for example, oil rigs, environmental surveys, or even battlefields.

The creators of such services don’t design their own communication and synchronization protocols, probably because doing so is costly, slow, and bug-prone. The good news is that Couchbase has you covered via Couchbase Mobile, which works on mobile devices. Its internal master-master replication protocol allows many different devices to sync with each other and with a central service.

Evaluating Couchbase

Couchbase provides good support for high-speed writes like a key-value store, while also eventually storing data on disk. Its primary use is for an always-on connection for clusters and devices.

Couchbase, however, isn’t an ACID-compliant database. There are short windows of time when data is held in memory on one machine but not yet saved to disk or saved on other machines. This situation means data less than a few seconds old can be lost if a server fails.

Couchbase views are the basis of its indexing. If you need secondary indexes, then you must create a design document and one or more views. These are updated asynchronously after data is eventually written to disk.

icon tip If data loss windows and inconsistent indexes are big issues in your situation, I suggest waiting for the upcoming version 3.0, which will provide streaming replicas between memory without waiting for disk check-pointing. It also will allow updating query views directly from memory. Combining these capabilities with consistent use of the PersistTo flag on save and the stale=false flag on read will reduce such problems, at the cost of some speed. These settings aren’t easy to find on the Couchbase documentation website (, so you will have to read the API documentation for the details.

Couchbase is likely hard to beat in terms of speed in the document NoSQL database realm. This speed comes at the cost of consistency and durability and with a lack of automatic indexing and data querying features. Range queries (less than, greater than) aren’t supported at all.

Couchbase restricts you to only three replicas of data. In practice, this is probably as many replicas as you want, but all the same, it is a restriction.

If speed is king in your situation — if you’re using JSON documents, if you want a memcache replacement, or perhaps you need a persistence layer for your next gazillion-dollar generating mobile app — then Couchbase may be for you.

Providing a Familiar Developer Experience

Developers are picky folks. We get stuck in our ways and want to use only technologies that we’re familiar with, and not dirty or weird in some way, although esoteric code may be just the thing for some people, which may be why there are so many different databases out there!

To get developers on board, you need to provide things that work the way developers expect them to. A database needs to be easy to get started with, and it needs to provide powerful tools that don’t require lots of legwork — and that they can put to use in, say, about five minutes.

Indexing all your data

Having a schema-free database is one thing, but in order to have query functionality, in most NoSQL databases you must set up indexes on specific fields. So you’re really “teaching” the database about the schema of your data.

Microsoft’s DocumentDB (for JSON) and MarkLogic Server (for JSON and XML), however, both provide a universal index, which indexes the structure of documents and the content of that document’s elements.

DocumentDB provides structural indexing of JSON documents and even provides range queries (less than, greater than operations) alongside the more basic equal/not equal operations. DocumentDB does all this automatically, without you having to “teach” the database about the prior existence of your documents’ structure.

Using SQL

Pretty much every computer science graduate over the past 30 years knows how to query and store information held in an RDBMS, which means there are many people fluent in SQL, the language used to query those systems.

Being able to query, join, sort, filter, and project (produce an output in a different structure to the source document) using this familiar language reduces barriers to adoption significantly.

Microsoft provides a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) API that accepts SQL as the main query language. This SQL language is ANSI SQL-compliant, allowing complex queries to be processed against DocumentDB using the exact syntax that you would against a relational database, as shown in Listing 17-1.

Listing 17-1: SQL to Project a JSON Document into a Different Structure

SELECT AS family,
   child.firstName AS childName,
   pet.givenName AS petName
FROM Families family
JOIN child IN family.children
JOIN pet IN child.pets

The SQL query in Listing 17-1, for example, produces the JSON output shown in Listing 17-2.

Listing 17-2: The Resulting JSON Projection

   "familyName": "Fowler",
   "childName": "Reginald",
   "petName": "Leo"
   "familyName": "Atkinson",
   "childName": "Reece",
   "petName": "Deefer"

Programmers familiar with RDBMS should find this query very intuitive.

Linking to your programming language

Of course, high-level programmers won’t be attracted to database innards, like the query structure of SQL. They prefer to work with objects, lists, and other higher-level concepts like save, get, and delete. They’re a high-brow bunch who sip martinis while reclining on their super-expensive office chairs and coding.

Application objects can be order objects, a list of items in an order, or an address reference. These objects must be mapped to the relevant structures in order to be held in, and queried from, the document database. Listing 17-3 shows an example of a .NET object class used to store family information.

Listing 17-3: .NET Code for Serialized JSON Objects

public class Family
   public string Id;
   public Parent[] parents;
   public Child[] children;
public struct Parent
   public string familyName;
   public string firstName;
public class Child
   public string familyName;
   public string firstName;
   public string gender;
   public List<Pet> pets;
public class Pet
   public string givenName;
// create a Family object
Parent mother = new Parent { familyName= "Fowler", firstName="Adam" };
Parent father = new Parent { familyName = "Fowler", firstName = "Wendy" };
Child child = new Child { familyName="Fowler", firstName="Reginald", gender="male"};
Pet pet = new Pet { givenName = "Leo" };
Family family = new Family { Id = "Fowler", parents = new Parent [] { mother, father}, children = new Child[] { child } };

You can use and serialize plain .NET objects directly to and from DocumentDB. These object classes can have optional annotations, which helps migrate an “id” field in the JSON representation to the .NET object’s “Id” field (capital I), as you can see in the Family class in Listing 17-3. So, when using DocumentDB, programmers just use the standard coding practices they’re used to in .NET.

Evaluating Microsoft DocumentDB

Microsoft’s DocumentDB is an impressive new entry in the document NoSQL database space. With tunable consistency, a managed service cloud offering, a universal index for JSON documents with range query support, and JavaScript server-side scripting, DocumentDB is powerful enough for many public cloud NoSQL scenarios.

Currently, DocumentDB is available only on Microsoft Azure, and for a price. It doesn’t have an open-source offering, which will limit its adoption by some organizations, though it’s likely to be attractive to Windows and .NET programmers who want to take advantage of the benefits of a schema-less NoSQL design with flexible consistency guarantees. These programmers may not want to learn the intricacies of non-Windows environments, like MongoDB on Red Hat Linux, for example.

.NET developers with exposure to SQL or Microsoft SQL Server will find it easy to understand DocumentDB. As a result, DocumentDB will challenge MongoDB in the public cloud — because DocumentDB is more flexible and has better query options when a JSON document model is used.

For private cloud providers and large organizations able to train people on how to maintain free, open-source alternatives, MongoDB will likely maintain its position. If Microsoft ever allows the purchase of DocumentDB for private clouds, this situation could change rapidly.

MarkLogic Server is likely to continue to dominate in cases of advanced queries with geospatial and semantic support; or where binary, text, and XML documents with always-ACID guarantees need to be handled; or in high-security and defense environments.

All the same, Microsoft should be commended for this well-thought-out and feature-rich NoSQL document database. This new entrant along with Oracle’s NoSQL key-value store (refer to Part II for more on Oracle NoSQL) and the Cloudant document NoSQL database (which IBM purchased in 2014) proves that NoSQL is making the big boys of the software industry sit up and take notice.

Providing an End-to-End Document Platform

Storing JSON and allowing it to be retrieved and queried with strong consistency guarantees is a great start. However, most enterprise data is stored in XML rather than in JSON. XML is the lingua franca (default language) of systems integration. It forms the foundation of web services and acts as a self-describing document format.

  • In addition to XML, plain text documents, delimited files like comma separated values (CSV), and binary documents still need to be managed. If you want to store these formats, extract information from them, and store metadata against the whole result, then you need a more comprehensive end-to-end solution.
  • After managing the data, you may also need to provide very advanced full text and geospatial and semantic search capabilities. Perhaps you also want to return faceted and paginated search results with matching-text snippets, just like a search engine.
  • Perhaps you want to go even further, and take the indexes of all the documents and conduct co-occurrence analysis. This is where you look at two elements in the same document and calculate how often across all documents in a query two values occur together — say, the product and illness fields extracted from some tweets. You may discover that Tylenol and flu often occur together. Perhaps this will lead you to start an advertisement campaign for this combination.
  • This analytic capability is more than summing up or counting existing fields. It requires more mathematical analysis that needs to be done at high speed, preferably over in-memory, ordered range indexes.

Say that you then want to describe how you extracted the information, from which sources, who uploaded it, and what software was used. You can then code this information in Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples, which I discuss in Part V of this book.

You may then want to take all this information, repurpose it, and publish summaries of it. This end-to-end complete lifecycle used to manage documents and the valuable information within them requires many features. To do so in mission-critical systems that require ACID transactional consistency, backups, high availability, and disaster recovery support — potentially over somewhat dodgy networks — makes the task even harder.

MarkLogic Server is designed with built-in support for these really tough problems.

Ensuring consistent fast reads and writes

At the risk of repetition — and boring you to tears — I say once again that providing very fast transaction times while maintaining ACID guarantees on durability and consistency is no easy thing.

Many NoSQL databases that I cover in this part of the book, and indeed entire book, don’t provide these guarantees in order to achieve higher throughput times. Many mission-critical systems require these features, though, so it’s worth mentioning some approaches to achieving these guarantees while ensuring maximum throughput.

MarkLogic Server writes all data to memory and writes only a small journal log of the changes to disk, which ensures that the data isn’t lost. If a server goes down, when it restarts, the journal is replayed, restoring the data. Writing a small journal, rather than all the content, to disk minimizes the disk I/O requirements when writing data, thus increasing overall throughput.

Many databases also lock information for reads and writes while a write operation is updating a particular document. MongoDB currently locks the entire database within a given instance of MongoDB! (Although this will change with upcoming versions of MongoDB.)

To avoid this situation, MarkLogic Server uses the tried-and-true approach called multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Here’s what happens if you have a document at an internal timestamp version of 12:

  1. When a transaction starts and modifies the data, rather than change the data, an entirely new document is written.

    Therefore, the database doesn’t have to lock people out for reads. All reads that happen after the transaction begins, but before it finishes, see version 12 of the document.

  2. Once the document transaction finishes, the new version is given the timestamp version of 13:
    • All reads that happen after this point are guaranteed to see only version 13.
    • Replicas are also updated within the transaction, so even if the primary server fails, all replicas will agree on the current state of the document.
  3. All changes are appended as new documents to the end of a database file, both in-memory and on disk.

    In MarkLogic, this is called a stand. There are many stands within a forest, which is the unit of partitioning in MarkLogic Server. A single server manages multiple forests. They can be merged or migrated as required while the service is live, maintaining a constant and consistent view of the data.

Of course, with new records being added and with old records that are no longer visible being somewhere in the stand files, an occasional cleanup operation is needed to remove old data. This process is generally called compaction, but in MarkLogic, it’s called a merge operation. This is because many stands are typically merged at the same time as old data is removed.

Always appending data means that reads don’t have to block other requests, ensuring fast read speeds while still accepting writes. This mechanism is also the basis for providing ACID guarantees for the protection of data and consistency of query and retrieval.

MarkLogic Server also updates all indexes within the transaction boundary. Therefore, it’s impossible to get false positives on document updates or deletions, and all documents are discoverable as soon as the transaction creating them completes. No need to wait for a traditional search engine’s re-indexing run.

Supporting XML and JSON

MarkLogic Server is built on open standards like XML, XQuery, XPath, and XSLT. XQuery is the language used for stored procedures, reusable code modules, triggers, search alerts, and Content Processing Framework (CPF) actions.

MarkLogic can natively store and index XML and plain text documents, store small binary files within the stands, and manage large binaries transparently directly on disk (but within the managed forest folder).

You handle JSON documents by transposing them to and from an XML representation with a special XML namespace, which in practice, is handled transparently by the REST API. You pass in JSON and retrieve JSON just as you do with MongoDB or Microsoft’s DocumentDB, as shown here:

<person id=”1234”>Adam Fowler</person>

The XML representation on disk is highly compressed. Each XML element name is very text-heavy, and there’s a start tag and an end tag, as shown in the preceding example. Rather than store this long string, MarkLogic Server uses its own proprietary binary format.

MarkLogic Server replaces the tag with a term id and inherently handles the parent-child relationships within XML documents, which saves a lot of disk space — enough so that, on an average installation, the search indexes plus the compressed document’s content equal the size of the original XML document.

This trick can be applied to JSON, too, and MarkLogic is adding native JSON support in MarkLogic Server version 8. In addition, MarkLogic is also adding full server-side JavaScript support. You will be able to write triggers, user-defined functions, search alert actions, and CPF workflow actions in JavaScript.

In addition, the exact functions and parameters currently available in XQuery will be available to JavaScript developers. JavaScript modules will also be capable of being referenced and called from XQuery, without special handling. This will provide the best of both worlds — the most powerful, expressive, and efficient language for working with XML in XQuery; and the most natural language for working with JSON in JavaScript. Except you’ll be able to mix and match depending on your skills as a developer.

Using advanced content search

There are document NoSQL databases, and then there are enterprise search engines. Often integrating the two means having search indexes inconsistent with your database documents, or duplicated information — some indexes in the database with the same information or additional indexes in the search engine.

MarkLogic Server was built to apply the lessons from search engines to schema-less document management. This means the same functionality you expect from Microsoft FAST, HP Autonomy, IBM OmniFind, or the Google Search Appliance can be found within MarkLogic Server.

In addition to a universal document structure and value (exact-match) index, MarkLogic Server allows range index (less than, greater than) operations. This range query support has been extended to include bounding box, circle radius, and polygon geospatial search, with server-side heat map calculations and “distance from center of search” analytics returned with search results.

MarkLogic Server’s search features don’t include a couple of features provided by dedicated search vendors (you can find more on search engines in Part VI):

  • An out-of-the-box user interface application that you can configure without using code.
  • Connectors to other systems. This is because MarkLogic Server aims to have data streamed into it, rather than going out at timed intervals via connectors to pull in content.

Range index distance calculations allows for complex relevancy scoring. A good example is for searching for a hotel in London. Say that you want a hotel near the city center but also want a highly rated hotel. These two metrics can both contribute to the relevancy calculation of the hotel document in question, providing a balanced recommendation score for hotels.

This is just one example of the myriad search capabilities built into MarkLogic Server. Many of these capabilities, such as alerting, aren’t as feature-rich in pure-play enterprise search engines, let alone in NoSQL databases.

Securing documents

Many of MarkLogic’s customers are public sector organizations in the United States Department of Defense. In these areas, securing access to information is key. MarkLogic Server has advanced security features built in. These features are available for commercial companies, too.

MarkLogic Server’s compartment security feature isn’t available for commercial customers based in the United States because of government licensing agreements. Outside the United States though, this feature is available for commercial use.

MarkLogic supports authentication of users via encrypted passwords held in the database itself, or in external systems. These external systems include generic LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication support and Kerberos Active Directory token support, which allows single sign-on functionality when accessing MarkLogic from a Windows or Internet Explorer client. Digital certificates are also supported for securing access.

Authorization happens through roles and permissions. Users are assigned roles in the system. These roles may come from internal settings or, again, from an external directory through LDAP. Permissions are then set against documents for particular roles. This is called role based access control (RBAC).

If you add two roles to a system, both with read access to the same document, then a user with either one of those roles can access the document.

In some situations, though, you want to ensure that only users with all of a set of roles can access a document. This is called compartment security and is used by defense organizations worldwide.

Consider the following compartments:

  • Nationality: British, American, Russian
  • Organization: CIA, NSA, DoD, UK SIS, UK NCA, FSB
  • Classification: Unclassified, Official, Secret, Top Secret
  • Compartment: Operation Squirrel, Operation Chastise, ULTRA

If a document has read permissions set for the roles American, Secret, and Operation Chastise, then only users with all three roles have access to that document.

Compartment security effectively enforces AND logic on roles instead of the normal OR logic. Roles must be in named compartments for compartment security to be enabled, though.

These permissions are indexed by MarkLogic in a hidden index. Any search or document retrieval operation, therefore, is always masked by these permissions, which makes securing documents very fast as the indexes are cached in memory.

Users performing a search never see documents they don’t have permission for, including things like paginated search summaries and total matching records counts.

These security guarantees are in contrast to many other systems where a mismatch between the document database, application, and search engine security permissions can lead to “ghost” false positive results. You see that a result is there, and maybe it’s a unique ID, but you don’t see data from the database describing the result, which indicates that content exists that you should never see.

Security permissions in MarkLogic are also applied to every function in the system. A set of execute permissions is available to lock down functionality. Custom permissions can be added and checked for by code in these functions. Execute permissions can even be temporarily bypassed for specific application reasons using amps — amps are configuration settings of a MarkLogic application server to allow privileged code to be executed only in very specific circumstances.

Wire protocols in MarkLogic, such as XML Database Connectivity (XDBC, the XML equivalent of Windows’ ODBC), HTTP REST, and administrative web applications are all secured using SSL/TLS.

MarkLogic Server also holds a U.S. Department of Defense Common Criteria certification at an EAL2 (Evaluation Assurance Level 2) standard. It is the only NoSQL database to hold accreditation under Common Criteria. This means its security has been tested and verified such that its development and testing procedures comply with industry best practice for security.

All these features combined provide what MarkLogic calls government-grade security.

Evaluating MarkLogic Server

MarkLogic Server has a great many functions, including NoSQL database, search engine, and application services (REST API). Its list of enterprise features, including full ACID compliance, backup and restore functions, cross-datacenter replication, and security, are unsurpassed in the NoSQL space. This makes MarkLogic Server attractive for mission-critical applications.

MarkLogic Server is currently hard to come to grips with because of its use of XQuery. Although XQuery is a very capable language and the best language for processing XML, not everyone is familiar with it. MarkLogic Server version 8, with its server-side JavaScript support, will alleviate this issue.

MarkLogic Server, like Microsoft’s DocumentDB, is a commercial-only offering. The download license provides six months of free use for developmental purposes, after which you have to talk with a MarkLogic sales representative in order to extend or purchase a license. This is alleviated somewhat by a lower-end Essential Enterprise license. Unlike many open-source NoSQL databases where an expensive commercial version is always required for cross-datacenter replication, backup and restore functions, integrated analytics, and other enterprise features, this less-advanced edition of MarkLogic provides these features as standard. This new licensing scheme was introduced in late 2013 to counter the common perception that MarkLogic Server was too expensive.

icon tip MarkLogic Server is also available on U.S. and UK government purchasing lists, as GSA and GCloud, respectively.

MarkLogic Server also has limited official programming language driver support. Currently, an XDBC Java and .NET API, and REST based the Java API are available as official drivers. A basic JavaScript Node.js driver will also be available with the release of version 8. These REST API-based drivers are being open-sourced now, though, which should improve development releases.

Unofficial drivers are also available as open-source projects for JavaScript (MLJS — for use in both Node.js and browser applications), Ruby (ActiveDocument), C# .NET (MLDotNet), and C++ (mlcplusplus).

MLJS, MLDotNet, and mlcplusplus are all projects I manage on my GitHub account at

The lack of an out-of-the-box configurable search web interface is also a problem when comparing MarkLogic Server’s search capabilities to other search vendors. This problem is limited, though, with many customers choosing to use wrap search functionality as one of many functions within their NoSQL-based applications.

For end-to-end document-orientated applications with unstructured search, perhaps a mix of document formats (XML, JSON, binary, text), and complex information management requirements, MarkLogic Server is a good choice.

Providing a Web Application Back End

It’s a very exciting time, with web startups and new networked mobile apps springing up all over the place. If this describes your situation, then you need a NoSQL database that is flexible enough to handle changes in document schema so that old and new versions of your app can coexist with the same data back end.

You also need a simple data model. If you support multiple platforms, you need this model to work seamlessly across platforms without any complex document parsers, which probably means JSON rather than XML documents.

If you’re building a web app that communicates either directly to the database or via a data services API that you create, then you want this functionality to be simple, too. In this case, a JSON data structure that can be passed by any device through any tier to your database will make developing an application easier.

Many web startups and application developers who don’t want to spend money on software initially but want their database to expand along with the popularity of their application use MongoDB. MongoDB, especially running as a managed cloud service, provides an inexpensive and easy-to-start API required for these types of applications. The software doesn’t provide all the advanced query and analytics capabilities of Microsoft’s DocumentDB or MarkLogic Server, but that isn’t a problem because its primary audience consists of web application developers in startup companies.

Trading consistency for speed

In many mobile and social applications, the latest data doesn’t return with every query; however, that’s no great loss if, for example, you get a new follower on Twitter and the count of followers doesn’t update for, say, six seconds. Allowing this inconsistency means that the database doesn’t have to update the master node and the replicas (typically two) during a write operation.

Trading this consistency in a document database like MongoDB means that the database doesn’t have to update the master node and the replicas during a write operation. MongoDB also supports writing to RAM and journaling to disk, so if you want durability of data with eventual consistency to replicas then MongoDB can be used for this. This allows MongoDB to provide high write speeds.

icon tip MongoDB currently locks its database file on each MongoDB instance when performing a write. This means only one write can happen at a time (although this issue will be addressed in version 2.8). Even worse, all reads are locked out until a write completes. To work around this problem, run multiple instances per server (perhaps one per two CPU cores). This approach is called micro-sharding.

Normally you operate one instance of a NoSQL database per server and manage multiple shards on that server (as discussed in Chapter 15) — with MongoDB micro-sharding you have to run multiple copies of MongoDB on each server, each with a single shard. This is of course a higher CPU and I/O load on the server.

Consistency levels aren’t enforced by the MongoDB server; they are selected by the client API driver, which allows clients to selectively choose the consistency for their writes and reads.

To ensure that all replicas are updated and that the data is completely flushed to disk before an operation completes, you can select the ALL replicas option for the write operation.

Similarly, you can set read consistency options. For example, you can ask for a majority of replicas, or all replicas, to agree on the “current” state of a record for the read operation before a copy of the record is returned to the client.

Sticking with JavaScript and JSON

If you’re writing a web application, then you probably employ several web developers, and they’re probably familiar with clever JavaScript tricks and know how to model data effectively in JSON.

Ideally, you want those developers to use their existing set of skills when it comes to operating your database. You want to save and retrieve JSON. When you query, you want a query definition that’s in JSON. You might not be a relational database expert with years of Structured Query Language (SQL) experience; however, you want to same functionality exposed in a way familiar to your JavaScript and JSON fluent web developers.

MongoDB’s query mechanism uses a JSON structure. The response you get is a JSON result set, with a list of JSON documents; it’s all very easy to understand and use from a web developer’s perspective, which is why MongoDB is so popular.

Finding a web community

MongoDB’s simplicity and JavaScript-centric characteristics make it a natural starting place for developers. This is reflected by the strength of the MongoDB online community

Partly it’s because MongoDB, Inc. (formerly 10gen) has an excellent developer-centric, local meet-up strategy and strong marketing behind it. Every week in MongoDB offices worldwide, people show up and work on apps with their sales and consulting staff.

MongoDB is also prevalent on web forums. If you hit upon a problem, chances are you can find a solution on This is a double-edged sword, though — because it may be that people are having a lot of problems!

Evaluating MongoDB

MongoDB is a solid database when used as a back end for web applications. Its JavaScript and JSON centricity make it easy to understand and use straightaway.

Being able to choose what level of consistency and durability you have is also useful. It’s up to you, as a developer, to understand this trade off, though, and the benefits and costs each gives you.

Currently, the main thing limiting MongoDB’s use in mission-critical enterprise installations — as opposed to large enterprises that are using MongoDB as a cache or for noncritical operations — is its lack of enterprise features.

The recent 2.6 version did introduce rolling backups, data durability settings, and basic index intersection. Basic RBAC (role based access control, mentioned earlier in this chapter) was also added, but not at the document level. You can secure access only by using roles to collections and databases, not individual documents.

Also, fundamental changes need to be made to MongoDB’s architecture to allow better scaling. Support for multi-core processors that doesn’t require you to start multiple instances is one such change.

Another is the need to define a compound index. Say that you have a query with three query terms and a sort order. In order to facilitate this query, rather than add an index for each term and define the sort order in the query, you must define a compound index for every combination of query terms you use and their sort order. This approach requires a lot of indexing and index space. MongoDB has begun to address this issue, but it hasn’t entirely removed the need for compound indexes.

The database-wide write lock is also a problem in systems that require large parallel write operations. This fundamental design exists because MongoDB uses memory-mapped files. An entirely new persistence mechanism will be required to resolve this, and this will take time to test, debug, and prove.

MongoDB’s funding rounds in 2013 were aimed at helping it solve these fundamental design challenges in the coming years, and MongoDB is on its way to achieving this goal with the new features in the 2.6 and 2.8 releases.

The bottom line is that MongoDB is easy to grasp and is already used by many companies to build very useful applications. If you have a web application or need a JSON data model in a NoSQL database with built-in querying, consider adopting MongoDB, especially if you need a free database or a private installation. Currently, neither of these scenarios are supported by Microsoft’s DocumentDB.

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