Chapter 24

Common Features of Search Engines

In This Chapter

arrow Diving into the system

arrow Referencing text

arrow Organizing data stores

arrow Creating alerts

The most visible part of a search engine is the search box. Google popularized the simple text box as the standard for allowing people to search vast arrays of digital content.

Words are imprecise, though. Do you mean John Smith the person or John Smith the beer? Do you mean guinea pig sex or determining the gender of a guinea pig? A mistake can cost time, but it can also bring a nasty surprise!

Really understanding how a search engine works allows you to create a shopping list of functionality that you actually need, rather than just conduct a “beauty pageant” of the search engines with the most features.

You probably need to fully implement only a few features rather than implement basic support for many features, and identifying the right features can save a lot of time.

In this chapter, I discuss all the features you’ll commonly find in search engines, and how they can be applied for fun and profit.

Dissecting a Search Engine

Although the most visible part of a search engine is the little text box on a web page, there are many behind-the-scene features that make the text box work.

In this section, I discuss how a search engine goes beyond the normal database concept of querying, and why you should consider search when selecting a NoSQL database.

Search versus query

A search is different from a query. A query retrieves information, based on whether it exactly matches the query. Querying for orders that include a specific item or for items in a specific price range are good examples.

A search, on the other hand, is inexact and doesn’t require strict adherence to a common data model. Terms may be required or optional, with potentially complex Boolean logic. A relevancy score is typically calculated rather than simply stating “match” or “not a match” in a query. These relevancy calculations are tunable and greatly improve a typical user’s search experience.

Search engines also provide hints for narrowing searches. In addition to providing a page of results and relevancy scores for each result, you may also be presented with information about the whole result set, which are called facets. Facets allow, for example, narrowing a product search by a product category, by price range, or by the date that the product was added.

Facets enhance the users’ experiences by allowing them to discover ways to improve their original search criteria without prior knowledge of data structures.

Web crawlers

Web crawlers are automated programs that check for updates to known websites and follow links to new websites and pages, indexing all content they find on the way. They may also take a copy of the state of a web page at the time of indexing.

When you’re trying out search, the first order of business is finding some content! That content can be highly structured relational database records, such as the content on e-commerce websites. Or it may be entirely free text, or something in between, such as a Microsoft Word document or a web page with some structure.

You begin by crawling the authoritative source system(s). Some databases have built-in indexing that allows real-time indexing. The vast majority of search engines, though, index remote content and update their indexes periodically. These indexes out of date, but a lot of content stays the same, so you don’t need to find it within minutes after it’s published.

Web search engines start with a list of URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). When crawling these URLs, they read the text on the web pages and index it; they also add newly discovered links to the queue of indexed pages. This single type of crawler can discover all linked web pages on the web.

Your organization may need to crawl a variety of systems. If so, note that many search engines, such as IBM OmniFind, HP Autonomy, and Microsoft FAST, have connectors to a variety of different sources.

These crawlers are typically provided by stand-alone search engines. Some search engines are embedded within databases, like MarkLogic’s NoSQL document database. These embedded search engines index their own content, so they don’t include crawlers for other systems, which means that you must move or copy content into the NoSQL database in order to have it indexed.

Although this requires more storage, the advantage of a real-time index for content stored in a NoSQL database may outweigh the disadvantages of a separate search engine. The primary disadvantage of a separate search engine is that crawling occurs on a periodic schedule, leading to inconsistent data results and false positives — where the document no longer exists or doesn’t match the search query.


After you find content, you need to decide what you want to index. You can simply store the document title, the link, and the date the content was last updated. Alternatively, you can extract the text from the content so you can list the words mentioned in the document.

You can go further and store a copy of the page as it was when indexed. This is a particularly popular feature in Google search results — especially if a page was recently deleted by its author, and you still want to access the page as it was when indexed.

A standard index stores a document ID followed by a list of the words mentioned within it. When you’re performing a query, though, this approach isn’t particularly useful. It’s much better to store document IDs as a list under each unique word mentioned. Doing so enables a search engine to quickly determine the set of documents that match a query.

icon tip This is called an inverted index and is the key to having good search performance. The more content you index, the more important it is that inverted indexes are stored so that query times are fast. Be sure to ask your vendor about its product’s index structure and about the scale at which it performs well.

Of course, you may want to index more than words. You can index date fields (updated, created, indexed at), numbers (page count, version), phrases, or even things like geospatial coordinates of places mentioned in content. These are collectively called terms, and their lists of matching documents are called term lists.

If a query you want to perform requires that all words, dates, and numeric terms match, the search engine will perform an intersection of the matching term lists, which means that the search engine returns results only on documents that include all three term lists. This is known as AND Boolean logic.

More useful perhaps is OR Boolean logic, which means that documents with more of the matching terms are given a higher relevancy score. The calculation of relevancy varies depending on the given situation.

For example, you may think results on recent news are more relevant than older news stories. In addition to this, you may also want to attach more relevancy to those in which the terms you entered are matched more frequently in the same document. The problem here, though, is that a document of 20 words (say a tweet) that mentions your word once may be more relevant than a 20-page document that also mentions the same word once. One word in 20 is a high frequency within the document.

A common way to offset relevancy problems is to calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency):

  • Term frequency is how often a term appears in a given document.
  • Inverse document frequency is the total number of documents divided by the number of documents mentioning that term.

There are various ways to calculate term frequency and inverse document frequency. I mention it to make the point that indexing and relevancy scoring are useful features, and ones that simple query in most databases cannot handle on their own.


Once you have all the lovely indexes, you need a way to query them that doesn’t baffle your application’s users. Google is so popular because a simple text box can be used for both simple word searches and for searches for very complex criteria, such as restricting the country of matched web pages, or the age of web pages returned.

Using a search grammar

The key to making searching easy is to use an easy-to-understand text format, which relates to what’s called a search grammar. Most search engines provide a free-text Google-like grammar.

Here you see an example of a search grammar in use:

"grazing land" AND rent site:uk -arable -scotland 2013..2014

This example of Google search text includes several terms:

  • Phrase: A phrase of words that must be next to each other, like "grazing land".
  • Boolean AND: AND joins the phrase and following word search and requires that both match.
  • Word: Typically, the word includes stems, so in this case, rent also includes renting, rents, and rented.
  • Domain: Here, the domain is the UK website domain name (site:uk).
  • Negation: Here, pages with the words arable (for crop land) and scotland are excluded.
  • Range: Here the date ranges for the years 2013 to 2014 are included.

This type of grammar is very easy to grasp and remember for future searches. These rules combined with parentheses enable you to perform very sophisticated searches.

Specialist publishers often provide enhanced search services that enable users to query across hundreds of terms in a single search. This capability is especially useful for niche datasets, such as financial services news reports and filings data.

icon tip Many search engines provide a default grammar, with some allowing you to customize the grammars and how they’re parsed, which is a plus if you’re considering moving from one search engine to another one that’s more scalable, but in doing so, you don’t want to burden the users of your application with having to learn how to use a new search grammar.


The earlier Google search query yields over 54,000 results. There’s no point in showing a user such a big list! Sorting by relevancy and showing the ten most-relevant matches is generally enough. All search engines provide this capability.

You may want the user interface you create to provide quick “skip” navigation to next and previous pages, and perhaps to the first page.


Sorting by relevancy is often the best bet, but in some circumstances, a user may want to override the order of results. This is most common in publishing scenarios where a user orders by “most recent” first or on an e-commerce website where the user chooses to show the least expensive product first.

Most search engine interfaces provide a drop-down menu that has helpful options for sorting.


A facet is an aspect of the search results that users may decide to use to further narrow their searches. Facets provide user-friendly ways of traversing search results to find exactly what’s needed. A facet has a name and shows many values, each with the number of records returned that match the value (for example, searching for Harry Potter on Amazon shows a product type facet with values book (55) and DVD (8)).

Advanced faceting can include hierarchical facet values, calculated buckets such as “Jun 2013” and “Jul 2013” (rather than individual dates) and even heat map regions for display as an overlay on a web map.


For text queries, you may often want to show one or more sections of text that match the given text terms, rather than simply state that a large document matches the query. This process is called snippeting.

It’s quite common for search engines to include three snippets per result, although you can configure this along with the number of characters or words to return in each snippet.

On Google, these snippets are shown with the continuation characters (. . .) separating them. Matching words are shown in bold within the snippets.

Using dictionaries and thesauri

As an extension to word stemming, you may want to support dictionaries and thesauri. These are particularly useful for finding synonyms.

Law enforcement agencies, in particular, are awash with synonyms. Drug dealers may call narcotics “products,” with each product referred to by a slang term as well as by its chemical or scientific name. Using a third-party thesaurus (for example, in OpenOffice format) or your own internally managed one can add breadth to a search term.

Indexing Data Stores

Corporate systems house a large amount of valuable organizational data. These systems vary from department to department and between different classes of business.

If you need to keep such systems in place but provide a single search capability over all of them, you need a search engine that can connect to these corporate systems.

Alternatively, you can consolidate a variety of IT applications on a common data platform. This platform may have search capabilities built into the database. Doing so enables you to instantly update indexes, which results in proactive alerts as new content arrives.

Using common connectors

You may want to index a variety of enterprise systems, with each containing useful information for your organization’s staff.

These systems include

  • Relational databases: Used for indexing products sold on a website.
  • Network file shares: Shared network drives, covering commonly formatted file documents such as Microsoft Word and Excel. These store content very similar to that found on any office computer.
  • Microsoft SharePoint: This and other enterprise content management (ECM) systems like IBM FileNet and EMC Documentum control access to managed and versioned documents.
  • Email: For email discovery and records management, storing and searching the text of emails and their attachments, as well as social relationships is useful (who emails whom, and how often).
  • Forms and images: Paper forms sent in by customers are scanned as images; then, using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, words are extracted from the pages.
  • Metadata: Data about data. Usually properties of a document or file. Includes date created, by whom, when last accessed or updated, title, keywords, and so on. May also include information extracted from the file itself, like the camera used to take a photo.

If you need to index these external content sources, then a stand-alone search engine may be useful.

Periodic indexing

These connectors are typically pull-based. That is, they run on a timed interval for each data source. Therefore, they’re always outdated. This isn’t an issue for a lot of content, such as products that are rarely updated, other than regarding their availability. For organization’s internal processes data, though, and certainly for financial services or feeds of live defense data, outdated content can lead to financial losses or, in the latter case, the risk of harm to personnel.

In such situations, you may want to push data onto a common data platform. A NoSQL database is ideal for this purpose, especially where a great variety of data is being stored.

If a NoSQL database has a built-in search engine, you can update its indexes at the same time the data is updated.

icon tip Many NoSQL databases embed a third-party search engine like Solr but don’t provide live updated indexes. If you need an absolutely live set of indexes, you need a NoSQL database that has a built-in search engine.


One advantage of live indexes is that they bring alerting within reach. Alerting is where a query is saved, and a user receives an alert box when new documents arrive that match the saved query.

This is particularly useful in the following situations:

icon tip

  • A user completes a manual search and wants to be notified when new matching content arrives.
  • It’s particularly useful for human expert information analysis use cases, be it commercial or otherwise. Or imagine that a business deal is on hold waiting for the arrival of certain matching content that will allow the process to continue (for example, proof of address documentation for a new client).
  • Content needs to be processed if it matches a query. This is common in entity extraction and enrichment.
  • A good example is matching an address in order to embed geospatial coordinates within a record. This enables geospatial search, rather than just text search.

icon tip In most search engines, only a subset of the search features are available when you’re saving searches for alerts. Be sure that your search engine supports all the common query types that you want your users to be able to use for alerting.

Using reverse queries

A reverse query is where you say, “Give me all saved searches that match this document” rather than “Give me all documents that match this search.” Search engines that support thousands rather than only a handful of search alerts incorporate a special reverse query index to ensure scalability. A reverse index is where a search is saved as a document and its search plan is indexed. This approach results in fast candidate matching when a new record arrives in the system.

Matchmaking queries

You can also combine reverse queries with normal forward queries. Doing so is useful where a record contains search criteria as well as data. This behavior is customary in matchmaking queries.

Here are some examples of matchmaking queries:

  • People searching for jobs have criteria for the jobs they’re seeking; equally, employers have criteria for the positions being sought.
  • A dating website comprises information about individuals as well as the criteria those individuals have in making a match.

These queries can’t be satisfied by manual queries or alerts alone; rather, they require a combination of forward and reverse query matching.

Here’s an example of how a search engine might process this kind of matching:

  1. Notice of a new job is added to a website.
  2. An alert is sent to a user because the notice matches her job-search criteria.
  3. Before sending the alert, the alert-processing code checks to make sure that the person matches the criteria of the employer, too.
  4. If there is a match, an alert is sent to the user.

    A separate alert process may also send information about relevant new job seekers to the employer.

Matchmaking queries can be done with overnight batch processing, but this results in long lead-times on matches, which isn’t desirable in some cases (such as short-lived auction listings on the web).

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