Chapter 27

Types of Search Engines

In This Chapter

arrow Indexing and searching text

arrow Creating secondary indexes

arrow Applying legacy products

arrow Implementing JSON search

Search engines are as diverse as the kinds of content they index. Large software companies acquired enterprise-level search engines aimed at corporate data five to ten years ago. These search engines are largely outdated or are embedded within applications used by their purchasers.

During the same period, Google has become the dominant player in web crawling and search. Through Google’s Search Appliance (GSA), its patented algorithms and simple search interface provide ample service on the public web and on corporate websites.

Open-source projects were developed, incorporating lessons learned in web search technology, and closed the gap left by stagnant enterprise search engines. These open source productsare undergoing rapid development at the moment and, to achieve scale, are integrating many of the architectural design features of NoSQL databases. Indeed, many search engines are often integrated into NoSQL databases to provide unstructured search.

In this chapter, I discuss the uses of these search engines, and how they can be used both alongside and instead of a NoSQL database.

Using Common Open-Source Text Indexing

Apache’s Lucene, the most popular open-source indexing and search engine technology, has been around since 1999. It’s written in Java and is a lightweight library aimed purely at indexing text within fields and providing search functionality over those indexes.

In this section, I discuss the challenges around text indexing, and software typically used to solve those challenges.

Using Lucene

Lucene performs text indexing and search; it’s not an end-to-end search engine. This means its developers concentrated on building a very flexible indexing mechanism that supports multiple fields in an indexed document.

Lucene doesn’t include web crawlers, binary text extractors, or advanced search functionality such as faceting. It’s purely for full-text indexing and search, which it does very well.

Lucene’s key innovation is that it is an embeddable library that allows you to index a wide range of source data for full-text searches. It powers many search engines and websites in its own right, being embedded into these products.

Distributing Lucene

Lucene isn’t a distributed search server environment. Instead, you present Lucene with text to be indexed in fields of a document, and it allows searches to run against the indexes. This flexibility makes it appropriate for a wide range of uses.

To provide indexing for terabytes of data, you need to select an open-source search engine that uses a library like Lucene for its full-text indexing, and fortunately, there are several to choose from. The most popular ones are Apache Solr and Elasticsearch.

These search engines approach clustering and distributed querying the same way NoSQL databases I talk about elsewhere in this book do. Instead of being databases, though, products like Solr and Elasticsearch hold document extracts and indexes and distribute those pieces of data.

Evaluating Lucene/SolrCloud

SolrCloud provides Lucene with a highly available, failure-tolerant, distributed indexing and search layer. You can use SolrCloud to enable a Solr cluster to do the following:

  • Create multiple replica shard searches that can be distributed across different servers holding the same information, providing faster query response times.
  • Create multiple master shards so that data can be split across multiple machines, which reduces the indexes per machine and optimizes write operations. It also increases the amount of an index that can fit into memory, which improves query times.

SolrCloud (Solr version 4 and above) operates a master-slave replication mechanism. This means a write happens locally and is eventually pushed to all replicas. Therefore, a Lucene/Solr cluster is eventually consistent — clients may not see a new or updated document for a while, although usually only for milliseconds. This delay could be an issue if you absolutely need an up to date view of your data. A good example of this is when looking for the latest billion dollar trade you just made.

Solr also acts as a NoSQL database, allowing documents to be written and committed. They can also be patched without a full replacement, much as they are in document NoSQL databases.

icon tip A manual commit is required to ensure that the documents are written to the transaction log and, thus, preserved if a server failure occurs.

SolrCloud uses Apache ZooKeeper to track the state of the cluster and to elect new master shards in the event of server failure. This prevents a “split brain” of two parts of the same cluster operating independently.

Apache also recommends that you set up ZooKeeper in a highly available manner, spread over a set of servers. This is called a ZooKeeper ensemble. Apache also recommends doing so on dedicated hardware, because if you don’t, you will have to restart ZooKeeper to modify and do updates. If it is also located on a Solr machine, a forced failover will occur.

ZooKeeper is required for all new database client applications to connect to in order to determine the state of the cluster and perform a query. To ensure that your SolrCloud instance is highly available, you must set up a ZooKeeper ensemble across multiple machines. Otherwise, you’ll have a very stable SolrCloud cluster that no one can query!

icon tip Solr doesn’t handle disaster recovery clusters. The current recommendation is to set up two SolrCloud clusters that know nothing about each other. When adding documents (updating indexes), you must commit changes to both clusters. As a result, application developers bear the burden of establishing consistency.

SolrCloud is a solid, distributed search platform, though. It goes beyond what is provided by Lucene — it isn’t merely a distributed set of indexes. These features make Solr a leading open-source search engine that will appeal to many developers of enterprise Java applications. SolrCloud offers:

  • Faceted navigation and filtering
  • Geospatial search, including points and polygons
  • Structured search format as well as a free text search grammar
  • Text analytics
  • Dynamic fields, allowing new fields to be incorporated into existing indexes without reconfiguration of an entire system
  • Multiple search index configurations for the same field
  • Configurable caching
  • Storage of XML, JSON, CSV, and binary documents
  • Text extraction from binary documents using Apache Tika and metadata extraction using Apache UIMA

Solr is accessible via an HTTP-based API, allowing any programming language to use the search platform’s services.

Combining Document Stores and Search Engines

The way to guarantee the highest write performance of a database with a real-time, advanced search engine is to use a database that is a search engine. MarkLogic server is unique in the NoSQL database landscape by being built using search engine indexing techniques from the start, rather than just for storing and retrieving data and having search indexing and query execution added on later.

MarkLogic Server is built with data integrity and consistency foremost in its design, while also providing for clusters of hundreds of servers in a highly available cluster.

In this section, I discuss MarkLogic Server’s approach to search indexing and query.

Universal indexing

A useful feature to enable search to be used instantly in MarkLogic Server is the universal index. When a document is added to MarkLogic, certain information is automatically indexed without special configuration being required. This indexed information is

  • All elements and properties within the document
  • Parent-child relationships of elements within elements
  • Exact values of each element and attribute
  • Words, word stems, and phrases
  • Security permissions on the document
  • All associated properties, including collections and creation and update times, which are stored in an XML document

The universal index allows any (XML or JSON) content to be added to the database and made immediately available for search. This is particularly useful in situations where you’re loading an unknown set of content and need to browse it before adding specialized indexes.

MarkLogic Server also includes support for text and metadata extraction for more than 200 binary file types, including common office document formats, email, and image and video metadata.

Using range indexes

After you load your data and browse it via the universal index, you can start adding data-aware indexes, which are often referred to as secondary indexes in NoSQL.

Typically, range indexes are set up on numeric and data types to provide support for range queries. A range query includes one or more less than and greater than operations.

You set up range indexes by storing an ordered set of values and a list of the documents they relate to — for example, ascertaining all news articles in September by taking a block of document ids between two date values.

Operating on in-memory data

Indexes in MarkLogic Server are cached in a server’s memory, using whatever spare memory capacity is available. This makes operations on that data very fast. In addition to range queries, you can use range indexes for sorting and faceted navigation.

You can also use range indexes to perform mathematical functions over field values across a set of results. The most common calculation is a count of the documents mentioning a particular value, which is used to calculate facets.

Other operations are also supported, including summation, average (mean, mode, and median), standard deviation, and variance. You can also write user-defined functions in C++ and plug them into MarkLogic Server at runtime to provide custom, complex range mathematical calculations. This approach is like Hadoop’s in-database MapReduce operation, except it’s much faster and without the baggage of a large Hadoop installation.

Other operations on range indexes include calculating heat map density of search results, which can be overlaid on a map. You can also perform co-occurrence calculations, which allows you to take two or more fields in each search result and see how often their values occur simultaneously. This is useful for discovering patterns, such as the link between medical conditions and products mentioned on Twitter.

Retrieving fine-grained results

Most search engines provide search queries over the entire document. MarkLogic Server, however, allows you to specify a subset of the document and perform a search for it. This is particularly useful when you want to restrict the search to a specific section, rather than search a whole document or one field. Examples include book summaries, comments on an article, or just the text of a tweet (tweets actually have dozens of fields; they’re not just a short string of text).

Evaluating MarkLogic

MarkLogic Server is an enterprise NoSQL database, providing functionality demanded by enterprise-grade mission-critical applications. MarkLogic Server favors consistency and durability of data and the operation of rich functionality on that data more than it does throughput speed for adding new data, and querying that data.

If you have sophisticated search requirements including full text, free schema, binary content, XML and JSON, real-time alerting, and support for text, semantic and geospatial search across hundreds of terabytes of mission-critical data, then I recommend that you check out MarkLogic Server.

The downside to a database that also does search is that the front-end user interface is lacking in functionality when compared to legacy enterprise search platforms such as HP Autonomy, IBM OmniFind, and Microsoft FAST.

MarkLogic does provide an HTTP-based API supporting document operation and structure and free text grammar search, but you must develop the user interface yourself.

MarkLogic includes an application builder web application that you can use to configure a basic search web application. In a convenient wizard driven interface, The application generated by this wizard is very simple though, always requiring customization via code to create a final production-ready application.

MarkLogic provides a range of open-source language bindings, including Java, JavaScript, C# .NET, Ruby on Rails, C++, and PHP. This means you can plug MarkLogic Server into your application stack of choice.

MarkLogic Server does lag behind other enterprise search platforms in that it doesn’t provide natural language processing (NLP) functionality — for example, splitting “Hotels in London” into a product type query of “hotel” and a geospatial query matching hotels near to the center of London.

Although it’s a closed-source project, MarkLogic provides detailed documentation and free online training courses. Meetups are also available for MarkLogic in the United States, Europe, and Japan.

MarkLogic Server is the only NoSQL database product mentioned in a variety of analyst reports, including those covering both data management and search, from a range of analyst firms.

Evaluating Enterprise Search

There are many legacy search engines deployed in enterprises today. Understanding those available is useful when deciding to adopt them, or replace them with a modern alternative for use with NoSQL databases.

Here are the most commonly used legacy enterprise search engines:

  • HP Autonomy, which incorporates the Verity K2 search engine business
  • IBM OmniFind
  • Oracle Endeca
  • Microsoft FAST

These search engines haven’t undergone significant development as stand-alone products in recent years, but they have been embedded in their sponsor companies’ other products.

In this section, I describe these search engines’ common use in enterprises today.

Using SharePoint search

The Norwegian FAST company was the newest player in the enterprise search space before being acquired by Microsoft. FAST now is incorporated into Microsoft’s SharePoint platform and is no longer available or supported as a separate search platform.

Integrating NoSQL and HP Autonomy

HP acquired the independent British firm Autonomy and has incorporated the software into many products. Autonomy is now a brand within HP. The HP Autonomy IDOL search platform incorporates the search engine products.

IDOL has more than 400 system connectors for search, supporting over 1,000 different binary file types of text and metadata extraction, as well as image, document, and video-processing capabilities.

Advanced functionality includes deduplication, and the creation of reports and dashboards. IDOL also works well with Hadoop HBase and Hive.

As the only enterprise search platform still available as a comprehensive suite of search products, HP Autonomy is the leading vendor in corporate search platforms.

Using IBM OmniFind

IBM OmniFind was at one point a very popular search engine with IBM customers. Many people may be familiar with the Yahoo! Desktop Search application, which was actually a limited version of IBM OmniFind provided free for desktop users.

I worked for IBM from 2006 to 2008, and at that time, we often used OmniFind on our laptops to manage a search index of our customer documents and emails. It was a great way to demonstrate the software to potential customers — as long as we were careful about we searched for, of course. Now OmniFind’s functionality is included in the IBM Watson Content Analytics product. This product provides for significant data analytics and dashboard creation, although from an end user’s perspective, the search functionality hasn’t advanced in the intervening years.

Evaluating Google search appliance

Google provides a search engine called Google Search Appliance (or GSA, as it’s often referred to). This appliance provides the familiar Google search experience for corporate data sources and internal websites.

Because it’s easy to install and so many users are familiar with its features, GSA is very popular. It supports the usual Google features, including faceted navigation and also a limited set of corporate system search crawler connectors.

Its price is based on the number of documents you index for search, and there’s a significant initial investment for GSA. However, if you have a large (but not overly large) number of intranet sites that employees search or an application that external users access, then Google Search Appliance may work well for you.

Storing and Searching JSON

Solr and MarkLogic support XML, JSON, text, CSV, and binary documents and provide searchable indexes over them. However, the leader in JSON storage and search is Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch provides a JSON-only document store with a universal JSON index. The complete package is provided by what is referred to as the ELK stack, which stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. They are all Elasticsearch products.

The Logstash product processes log files and indexes them for search. As you can see in Figure 27-1, Kibana provides a very sexy dashboard set of widgets that allows you to design a search interface just by using a web browser.


Figure 27-1: Kibana dashboard application from

In this section, I discuss the key features of Elasticsearch and why you may choose to deploy this for your search platform.

JSON universal indexing

Elasticsearch will index every property and value in any JSON document you store in its universal index. In addition to simply storing values as text, Elasticsearch will attempt to guess the data type of the property being stored.

This provides a quick start when storing and searching JSON documents. Elasticsearch, like Solr, is built on top of the Lucene indexer and search engine. Elasticsearch provides a distributed architecture for indexing large amounts of data using Lucene.

Elasticsearch makes a better attempt than Solr at providing a fully consistent master-slave replication of saved data. This means all replicas are consistent with any changes applied to the master as soon as a transaction completes. Transaction logs in Elasticsearch are also committed immediately to disk, minimizing the chances of data loss if a server fails immediately after a document is saved.

Scriptable querying

Elasticsearch doesn’t provide a free Google-style query grammar. Instead, you create a structured query using an Elasticsearch-specific JSON format.

This format provides queries that return relevance-ranked results and filters that return exact matches to the filter terms. Many types of query and filter terms are supported. Filtering also allows the use of a query within a filter.

icon tip The script filter enables simple JavaScript Boolean terms to be submitted as text and executed in order to filter the documents. These can also be parameterized and cached, allowing for a facility similar to bound variables from the relational database world’s stored procedures.

Evaluating Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a good place to start if you need to store data as JSON documents primarily for full-text searches or for range query searches. The ELK stack allows very rapid use of Elasticsearch for log file storing, search, and analytics in an attractive and high-performance front end.

Beyond log file use, though, you must plug Elasticsearch’s HTTP-based REST API into your programming language and user interface layer of choice. Support is provided for a wide range of languages.

Elasticsearch doesn’t handle binary documents or XML natively, so if these are among your needs, then you need to look at other solutions. No connectors are provided for Elasticsearch to pull in information from other corporate systems or applications.

Elasticsearch does handle JSON documents better than Solr. This is especially true with complex nested tree structures and parent/child relationships within documents.

Elasticsearch is also schema-less with a universal index, unlike Solr where you need to specifically instruct the search engine about the format and fields in the indexed documents. In Solr, schema changes also require a cluster restart — they cannot be done live. In Elasticsearch, you can alter them live as long as the changes don’t break existing indexes.

If you have a variety of ever-changing JSON documents and need to search them, then Elasticsearch is a good choice.

Microsoft’s entry into the JSON document NoSQL market with its DocumentDB service on Azure could prove a more attractive option to managing and search JSON documents as it matures over the next two years. At the moment, Microsoft DocumentDB has no free text search capability, preferring instead to use Structured Query Language (SQL) queries from the relational database world. If Microsoft were to take its FAST database technology and apply it to its DocumentDB product with its existing universal index, and then allow on-premise installations, then DocumentDB will become an attractive alternative in large enterprise deployments.

At the moment, though, Elasticsearch is the dominant JSON search engine, but it will have to adapt in order to pull ahead of Solr or MarkLogic, which both support a wider range of document formats.

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