Chapter 29

Common Hybrid NoSQL Features

In This Chapter

arrow Combining features in one product

arrow Reducing cost

arrow Saving space

arrow Accelerating searches

NoSQL databases are evolving. Much as relational databases added data types over time — like character (text) long objects (CLOB), binary long objects (BLOB), and XML data — NoSQL databases are adding support for new types of data.

If you’ve read other parts of this book, by now you probably understand that a given business problem can be solved different ways in each of the databases (key-value, Bigtable, graph / triple stores, and document databases) covered in this book. storing a document for a unique ID, for example, is a feature of both key-value stores and document databases.

Various databases can, therefore, technically be called hybrid in that they support multiple paradigms of data management. I restricted the list of hybrid databases in this chapter to those that provide significant functionality in more than one area — note that support for a new data type doesn’t qualify as a hybrid database unless common management operations related to that type of data are also provided — column aggregate functions in Bigtable clones, for example. Also, document databases aren’t automatically classified as key-value stores even though they can technically store values against a unique key. Likewise, not all databases that provide in-memory caching of property values are classified as column stores.

All that said, my purpose is be sure that neither I nor NoSQL vendors’ marketing departments create confusion and leave you thinking that all NoSQL databases can provide all features for all kinds of problems. Instead, if you really need a hybrid approach, I want to help you correctly identify and select the right NoSQL solution.

The Death of Polyglot Persistence

In some cases, a single application has to communicate with a mainframe system, a relational database management system (RDBMS), and a NoSQL database management system (DBMS). However, as I mention in Chapter 2, the idea that a single app needs multiple NoSQL database management systems is temporary because NoSQL databases are rapidly evolving. For example, OrientDB has a database that blends a triple store and a document database. Why buy two products if one does the same job?

When relational database management systems first became mainstream, they tended to offer different advantages. For instance, some had support for triggers, whereas others had cascade delete capabilities. Over time, such features became standard in all relational database management systems. The same will be true for NoSQL databases as new features are added by vendors to encourage customers to choose their database from among the many.

One product, many features

Customers may find that they prefer a single-product approach because one rich product makes training developers and administering the IT landscape easier than using multiple databases would.

A single product also means that you don’t have to become a coding plumber. You don’t have to figure out how to join two different systems together. With a single product, vendors generally do these things themselves.

In OrientDB, which I discuss later in this chapter, adding an order document with a link to a product (say a product_id=29 document value) generates a triple that links the order to a product document in the system. Also, OrientDB blends this product data with the order document when the order document is requested by the application.

The makers of OrientDB provide this mechanism through the configuration of their server. I think you’ll agree that not having to write code that communicates with two systems — one managing the relationships (triple store) and the other managing the data (document store) — will save you a lot of time.

Best-of-breed solution versus single product

The main risk with a single-product approach is that the product may provide weak functionality in every area rather than doing one thing well. Sometimes you do need advanced features, in which case, you want to use multiple products.

As an IT professional seen as your clients’ “trusted adviser,” it’s your job to figure out where to draw the line between using multiple products and a single product.

It’s very rare, though, that one application needs the ten most common features of each type of data store. (Although that certainly doesn’t keep business analysts from writing requirements saying that the application needs all possible features!)

Advantages of a Hybrid Approach

Hyrbid databases can provide a number of additional benefits beyond minimizing the number of components in your application’s IT infrastructure. In this section, I discuss these additional benefits.

Hybrid approaches provide important advantages, including the following:

  • Single strategic tech stack: Implements a single data layer to power all your applications. As an IT professionals you’ve probably unknowingly been using relational database management systems to do this, but NoSQL means there’s no up-front schema design, which gives you the flexibility to create an operational database and achieve fast application builds.
  • Common indexes / no duplication: Storing a single index rather than having an index of the same data in multiple products is advantageous. Storing a document in an enterprise content management (ECM) platform means indexes are held in an RDBMS. Separate indexes will also exist in a search engine that indexes content held in that repository. A hybrid NoSQL system that supports search means a single set of indexes, which results in lower costs for storage and faster reindexing.
  • More real-time data through the stack (fewer moving parts): Because indexes are updated as information is added to a hybrid NoSQL document database and search engine, fewer indexes as well as nearly real-time indexes are produced, or at least they’re transactionally consistent. This real-time indexing powers alerting and messaging applications, such as the backbone of
  • Easy administration (fewer moving parts): Database admins need to be absolute experts on the systems they manage. The level of complexity in all products is great, and it increases over time. Therefore, having multiple products typically means the need for multiple administrators, each with different skillsets.

Single product means lower cost

A single product offers a number of advantages. If you add them up, the following cost-saving measures are huge. They can easily mean half the cost of implementing a new database layer:

  • Less integration code between your application and its persistence layer
  • Less ETL code to convert data formats between products
  • Lower software license, maintenance, and consulting costs
  • Lower training costs for developers and administrators (and a single API to access all your data)
  • Lower salary costs because fewer experts for each system are needed
  • Fewer moving parts with backups and maintenance, such as patches and security updates

You gain some of these benefits by adopting any kind of NoSQL technology. The ability to load data “as is” into a schema-less document store, for example, means lower ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) costs. As soon as you introduce two NoSQL stores, though, moving data between them or merging data from each of them still entails more ETL costs than adopting a single NoSQL database.

ETL is very expensive. An entire industry has developed for ETL tools. There’s also the related problem of data warehouses. Data warehousing exists because a single relational structure is hard to use both operationally and for business intelligence. A data warehouse stores the exact same information in a structure that enables faster aggregate reporting and statistics. Requiring two separate structures for the same data may not be the case of NoSQL databases in certain circumstances, though.

How search technology gives a better column store

Applying search technology to document stores for analytical operations is one example of how a hybrid approach provides additional benefits over just IT simplification.

A column store database performs rapid aggregate calculations, and it returns sets of atomic data (column families) of a whole row (record). Using column stores requires transforming data into a row and column structure, and supporting multiple instances of data within some column families (avoiding cross table joins like in an RDBMS).

You have to effectively do some ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load data) in order to store data in a way that makes it work better for the type of queries and analysis you do over it.

When Google approached the problem of indexing the web, what they didn’t do was to let the administrators of every website know they had to adopt a single structure. Instead, Google stored what was there, and indexed it for retrieval via search.

By applying the same search technology to documents, hybrid NoSQL databases can provide an in-memory cached set of ordered column values that lend themselves not only to fast search, range queries and sorting, but also to high-speed analytical operations.

Because document NoSQL databases with search also update their indexes during the transaction that updates a document, these indexes are also updated in real-time, which is great for an analytics platform.

When looking at column stores for analytical operations, don’t discount hybrid document and search NoSQL databases, especially if the source data is already in XML, JSON, or other document structures.

Document stores that also sport comprehensive search features tend to provide a set of analytical functions. Customers, being customers, always ask companies to do more with the same feature!

All common aggregation algorithms are present: mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and more — plus support for user-defined aggregate functions written in fast C++ that work next to the data, processing the data throughout the cluster.

How semantic technology assists content discovery

When most people think of accessing large sets of document data, they immediately think search. We’re so used to using search that we even apply our own technical workarounds.

When you search for information about a health problem on Google, you type a phrase that you think will return the right result.

If I’m concerned a family member’s diet may be placing them at risk of heart attack, I access the UK National Health Service website at It has a range of excellent health FAQs.

In the search bar, I type “heart attack.” When I get a page of results. I see that the first result is a page that describes heart attacks. Clicking through to that page reveals subpages, including one for risk factors.

Hang on, though. Why didn’t I type “heart attack risk factors”? It’s because I, like you, instinctively know that search engines aren’t very good at getting the context.

For the same reason, people search for “NFL standings” rather than “Green Bay NFL record” — they know a simple search will get less noise and that we can as humans navigate from the general information picture (all NFL standings) and filter down to just what we need (Green Bay’s standings).

Understanding context, therefore, is important in navigating directly to the most appropriate data. The way to describe these contexts is to use an ontology, which is a set of terms and definitions that applications use to describe a unique information domain.

This technology is associated with the semantic web and triple stores. It’s not a graph store problem because you’re not interested in analyzing the links or the minimum distance between subjects; you’re just using the links.

Often, when publishing data, you know a lot about its context. Adding this information into a database helps later on when the data is queried. Understanding what people searched for previously and linking those queries to subjects as triples may also be advantageous.

So, back to my earlier scenario. If I want to search for “heart attack,” the most important keywords are “risk factors” and “How can I prevent being at risk of a Heart Attack?” By showing this semantic information in context with the content search results, I can shortcut the step of reading through results to manually filter content.

This is exactly what Google is doing now. Search for a common person or place or organization, and you’ll see an Info Box next to the search results. These are semantically modeled facts culled by Google from information on the web.

The idea is to provide people with a set of answers rather than a set of search results. Imagine how rich and immediate semantic information will make the web for researchers or students in the future!

If you have a similar requirement for rapid discovery of content or for context-aware search, then investigate a hybrid document or triple store NoSQL database with search capabilities.

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