Chapter 30

Hybrid Databases in the Enterprise

In This Chapter

arrow Selecting the right product

arrow Keeping your data intact and available

In the enterprise, hybrid databases have the advantage of fewer moving parts than using multiple databases in the same application. This is because they comprise a single system rather than separate entities that require manual integration.

There are still difficult problems to overcome, though. In this chapter, I identify the key issues to consider when looking at deploying a hybrid NoSQL database in the enterprise.

Selecting a Database by Functionality

Most people like to work with tick lists. For example, tick marks are great for comparison tables with multiple products listed next to their prices and functionality. You might use big green tick marks or red crosses to help identify the options with least functionality; then a purchaser could select the best compromise between price and functionality.

This type of “beauty pageant” can be distracting, though. It tempts you as purchasers to prioritize the number of functions available versus the value of those functions (or not) to your organization. What is needed is an assessment of the overall data management needs of your organization. This should include weightings for how important a feature is (critical, optional, nice to have). This analysis is more balanced, providing a better picture of both technical and business fit with your organization’s needs.

This comparison mechanism is especially important when selecting a hybrid NoSQL database. This is because a single product likely covers a wider range of functionality, but perhaps at a lower depth of detail than in products covering just a single type of data management.

In this section, I describe the key challenges when selecting a hybrid NoSQL database, and how you can accurately analyze a product’s fit with your organization now and in future software releases.

Ensuring functional depth and breadth

The number of functions it supports gives you an idea of a product’s functional breadth, although this may not be a reliable method to determine how useful that functionality is. A good example is support for full-text search, which is a typical line item in a comparison of hybrid databases. It includes not only word searches but also multiple language support, word stemming, thesaurus support, complex Boolean logic, and a range of other topics.

The breadth-versus-depth argument is important when you’re selecting a hybrid NoSQL database because, as the name suggests, these databases support a wider array of functionality than other NoSQL databases. So, it’s important to ensure that the features provided truly have the functionality you require, and aren’t just tick-box features designed to avoid a thorough analysis of the product’s features.

I recommend dividing comparisons into sections, with the important functionality of each feature you want spelled out. This approach forces vendors to respond to the question you actually have, which ultimately is, will this database work for me?

Following a single product’s roadmap

By product roadmap, I mean the long term view of upcoming features, or themes, for upcoming versions of database software. Typically products have rough outlines for 2 or 3 versions in to the future, over a 2 to 5 year period.

Tracking a single product’s lifecycle is difficult, but tracking the several that you may use instead of a hybrid database is even more difficult. I’ve already mentioned that if you have multiple products that need to be integrated, the complexity means more expense. The situation is even worse when you consider that each product you integrate has its own roadmap of upcoming functionality, as well as dates when the current support of the version expires.

You must monitor each of the product’s roadmaps for new functionality you want to take advantage of. You also need to consider how upgrading one component will affect the integration of another component. Often integration code updates lag behind the main product updates, so you don’t necessarily want to upgrade as soon as a new version is released.

If you don't upgrade immediately, though, in a couple of years, your current version may no longer be supported, which makes it impossible to get support from vendors for the version you have. (Vendors always advise to upgrade to the latest version, or at least a supported version, in order to fix an issue.)

An advantage of hybrid NoSQL databases is that there’s just a single product’s roadmap to consider, which also means that each part of the product is tested thoroughly to be sure that it works with all the database’s other features. In this way, you don’t have to worry about whether the integration code between several distinct products will work after an upgrade cycle.

Building Mission-Critical Applications

Multiple issues are involved in putting a new solution into production. Businesses won’t bet the bank on it, and executives won’t bet their careers on implementing technology that may lose data. A down day is a death day when it comes to keeping services online in today’s world.

In this section, I discuss how a hybrid NoSQL database can make overall system architectures more robust, by minimizing the number of parts of an end to end solution, and simplifying data management tasks.

Ensuring data safety

The first order of business is ensuring that data is kept safe. When databases indicate that data is saved, you need to be guaranteed that is the case. This guarantee requires ACID-compliant durability guarantees. Data needs to be written to disk, or at least to journals, in order to ensure that it is in fact safe.

The disks need some form of built-in failover, which you can do using a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) on a single machine.

There are various RAID levels, with the most common being

  • RAID 0 is a single hard disk with no data duplicated, or an array of hard disks exposed as a single logical disk, but still without data duplication. This allows higher throughput than a single hard disk, but provides no additional durability guarantees.
  • RAID 1 is where each disk has an exact duplicate.
  • RAID 10 is where there is a RAID 1 array of two RAID 0 arrays. This provides higher throughput with one exact duplicate copy of each file.
  • RAID 5 and 6 are technologies that allow multiple disks to be joined and data stored two or three times, but without reducing the storage space available by one-half or two-thirds. You achieve this level of space savings by using check bits rather than storing full copies of the data. This comes with the disadvantage of longer times to rebuild a new disk after failure.
  • RAID 50 and 60 are several RAID 0 arrays configured as a single RAID 5 or 6 array. This provides higher throughput while ensuring greater data density.

These configurations trade off storage space, storage times, access times, and disk rebuild on failure times. For high performance environments, RAID 10 is typically used. RAID 50 is often used for high-density environments. RAID 60 takes longer to rebuild and requires more disks, so it’s used less often than RAID 50.

When a failure of a single hard disk occurs, files held there are still accessible from the other disks in the array. If the system has a hot standby disk, the system can manage failover without requiring administrative help.

Ensuring data is accessible

There are occasions when entire systems fail or entire clusters disappear on a network. Workmen and excavating machines are the biggest culprits of these types of failures! They either dig up network cables or take out the power of the entire site.

To solve this problem, you can distribute data to other nodes (servers) in the same cluster and to other sites. By using multiple nodes within a cluster and storing multiple copies of data, you’re ensuring that a cluster is highly available.

Many NoSQL systems don’t immediately ensure that all their data is held on a second node in the cluster. Many, instead, distribute data after it’s saved. This approach is called being eventually consistent, which could cause you to still lose data.

Every day more and more NoSQL databases support ensuring that their replicas are up to date within the bounds of a database update. This requires a two-phase commit, which is basically committing the change locally and then to a second node (or more) before confirming to the client that the update transaction is complete. MarkLogic Server is an example of a hybrid NoSQL database that supports two-phase commits within a cluster.

Between clusters that are geographically dispersed, though, the norm is to provide eventually consistent replicas. Eventual consistency between clusters is to even out the bursts or lag time for data flowing between clusters. If you don’t even out this lag, replicating data to another cluster over the Internet will slow down local site database operations too. This is why the tradeoff of consistency versus lag time is often made in multi datacenter replication.

Using a separate cluster that is available for use only when the first cluster becomes unavailable is referred to as disaster recovery (DR). One or more DR sites can be replicated to, ensuring maximum service availability even if the replicas are a few seconds out of date.

Having local ACID compliant replicas within a cluster provides resilience in case of hardware failure. Having cross site DR database replication also means you don’t have to worry about a single site being unavailable. Ensuring your chosen hybrid NoSQL database supports both of these mechanisms ensures maximum service availability.

Operating in high-security environments

When using separate pieces of technology and gluing them together, one of the more subtle (but infuriating!) problems you’ll come upon is an impedance mismatch, which is when different systems have a different view of the same data or concept.

When it comes to security, this mismatch is most obvious between document databases and search engines. Many NoSQL databases support record-level (document) security. Some databases can also be used to enforce label-based access control (LBAC) within documents. This means parts of a document may require a higher level of security permissions, or roles, to access than others.

Separate search engines typically provide security at either the collection (set of documents) or document level. These two mechanisms therefore support access to the same information at different levels of granularity. Most of the time, search engines index updates lag behind the updates of the database they’re linked to, which means that indexes are also out of date.

The best you can hope for in this case is a false positive pointer to a document. With a false positive pointer, a document ID or name is returned in the result set, showing you a document that you don’t have clearance for, or a document to which security labels have not yet been applied (and thus visible to all).

The worst kind of scenario is one in which a document is marked as “Confidential” with a section within it marked as “Top Secret,” and the top secret portion is leaked. Perhaps typing a word that happens to be in the top secret section shows a user with confidential-level access the full content of that paragraph in the search snippet. The top secret section shows up because the user has the appropriate level of access for the document, but the search engine doesn’t “understand” that sections in documents may require higher security levels.

A hybrid NoSQL database that enforces the same security policies, roles, and permissions means this impedance mismatch is impossible. Whether you fetch a document by ID (an example of a database operation) or it happens to match a text phrase (an example of a search operation) is irrelevant. The hybrid NoSQL database will always enforce the same security policy against that document.

If you need to operate in a high-security environment, then using a hybrid NoSQL database will be easier than integrating multiple technologies. Some hybrid NoSQL databases, such as MarkLogic Server, are used in high-security environments in systems that are independently accredited for classified information. These databases probably have the right security controls for a range of commercial and government clients.

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