Chapter 33


In This Chapter

arrow Evaluating MarkLogic Server as a technology

arrow Getting support from MarkLogic Corporation

MarkLogic Server functionality ranges from simple document storage, to search, to semantic triple store capabilities. Document lifecycle is supported through creation, conversion, entity extraction, alerting, search, content processing, storage tiering, and disposition.

Often the difficulty in fully understanding MarkLogic Server relates to which areas of functionality are relevant for which business solutions. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the science and list of functionality. So, you need to focus on the areas that are likely to provide you with the most value, both in the short-term and in the long-term as your NoSQL installation (inevitably) expands.

In this chapter, I discuss the key areas of technology within MarkLogic Server, and how it provides a comprehensive hybrid NoSQL database.

Understanding MarkLogic Server

MarkLogic Server is a single product that serves three main areas:

  • Document NoSQL database: Persisting data and providing consistent views of data, this database stores and provides access to your JSON, XML, text, or binary documents.
  • Search: Provides content and/or semantic search, including full text, range (greater than, less than) and geospatial.
  • Application services: Provides access to functionality through the REST API and programming language wrappers, and provides high-level APIs (for example, a Google-like text string search grammar) for end users.

MarkLogic Server is the only product mentioned in each of the Gartner Magic Quadrants for enterprise search, operational database management systems, and data warehouse systems. MarkLogic Server is also mentioned as a leader for NoSQL databases in the Forrester Wave for NoSQL.

Universal Indexing

MarkLogic Server includes a universal index of all content. All text, XML, and JSON document content are indexed for their structure, the elements and attributes present, and their values. The universal index also includes full text indexing with many options for including indexes for specific cases, such as 2 (Ad*) and 3 (Ada*) character wildcards.

This universal index is MarkLogic’s secret sauce. It’s what allows you to load your content into the database without needing to tell MarkLogic how that data is structured before loading it.

You load the data “as-is,” and the structure, value, and text queries can immediately be used to search and explore your data. Later on, you can add specific range indexes for your application needs.

MarkLogic Server can store binary documents efficiently, but the universal index doesn’t automatically process them for text searching. To do that, you need to enable one or more of the Content Processing Framework’s (CPF) content filtering pipelines.

CPF moves documents through predefined states. It’s basically a finite-state automata. Various pipelines are available, including for converting Word documents to Docbook XML and for extracting text from PDF files.

Over 200 binary file formats are supported for extracting text, ranging from office formats to photos (extracting metadata about the camera, for example), and to email and other formats.

The universal index allows very fast resolution of text query terms. Each word is stored in a reverse index. Instead of saying, “Look through all documents and list their words — now, which ones include ‘Fred’?” you say, “Store all words in every document, and keep a list of document IDs for each word.”

This term list makes search engine lookups very fast. Say that you have a complex “and” query of 200 terms. And queries are where all terms must match a document in order for it to be included in the results.

Rather than churn through the documents (boring!), you fetch the list of terms and perform a simple (fast!) intersection of the lists. The resulting shorter result set includes all documents that match your whole query! Simple.

MarkLogic uses its indexes for document retrieval, search, and sorting operations. Rather than have a document database with its own indexes and a separate search engine with its indexes — some of which will be duplicated — you have a single set of indexes.

Range indexing and aggregate queries

Often you don’t need to index the exact values of elements and attributes, or words and phrases. Instead, you need to perform a range operation like these:

  • Find me all documents updated in the last week.
  • List all articles published in August 2009.
  • List all employees who are between 5 feet and 6 feet tall.
  • List all types of cheese with a Wendy Rating greater than three stars.

My wife, Wendy, loves cheese!

These are all queries that fall before or after a single value, or that lie between two values — a value range.

MarkLogic stores range indexes similarly to those in the universal index, except that the values are stored in order, which makes finding lists of matching documents even faster.

Rather than scanning the entire index for all values and checking that they are between the two limits of your range query, MarkLogic finds the lower limit value, then the upper limit value, then aggregates the document IDs of every list of terms in between, which results in much faster search resolution.

These indexes are also cached in memory. They can be combined with structure, value, and term queries in a single index resolution — that is, one hit on the indexes.

Each range index obviously has its own type. All the basic XML types are supported — integers, positive integers, W3C dates and date-times, floating point numbers, and so on.

There are also two types of special range indexes. The first is a geospatial index. Rather than index a set of single values, this indexes two — one for longitude another for latitude. You are, in effect, indexing a 2D plane, which also makes geospatial searches fast.

MarkLogic Server supports the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) standard for longitude and latitude, and considers the uneven curvature of the Earth. Various operations are supported, including basic point and radius and bounding box, and complex polygon searches. MarkLogic also has an optional license for polygon-polygon intersection and other advanced geospatial operations, although most customers outside of the defense industry rarely use it.

Range indexes aren’t just used for searching, though. They are key to performing fast aggregation functions. MarkLogic Server supports several of these:

  • Count (document or fragment frequency)
  • Sum
  • Maximum and minimum values
  • Correlation
  • Mean and median averages
  • Standard deviation, variance and co-variance (including population functions)
  • Custom aggregate functions through creating your own user-defined functions (UDFs) in C++

Combining content and semantic technologies

A key example of combined content and semantic search is around document provenance. Say that you’re a publisher and you find a mistake in a published article. This mistake is in regard to incorrect experimental results around a specific scientific term, making the proof of a scientific theory questionable.

This scientific theory claims that if your author’s belly becomes any larger, it will start to have its own micro climate, called the Adamosphere. As you can guess, the results of the article are suspect. (I’m slim, honest!)

You could do a content search to pull back all documents with the term Adamosphere, but you’d spend ages checking to see if the mistake is referenced in the article. Likewise, you could find all documents that refer to the article, but then you’d have to manually find just those that mention the specific term.

The World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Provenance Ontology could help you here. Say that, with every newly published document, you create a set of triples to indicate that a new document is a derivative work or refers to a list of other documents.

You could save a lot of time by using the SPARQL query language to search all references; then you could use the resulting list of documents and do a content search to find the exact documents that need to be corrected.

It’s also possible to do this combined search in a single call to MarkLogic via its XQuery API, thereby executing a search that includes a SPARQL term. This assumes the triples are embedded within the document, though, because such a query uses search index resolution at the document level.

Adding Hadoop support

MarkLogic supports various technologies for storage, including local disk (SSD and spinning), shared disk (NAS, SAN) and cloud (HDFS, Amazon EBS, and Amazon S3).

MarkLogic also supports tiering data automatically on the fly without any downtime or transactional inconsistency. You can use any range index in a rule to define when data is moved between tiers.

Doing so enables you to use, for example, a fast local disk for the last 90 days of trades, a shared and slower disk (say a NAS) for trades up to one year, and HDFS as an inexpensive albeit slower storage layer for older information.

Using MarkLogic with HDFS has some advantages over using the HBase NoSQL database with HDFS. First, the indexes stored on HDFS are also cached in RAM, so you may avoid a remote HDFS fetch penalty when querying data held on HDFS.

MarkLogic Server also has a map/reduce connector. This enables map reduce jobs to call data held in MarkLogic Server (whatever the storage mechanism). This option exposes current inflight data to your map reduce analyses.

These map/reduce jobs are fast, too, because you can use MarkLogic Search to reduce the amount of data operated on in your map/reduce job, rather than churning through all the stored data just in case it’s relevant.

MarkLogic HDFS forests (a storage directory, akin to a shard — many forests form a database) can also be used as an archive format. You can take these forests offline and move them to a tape tier, or they can be kept in HDFS but not updated by MarkLogic. This reduces the number of forests the MarkLogic tier is managing.

MarkLogic provides a JAR file for its proprietary storage format so that map/reduce jobs — outside of MarkLogic — can access the data held in these offline forests. No need to reattach to MarkLogic before accessing the data in them, or indeed the index values!

Replication on intermittent networks

Not all systems can rely on a constant connection to their networks. This is particularly true in the defense industry’s working environment — for example, forward operating bases with limited satellite communications, naval vessels, or even Special Forces soldiers with laptops in the middle of nowhere. Before these operators are detached, they want to search for and replicate useful information to their laptops or base portable servers.

Replication configurations of this kind aren’t entire replicas of a whole data center like traditional replication is. Instead, it’s a subset of data specified by a query, a collection, or a directory of information. You can prioritize these datasets for replication. Doing so is particularly useful if you’ve added information over time.

However, returning to the military scenario, an operator may have only a brief window of time to connect to a higher echelon of command. During this time, the operator needs to replicate high-priority items first, followed by lower-priority items.

This is where query-based, flexible replication comes in, because it allows users to specify and prioritize multiple replication datasets.

Ensuring data integrity

MarkLogic Server is built as an ACID-compliant, fully consistent database with data durability guarantees. Making a change in MarkLogic Server updates all available replicas within the transactional boundary, including all search indexes, which provides entirely accurate search results.

MarkLogic Server takes this ACID compliance one step further and guarantees fully serializable transactions. I discuss fully serializable transactions in Chapter 1. Fully serializable means that a long-running transaction sees the database’s state at the point in time when the query started. Even if a short transaction updates information or deletes it, this long-running transaction still sees the database state at the point in time when the transaction started. This approach allows for repeatable reads within the same transaction.

MarkLogic Server supports multiversion concurrency control (MVCC). I discuss MVCC in Chapter 2. MVCC is an internal database versioning mechanism that provides for very high write and update rates, while maintaining access to existing information for reads (that is, without blocking the information until the writes are finished).

MarkLogic Server also uses an in-memory stand. A stand is a storage area within a forest, which is a MarkLogic term for a shard. There are many stands within a forest, which is the unit of partitioning in MarkLogic Server. This means all writes happen in memory with only the transaction log being written to disk in case of system failure. This provides ACID consistency guarantees while ensuring fast data ingest and query speeds.

Compartmentalizing information

MarkLogic Server’s universal index has a hidden index for document security permissions. This indexed list of permissions is always consulted by MarkLogic Server for all database read and search operations, ensuring that data doesn’t leak to those without permission to access it.

MarkLogic Server provides both classic role based access control (RBAC) and compartmentalization — that is restricting access to a group of people with a very specific set of roles.

A typical document using standard RBAC lists the roles that have permission to read a document. A user with any one of those roles will have access to a document.

However, if one or more document permission roles belong to a named compartment, the user must have all those roles in order to read the document — this role check uses AND logic. For example, this approach is particularly useful if you want to give access to information only to users with all the following roles: the UK role in the Citizenship compartment, the Senior Analyst role in the Job Title compartment, and the Chastise role in the Operation compartment.

MarkLogic’s document transformation functionality (using XSLT, XQuery, or JavaScript transform modules) also provides a way to proactively redact parts of a document upon request or search. This approach is useful in situations where you want to provide access to a summary but not to the raw information. You can also use this functionality during flexible replication to transform data before sending to or receiving from another MarkLogic cluster. Using transforms on flexible replication is therefore a good way to move some information from a high security system to a lower security system (such an information movement system is called a Guard in the defense industry).

For more on the inner workings of MarkLogic, go to and check out Jason Hunter’s paper entitled, “Inside MarkLogic Server,” which you can download at no cost.

MarkLogic Corporation

MarkLogic Corporation is the commercial company behind MarkLogic Server — and my employer! Headquartered in San Carlos south of San Francisco, California, MarkLogic has worldwide field offices, support, sales, consulting, and engineering staff.

MarkLogic Corporation is, by revenue, the largest NoSQL company, according to the latest Wikibon analysis of the Hadoop and NoSQL database markets.

Finding trained developers

A historic irony in MarkLogic is that, although it’s arguably the most open-standards-compliant NoSQL database — having been built on published open standards, including XML, XPath, XQuery, and XSLT — a problem has been finding trained developers for these languages, especially XQuery experts.

However, MarkLogic Server version 8 will embed a JavaScript engine in MarkLogic Server. JavaScript support will provide all existing functionality of the core server to server-side JavaScript developers. So, JavaScript developers will be able to create database triggers, content processing scripts, search alert handlers, and reusable libraries in the database.

JavaScript is the most commonly used scripting language available today. Although it has limitations for processing XML, it’s very adept at providing an easy-to-understand language for general scripting and JSON document management functions.

Support for server-side JavaScript should go a long way in alleviating the shortage of expert MarkLogic Server developers, and in reducing barriers to adoption throughout the market.

Finding 24/7 support

MarkLogic Corporation provides 24/7 global support at customer sites. An interesting thing about all MarkLogic support engineers is that they are full-blown product engineers with access to the support code — they just happen to work on the support team. This means they can often find and suggest workarounds and fixes for system issues without having to wait for product developers to wake up halfway around the world.

MarkLogic also provides free online training for its products. Custom courses can be designed by its own developers. All presales personnel can deliver one-day MarkLogic Foundation courses to instruct staff on how to install and use MarkLogic Server. MarkLogic has also introduced a developer certification program, with training pathways and certification tests.

MarkLogic’s Consulting Services team provides customers with expert services, project management, and business analysts. During the early stages of a new deployment, many customers particularly value this expertise, especially in terms of “sanity-checking” on decisions about sizing and system design.

Using MarkLogic in the cloud

MarkLogic Server is available in traditional core-based license packs for development (non-production) and perpetual licenses for cluster production systems.

MarkLogic Server version 7 also introduced yearly term-based licensing and a 99-cent per hour, per vCPU (Virtual CPU, which is like half a CPU processor core) subscription option on Amazon Web Services.

You can also use MarkLogic perpetual and term licenses on public and private cloud installations, which is useful because the 99-cent Amazon option doesn’t include support or advanced options.

MarkLogic’s term and perpetual licenses are available in two models:

  • Essential Enterprise: This model is typically designed for applications. It requires up to nine servers of 8 CPU cores each and has optional license models for semantics and language packs.
  • Global Enterprise: This model supports any number of servers in a cluster; options include semantics, language packs, tiered storage, and advanced geospatial alerting (including polygon-polygon intersection, which is primarily used in defense solutions).

Even though they include a yearly maintenance charge, over time, the perpetual licenses work out to be less expensive than the annual term licenses, because the maintenance charge is less expensive than the annual term license.

To compare the licensing options available, go to

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