Analysis of Variance – Mixed Models

7.1 Introduction

In mixed models, as well fixed effects as in Chapter 5, random effects as in Chapter 6 also occur, i.e. mixed models are models where in the model equation at least one, but not all, effects are random variables.

In mixed models, we discuss problems of variance component estimation and of estimating and testing fixed effects.

Therefore, we need expected mean squares from the tables of Chapter 5 if the effect defining a row is fixed and the tables of Chapter 6 if the effect defining a row is random.

An interaction is random if at least one of the factors involved is random. In discussing the different classifications, we use the same procedure as in Chapters 5 and 6. Of course, in a one‐way classification a mixed model is impossible. We therefore start with the two‐way classification.

7.2 Two‐Way Classification

We discuss here the cross‐classification where we consider the factor A to be fixed without loss of generality. If the factor B is fixed, we rename both factors. In the nested classification, two‐mixed models occur when the super‐ordinate factor or the nested factor is random. We write random factors with their elements in bold.

7.2.1 Balanced Two‐Way Cross‐Classification

We consider two cross‐classified factors A (fixed) and B (random) and their interactions AB.

The model equation of the balanced case is


with side conditions






If we use (7.4) the term images vanishes, and (a,b)ij and images are correlated; the covariance is images

Because images the covariance between the (a,b)ij and images is images.

In case II we define var(bj) = images for all j.

Table 7.1 Expectations of the MS in Table 5.10 for a Mixed model (Levels of A fixed) for two side conditions.

Source of Variation df MS E(MS) Case I E(MS) Case II
Between rows (A) a − 1 images images images
Between columns (B) b − 1 images images images
Interactions (a − 1)(b − 1) images images images
Within classes (residual) ab(n − 1) images σ2 σ2

Searle (1971) and Searle et al. (1992) clearly recorded the relations between the two cases. He showed that images in case I and images in case II changed in their meaning.

7.2.2 Two‐Way Nested Classification

In the two‐way nested classification, we have two model equations depending on which factor is random.

We use the model equation if the factor B is random, the nested factor A is fixed


The side conditions are


Let the levels of A be randomly selected from the level population and the levels of B fixed, the model equation is then


with corresponding side conditions.

Expectations of all random variables are zero, images for all i; var(ek(i, j)) = σ2 for all i,j,k; all covariances between different random variables on the right‐hand side of (7.12) are zero.

The columns SS, df and MS in the corresponding ANOVA table are model independent and given in Table 5.13. The expectations of the MS for both models are in Table 7.5

Table 7.5 E(MS) for balanced nested mixed models.

A fixed A random
Source of variation B random B fixed
Between A levels σ2 + n images σ2 + bn images
Between B levels within A σ2 + n images images
Residual σ2 σ2

7.3 Three‐Way Layout

We are interested here in models with at least one fixed factor and for determining the minimum size of the experiment; we are interested only in hypotheses about fixed factors.

For three‐way analysis of variance, we have the following types of classification:

  • Cross‐classification. Observations are possible for all combinations of the levels of the three factors A, B and C (symbol: A × B × C).
  • Nested classification. The levels of C are nested within B, and those of B are nested within A (symbol A ≻ B ≻ C).
  • Mixed classification. We have two cases:
    • Case 1. A and B are cross‐classified, and C is nested within the classes (i,j) (symbol (A × B) ≻ C).
    • Case 2. B is nested in A, and C is cross‐classified with all A × B combinations (symbol(A ≻ B) × C).

For the examples, we use six levels of a factor A : a = 6, α = 0.05; δ = 0.1, and δ = σ. If possible, we fix the number of fixed factors B and C by b = 5 and c = 4 respectively.

7.3.1 Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Cross‐Classification A × B × C

The observations yijkl in the combinations of factor levels are as follows (model I is used for all factors fixed in Chapter 5 and model II for all factors random in Chapter 6):

  • Model III. The levels of A and B are fixed; the levels of C are randomly selected A × B × C.
  • Model IV. The levels of A are fixed; the levels of B and C are randomly selected A × B × C

The missing model II is one with three random factors and will not be discussed here (this is without loss of generality because we can rename the factors so that the first one(s) is (are) fixed).

For model III the model equation is given by:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

For model IV the model equation is given by:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances and that the ck add up to zero. We consider in the sequel mainly the balanced case with ai and nijk = n.

The analysis of variance table for both models is Table 7.8.

Table 7.8 ANOVA table – three‐way ANOVA – cross‐classification, balanced case.

Source of variation SS df MS
Main effect A images a − 1 images
Main effect B images b − 1 images
Main effect C images c − 1 images
Interaction A  ×  B images (a – 1)(b − 1) images
Interaction A  ×  C images (a − 1)(c − 1) images
Interaction B  ×  C images (b − 1)(c − 1) images
Interaction A  ×  B  ×  C SSABC = SST − SSA − SSB − SSC − SSAB − SSAC − SSBC − SSR (a − 1)(b − 1) (c − 1) images
Residual images abc(n − 1) images
Total images N − 1

In Table 7.9 the expected mean squares for model III and model IV are given.

Table 7.9 Expected mean squares for the three‐way cross‐classification – balanced case.

Mixed model Mixed model
A, B fixed, A fixed,
Source of variation C random (model III) B,C random (model IV)
Main effect A images images
Main effect B images images
Main effect C images images
Interaction A × B images images
Interaction A × C images images
Interaction B × C images images
Interaction A × B × C images images
Residual σ2 σ2

To find the appropriate F‐test for testing the hypothesis

  • HA0 : ai = 0, ∀ i against HAA : at least one ai ≠ 0 for model III or IV, and
  • HB0 : bj = 0, ∀ j against HBA : at least one bj ≠ 0 for model III

we will demonstrate the algorithm for these models step by step; in the next sections we present only the results.

  • Step 1. Define the null hypothesis that all the ai are zero.
  • Step 2. Choose the appropriate model (III or IV).

    Model III

  • Step 3. Find the E(MS) column in the ANOVA table that corresponds to the model.

    Table 7.9, second column.

  • Step 4. In the table, find the row for the factor that appears in the null hypothesis.

    Main effect A.

  • Step 5. Change the E(MS) in this row to what it would be if the null hypothesis were true.

images becomes images if the hypothesis is true.

  • Step 6. Search in the table (in the same column) for the row that now has the same E(MS) as you found in the 5th step. Interaction A × C
  • Step 7. The F‐value is now the value of the MS of the row found in the 4th step divided by the value of the MS of the row found in the 6th step.
    which under H0 has an F‐distribution with f1 = a − 1 and f2 = ab(n − 1) degrees of freedom.

7.3.2 Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification A ≻ B ≻ C

For the three‐way nested classification with at least one fixed factor, we have the following seven models

  • Model III. Factor A random, the other fixed
  • Model IV. Factor B random, the other fixed
  • Model V. Factor C random, the other fixed
  • Model VI. Factor A fixed, the other random
  • Model VII. Factor B fixed, the other random
  • Model VIII. Factor C fixed, the other random.

For all models, the ANOVA table is the same and given as Table 7.10

Table 7.10 ANOVA table of the three‐way nested classification – unbalanced case.

Source of variation SS df MS
Between A images a − 1 images
Between B in A images B. − a images
Between C in B and A images C. . − B. images
Residual images N − C. . images Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model III – Balanced Case

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares gives Table 7.11.

Table 7.11 Expected mean squares for the balanced case of model III.

Source of variation Model III E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels within B levels images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistics by using steps 1–7 from Section 7.3.1. We find for testing


and this is under HB0 bj(i) = 0 ∀ j, i F[a(b − 1); abc(n − 1)]‐distributed with a (b − 1) and abc(n − 1) degrees of freedom.

To test HC0 : ck(i, j) = 0, ∀ i, j, k against HC0 : ck(i, j) ≠ 0 for at least one combination of i,j,k we find, using steps 1–7 from Section 7.3.1, that


can be used, which, under HC0 : ck(i, j) = 0, ∀ i, j, k, is F[a(b − 1); abc(n − 1)]‐distributed with ab[c − 1] and abc(n − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model IV – Balanced Case

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.12.

Table 7.12 Expected mean squares for balanced case of model IV.

Source of variation Model IV E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels within B levels images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing

H0A : ai = 0 ∀ i against HAA: at least one ai ≠ 0.

by using steps 1–7 from Section 7.3.1. From this we find

images is, under H0A, F((a − 1); ab(c − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and ab(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model V – Balanced Case

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.13

Table 7.13 Expected mean squares for model V.

Source of variation Model V E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels within B levels images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing H0 : ai = 0 ∀ i; against HA:  at least one ai ≠ 0 in the usual way.

From this we find

images is, under H0, F((a − 1); ab(c − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and ab(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model VI – Balanced Case

The model equation is given by:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are give in Table 7.14.

Table 7.14 Expected mean squares for model VI.

Source of variation Model VI E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels within B levels images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find

images is, under H0, F((a − 1); ab(c − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and ab(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model VII – Balanced Case


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.15.

From this table we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find images is, under H0, F(a(b − 1); ab (c − 1))‐distributed with a(b − 1) and abc − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Nested Classification – Model VIII – Balanced Case

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.16.

Table 7.16 Expected mean squares for model VIII.

Source of variation Model VIII E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels within B levels images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find images is, under H0, F(ab(c − 1); abc(n − 1))‐distributed with ab(c − 1) and abc(n − 1) degrees of freedom.

7.3.3 Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A × B) ≻ C

We have four mixed models in this classification. The ANOVA table is independent of the models and given in Table 7.17 for the balanced case.

Table 7.17 ANOVA table for the balanced three‐way analysis of variance – mixed classification – (A × B) ≻ C.

Source of variation images df MS
Between A levels images a − 1 images
Between B levels images b − 1 images
Between C levels within A × B levels images ab(c − 1) images
Interaction A × B SSAB= images (a − 1) (b − 1) images
Residual images N − abc images

We now consider the four models of this classification. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A × B) ≻ C Model III

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have with the same suffixes equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.18.

Table 7.18 Expected mean squares for model III.

Source of variation Model III E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels images
Between C levels within A × B images
Interaction A × B images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find

images is, under H0, F(a − 1; (a − 1)(b − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and (a − 1)(b − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A × B) ≻ C Model IV

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares for the balanced case are given in Table 7.19.

Table 7.19 Expected mean squares for model IV.

Source of variation Model IV E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels images
Between C levels within A × B images
Interaction A × B images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find

images is, under H0, F[ab(c − 1); abc(n − 1)]‐distributed with ab(c − 1) and abc(n − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A × B) ≻ C Model V

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares for the balanced case are given in Table 7.20.

Table 7.20 Expected mean squares for the balanced model V.

Source of variation Model V E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels images
Between C levels within A × B images
Interaction A × B images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find

images is, under H0, F(a − 1; ab (c − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and ab(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A × B) ≻ C Model VI

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given Table 7.21.

Table 7.21 Expected mean squares for model VI.

Source of variation Model VI E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels images
Between C levels within A × B images
Interaction A × B images
Residual σ2

From this table, we can derive the test statistic for testing


We find

images is, under H0, F(b − 1; (a − 1) (b − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and (a − 1) (b − 1) degrees of freedom.

7.3.4 Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C

We have six mixed models in this classification. The ANOVA table is independent of the models and given in Table 7.22 for the balanced case.

Table 7.22 ANOVA table for the three‐way balanced analysis of variance – mixed classification (A ≻ B) × C.

Source of variation SS df MS
Between A levels images a − 1 images
Between B levels within A levels images a(b − 1) images
Between C levels images c − 1 images
Interaction A × C images (a − 1)(c − 1) images
Interaction B × C within A images a(b − 1)(c − 1) images
Residual images N − abc images Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C Model III

The model equation for the balanced case is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares shows Table 7.23.

Table 7.23 Expected mean squares for balanced model III.

Source of variation E(MS)
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2

From Table 7.23, we can derive the test statistic for testing: images is, under H0, F[a(b − 1); abc(n − 1)]‐distributed with a(b − 1) and abc(n − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C Model IV

The model equation for the balanced case is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.24.

Table 7.24 Expected mean squares for balanced model IV.

Source of variation E(MS) for model IV
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2 Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C Model V

The model equation for the balanced case is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.25.

Table 7.25 Expected mean squares for the balanced model V.

Source of variation E(MS) for model V
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2

From Table 7.25, we can derive the test statistic for testing


images is, under H0, F((a − 1); (a − 1)(c − 1))‐distributed with a − 1 and (a − 1)(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C Model VI

The model equation for the balanced case is given by:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.26.

Table 7.26 Expected mean squares for model VI.

Source of variation E(MS) for model VI
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2

From Table 7.26 we cannot derive an exact test statistic for testing H0 : ai = 0 ∀ i against HA : at least one ai ≠ 0, and this means that for this hypothesis no exact F‐test exists.

We can only, analogously to Section 7.3.1, derive a test statistic for an approximate F‐test and obtain


and have, under H0 : ai = 0 for all i, approximately a – 1 and


degrees of freedom for this approximate F‐statistics.

In addition, variance component estimation is not easy – at least with the ANOVA method and we drop this topic here. How to obtain minimal sample sizes for this model is shown in Spangl et al. (2020). Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C model VII

The model equation for the balanced case is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.27.

Table 7.27 Expected mean squares for the balanced model VII.

Source of variation E(MS) for model VII
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2

From Table 7.27, we can derive the test statistic for testing

H0 : bj(i) = 0 ∀ j, i against HA: at least one bj(i) ≠ 0

images is, under H0, F[a(b − 1); a(b − 1)(c − 1)]‐distributed with a(b − 1) and a(b − 1)(c − 1) degrees of freedom. Three‐Way Analysis of Variance – Mixed Classification – (A ≻ B) × C Model VIII

The model equation is:


The model becomes complete under the conditions that the random variables on the right‐hand side of the equation are uncorrelated and have, with the same suffixes, equal variances, and all fixed effects besides μ over j and k sum up to zero.

The expected mean squares are given in Table 7.28.

Table 7.28 Expected mean squares for model VIII.

Source of variation E(MS) for model VIII
Between A levels images
Between B levels within A levels images
Between C levels images
Interaction A × C images
Interaction B × C within A images
Residual σ2

From Table 7.28, we can derive the test statistic for testing

H0 : ck = 0 ∀ k against HA: at least one ck ≠ 0.

images is, under H0, F(c − 1; (a − 1)(c − 1))‐distributed with c − 1 and (a − 1)(c − 1) degrees of freedom.


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