This chapter addresses the problems of recording and reporting the principal resource many not-for-profit organizations depend on—contributions. It also covers revenue recognition for government grants as well as exchange transactions, particularly revenue contracts with customers.

An organization can receive contributions with a wide range of restrictions attached. First these contributions must be recorded in the proper net asset classification; then they must be reported in such a way that the financial statement reader is fully aware of their receipt and any restrictions on them. In addition there has been, and continues to be, considerable controversy surrounding the timing of the recording of different types of gifts as income.

Some contributions are made in the form of pledges that will be paid off over a period of time or at some future date; the main accounting questions are whether such pledges should be recorded as assets prior to their collection, and when they should be recognized as income. Also, an organization can receive a variety of noncash contributions ranging from marketable securities, buildings, and equipment to contributed services of volunteers and the use of fixed assets. All of these types of contributions present accounting and reporting problems for the organization.

Support for a not-for-profit organization can be received in many different forms. Each of the types of contributions will be discussed in a separate section of this chapter.

The GAAP requirements for accounting for contributions and pledges are primarily contained in FASB ASC 958-605 and 958-360. The details of these requirements are discussed throughout this chapter. In brief, GAAP provides that all contributions, whether having donor restrictions or not, and in whatever form (cash, gifts-in-kind, securities, pledges, or other forms) are revenue in full immediately upon receipt of the gift or an unconditional pledge. (Restricted contributions are not deferred until the restriction is met, as was the prior practice of many organizations.) The revenue is reported in the class of net assets (discussed in Chapter 8) appropriate to any donor-imposed restriction on the gift (either net assets without donor restrictions or net assets with donor restrictions. It also contains guidance on accounting for donated services of volunteers and an exception to the normal rule when dealing with museum collection objects. Contributions are discussed extensively in Chapters 5 and 6 of the AICPA Audit & Accounting Guide Not-for-Profit Entities (the “AICPA Guide”).

  • As more fully described in Chapter 8, the FASB Accounting Standards Update 2016-14, entitled Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities. requires net assets to be reported in two classes—net assets with donor restrictions and net assets without donor restrictions, rather than for the currently required three classes. The FASB has also clarified when an organization that raises funds for another organization should record those contributions as contribution revenue or as a liability to the organization on whose behalf the funds were raised. These requirements are described in Chapter 11.


Expendable Current Support

Contributions without donor restrictions. This section of the chapter will discuss simple, unrestricted cash gifts. Unrestricted gifts in other forms, such as pledges, gifts of securities, and gifts of equipment and supplies, are discussed in later sections. The general principles discussed here apply to all unrestricted gifts, in whatever form received.

Accounting for contributions without donor restrictions. All contributions without donor restrictions should be reported in net assets without donor restrictions in a statement of activities or, if a combined statement of income, expenses, and changes in net assets is used, such contributions without donor restrictions should be shown before arriving at the “Excess of income over expenses” caption. It is not acceptable to report unrestricted contributions in a separate statement of changes in net assets or to report such gifts in a restricted class of net assets.

Bargain purchases. Organizations are sometimes permitted to purchase goods or services at a reduced price that is granted by the seller in recognition of the organization's charitable or educational status. In such cases, the seller has effectively made a gift to the buyer. This gift should be recorded as such if the amount is significant. For example, if a charity buys an item for $50 that normally sells for $80, the purchase should be recorded at $80, with the $30 difference being reported as a contribution.

It is important to record only true gifts in this way. If a lower price is really a normal discount available to any buyer who requests it, then there is no contribution. Such discounts include quantity discounts, normal trade discounts, promotional discounts, special offers, or lower rates (say, for professional services) to reflect the seller's desire to utilize underused staff, or sale prices to move slow-moving items off the shelves.

Interest-free loans and loan guarantees. A question arises as to whether a not-for-profit organization should recognize a contribution when it is the beneficiary of an interest-free (or below-market rate of interest) loan. Contribution revenue and interest expense should be reported in connection with loans of cash to not-for-profit organizations that are interest-free or are at below-market rates of interest. The amount of contribution revenue recognized is measured as the difference between the fair value of the loan at market rates and the fair value of the loan at its stated rate, which is basically the difference between the amount of cash received and the discounted value of the loan. Since time must pass before this contribution is available to the not-for-profit organization, the contribution revenue should be reported as part of temporarily restricted net assets. Over the life of the loan, the value of the loan is accreted using the effective interest method, with a corresponding charge to interest expense. At the same time, the amount of the loan accretion should be reclassified from temporarily restricted net assets to unrestricted net assets. Chapter 23 describes the accounting requirements of GAAP for recording guarantees as contributions, including loan guarantees.

Reporting contributions on a gross basis. GAAP provides that transactions should generally be reported on a gross basis (i.e., expenses in most circumstances are not netted against the revenue to which they relate, with certain exceptions, such as investment income and expenses). The AICPA issued Technical Practice Aid (TPA) 6140.21, which addresses the question of whether amounts charged to a not-for-profit organization by a professional fundraiser should be reported as an expense or as a reduction of contributions. This guidance is now also included in the AICPA Guide in paragraph 5.21. In the TPA's example, a professional fundraiser raises $100,000, charges a 20% fee ($20,000), and remits a net of $80,000 to the not-for-profit organization on whose behalf it is raising funds. The TPA concludes that these amounts should be reported on a gross basis, rather than netted. Accordingly, in this example, the not-for-profit organization would report contribution revenue of $100,000 and fundraising expenses of $20,000.

The AICPA also issued Technical Practice Aid 6140.22, in which a not-for-profit organization (called the reporting not-for-profit organization) undertakes a transaction in which another not-for-profit organization (called the fundraising not-for-profit organization) raised contributions on behalf of the reporting not-for-profit organization in return for compensation, including, but not limited to, an administrative fee. This guidance is now also included in the AICPA Guide in paragraph 5.21. The issue addressed is similar to the one in the preceding paragraph. Should the contributions received by the reporting not-for-profit organization be reported gross or net of the fees paid to the fundraising organization?

Specifically, in some circumstances, a fundraising not-for-profit organization acts as an agent or intermediary rather than as a donee. In circumstances in which the fundraising not-for-profit organization receives resources from donors who stipulate that those resources be transferred to a specific not-for-profit organization, the fundraising not-for-profit organization acts as an agent or intermediary rather than a donee. Assume that the reporting not-for-profit organization compensates the fundraising not-for-profit organization acting as an agent or intermediary. The compensation includes, but is not limited to, an administrative fee that will be deducted from all contributions that are to be transferred to the donor's specified organization. The question addressed by the TPA is whether the reporting not-for-profit organization reports the compensation to the fundraising not-for-profit organization gross (along with the withheld amount as fundraising expenses) or reports the contribution revenue net of the withheld amounts. The conclusion of the TPA is the amounts should be reported on a gross basis, meaning that compensation paid to the fundraising not-for-profit organization acting as agent or intermediary should be reported as a fundraising expense.

Presentation in the statement of activities. The presentation of contributions without donor restrictions within the statement of activities can be handled in one of several ways. For smaller organizations and for organizations where fees for services rendered are not a significant factor, contributions are usually reported in the top section of the statement along with all other sources of income, as follows:

  1. Contributions
$ 50,000
  1. Other income
    1. Total
Expenses (55,000)
Increase in net assets $ 5,000

For some other organizations, it may be more appropriate to separate contributions from service fee income in order to arrive at an excess or deficit before contributions are added. The following is a simplified example of this type of presentation:

Service fees $ 150,000
Less expenses (175,000)
Excess of expenses over service fees before contributions (25,000)
  1. Contributions
Increase in net assets $ 15,000

Note that in both examples contributions are shown above the excess of income over expenses for the period so the reader can see the net results of all unrestricted activities.

Multicolumn presentation. Some organizations prefer to present unrestricted investment amounts separately in a columnar presentation. Some organizations have a policy of treating the entire amount of certain kinds of gifts, for example, all bequests (or all gifts above a certain amount) this way. Other organizations periodically determine an amount to be maintained in such a designated account and reclassify enough assets to reach the desired amount. An alternative method of computation is to determine how much to leave behind in the operating column and reclassify all operating amounts above the target amount. This is done to emphasize that these assets are considered by the directors to be unavailable (at least in the immediate future) for operating expenses. An example of this type of presentation would be:

Without donor restrictions
Operating Investment Total
Support and revenue:
  1. Other unrestricted income
$200,000 $200,000
  1. Bequests
125,000 125,000
    1. Total
325,000 325,000
Expenses (in total) (195,000) (195,000)
Excess of support and revenue over expenses 130,000 130,000
Transfer bequests to investment fund (125,000) $125,000
Net assets:
  1. Beginning of year
60,000 300,000 360,000
  1. End of year
$ 65,000 $425,000 $490,000

Several points should be noted. First, observe that all three columns are clearly labeled “without donor restrictions” so the reader will not mistake the investment column for restricted endowment. Second, note that a “total” column is included. The purpose is to clearly show the reader the total of net assets without donor restrictions available to the organization. Third, note that all income without donor restrictions is reported in the “operating” column. This is because, prior to a board decision to designate amounts for other purposes, all income is legally available for operations. The board designation of bequests to be held for investment is reflected as a reclassification to the designated investment column.

Time- and purpose-restricted contributions. Time- and purpose-restricted contributions are contributions that can be used to meet the current expenses of the organization, although restricted to use for some specific purpose (referred to as a “purpose restriction”), or during or after some specified time (referred to as a “time restriction”). An example of the former would be a gift “for cancer research” (a purpose restriction), and of the latter, a gift “for your 20X1 activities” (a time restriction). In practice, the distinction between contributions with donor restrictions or without donor restrictions is not always clear. In many cases, the language used by the donor leaves doubt as to whether there really is a restriction on the gift. Appendix A at the end of this chapter contains a checklist to help readers make this distinction in practice.

Purpose- and time-restricted contributions cause reporting problems, in part because the accounting profession took a long time to resolve the appropriate accounting and reporting treatment for these types of gifts. The resolution arrived at is controversial because many believe it is not the most desirable method of accounting for such gifts.

The principal accounting problem relates to the question of what constitutes “income” or “support” to the organization. Is a gift that can only be used for a specific project or after a specified time “income” to the organization at the time the gift is received, or does this restricted gift represent an amount that should be looked on as being held in a form of escrow until it is expended for the restricted purpose (cancer research in the above example), or the specified time has arrived (20X1 in the above example)? If it is looked on as something other than income, what is it—deferred income or part of a restricted net asset balance?

If a current restricted gift is considered income or support in the period received—whether expended or not—the accounting is fairly straightforward. It would essentially be the same as for unrestricted gifts, described earlier, except that the gift is reported in the temporarily restricted net asset classification rather than in the unrestricted classification of net assets. But if the other view is taken, the accounting can become quite complex.

Accounting for purpose- and time-restricted contributions: report as income in full in the year received. The approach required by GAAP is to report a purpose- or time-restricted gift (which may be either a cash gift or an unconditional promise to give) as income or support in full in the year received, in the net assets with donor restrictions classification of net assets. In this approach, gifts are recognized as income as received and expenditures are recognized as incurred. The unexpended income is reflected as part of net assets with donor restrictions. Exhibit 1 shows the statement of activities and the statement of financial position for the Johnstown Eye Foundation, following this approach.

The Johnstown Eye Foundation
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended June 30, 20X1
Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total
Increase in net assets:
  1. Restricted contributions
$ -- $ 50,000 $ 50,000
Other income 320,000 -- 320,000
  1. Net assets released from restrictions
40,000 (40,000)    --
360,000 10,000 370,000
Less—Decreases in net assets (355,000)    -- (355,000)
Net increase in net assets 5,000 10,000 15,000
Net assets, beginning of year 100,000 25,000 125,000
Net assets, end of year $ 105,000 $ 35,000 $ 140,000
Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 20X1
Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total
Cash $ 40,000 $35,000 $ 75,000
Other assets 85,000    -- 85,000
Total $125,000 $35,000 $160,000
Accounts payable $ 20,000 $ 20,000
Net assets 105,000 35,000 140,000
Total $125,000 $35,000 $160,000

The reader can clearly see that the Johnstown Eye Foundation received gifts of $50,000, expended $40,000, and that the organization had unspent purpose- and time-restricted gifts of $25,000 from previous years.

The implication of this presentation is that the $50,000 is income at the time received, and that while there may be restrictions on the use of the amount, the board truly considers the $50,000 as resources of the Johnstown Eye Foundation, reportable as such. In this example, the $50,000 is assumed to have been received in cash. However, if the donor made an unconditional promise to give $50,000 to the Johnstown Eye Foundation (and this amount was expected to actually be received) the income would be recognized when the unconditional promise to give was made. (More information on recording promises to give is provided later in this chapter.)

Observe, however, that in this approach a purpose or time-restricted gift received on the last day of the reporting period will also be reflected as income, and this would increase the excess of support over expenses reported for the entire period. Many boards are reluctant to report such an excess in the belief this may discourage contributions or suggest that the board has not used all of its available resources. Those who are concerned about reporting an excess of income over expenses are therefore particularly concerned with the implications of this approach: a large unexpected current restricted gift may be received at the last minute, resulting in a large excess of income over expenses.

Others, in rejecting this argument, point out that the organization is merely reporting what has happened and to report the gift otherwise is to obscure its receipt. They point out that in reality all gifts, whether restricted or unrestricted, are really at least somewhat restricted and only the degree of restriction varies. For example, even “unrestricted” gifts must be spent realizing the stated goals of the organization, and therefore such gifts are effectively restricted to this purpose even though a particular use has not been specified by the contributor.

Grants for specific projects. Many organizations receive grants from third parties to accomplish specific projects or activities. These grants differ from other current restricted gifts principally in the degree of accountability the recipient organization has in reporting back to the granting organization on the use of such monies. In some instances, the organization receives a grant to conduct a specific research project, the results of which are turned over to the grantor. The arrangement is similar to a private contractor's performance on a commercial for-profit basis. In that case, the “grant” is essentially a purchase of services. It would be accounted for in accordance with normal commercial accounting principles, which call for the revenue to be recognized as the work under the contract is performed.1 In other instances, the organization receives a grant for a specific project, and while the grantee must specifically account for the expenditure of the grant in detail and may have to return any unexpended amounts, the grant is to further the programs of the grantee rather than for the benefit of the grantor. This kind of grant is really a gift, not a purchase.

The line between ordinary purpose- and time-restricted gifts and true “grants” for specific projects is not important for accounting purposes because the method of reporting revenue is now the same for both. What can get fuzzy is the distinction between grants and purchase of service contracts. Most donors of purpose and time-restricted gifts are explicit as to how their gifts are to be used, and often the organization will initiate a report back to the donors on the use of their gifts. However, restricted gifts and grants usually do not have the degree of specificity that is attached to purchase contracts. Appendix B contains a checklist to help readers distinguish between gifts and purchase contracts in practice.

Distinguishing contributions from revenue contracts with customer. With the issuance of the revenue recognition standards for contracts with customers, discussed later in this chapter, it becomes important for not-for-profit organizations to be able to distinguish contributions from revenue contracts with customers. Simple contributions discussed above can clearly be identified as contributions. Certain types of exchange transactions (such as a student attending a not-for-profit college) clearly are considered revenue from contracts with customers. At issue were many government and foundation grants that appear to have some characteristics of contributions, but also contain a fee-for-service aspect as well.

On June 21, 2018, the FASB issued ASU 2018-08, Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Clarifying the Scope and the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made to clarify the FASB's issuance of ASU's (2014-09 and 2015-14) dealing with revenue recognition (Topic 606). The new revenue recognition standards provide sweeping changes to recognizing earned income rules. ASU 2018-08 converts government grants to conditional contributions thus scoping out government grants from the revenue. This ASU is further discussed below:

ASU 2018-08 will assist not-for-profit organizations in (1) evaluating whether transactions should be accounted for as contributions (nonreciprocal transactions) within the scope of Topic 958, Not-for-Profit Entities, or as exchange (reciprocal) transactions subject to other guidance, and (2) distinguishing between conditional contributions and unconditional contributions.

ASU 2018-08 clarifies how an entity determines whether a resource provider is participating in an exchange transaction by evaluating whether the resource provider is receiving commensurate value in return for the resources transferred on the basis of the following:

  1. A resource provider (including a foundation, a government agency, or other) is not synonymous with the general public. A benefit received by the public as a result of the assets transferred is not equivalent to commensurate value received by the resource provider.
  2. Execution of a resource providers' mission or the positive sentiment from acting as a donor does not constitute commensurate value received by a resource provider for purposes of determining whether a transfer of assets is a contribution or an exchange.

The amendments in ASU 2018-08 clarify that, consistent with current GAAP, in instances in which a resource provider is not itself receiving commensurate value for the resources provided, an entity must determine whether a transfer of assets represents a payment from a third-party payer on behalf of an existing exchange transaction between the recipient and an identified customer. If so, other guidance (for example, Topic 606) applies.

ASU 2018-08 provides that an entity determines whether a contribution is conditional on the basis of whether an agreement includes a barrier that must be overcome and either a right of return of assets transferred or a right of release of a promisor's obligation to transfer assets. Either a right of return of the assets transferred or a right of release of the promisor from its obligation to transfer assets, as described in the current FASB Accounting Standards Codification Master Glossary definition of the term donor-imposed condition, must be determinable from the agreement (or another document referenced in the agreement). The presence of both a barrier and a right of return or a right of release indicates that a recipient is not entitled to the transferred assets or a future transfer of assets until it has overcome the barrier(s) in the agreement.

After a contribution has been deemed unconditional, an entity would then consider whether the contribution is restricted on the basis of the current definition of the term donor-imposed restriction, which includes a consideration of how broad or narrow the purpose of the agreement is, and whether the resources are available for use only after a specified date.

Indicators are used to guide the assessment of whether an agreement contains a barrier. Depending on the facts and circumstances, some indicators may be more significant than others, and no single indicator is determinative. The indicators include:

  1. The inclusion of a measurable performance-related barrier or other measurable barrier. Examples of measurable performance-related barriers include a requirement that indicates that a recipient's entitlement to transferred assets is contingent upon the achievement of a certain level of service, an identified number of units of output, or a specific outcome. An example of another measurable barrier is a stipulation that the recipient is entitled to the assets only upon the occurrence of an identified event (for example, a matching requirement).
  2. The extent to which a stipulation limits discretion by the recipient on the conduct of an activity. Limited discretion by the recipient is more specific than the general activity being conducted by the recipient or the time frame in which the contribution must be used. Examples of limited discretion could include a requirement to follow specific guidelines about qualifying allowable expenses, a requirement to hire specific individuals as part of the workforce conducting the activity, or a specific protocol that must be adhered to.
  3. Whether a stipulation is related to the purpose of the agreement. This indicator generally excludes administrative tasks and trivial stipulations.

ASU 2018-08 likely will result in more grants and contracts being accounted for as either contributions or conditional contributions than observed in practice under current guidance. For this reason, clarifying the guidance about whether a contribution is conditional is important because such classification affects the timing of contribution revenue and expense recognition. Recipients of conditional promises to give are required to comply with current disclosure requirements in paragraph 958-310-50-4.

For recipients, what is generally known as the simultaneous release accounting policy option is in paragraphs 958-605-45-4A through 45-4B. Specifically, the amendments allow an NFP to elect that policy option for donor-restricted contributions that were initially conditional contributions without also having to elect the policy for other donor-restricted contributions.

ASU 2018-08 should be applied on a modified prospective basis. Retrospective application is permitted. Under a modified prospective basis, in the first set of financial statements following the effective date the amendments should be applied to agreements that are either:

  1. Not completed as of the effective date;
  2. Entered into after the effective date.

A completed agreement is an agreement for which all the revenue (of a recipient) or expense (of a resource provider) has been recognized before the effective date in accordance with current guidance (for example, Topic 605, Topic 958, or other topics).

The requirements of ASU 2018-08 should be applied only to the portion of revenue or expense that has not yet been recognized before the effective date in accordance with current guidance. No prior-period results should be restated, and there should be no cumulative-effect adjustment to the opening balance of net assets or retained earnings at the beginning of the year of adoption. Under this approach, an entity is required to disclose both:

  1. The nature of and reason for the accounting change;
  2. An explanation of the reasons for significant changes in each financial statement line item in the current annual or interim period resulting from applying the amendments instead of the previous guidance.

For transactions in which an entity is either a public business entity or a not-for-profit that has issued, or is a conduit bond obligor for, securities that are traded, listed, or quoted on an exchange or an over-the-counter market and serves as a resource recipient, the entity should apply the amendments in this ASU on contributions received to annual periods beginning after June 15, 2018, including interim periods within those annual periods. All other entities should apply the amendments for transactions in which the entity serves as the resource recipient to annual periods beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods within annual periods beginning after December 15, 2019.

For transactions in which an entity is either a public business entity or an NFP that has issued, or is a conduit bond obligor for securities that are traded, listed, or quoted on an exchange or an over-the-counter market and serves as a resource provider, the entity should apply the amendments in this ASU on contributions made to annual periods beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those annual periods. All other entities should apply the amendments for transactions in which the entity serves as the resource provider to annual periods beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within annual periods beginning after December 15, 2020. Early adoption of the amendments is permitted.

Prepayment versus cost-reimbursement. Prior to the implementation of ASU 2018-08, grants and contracts can be structured in either of two forms: in one, the payor remits the amount up front and the payee then spends that money; in the other, the payee must spend its own money from other sources and is reimbursed by the payor. In the case of a purchase contract, amounts remitted to the organization in advance of their expenditure should be treated as deferred income until such time as expenditures are made which can be charged against the contract. At that time, income should be recognized to the extent earned. Where expenditures have been made but the grantor has not yet made payment, a receivable should be set up to reflect the grantor's obligation.

In the case of a true grant (gift), advance payments must be recognized as revenue immediately upon receipt, as is the case with all contributions. Reimbursement grants are recognized as revenue as reimbursements become due, that is, as money is spent which the grantor will reimburse. This is the same method as is used under cost-reimbursement purchase contracts.

Some organizations recorded the entire amount of the grant as a receivable at the time awarded, offset by deferred grant income on the liability side of the balance sheet. This is not appropriate under GAAP. If the entire grant amount qualifies as an unconditional pledge (see below), then that amount must be recorded as revenue, not deferred revenue.

While the terminology in the above description differs from that of ASU 2018-08, in many cases the accounting result will be the same as the current practice described above.

Investment securities. Frequently an organization will receive contributions that are in the form of investment securities: stocks and bonds. These contributions should be recorded in the same manner as cash gifts. The only problem usually encountered is difficulty in determining a reasonable basis for valuation in the case of closely held stock with no objective market value.

The value recorded should be the fair market value at the date received. Marketable stocks and bonds present no serious valuation problem. They should be recorded at their market value on the date of receipt or, if sold shortly thereafter, at the amount of proceeds actually received. However, the “shortly thereafter” refers to a sale within a few days or perhaps a week after receipt. Where the organization deliberately holds the securities for a period of time before sale, the securities should be recorded at their fair value on the date of receipt. This will result in a gain or loss being recorded when the securities are subsequently sold (unless the market price remains unchanged). (Note that unrealized gains and losses may also be reported in the financial statements, assuming that these securities would be reported on the statement of financial position at fair value.)

For securities without a published market value, the services of an appraiser may be required to determine the fair value of the gift.


Fixed assets (land, buildings, and equipment) and supplies. Contributions of fixed assets can be accounted for in one of two ways. GAAP permits such gifts to be reported as either additions to net assets without donor restrictions or net assets with donor restrictions at the time received. ASU 2016-14 only permits reporting gifts of fixed assets as part of net assets with donor restrictions if the donor's restriction of the time that the asset is to be used is explicit. Under previous GAAP, the donor's time restriction could be implied in order to obtain the matching of depreciation expense with release of assets from temporarily restricted to unrestricted. Under ASU 2016-14, this time restriction can no longer be implied. If a not-for-profit organization has previously implied time restrictions on donated fixed assets, it will need to reclassify these amounts to net assets without donor restrictions.

Supplies and equipment should be recorded at the amount which the organization would normally have to pay for similar items. A value for used office equipment and the like can usually be obtained from a dealer in such items. The valuation of donated real estate is more difficult, and it is usually necessary to get an outside appraisal to determine the value.

Museum collections. GAAP makes an exception for recording a value for donated (and purchased) museum collection objects, if certain criteria are met and certain disclosures are made. Owners of such objects do not have to record them, although they may if they wish. (Chapter 15 describes the accounting options available for collections.)

Fundraising and informational materials or advertising. The AICPA issued guidance in the form of a Technical Practice Aid 6140.24 regarding situations where entities other than the not-for-profit organization use for the not-for-profit organization's benefit certain nonfinancial assets that encourage the public to contribute to the organization or help communicate its mission. This guidance is now also included in the AICPA Guide in paragraph 5.153. Examples provided include:

  • An advertising agency, television station, or newspaper provides design services or professional talent services.
  • A radio or television station gives the not-for-profit organization (or uses for the organization's benefit) commercial airtime at no charge.
  • A not-for-profit organization distributes a public service announcement to several radio or television stations and asks the stations to air the announcement. (Some stations air the announcement and report information about the airings to the not-for-profit.)
  • A magazine, newspaper, or other print medium gives the not-for-profit organization (or uses for the organization's benefit) advertising space at no charge.
  • An Internet site gives a not-for-profit organization (or uses for the organization's benefit) advertising space at no charge.

The question addressed by the AICPA is in circumstances in which fundraising material, informational material, or advertising, including media time or space for public service announcements or other purposes, is used for the not-for-profit organization's benefit (or provided to the organization at no charge) and encourages the public to contribute to the not-for-profit organization or help the not-for-profit organization communicate its message or mission, should the not-for-profit organization report a contribution? If so, how should that contribution be measured and reported?

The answer provided by the AICPA is—“yes.” If they have received a contribution, it should be measured at fair value and the related expense, at the time the expense is recognized, should be reported by function, based on the nature of the contributed item.

Contributed services of volunteers. Many organizations depend almost entirely on volunteers to carry out their programs, and sometimes supporting functions. Should such organizations place a value on these contributed services and record them as “contributions” in their financial statements?

Criteria for recording. The answer is “yes,” under certain circumstances. These circumstances exist only when either of the following conditions is satisfied:

  1. The services create or enhance nonfinancial assets; or
  2. The services:
    1. Require specialized skills,
    2. Are provided by persons possessing those skills, and
    3. Would typically have to be purchased if not provided by donation.

If neither criterion is met, GAAP precludes recording a value for the services, although disclosure in a footnote is encouraged. These criteria differ considerably from criteria in the earlier audit guides/statement of position.

Creating or enhancing fixed assets. The first criterion is fairly straightforward. It covers volunteers constructing or making major improvements to buildings or equipment. It would also cover things like building sets or making costumes for a theater or opera company, and writing computer programs, since the resulting assets could be capitalized on the balance sheet. The criterion says “nonfinancial” assets so as not to cover volunteer fundraisers who, it could be argued, are “creating” assets by soliciting gifts.

Specialized skills. The second criterion has three parts, all of which must be met for recording to be appropriate. The first part deals with the nature of the services themselves. The intent is deliberately to limit the types of services that must be recorded, thus reducing the burden of tracking and valuing large numbers of volunteers doing purely routine work, the aggregate financial value of which would usually be fairly small. GAAP gives very little guidance about how to identify, in practice, those skills which would be considered “specialized,” as opposed to nonspecialized. There is a list of skills that are considered specialized, but it merely recites a list of obvious professions such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, carpenters. What is lacking is an operational definition of “specialized” that can be applied to all types of services. Appendix C contains a checklist to help readers make this distinction in practice.

The second part of the criterion will usually cause no problems in practice, as persons practicing the types of skills contemplated should normally possess the skills. (If not, it could be asked why are they performing the services?)

Would otherwise purchase. The third part of the criterion will be the most difficult of all to consider, as it calls for a pure judgment by management. Would the organization or would it not purchase the services? This is similar to one previously found in SOP 78-10, which read as follows:

The services performed are significant and form an integral part of the efforts of the organization as it is presently constituted; the services would be performed by salaried personnel if donated services were not available. . .; and the organization would continue the activity.

Probably the most important requirement is that the services being performed are an essential part of the organization's program. The key test is whether the organization would hire someone to perform these services if volunteers were not available.

This is a difficult criterion to meet. Many organizations have volunteers involved in peripheral areas which, while important to the organization, are not of such significance that paid staff would be hired in the absence of volunteers. But this is the acid test: If the volunteers suddenly quit, would the organization hire replacements? Appendix D contains a checklist to help readers assess this criterion.

Basis on which to value services. An additional criterion that is not explicitly stated in GAAP in connection with donated services is that there must be an objective basis on which to value these services. It is usually not difficult to determine a reasonable value for volunteer services where the volunteers are performing professional or clerical services. By definition, the services to be recorded are only those for which the organization would in fact hire paid staff if volunteers were not available. This suggests that the organization should be able to establish a reasonable estimate of what costs would be involved if employees had to be hired.

In establishing such rates, it is not necessary to establish individual rates for each volunteer. Instead, the volunteers can be grouped into general categories and a rate established for each category.

Some organizations are successful in getting local businesses to donate one of their executives on a full- or part-time basis for an extended period of time. In many instances, the amount paid by the local business to the loaned executive is far greater than the organization would have to pay for hired staff performing the same function. The rate to be used in establishing a value should be the lower rate. This also helps to get around the awkwardness of trying to discern actual compensation.

An organization may wish not to record a value unless the services are significant in amount. There is a cost to keep the records necessary to meet the reporting requirements and, unless the resulting amounts are significant, it is wasteful for the organization to record them.

Accounting treatment. The dollar value assigned to contributed services should be reflected as income in the section of the financial statements where other unrestricted contributions are shown. In most instances, it is appropriate to disclose the amount of such services as a separate line.

On the expense side, the value of contributed services should be allocated to program and supporting service categories based on the nature of the work performed. The amounts allocated to each category are not normally disclosed separately. If volunteers were used for constructing fixed assets, the amounts would be capitalized rather than being charged to an expense category. Unless some of the amounts are capitalized, the recording of contributed services will not affect the excess of income over expenses, since the income and expense exactly offset each other.

Exhibit 2 shows a simplified example of reporting for contributed services. The footnotes to the financial statements should disclose the nature of contributed services and the valuation techniques followed.

The Helpful Community Service Organization
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended June 30, 20X1
Increases in net assets:
  1. Service fees
  1. Contributions
  1. Value of contributed services
    1. Total income
Decreases in net assets:
  1. Program services:
  1. Assistance to the elderly
  1. Assistance to the poor
  1. Assistance to youth
    1. Total program
Supporting services:
  1. Administration
  1. Fundraising
    1. Total supporting
    1. Total expenses
Net increase in net assets 25,000
Net assets, beginning of year 100,000
Net assets, end of year $125,000

Use of facilities. Occasionally a not-for-profit organization will be given use of a building or other facilities either at no cost or at a substantially reduced cost. A value should be reflected for such a facility in the financial statements, both as income and as expense. The value to be used should be the fair market value of facilities, which the organization would otherwise rent if the contributed facilities were not available. This means that if very expensive facilities are donated, the valuation to be used should be the lower value of the facilities, which the organization would otherwise have rented. Implicit in this rule is the ability to determine an objective basis for valuing the facilities. If an organization is given the use of facilities that are unique in design and have no alternative purpose, it may be impossible to determine what they would have to pay to rent comparable facilities. This often occurs with museums that occupy elaborate government-owned buildings.

Where a donor indicates that the organization can unconditionally use such rent-free facilities for more than a one-year period, the organization should reflect the arrangement as a pledge, and record the present value of the contribution in the same way as other pledges.

Services provided by other organizations. Some not-for-profit organizations are the beneficiaries of services provided at no cost by other organizations, often organizations with which the reporting organization is affiliated in some way. An example is a corporate foundation that occupies office space belonging to the company, uses office equipment belonging to the company, and has its functions performed by personnel on the company payroll, for which no charge is made by the company to the foundation. In separate financial statements of the foundation, the value of the “free” services should be reported as both a contribution and an expense. The expense would be reported in the categories appropriate to the nature and purpose of the services provided.

Fair value is defined as “… the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at a measurement date.” This is not that much different from the definition of fair value that has historically been used by accountants. GAAP now does provide additional definitions and clarifications on each of the components of this definition. It also introduces the concept of the “highest and best use” of an asset by market participants, considering the use of the asset that is physically possible, legally permissible, and financially feasible at the measurement date. Note that highest and best use is determined for a “market participant,” even if the intended use by the organization that is reporting the fair value is different.

There are three valuation techniques for measuring fair value that are now prescribed by GAAP. These are:

  • Market approach. This approach uses prices and other relevant information generated for market transactions involving identical or comparable assets. For example, shares of donated stock that are traded on a stock exchange would normally use the valuation approach of determining the stock share price on the date of the gift to value the gift.
  • Income approach. This approach uses valuation techniques to convert future amounts (such as cash flows or earnings) to a single present amount (i.e., discounted). For example, a not-for-profit organization receiving a long-term unconditional pledge uses the discounted value of the expected cash flows to determine the value of the pledge.
  • Cost approach. This approach is based on the amount that currently would be required to replace the service capacity of an asset. This approach is often referred to as the current replacement cost. For example, a not-for-profit organization might value donated legal services at the value that equates to the costs of those services if it actually had to hire a lawyer to perform them.

In some cases, using a single valuation technique may be sufficient. In other cases, multiple valuation techniques may be appropriate, with fair value being determined by evaluating and weighing the range of values indicated by the different techniques.

In applying these valuation techniques, the reporting organization uses certain “inputs” to the valuation method. FASB ASC 820-10 defines two broad categories of inputs and also establishes a hierarchy of three levels of inputs that prioritizes the inputs to the valuation approaches. The two categories of inputs are:

  1. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity.
  2. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best information available in the circumstances.

The hierarchy of inputs prioritizes the inputs to the valuation techniques, not to the valuation techniques themselves. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets and liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3).

Level 2 inputs are those other than quoted market prices included in Level 1 that are observable for an asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include:

  1. Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets;
  2. Quoted prices for identical or similar assets in markets that are not active;
  3. Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, such as interest rates, volatilities, credit risks, and default rates;
  4. Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by correlation or other means.

Disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements differ based on whether the fair value measurement is done on a recurring basis or whether the measurements are nonrecurring. The fair value disclosure requirements are included in the Disclosure Checklist at the end of this book.

In January 2010, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2010-6, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (Topic 820): Improving Disclosures about Fair Value Measurements (FASB ASU 2010-6), which provides new and amended disclosure requirements about fair value measurements.

The new disclosure requirements of FASB ASU 2010-6 are as follows:

  1. Transfers in and out of Levels 1 and 2. A reporting entity should disclose separately the amounts of significant transfers in and out of Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements and describe the reasons for the transfers. (This requirement was later modified by ASU 2011-04 so that it does not apply to nonpublic entities.)
  2. Activity in Level 3 fair value measurements. In the reconciliation for fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), a reporting entity should present separately information about purchases, sales, issuances, and settlements (that is, on a gross basis rather than as one net number).

The amended disclosure requirements of FASB ASU 2010-6 are as follows:

  1. Level of disaggregation. A reporting entity should provide fair value measurement disclosures for each class of assets and liabilities. FASB ASU 2010-6 provides that a class is often a subset of assets or liabilities within a line item in the statement of financial position. (In other words, to meet the requirements to disclose by “class,” a financial statement line item may need to be broken into two or more classes of assets or liabilities.) FASB ASU 2010-6 also acknowledges that a reporting entity needs to use judgment in determining the appropriate classes of assets and liabilities.
  2. Disclosures about inputs and valuation techniques. A reporting entity should provide disclosures about the valuation techniques and inputs used to measure fair value for both recurring and nonrecurring fair value measurements. These disclosures are required for fair value measurements that fall in either Level 2 or Level 3 and include a description of the valuation technique (or multiple valuation techniques) used, such as the market approach, income approach, or the cost approach, and the inputs used in determining the fair values of each class of assets or liabilities. If there has been a change in the valuation technique(s) (for example, changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of an additional valuation technique), the reporting entity shall disclose that change and the reason for making it. These requirements are more specific than the more general requirements about disclosing inputs and valuation techniques.

The FASB continues to fine-tune accounting standards related to fair value measurements and disclosures by the issuance of Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in US GAAP and IFRS (ASU 2011-04). Although this ASU will affect all fair value measurements and disclosures, it is further discussed in Chapter 10.

Support Not Currently Expendable

Endowment gifts. Donor-restricted endowment fund contributions should be reported as revenue upon receipt as additions to net assets with donor restrictions. There are different approaches for reporting endowment gifts in a statement of activities. Usually a multicolumn presentation is followed to separate unrestricted from restricted income, as shown here.

Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total
Support and revenue:
  1. Contributions
$ 125,000 $50,000 $ 175,000
  1. Other
200,000    -- 200,000
    1. Total
325,000 50,000 375,000
Less expenses (in total) (310,000)    -- (310,000)
Net increase in net assets $ 15,000 $50,000 $ 65,000

Another approach, which was described in the AICPA Statement of Position 78-10, is the use of a “nonexpendable additions” section in the statement. In this approach, such gifts are reflected in a section titled “Nonexpendable Additions” or “Capital Additions.” Current GAAP does not discuss this approach, but it does not prohibit it, either. Thus, an organization that wishes to follow it may do so, as long as the gift is clearly identified as restricted.

Gifts of term endowment are later reclassified to the unrestricted class when the term of the endowment expires. (If, upon expiration of the endowment restriction, the gift is still restricted—likely for some operating purpose—it would not be reclassified until money was spent for that purpose. If, upon expiration of the term endowment restriction, the gift becomes permanently restricted, it should be recorded in that class initially.)

Pledges (promises to give). A pledge2 is a promise to contribute a specified amount to an organization. Typically, fundraising organizations solicit pledges because a donor either does not want to or is not able to make a contribution in cash in the amount desired by the organization at the time solicited. In giving, as with consumer purchases, the “installment plan” is a way of life. For example, a donor may pledge to pay an organization $20 per month, each month, for the next year. Organizations find donors are more generous when the payments being contributed are smaller and spread out over a period of time. The term “pledge,” however, also applies to one-time payments. For example, a donor may call a telephone operator during a telethon and pledge to make a $100 contribution.

A pledge may or may not be legally enforceable. The point is largely moot because few organizations would think of trying to legally enforce a pledge. The unfavorable publicity that would result would only hurt future fundraising. The only relevant criteria are: Will the pledge be collected and are pledges material in amount?

If these criteria are satisfied, then there are two accounting questions: Should a pledge be recorded as an asset at the time the pledge is received? If the answer is “yes,” the next question is: When should the pledge be recognized as income?

Recording as an asset. For many organizations, a significant portion of their income is received by pledge. The timing of the collection of pledges is only partially under the control of the organization. Yet over the years most organizations find they can predict with reasonable accuracy the collectible portion of pledges, even when a sizable percentage will not be collected. Accounting literature requires that unconditional pledges the organization expects to collect be recorded as assets and an allowance established for the portion that is estimated to be uncollectible.

Conditions versus restrictions. The requirement in current GAAP is to record unconditional pledges as assets. Unconditional means without conditions. What is meant by conditions? FASB defines a condition as “a future and uncertain event” that must occur for a pledge to become binding on the pledgor. There are two elements to this definition: future and uncertain. Future means it hasn't happened yet; this is fairly clear. Uncertain is, however, more subject to interpretation. How uncertain? This will be a matter of judgment in many cases. ASU 2018-08, discussed earlier, introduces additional guidance that will affect the determination of a pledge being conditional or unconditional. While the terminology will change, it is likely that it will not lead to different accounting treatment in most cases.

If a donor pledges to give to a charity “if the sun rises tomorrow,” that is not an uncertain event; the sun will rise tomorrow, at a known time. If a donor pledges to give $10,000 to the Red Cross “if there's an earthquake in California,” that is very uncertain (a geologist will say the eventual probability of an earthquake happening is 100%, but the timing is completely uncertain). This latter pledge would be conditional upon an earthquake occurring. Once an earthquake occurs, then the donor's pledge is unconditional (the condition has been removed), and the pledge would be recorded by the Red Cross.

Another example of a condition is a matching pledge (also known as a challenge grant). A donor pledges to give an amount to a charity if the charity raises a matching amount from other sources. (The “match” need not be one for one; it can be in any ratio the donor specifies.) In this case, the charity is not entitled to receive the donor's gift until it has met the required match. Once it does, it will notify the donor that the pledge is now due.

A third type of donor stipulation sounds like a condition, but it may or may not actually be one. A donor pledges to contribute to a symphony orchestra “if they will perform my favorite piece of music [specified by name].” Yes, this is an uncertain future event, since the piece of music has not yet been performed, but how uncertain is it? If the orchestra might very well have played the piece anyway, then the “condition” is really trivial, and the event would not be considered uncertain. However, if the piece were one that the orchestra would be very unlikely to perform without the incentive represented by the pledge in question, then the event would be considered uncertain, and the pledge conditional. In this case, the condition is fulfilled when the orchestra formally places the music on its schedule and so informs the donor.

Note that the concept of a condition is quite different from that of a restriction. Conditions deal with events that must occur before a charity is entitled to receive a gift. Restrictions limit how the charity can use the gift after receipt. Unconditional pledges can be either with or without donor restrictions; so can conditional pledges. Donor stipulations attached to a gift or pledge must be read carefully to discern which type of situation is being dealt with. For example, “I pledge $20,000 if you play my favorite music” is conditional but without restriction (the donor has not said the gift must be used to pay for the performance). However, “I pledge $20,000 for [the cost of] playing my favorite piece of music” is purpose restricted, but unconditional. In the latter case, the donor has said the pledge will be paid, but can only be used for that performance. The difference in wording is small, but the accounting implications are great. The conditional pledge is not recorded at all until the condition is met; the unconditional restricted pledge is recorded as revenue (in the net assets with donor restrictions class) upon receipt of notification of the pledge. Appendix E contains a checklist to help readers determine whether an unconditional pledge actually exists. Appendix F contains a checklist to help distinguish conditions from restrictions.

Discounted to present value. Prior to current GAAP, pledges were recorded at the full amount, which would ultimately be collected. None of the accounting literature for not-for-profit organizations talked about discounting pledges to reflect the time value of money. There had been for many years an accounting standard applicable to business transactions that does require such discounting, but not-for-profit organizations universally chose to treat this as not applicable to them, and accountants did not object.

Recipients (and donors) of pledges payable beyond the current accounting period are required to discount the pledges to their present value, using an appropriate rate of interest. Thus, the ability to receive $1,000 two years later is really only equivalent to receiving about $900 (assuming about a 5% rate of interest) now, because the $900 could be invested and earn $100 of interest over the two years. The higher the interest rate used, the lower will be the present value of the pledge, since the lower amount would earn more interest at the higher rate and still be worth the full $1,000 two years hence.

The appropriate rate of interest to use in discounting pledges will be a matter of some judgment. In many cases, it will be the average rate the organization is currently earning on its investments or its idle cash. If the organization is being forced to borrow money to keep going, then the borrowing rate should be used.

As the time passes between the initial recording of a discounted pledge and its eventual collection, the present value increases since the time left before payment is shorter. Therefore, the discount element must be gradually “accreted” up to par (collection) value. This accretion should be recorded each year until the due date for the pledge arrives. The accretion is recorded as contribution income. (This treatment differs from that specified in GAAP for business debts for which the accretion is recorded as interest income.)

The present valuing techniques described above provide a means of recording contributions receivable at their fair value, which is a requirement of GAAP. Recent changes to GAAP regarding fair value calculations would apply. This is discussed in the AICPA Guide, paragraphs 3.138 to 3.171, on which the following discussion is based.

FASB ASC 820-10-55-6 provides the general principles that govern any present value technique, as follows:

  • Cash flows and discount rates should reflect assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability.
  • Cash flows and discount rates should consider only factors attributed to the asset (or liability) being measured.
  • To avoid double counting or omitting the effects of risk factors, discount rates should reflect assumptions that are consistent with those inherent in the cash flows. For example, a discount rate that reflects expectations about future defaults is appropriate if using the contractual cash flows of a loan, but is not appropriate if the cash flows themselves are adjusted to reflect possible defaults.
  • Assumptions about cash flows and discount rates should be internally consistent. For example, nominal cash flows (that include the effects of inflation) should be discounted at a rate that includes the effects of inflation.
  • Discount rates should be consistent with the underlying economic factors of the currency in which the cash flows are denominated.

GAAP provides several different present value techniques that differ in how they adjust for risk and in the type of cash flows they use. The discount rate adjustment technique (which is the traditional present value technique described above) uses a risk-adjusted discount rate and contractual, promised, or most likely cash flows. In contrast, expected present value techniques use the probability-weighted average of all possible cash flows (referred to as expected cash flows).

The AICPA Guide, paragraph 3.154, specifies that it includes guidance about measuring assets (promises to give and beneficial interests in trusts) and liabilities (split-interest obligations) using traditional present value techniques. The same paragraph of the AICPA Guide also specifies that guidance is not intended to suggest that the income approach is the only one of the three approaches that is appropriate in the circumstances, nor is it intended to suggest that the traditional present value technique described in the guide is preferred over other present value techniques. Rather, the inclusion of that guidance in the AICPA Guide merely reflects that prior to the issuance of FASB Statement 157, Fair Value Measurements, present value techniques were specifically mentioned in SFAS 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made, and FASB Statement 136, Transfers of Assets to a Not-for-Profit Organization or Charitable Trust That Raises or Holds Contributions for Others, as appropriate for measuring promises to give cash and beneficial interests in trusts, and the guide had been drafted reflecting those standards.

Accordingly, the traditional present value techniques discussed above are still appropriate; however, expected present value techniques recognized by current GAAP may also be considered. Additional information may be obtained at FASB ASC 820-10.

Pledges for extended periods. There is one limitation to the general rule that pledges be recorded as assets. Occasionally, donors will indicate that they will make an open-ended pledge of support for an extended period of time. For example, if a donor promises to pay $5,000 a year for twenty years, would it be appropriate to record as an asset the full twenty years' pledge? In most cases, no; this would distort the financial statements. Most organizations follow the practice of not recording pledges for future years' support beyond a fairly short period. They feel that long-term, open-ended pledges are inherently conditional upon the donor's willingness to continue making payments, and thus are harder to collect. These arguments have validity, and organizations should consider very carefully the likelihood of collection before recording pledges for support in future periods beyond five years.

Allowance for uncollectible pledges. Not all pledges will be collected. People lose interest in an organization; their personal financial circumstances may change; they may move out of town. This is as true for charities as for businesses, but businesses will usually sue to collect unpaid debts; charities usually won't. While businesses will still suffer from uncollected receivables, not-for-profit organizations tend to have a poorer collection experience with pledges receivable. Thus, another important question is how large the allowance for uncollectible pledges should be. Most organizations have past experience to help answer this question. If, over the years, 10% of pledges are not collected, then unless the economic climate changes, 10% is probably the right figure to use. Care must be taken, however, because while an organization's past experience may have been good, times do change—as many organizations have discovered to their sorrow.

Another factor to consider is the purpose for which the pledge will be used. Some people will hesitate to default on a pledge for a worthwhile current year's project but may be less conscientious about a pledge for a building fund or a long-term project.

GAAP is silent about how to present the allowance in the financial statements. There is no question about the presentation in the balance sheet: It is an offset to the receivable amount. Thus, if the organization has outstanding pledges totaling $75,000, and it estimates that 10% of that amount will be uncollectible, the allowance of $7,500 is deducted from the $75,000 and the new amount of $67,500 is shown.

What is not clear is how to present the reduction in the amount recorded in the statement of activities to reflect the fact that not all of the recorded revenue will actually ever become available to the organization. One obvious possibility is to reduce the reported revenue amount by the uncollectible percentage. Another is to report the full amount of the pledges as revenue and the uncollectible amount as an expense. Because expenses are deducted from revenue, either method of reporting results in the same net excess of revenue over expenses for the year.

FASB ASC 958-605-30-6 provides that unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected in less than one year may be measured at the realizable value as an estimate of fair value. Similarly, recording long-term unconditional promises to give at fair value takes into consideration the quantity and nature of consideration expected to be received, as well as the creditworthiness of the donor. In other words, in both cases, the contribution revenue recorded initially is reduced by consideration of uncollectible amounts. The authors agree, believing that this method better reflects the reality of the way not-for-profit organizations manage pledges. Any increases to an allowance for uncollectible accounts subsequently required are reported as expenses or losses.

Another point to keep in mind in setting up an allowance is that a pledgor who defaults on an installment once is likely to do so again. If the default brings no notice from the organization, the pledgor assumes the contribution is not really needed, and it will be easier to skip the next payment. So, once a donor becomes delinquent on even a single installment, a 100% allowance for that total pledge, not just for the delinquent portion, should be considered. In addition, the organization should review the amount of allowance needed for other nondelinquent pledges; once there are signs of any delinquency, the overall collection assumptions may be in doubt. If so, the organization should be conservative and set up additional allowances.

Consideration of discounting and collectibility for cash contributions. The AICPA Guide (paragraphs 3.138 through 3.171 on discounting and paragraphs 5.180 through 5.215 regarding contributions) provides extensive guidance on applying the two concepts of discounting and consideration of collectibility in recording contributions receivable and the related revenue for cash contributions receivable. Should the gross amount of the contribution be discounted and then the discounted amount evaluated for collectibility? Or, should the gross amount of the contribution be evaluated for collectibility and then the amounts expected to be collected be discounted? In addition, should any adjustments be made when a donor extends payment terms longer than what was called for in the original gift?

Contributions revenue should be measured at fair value (using quoted market prices, if available) of the assets or services received or promised or at the fair value of liabilities satisfied. (Net realizable value may be used when the contributions arise from unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one year of the financial statement date.)

The fair value of contributions arising from unconditional promises to give cash should be determined based on the present value of the estimated future cash flows. A not-for-profit organization should first determine the estimated future cash flows from the promise to give cash. In estimating future cash flows, the following should be considered:

  • When the receivable is expected to be collected;
  • The creditworthiness of the other parties;
  • The organization's past collection history;
  • The organization's policies in connection with the enforcement of promises to give;
  • Any other factors concerning the receivable's collectibility.

After the amount of the estimated future cash flows is determined, the present value of this amount should be measured using a risk-free rate of return appropriate for the expected term of the promise to give. Note that a risk-free rate of return is used since the donor's credit rating and other factors affecting the donor's ability to honor the promise to give would be already considered in determining the estimated future cash flow from the promise to give.

The AICPA Guide also addresses the situation in which a donor extends the payment terms over a period longer than what was called for in original gifts. It notes that the fair value of unconditional promises to give may change if the following conditions occur: (1) changes in the quantity or nature of assets expected to be received, such as changes in the amounts of future cash flows, and (2) changes in the timing of assets expected to be received. Decreases in the fair value of unconditional promises to give due to changes in the quantity or nature of assets expected to be received should be recognized in the period(s) in which the expectation changes. Those decreases should be reported as expenses or losses from bad debts in the net asset class in which the net assets are represented. Decreases in contributions because of changes in the amounts of assets expected to be received should be reported as losses if they are decreases in temporarily restricted net assets or permanently restricted net assets.

Recognition as income. The second, related question is: When should a pledge be recognized as income? The answer is easy: immediately upon receipt of an unconditional pledge. This is the same rule that applies to all kinds of gifts. Conditional pledges are not recorded until the condition is met, at which time they are effectively unconditional pledges. Footnote disclosure of unrecorded conditional pledges should be made.

Under the earlier audit guides/statement of position, pledges without purpose restrictions were recorded in the unrestricted class of net assets. Only if the pledge has a purpose restriction would it be recorded in a restricted class. Even pledges with explicit time restrictions were still recorded in the unrestricted class, to reflect the flexibility of use that would exist when the pledge was collected. All pledges are considered implicitly time-restricted, by virtue of their being unavailable for use until collected. Additionally, time-restricted gifts, including all pledges, are now reported in the with donor restrictions class of net assets. They are then reclassified to the without donor restrictions class when the specified time arrives.

This means that even a pledge not payable for ten years, or a pledge payable in many installments is recorded as revenue in full (less the discount to present value) in the temporarily restricted class in the year the pledge is first received. This is a major change from earlier practice, which generally deferred the pledge until the anticipated period of collection.

Sometimes a charity may not want to have to record a large pledge as immediate revenue; it may feel that its balance sheet is already healthy and recording more income would turn off other donors. If a pledge is unconditional, there is no choice: The pledge must be recorded. One way to mitigate this problem is to ask the donor to make the pledge conditional; then it is not recorded until some later time when the condition is met. Of course, there is a risk that the donor may not be as likely ever to pay a conditional pledge as one that is understood to be absolutely binding, so not-for-profit organizations should consider carefully before requesting that a pledge be made conditional.

GAAP requires that donors follow the same rules for recognition of the expense of making a gift as recipients do for the income; that is, immediately upon payment or of making an unconditional pledge. Sometimes a charity will find a donor reluctant to make a large unconditional pledge, but willing to make a conditional pledge. Fundraisers should be aware of the effect of accounting principles on donors' giving habits, as well as on recipients' balance sheets.

Bequests. A bequest is a special kind of pledge. It is the ultimate conditional pledge: A very uncertain future event must occur for it to become payable. Accordingly, bequests should never be recorded before the donor dies—not because death is uncertain, but because a person can always change a will, and the charity may get nothing. (There is a special case: the pledge payable upon death. This is not really a bequest, it is just an ordinary pledge, and should be recorded as such if it is unconditional.)

After a person dies, the beneficiary organization is informed that it is named in the will, but this notification may occur long before the estate is probated and distribution made. Should such a bequest be recorded at the time the organization first learns of the bequest or at the time of receipt? The question is one of sufficiency of assets in the estate to fulfill the bequest. Since there is often uncertainty about what other amounts may have to be paid to settle debts, taxes, other bequests, claims of disinherited relatives, and so on, a conservative, and recommended, approach is not to record anything until the probate court has accounted for the estate and the amount available for distribution can be accurately estimated. At that time, the amount should be recorded in the same manner as other gifts.

Thus, if an organization is informed that it will receive a bequest of a specific amount, say $10,000, it should record this $10,000 as an asset. If, instead, the organization is informed that it will receive 10% of the estate, the total of which is not known, nothing would be recorded yet although footnote disclosure would likely be necessary if the amount could be sizable. Still a third possibility exists if the organization is told that while the final amount of the 10% bequest is not known, it will be at least some stated amount. In that instance, the minimum amount would be recorded with footnote disclosure of the contingent interest.

Exchange Transactions

In addition to the support received as contributions and pledges, not-for-profit organizations often obtain revenues by obtaining fees for services that they provide. These types of revenues are often called “fee-for-service” activities or “exchange transactions.” Appendix B provides a checklist of factors that can be considered in determining whether a particular item of revenue is a contribution (gift) or a fee-for-service activity (purchase of goods or services) from the not-for- profit organization. Appendix G provides a checklist of factors that can be considered in determining whether a program largely funded by an outside funder is really a program of the funder that they have engaged the not-for-profit to conduct on their behalf—in which case the revenue is an exchange transaction—or is a program of the not-for-profit that the funder is helping to pay for—in which case the revenue is likely a restricted contribution.

Upon its implementation, ASU 2018-08 (discussed earlier) will provide accounting guidance for distinguishing many governmental and foundation grants from exchange (i.e., revenue contract with a customer) transactions.

In the simplest form, the sale of an item from a museum's gift shop is an exchange transaction. The purchaser pays the museum money in consideration for the item purchased. There is no gift involved. A bit more complicated example would be social service contracts that not-for-profit organizations sometimes have with state or local governmental agencies to provide specific types of social services. For example, the not-for-profit organization may provide temporary shelter to homeless individuals, care for individuals with developmental disabilities, or run after-school programs for young students. In these cases, the not-for-profit organization is compensated based on the services performed (i.e., number of days service provided to a number of clients, compensated at a contractually agreed upon rate per day). These types of activities are considered fee-for-service activities and not contributions or gifts prior to the implementation of ASU 2018-08.

The accounting standards discussed in this chapter focus primarily on contributions and gifts. Determining when to recognize revenue for fee-for-service activities or exchange transactions is not based on these principles, but rather revenue recognition principles inherent in GAAP. Essentially, revenue is recognized when the earnings process is complete. In other words, when the not-for-profit organization has done everything it needs to do to keep the funds it has earned, revenue is recognized in the financial statements. In the examples above, revenue would be recognized at the time of sale of the item from the museum gift shop (perhaps subject to an allowance for returns, if they are historically significant). Revenue for the fee-for-service contracts is recognized at the time the services are provided to the not-for-profit organization's clients.

In more complex, longer-term contracts, revenue recognition may not be as straightforward. Practices in GAAP have developed whereby revenue may be recognized after the achievement of certain “milestones” that are met, even though the services under the entire contract have not been met. The FASB issued ASU 2010-17, Revenue Recognition—Milestone Method (Topic 605): Milestone Method of Revenue Recognition—A Consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force. ASU 2010-17 provides guidance on defining a milestone and determining when it may be appropriate to apply the milestone method of revenue recognition for research and development activities.

The requirements of ASU 2010-17 specifically apply to vendors that provide research and development deliverables in an arrangement in which one or more payments are contingent upon achieving certain future events or circumstances. This may conceptually apply to situations where the not-for-profit organization is acting as a vendor in a research and development contract, such as a not-for-profit college or university.

Essentially, ASU 2010-17 provides that a vendor can recognize consideration that is contingent upon achievement of a milestone in its entirety as revenue in the period in which the milestone is achieved only if the milestone meets all criteria to be considered substantive.

Determining whether a milestone is substantive is a matter of judgment made at the inception of the arrangement. ASU 2010-17 provides that the following criteria must be met for a milestone to be considered substantive. The consideration earned by achieving the milestone should:

  1. Be commensurate with either of the following:
    1. The vendor's performance to achieve the milestone;
    2. The enhancement of the value of the item delivered as a result of a specific outcome resulting from the vendor's performance to achieve the milestone.
  2. Relate solely to past performance.
  3. Be reasonable relative to all deliverables and payment terms in the arrangement.

ASU 2010-17 further provides that a milestone should be considered substantive in its entirety. An arrangement may include more than one milestone, and each milestone should be evaluated separately to determine whether the milestone is substantive. Accordingly, an arrangement may contain both substantive and nonsubstantive milestones.

A vendor's decision to use the milestone method of revenue recognition for transactions within the scope of ASU 2010-17 is considered a policy election. Other proportional revenue recognition methods also may be applied as long as the application of those other methods does not result in the recognition of consideration in its entirety in the period the milestone is achieved.

ASU 2010-17 provides disclosure requirements for vendors that are affected by its provisions. Specifically, the following disclosures are required:

  • A description of the overall arrangement;
  • A description of each milestone and related contingent consideration;
  • A determination of whether each milestone is considered substantive;
  • The factors that the entity considered in determining whether the milestone or milestones are substantive;
  • The amount of consideration recognized during the period for the milestone or milestones.

In May 2014, the FASB issued ASU 2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606), which is a very significant (and lengthy) document that may have significant impacts on industries that earn revenue from customers. While accounting standards for revenue recognition were contained in various topics of the FASB ASC, particularly for specific industry guidance, there was no general topic that covered revenue recognition with customers. ASU 2014-09 creates Topic 606 to provide such guidance.

While most revenues recorded by not-for-profit organizations are not from customers, but from donors, it is conceivable that this ASU might impact certain revenue contracts. In addition, some of the very straightforward ways in which not-for-profit organizations earn and record exchange transaction revenues (providing service days to people with disabilities, for example) will likely not be impacted by ASU 2014-09.

ASU 2014-09 bases revenue recognition on the core principle that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.

To achieve that core principle, an entity should apply the following steps:

  • Step 1 Identify the contract(s) with a customer.
  • Step 2 Identify the performance obligations in the contract.
  • Step 3 Determine the transaction price.
  • Step 4 Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract.
  • Step 5 Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation.

ASU 2014-09 includes summaries of each of these steps, which are provided as follows:

Step 1: Identify the Contract with a Customer

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable rights and obligations. An entity should apply the requirements to each contract that meets the following criteria:

  1. Approval and commitment of the parties.
  2. Identification of the rights of the parties.
  3. Identification of the payment terms.
  4. The contract has commercial substance.
  5. It is probable that the entity will collect the consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange for the goods or services that will be transferred to the customer.

In some cases, an entity should combine contracts and account for them as one contract. In addition, there is guidance on the accounting for contract modifications.

Step 2: Identify the Performance Obligations in the Contract

A performance obligation is a promise in a contract with a customer to transfer a good or service to the customer. If an entity promises in a contract to transfer more than one good or service to the customer, the entity should account for each promised good or service as a performance obligation only if it is (1) distinct, or (2) a series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and have the same pattern of transfer.

A good or service is distinct if both of the following criteria are met:

  1. Capable of being distinct—The customer can benefit from the good or service either on its own or together with other resources that are readily available to the customer.
  2. Distinct within the context of the contract—The promise to transfer the good or service is separately identifiable from other promises in the contract.

A good or service that is not distinct should be combined with other promised goods or services until the entity identifies a bundle of goods or services that is distinct.

Step 3: Determine the Transaction Price

The transaction price is the amount of consideration (for example, payment) to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties. To determine the transaction price, an entity should consider the effects of:

  1. Variable consideration—If the amount of consideration in a contract is variable, an entity should determine the amount to include in the transaction price by estimating either the expected value (that is, probability-weighted amount) or the most likely amount, depending on which method the entity expects to better predict the amount of consideration to which the entity will be entitled.
  2. Constraining estimates of variable consideration—An entity should include in the transaction price some or all of an estimate of variable consideration only to the extent it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved.
  3. The existence of a significant financing component—An entity should adjust the promised amount of consideration for the effects of the time value of money if the timing of the payments agreed upon by the parties to the contract (either explicitly or implicitly) provides the customer or the entity with a significant benefit of financing for the transfer of goods or services to the customer. In assessing whether a financing component exists and is significant to a contract, an entity should consider various factors. As a practical expedient, an entity need not assess whether a contract has a significant financing component if the entity expects at contract inception that the period between payment by the customer and the transfer of the promised goods or services to the customer will be one year or less.
  4. Noncash consideration—If a customer promises consideration in a form other than cash, an entity should measure the noncash consideration (or promise of noncash consideration) at fair value. If an entity cannot reasonably estimate the fair value of the noncash consideration, it should measure the consideration indirectly by reference to the standalone selling price of the goods or services promised in exchange for the consideration. If the noncash consideration is variable, an entity should consider the guidance on constraining estimates of variable consideration.
  5. Consideration payable to the customer—If an entity pays, or expects to pay, consideration to a customer (or to other parties that purchase the entity's goods or services from the customer) in the form of cash or items (for example, credit, a coupon, or a voucher) that the customer can apply against amounts owed to the entity (or to other parties that purchase the entity's goods or services from the customer), the entity should account for the payment (or expectation of payment) as a reduction of the transaction price or as a payment for a distinct good or service (or both). If the consideration payable to a customer is a variable amount and accounted for as a reduction in the transaction price, an entity should consider the guidance on constraining estimates of variable consideration.

Step 4: Allocate the Transaction Price to the Performance Obligations in the Contract

For a contract that has more than one performance obligation, an entity should allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation in an amount that depicts the amount of consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for satisfying each performance obligation.

To allocate an appropriate amount of consideration to each performance obligation, an entity must determine the standalone selling price at contract inception of the distinct goods or services underlying each performance obligation and would typically allocate the transaction price on a relative standalone selling price basis. If a standalone selling price is not observable, an entity must estimate it. Sometimes, the transaction price includes a discount or variable consideration that relates entirely to one of the performance obligations in a contract. The requirements specify when an entity should allocate the discount or variable consideration to one (or some) performance obligation(s) rather than to all performance obligations in the contract.

An entity should allocate to the performance obligations in the contract any subsequent changes in the transaction price on the same basis as at contract inception. Amounts allocated to a satisfied performance obligation should be recognized as revenue, or as a reduction of revenue, in the period in which the transaction price changes.

Step 5: Recognize Revenue When (or As) the Entity Satisfies a Performance Obligation

An entity should recognize revenue when (or as) it satisfies a performance obligation by transferring a promised good or service to a customer. A good or service is transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control of that good or service.

For each performance obligation, an entity should determine whether the entity satisfies the performance obligation over time by transferring control of a good or service over time. If an entity does not satisfy a performance obligation over time, the performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time.

An entity transfers control of a good or service over time and, therefore, satisfies a performance obligation and recognizes revenue over time if one of the following criteria is met:

  1. The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity's performance as the entity performs.
  2. The entity's performance creates or enhances an asset (for example, work in process) that the customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced.
  3. The entity's performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity, and the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.

If a performance obligation is not satisfied over time, an entity satisfies the performance obligation at a point in time. To determine the point in time at which a customer obtains control of a promised asset and an entity satisfies a performance obligation, the entity would consider indicators of the transfer of control, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. The entity has a present right to payment for the asset.
  2. The customer has legal title to the asset.
  3. The entity has transferred physical possession of the asset.
  4. The customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the asset.
  5. The customer has accepted the asset.

For each performance obligation that an entity satisfies over time, an entity shall recognize revenue over time by consistently applying a method of measuring the progress toward complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. Appropriate methods of measuring progress include output methods and input methods. As circumstances change over time, an entity should update its measure of progress to depict the entity's performance completed to date.

Disclosure Requirements

Topic 606 has numerous disclosure requirements to assist financial statement readers in understanding how revenue was recognized. These disclosure requirements differ for not-for-profit organizations that have issued conduit debt (or other traded securities) and those that have not.

The objective of the disclosure requirements is for an entity to disclose sufficient information to enable users of financial statements to understand the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. To achieve that objective, qualitative and quantitative information about the following are required, along with specific references to the FASB Codification: [ASU 2014-09, paragraph 5]

  1. [Its contracts with customers (contained in paragraphs 606-10-50-4 through 50-16) [ASU 2014-09, paragraph 5]]
  2. [The significant judgments, and changes in the judgments, made in applying the guidance of Topic 606 to those contracts (see paragraphs 606-10-50-17 through 50-21) [ASU 2014-09, paragraph 5]]
  3. [Any assets recognized from the costs to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer (Topic 340, paragraphs 340-40-25-1 or 340-40-25-5, also paragraphs 340-40-50-1 through 50-6)]

NOTE: The applicability of the provisions of ASU 2019-09 to government and foundation grants in determining whether the government (or other entity, such as a foundation) is a “customer” or more like a donor will also need to be addressed as a practice issue. As such, the FASB issued ASU 2018-08 Clarifying the Scope and the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made to clarify the FASB's issuance of ASU 2014-09 and 2015 dealing with revenue recognition. The FASB excluded contributions from the requirements of the revenue recognition standard. The question is whether governmental and other grants are contributions or transactions with customers and subject to the new revenue recognition standards. A discussion of ASU 2018-08 is provided earlier in this chapter.


Costs to Obtain or Fulfill a Contract with a Customer

ASU 2014-09's guidance also specifies the accounting for some costs to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer.

Incremental costs of obtaining a contract—An entity should recognize as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract that the entity expects to recover. Incremental costs are those costs that the entity would not have incurred if the contract had not been obtained. As a practical expedient, an entity may expense these costs when incurred if the amortization period is one year or less.

Costs to fulfill a contract—To account for the costs of fulfilling a contract with a customer, an entity should apply the requirements of other standards (for example, Topic 330, Inventory; Subtopic 350-40, Internal-Use Software; Topic 360, Property, Plant, and Equipment; and Subtopic 985-20, Costs of Software to Be Sold, Leased, or Marketed), if applicable. Otherwise, an entity should recognize an asset from the costs to fulfill a contract if those costs meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Relate directly to a contract (or a specific anticipated contract).
  2. Generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the future.
  3. Are expected to be recovered.

Disclosures—An entity should disclose sufficient information to enable users of financial statements to understand the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. Qualitative and quantitative information is required about:

  1. Contracts with customers—including revenue and impairments recognized, disaggregation of revenue, and information about contract balances and performance obligations (including the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations).
  2. Significant judgments and changes in judgments—determining the timing of satisfaction of performance obligations (over time or at a point in time), and determining the transaction price and amounts allocated to performance obligations.
  3. Assets recognized from the costs to obtain or fulfill a contract.

In August 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015-14 Revenue Contracts with Customers (Topic 606): Deferral of the Effective Date to defer the implementation timetable for ASU 2014-09.

For public entities, certain not-for-profit entities and certain employee benefit plans, ASU 2014-09 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2017. Not-for-profit organizations that must comply with this implementation date are those that have issued, or are a conduit debt obligor for, securities that are traded, listed, or quoted on an exchange or an over-the-counter market.

All other entities (including not-for-profit organizations not meeting the requirement above), ASU 2014-09 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2018.

In April 2016 the FASB issued ASU 2016-10 Revenue Contracts with Customers (Topic 606), which includes implementation clarification of ASU 2014-09 based on consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force. ASU 2016-10 clarifies two aspects of ASU 2014-09—identifying performance obligations and licensing.

While licensing is outside the scope of this book, as to performance obligations, ASU 2016-10 provides that:

  • An entity is not required to assess whether promised goods or services are performance obligations if they are immaterial in the context of the contract with the customer.
  • An entity is permitted, as an accounting policy election, to account for shipping and handling activities that occur after the customer has obtained control of a good as an activity to fulfill the promise to transfer the good rather than as an additional promised service.

ASU 2016-10 also provides additional guidance for determining whether promises to transfer goods and services are separately identifiable or whether the promise is to transfer a combined item to which the promised goods are inputs.

Similarly, the FASB issued ASU 2016-12, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606): FASB Accounting Standards Codification—Narrow-Scope Improvements and Practical Expedients to address specific issues in Topic 606 related to addressing the collectibility criterion at contract inception, sales and other taxes collected from customers, contract modifications and completed contracts at transition, as well as various technical corrections.

For not-for-profit organizations, the most important provisions of ASU 2016-12 concern sales taxes. The transaction price under Topic 606 excludes amounts collected on behalf of third parties, commonly most sales taxes. However, there was a concern that analyzing taxes on a jurisdiction by jurisdiction basis to determine which taxes were considered collected on behalf of their parties and, hence, which would be reported gross and which would be reported net was seen to be complex and cost prohibitive. Accordingly, ASU 2016-12 permits an entity, as an accounting policy election, to exclude amounts collected from customers for all sales (and other similar) taxes from the transaction price.

The FASB also issued ASU 2016-20, Technical Corrections and Improvements to Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers to provide, as its title states, technical corrections and improvements to Topic 606. The topic areas it addresses include loan guarantee fees, contract costs, construction and production type contracts, etc. Most of its provisions are very narrow in scope and would not impact the majority of not-for-profit organizations.

The effective dates for ASU 2016-10, ASU 2016-12, and ASU 2016-20 are the same as for ASU 2014-09, as deferred.

Troubled Debt Restructurings—Creditors

Some not-for-profit organizations loan funds to other organizations for various reasons, based on their particular missions. For example, a not-for-profit organization may be a microlender to start-up businesses as part of an economic development grant from a state or local government.

Given the recent economic downturn, the volume of debt restructured (modified) by creditors has increased. The FASB has issued additional guidance, A Creditor's Determination of Whether a Restructuring Is a Troubled Debt Restructuring (ASU 2011-02), to help creditors in determining whether a creditor has granted a concession and whether a debtor is experiencing financial difficulties, for purposes of determining whether a restructuring constitutes a troubled debt restructuring.

Distinguishing a troubled debt restructuring from a refinancing or other restructuring of debt in the normal course of business is important because of the specific accounting rules for measuring and recording losses for troubled debt restructuring contained in ASC 310.

In evaluating whether a restructuring constitutes a troubled debt restructuring, a creditor must separately conclude that both of the following exist:

  1. The restructuring constitutes a concession.
  2. The debtor is experiencing financial difficulties.

The amendments to Topic 310 clarify the guidance on a creditor's evaluation of whether it has granted a concession as follows:

  1. If a debtor does not otherwise have access to funds at a market rate for debt with similar risk characteristics as the restructured debt, the restructuring would be considered to be at a below-market rate, which may indicate that the creditor has granted a concession. If a creditor determines that it has granted a concession, the creditor must make a separate assessment about whether the debtor is experiencing financial difficulties to determine whether the restructuring constitutes a troubled debt restructuring.
  2. A temporary or permanent increase in the contractual interest rate as a result of a restructuring does not preclude the restructuring from being considered a concession because the new contractual interest rate on the restructured debt could still be below the market interest rate for new debt with similar risk characteristics. If a creditor determines that it has granted a concession, the creditor must make a separate assessment about whether the debtor is experiencing financial difficulties to determine whether the restructuring constitutes a troubled debt restructuring.
  3. A restructuring that results in a delay in payment that is insignificant is not a concession. However, an entity should consider various factors in assessing whether a restructuring resulting in a delay in payment is insignificant. The amendments include examples illustrating the assessment of whether a restructuring results in a delay in payment that is insignificant.

The amendments to Topic 310 also clarify the guidance on a creditor's evaluation of whether a debtor is experiencing financial difficulties.

The FASB believes that there is currently diversity in practice in identifying restructurings of receivables that constitute troubled debt restructuring for a creditor. The clarifying guidance in ASU 2011-02 should result in more consistent application of US GAAP for debt restructurings.


Factors to Be Considered in Deciding Whether a Particular Gift (for Operating Purposes) Should Be Classified as Purpose-Restricted or Not

The following list of factors is to be considered by:

  • Not-for-profit organizations, in deciding how to classify operating gifts;
  • Auditors, in assessing the appropriateness of the client's decision.

In some cases, none of these factors will be determinative by itself; all applicable factors should be considered together. These factors are intended to facilitate consideration of the appropriate classification of operating gifts that may be purpose-restricted. This list is intended to deal neither with how to account for gifts, nor with questions regarding time-restricted gifts or nonoperating gifts, although some factors may be helpful in those areas.

Factors Whose Presence in the Grant Document, Donor's Transmittal Letter, or Other Gift Instrument, or in the Appeal by the Recipient Would Indicate the Gift Is Purpose-Restricted Factors Whose Presence Would Indicate the Gift May Not Be Purpose-Restricted
  1. The purpose of the gift is very specifically set forth.1 (This factor, if judged to be present, would normally be considered determinative.)
The purpose is described in general or vague terms.
  1. The donor expects a detailed report of how the gift was used.
No special reporting to the donor is expected.
  1. Refund to the donor of any unspent amount is specifically called for.
No mention is made of the disposition of any unspent amount.
  1. The recipient would likely not have conducted the activity at all, or to the same extent, in the absence of the gift.
The recipient would likely have conducted the activity anyway.
  1. The donor specifies that the gift can only be used to expand existing activity.
Factor not present.
  1. The terms of the gift are set forth in a formal written document.
The terms are set forth only orally or informally.
  1. The activities funded by the gift are similar to activities funded by previous gifts from the same donor, where the previous gifts were clearly restricted.
Factor not present.
  1. The expressed intention of the recipient in soliciting the gift was to solicit restricted gifts.
The solicitation was silent as to the use of the gift or described the use in general terms.
  1. In describing the purpose of the gift, the solicitation or the gift instrument includes words such as:
    • Restricted
    • must, will
    • only
    • expect
    • certain
    • promise, agree
These documents include words such as:
  • general; operating
  • should
  • any, if
  • intend, hope
  • several
  • plan
  1. Based on the overall tone of the language describing the gift, it can reasonably be inferred that the donor's expectation is that the gift is restricted. (See other factors.)
The overall tone does not lead to such an inference.
  1. For management control and reporting purposes, the recipient is divided into operating units to conduct different programs;2 the gift is explicitly directed to one of those units.
Factor not present.
  1. The terms of the gift include nonprogrammatic “compliance”-type requirements (often found with government grants).3
Factor not present.

1 The purpose may be described in various ways. Examples include:

  • Geographic location (e.g., a city, neighborhood, etc.);
  • Population to be served or otherwise benefit (e.g., the visually handicapped, children);
  • Anticipated outcome of the activity (e.g., reduction in teenage pregnancy, performance of a certain opera);
  • Precise use of the particular gift (e.g., to pay the salary of a suicide counselor, to repair a bloodmobile).

2 Examples include:

  • An organization serving handicapped children runs a daycare center and a summer camp;
  • A university has a law school and a medical school;
  • A symphony orchestra has a separate department that operates a youth orchestra.

3 Examples include compliance with regulations governing:

  • Purchasing and hiring;
  • Affirmative action and civil rights;
  • Lobbying and political activity;
  • Drug-free workplace;
  • Cash management;
  • Allowable costs and overhead rates;
  • Subgrants;
  • Fixed assets;
  • Audits and financial reports.


Factors to Be Considered in Distinguishing Contracts for the Purchase of Goods or Services from Restricted Grants (prior to implementation of ASU 2018-08)

The following is a list of factors that may be helpful to:

  • Not-for-profit organizations, in deciding how to account for the receipt of payments that might be considered as being either for the purchase of goods or services from the organization, or as restricted-purpose gifts or grants to the organization (as contemplated by FASB guidance at FASB ASC 720-25-15);
  • Auditors, in assessing the reasonableness of the client's decision.

Additional discussion of this distinction can be found in the instructions to IRS Form 990. Not one of these factors is normally determinative by itself; all relevant factors should be considered together.

Factors Whose Presence Would Indicate the Payment Is for the Purchase of Goods or Services Factors That Would Indicate the Payment Is a Gift
Factors related to the agreement between the payor and the payee:
  1. The expressed intent is for the payee to provide goods/services to the payor, or to other specifically identified recipients, as determined by the payor.
The expressed intent is to make a gift to the payee to advance the programs of the payee.
  1. There is a specified time and/or place for delivery of goods/services to the payor, or other recipient.
Time and/or place of delivery of any goods/services is largely at the discretion of the payee.
  1. There are provisions for economic penalties, beyond the amount of the payment, against the payee for failure to meet the terms of the agreement.
Any penalties are expressed in terms of required delivery of goods/services, or are limited to return of unspent amounts.
  1. The amount of the payment per unit is computed in a way that explicitly provides for a “profit” margin for the payee.
The payment is stated as a flat amount, or a fixed amount per unit based only on the cost (including overhead) of providing the goods/services.
  1. The total amount of the payment is based only on the quantity of items delivered.
The payment is based on a line item budget request, including an allowance for actual administrative costs.
  1. The tenor of the agreement is that the payor receives approximately equivalent value in return for the payment.
The payor does not receive approximately equivalent value.
  1. The items are closely related to commercial activity regularly engaged in by the payor.
The items are related to the payee's program services.
Factors related to the goods/services (items) covered by the payment:
  1. There is substantial benefit to the payor itself from the items.
The items are normally used to provide goods/services considered of social benefit to society as a whole, or to some defined segment thereof (e.g., children, persons having a disease, students), which might not otherwise have ready access to the items.
  1. If the payor is a governmental unit, the items are things the government itself has explicitly undertaken to provide to its citizens; the government has arranged for another organization to be the actual service provider.
The government is in the role of subsidizing provision of services to the public by a nongovernmental organization.
  1. The benefits resulting from the items are to be made available only to the payor, or to persons or entities designated by the payor.
The items, or the results of the activities funded by the payment, are to be made available to the general public, or to any person who requests and is qualified to receive them. Determination of specific recipients is made by the payee.
  1. The items are to be delivered to the payor, or to other persons or entities closely connected with the payor.
Delivery is to be made to persons or entities not closely connected with the payor.
  1. Revenue from sale of the items is considered unrelated business income (IRC 512) to the payee.
Revenue is “related” income to the payee.
  1. In the case of sponsored research, the payor determines the plan of research and the desired outcome, and retains proprietary rights to the results.
The research plan is determined by the payee; desired outcomes are expressed only in general terms (e.g., to find a cure for a disease), and the rights to the results remain with the payee or are considered in the public domain.
  1. The payment supports applied research.
The payment supports basic research.


Factors to Be Considered in Assessing Whether Contributed Services Are Considered to Require Specialized Skills (per FASB ASC 958-605-25-16, “Accounting for Contributions Received …”)

The following is a list of factors that may be helpful to:

  • Recipients of contributed services of volunteers, in assessing whether the skills utilized by the volunteers in the performance of their services are considered to be “specialized” within the meaning of the GAAP requirements in this area, contained at FASB ASC 958-605;
  • Auditors, in assessing the appropriateness of the client's judgment.

This list of factors is not intended to be used in determining how to value or account for such services. In some cases, no single factor is necessarily determinative by itself; all relevant factors should be considered together.

Factors whose presence is often indicative that skills are “specialized”:

  1. Persons who regularly hold themselves out to the public as qualified practitioners of such skills are required by law or by professional ethical standards to possess a license or other professional certification, or specified academic credentials. Alternatively, if possession of such license/certification/credentials is optional, the person performing the services does possess such formal certification.
  2. Practitioners of such skills are required, by law or professional ethics, to have obtained a specified amount of technical prejob or on-the-job training, to obtain specified amounts of continuing professional education, a specified amount of practical work experience, or to complete a defined period of apprenticeship in the particular type of work.
  3. Proper practice of the skills requires the individual to possess specific artistic or creative talent and/or a body of technical knowledge not generally possessed by members of the public at large.
  4. Practice of the skills requires the use of technical tools or equipment. The ability to properly use such tools or equipment requires training or experience not generally possessed by members of the public at large.
  5. There is a union or professional association whose membership consists specifically of practitioners of the skills, as opposed to such groups whose members consist of persons who work in a broad industry, a type of company, or a department of a company. Admission to membership in such organization requires demonstrating one or more of the factors 1, 2, or 3 above. (Whether or not the person whose skills are being considered actually belongs to such organization is not a factor in assessing whether the skills are considered to be specialized; it may be relevant in assessing whether the person possesses the skills.)
  6. Practitioners of such skills are generally regarded by the public as being members of a particular “profession.”
  7. There is a formal disciplinary procedure administered by a government or by a professional association, to which practitioners of such skills are subject, as a condition of offering their skills to the public for pay.
  8. Practice of the skills by persons who do so in their regular work is ordinarily done in an environment in which there is regular formal review or approval of work done by supervisory personnel or by professional peers.


Factors to Be Considered in Determining Whether an Organization Would Typically Need to Purchase Services if Not Provided by Donation

The following is a list of factors that may be helpful to:

  • Not-for-profit organizations, in deciding whether or not contributed services meet the criterion in FASB ASC 958-605-25-16;
  • Auditors, in assessing the reasonableness of the client's decision.

None of these factors is normally determinative by itself; all relevant factors and the strength of their presence should be considered together.

Factors Whose Presence Would Indicate the Services Would Typically Need to Be Purchased Factors Whose Presence Would Indicate the Services Would Typically Not Need to Be Purchased
  1. The activities in which the volunteers are involved are an integral part of the reporting organization's ongoing program services (as stated in its IRS Form 1023/4, fundraising material, and annual report), or of management or fundraising activities that are essential to the functioning of the organization's programs.
The activities are not part of the reporting organization's program, or of important management or fundraising activities, or are relatively incidental to those activities; the services primarily benefit the program activities of another organization.
  1. Volunteer work makes up a significant portion of the total effort expended in the program activity in which the volunteers are used.
Volunteer work is a relatively small part of the total effort of the program.
  1. The program activity in which the volunteers function is a significant part of the overall program activities of the organization.
The program activity is relatively insignificant in relation to the organization's overall program activities.
  1. The reporting organization has an objective basis for assigning a value to the services.
No objective basis is readily available.
  1. The organization has formal agreements with third parties to provide the program services that are conducted by the volunteers.
Factor not present.
  1. The reporting organization assigns volunteers to specific duties.
Assignment of specific duties to volunteers is done by persons or entities other than the reporting organization, or the volunteers largely determine for themselves what is to be done within broad guidelines.
  1. The volunteers are subject to ongoing supervision and review of their work by the reporting organization.
The activities of the volunteers are conducted at geographic locations distant from the organization, or factor otherwise not present.
  1. The organization actively recruits volunteers for specific tasks.
Volunteers are accepted but not actively recruited, or, if recruited, specific tasks are not mentioned in the recruiting materials.
  1. If the work of the volunteers consists of creating or enhancing nonfinancial assets, the assets will be owned and/or used primarily by or under the control of the reporting organization after the volunteer work is completed. If the assets are subsequently given away by the organization to charitable beneficiaries, the organization decides who is to receive the assets.
The assets will immediately be owned or used primarily by other persons or organizations.
  1. If there were to be a net increase in net assets resulting from the recording of a value for the services (even though in practice, there usually is not), the increase would better meet the criteria for presentation as revenue, rather than a gain, as set forth in SFAC 6, paras. 78–79, 82–88, and 111–113.
The net increase would better meet the criteria of a gain, rather than revenue.
  1. Management represents to the auditor that it would hire paid staff to perform the services if volunteers were not available.
Management represents that it would not hire paid staff; or it is obvious from the financial condition of the organization that it is unlikely that financial resources would be available to pay for the services.
Auditors are reminded that management representations, alone, do not normally constitute sufficient competent evidential matter to support audit assertions; however, they may be considered in conjunction with other evidence.
Factors particularly relevant in situations where the volunteer services are provided directly to charitable or other beneficiaries of the reporting organization's program services (e.g., legal aid society), rather than to the organization itself:
  1. The reporting organization assumes responsibility for the volunteers with regard to workers' compensation and liability insurance, errors or omissions in the work, and satisfactory completion of the work.
The organization has explicitly disclaimed such responsibility.
  1. The reporting organization maintains ongoing involvement with the activities of the volunteers.
The organization functions mainly as a clearinghouse for putting volunteers in touch with persons or other organizations needing help, but has little ongoing involvement.


Factors to Be Considered in Assessing Whether a Donor Has Made a Bona Fide Pledge to a Donee

The following is a list of factors that may be helpful to:

  • Donees, in assessing whether a pledge (unconditional promise to give—as contemplated in FASB ASC 958-605-25-8, 9, and 10) has, in fact, been made;
  • Auditors, in assessing the appropriateness of the client's judgment.

This list of factors is not intended to be used in deciding on proper accounting (for either the pledge asset or the related revenue/net assets), or to assess collectibility, although some of the factors may be relevant to those decisions as well. In many cases, no single factor is necessarily determinative by itself; all relevant factors should be considered together.

Factors Whose Presence May Indicate a Bona Fide Pledge Was Made Factors Whose Presence May Indicate a Bona Fide Pledge Was Not Made
  1. Factors related to the solicitation process:
    1. There is evidence that the recipient explicitly solicited formal pledges.
    2. Public announcement1 of the pledge has been made (by donor or donee).
    3. Partial payment on the pledge has been made (or full payment after balance sheet date).
The “pledge” was unsolicited, or the solicitation did not refer to pledges.
No public announcement has been made.
No payments have yet been made, or payments have been irregular, late, or less than scheduled amounts.
  1. Factors related to the “pledge” itself:
    1. There is written evidence created by the donor that clearly supports the existence of an unconditional promise to give. (This factor, if present, would normally be considered determinative.)
    2. The evidence includes words such as:
      • promise
      • agree
      • will
      • binding, legal
    3. The pledge appears to be legally enforceable. (Consult an attorney if necessary.) (Note also factor 4a.)
    4. There is a clearly defined payment schedule, stated in terms of either calendar dates or the occurrence of specified events whose occurrence is reasonably probable.
    5. The calendar dates or events comprising the payment schedule will (are expected to) occur within a relatively short time3 after the balance sheet date (or, in the case of events, have already occurred).
    6. The amount of the pledge is clearly specified or readily computable.
    7. The donor has clearly specified a particular purpose for the gift (e.g., endowment, fixed assets, loan fund, retire long-term debt, specific program service). The purpose is consistent with ongoing donee activities.
There is no written evidence;2 the only written evidence was prepared by the donee, or written evidence is unclear.
There is written evidence, but it includes words such as:
  • intend, plan
  • hope
  • may, if expected

Legal enforceability is questionable, or explicitly denied.
A payment schedule is not clearly defined, or events are relatively unlikely to occur.
The time (period) of payment contemplated by the donor is relatively far in the future.
The amount is not clear or readily computable.
The purpose is vaguely or not specified, or inconsistent with donee activities.
  1. Factors relating to the donor:
    1. There is no reason to question the donor's ability or intent to fulfill the pledge.
    2. The donor has a history of making and fulfilling pledges to the donee of similar or larger amounts.

Collectibility of the gift is questionable.

Factor not present.

  1. Factors relating to the donee:
    1. The donee has indicated that it would take legal action to enforce collection if necessary, or has a history of doing so.
    2. The donee has already taken specific action in reliance on the pledge or publicly1 announced that it intends to do so.4

It is unlikely (based on the donee's past practices) or uncertain whether the donee would enforce the “pledge.”

No specific action has been taken or is contemplated.

1 The announcement would not necessarily have to be made to the general public; announcement in media circulated among the constituency of either the donor or donee would suffice. Examples include newsletters, fundraising reports, annual reports, a campus newspaper, and so on. In the case of announcements by the donee, there should be a reasonable presumption that the donor is aware of the announcement and has not indicated any disagreement with it.

2 Oral pledges can be considered bona fide under some circumstances. In the case of oral pledges, much greater weight will have to be given to other factors if the existence of a bona fide pledge is to be asserted. Also, the auditor will have to carefully consider what audit evidence can be relied on.

3 What constitutes a relatively short time has to be determined in each case. The longer the time contemplated, the more weight will have to be given to other factors (especially 2b, c, 3a and 4a) in assessing the existence of a pledge. In most circumstances, periods longer than three to five years would likely be judged relatively long.

4 Types of specific action contemplated include:

  • Commencing acquisition, construction, or lease of capital assets or signing binding contracts to do so;
  • Making public announcement of the commencement or expansion of operating programs used by the public (e.g., the opening of a new clinic, starting a new concert series, a special museum exhibit);
  • Indicating to another funder that the pledge will be used to match part of a challenge grant from that funder;
  • Soliciting other pledges or loans for the same purpose by explicitly indicating that “x has already pledged”;
  • Committing proceeds of the pledge in other ways such as awarding scholarships, making pledges to other charities, hiring new staff, etc. (where such uses are consistent with either the donee's stated purposes in soliciting the pledge or the donor's indicated use of the pledge);
  • Forbearing from soliciting other available major gifts (e.g., not submitting an application for a foundation grant) because, with the pledge in question, funding for the purpose is considered complete;
  • Using pledge as collateral for a loan.


Factors to Be Considered in Deciding Whether a Gift or Pledge Subject to Donor Stipulations Is Conditional or Restricted (as Discussed in FASB ASC 958-605-25-14, 15) (Prior to the implementation of ASU 2018-08.)

Donors place many different kinds of stipulations on pledges and other gifts. Some stipulations create legal restrictions that limit the way in which the donee may use the gift. Other stipulations create conditions that must be fulfilled before a donee is entitled to receive (or keep) a gift.

FASB defines a condition as an uncertain future event that must occur before a promise based on that event becomes binding on the promisor. In some cases, it is not immediately clear whether a particular stipulation creates a condition or a restriction. (Some gifts are both conditional and restricted.) Accounting for the two forms of gift is quite different, so it is important that the nature of a stipulation be properly identified so that the gift is properly categorized.

Following is a list of factors to be considered by:

  • Recipients (and donors) of gifts, in deciding whether a pledge or other gift that includes donor stipulations is conditional or restricted;
  • Auditors, in assessing the appropriateness of the client's decision.

In many cases, none of these factors will be determinative by itself; all applicable factors should be considered together.

Factors Whose Presence in the Communication from the Donor or the Donee-Prepared Pledge Card Would Indicate the Gift May Be Conditional Factors Whose Presence in the Grant Document, Donor's Transmittal Letter, or Other Gift Instrument, or in the Appeal by the Recipient Would Indicate the Gift May Be Restricted
Factors related to the terms of the gift/pledge:

  1. The document uses words such as:

    If * Subject to*

    When Revocable*

The document uses words such as:

Must For

Purpose Irrevocable

  1. Neither the ultimate amount nor the timing of payment of the gift is clearly determinable in advance of payment.
At least one of the amount and/or timing is clearly specified.
  1. The pledge is stated to extend for a very long period of time (over, say, ten years) or is open-ended. (Often found with pledges to support a needy child overseas, or a missionary in the field.)
The time is short and/or specific as to its end.
  1. The donor stipulations in the document refer to outcomes expected as a result of the activity (with the implication that if the outcomes are not achieved, the donor will expect the gift to be refunded, or will cancel future installments of a multiperiod pledge).1a* (Such gifts are likely also restricted.)
The donor stipulations focus on the activities to be conducted. Although hoped-for outcomes may be implicit or explicit, there is not an implication that achievement of particular outcomes is a requirement.1b*
  1. There is an explicit requirement that amounts not expensed by a specified date must be returned to the donor.
There is no such refund provision, or any refund is required only if money is left after completion of the specified activities.
  1. The gift is in the form of a pledge.
The gift is a transfer of cash or other noncash assets.
  1. Payment of amounts pledged will be made only on a cost reimbursement basis.**
Payment of the gift will be made up front, or according to a payment schedule, without the necessity for the donee to have yet incurred specific expenses.
  1. The gift has an explicit matching requirement,** or additional funding beyond that already available will be required to complete the activity.
Factor not present.
Factors relating to the circumstances surrounding the gift:
  1. The action or event described in the donor's stipulations is largely outside the control of the management or governing board of the donee.2a*
The action or event is largely within the donee's control.2b*
  1. The activity contemplated by the gift is one which the donee has not yet decided to do, and it is not yet certain whether the activity will actually be conducted.*
The donee is already conducting the activity, or it is fairly certain that the activity will be conducted.*
  1. There is a lower probability that the donor stipulations will eventually be met.
There is a higher probability.
  1. The activities to be conducted with the gift money are similar to activities normally conducted on a for-profit basis by the donee or by other organizations.
The activities are not similar.
  1. As to any tangible or intangible outcomes that are to be produced as a result of the activities, these products will be under the control of the donor. (In such cases, the payment may not be a gift at all; rather it may be a payment for goods or services.)
Any outcomes will be under the control of the donee.

* Factors that would generally be considered more important.

** Presence of this factor would normally be considered determinative. Absence of the factor is not necessarily determinative.

1a Examples of outcomes contemplated by this factor include:

  • Successful creation of a new vaccine;
  • Production of a new television program;
  • Commissioning a new musical composition;
  • Establishing a named professorship;
  • Reduction in the teenage pregnancy rate in a community;
  • Construction of a new building;
  • Mounting a new museum exhibit.

1b Examples of activities contemplated by this factor include (but see Factor 10):

  • Conduct of scientific or medical research;
  • Broadcasting a specified television program;
  • Performing a particular piece of music;
  • Paying the salary of a named professor;
  • Counseling teenagers judged at risk of becoming pregnant;
  • Operating a certain facility;
  • Providing disaster relief.

2a Examples of events contemplated by this factor include:

  • Actions of uncontrolled third parties, for example:
    • Other donors making contributions to enable the donee to meet a matching requirement of this gift;
    • A government granting approval to conduct an activity (e.g., awarding a building or land use permit, or a permit to operate a medical facility);
    • An owner of other property required for the activity making the property available to the organization (by sale or lease);
    • Natural and man-made disasters;
    • Future action of this donor (such as agreeing to renew a multiperiod pledge in subsequent periods);
    • The future willingness and ability of a donor of personal services to continue to provide those services (see FASB ASC 958-605-55-20).

(Events outside of the donee's control, but that are virtually assured of happening anyway at a known time and place [e.g., astronomical or normal meteorological events], and the mere passage of time, are not conditions.)

2b Examples of events contemplated by this factor include (but see Factor 10):

  • Eventual use of the gift for the specified purpose (e.g., those listed in Note 1b above), or retention of the gift as restricted endowment;
  • Naming a building for a specified person;
  • Filing with the donor routine performance reports on the activities being conducted.

* There is a presumption here that the right column of Factor 10 applies.


Factors to Be Considered in Judging “Whose Program Is It?”

Many programs conducted by not-for-profit organizations are partly or wholly funded by one or a few outside funders, rather than by proceeds of the organization's own fundraising efforts or by fees paid by the beneficiaries of the program. These outside funders are often governmental units or other not-for-profit organizations. In some cases such programs are really the organization's own program, which the funder is helping to fund; in other cases such programs are really the funder's program, which it is paying the organization to run on its behalf.

Following is a list of factors that may be helpful in those cases, to:

  • Such organizations, in assessing whether the outside funding should be considered to be payment for services rendered, or as a restricted contribution to the organization;
  • Auditors, in assessing the appropriateness of the client's judgment.

In many cases no one of these factors is necessarily determinative by itself; all relevant factors should be considered together.

See also the list of factors in Appendix B to help judge generally whether revenue should be considered a contribution or an exchange transaction prior to the implementation of ASU 2018-08.

Factors Whose Presence May Indicate the Program Is the Funder's Program, Which It Has Engaged the Organization to Conduct on Its Behalf; Thus the Revenue Should Be Considered an Exchange Transaction by the Organization Factors Whose Presence May Indicate the Program Is the Organization's Own Program, Which Is Being (Wholly or Partly) Funded by the Funder; Thus the Revenue Should Be Considered a Contribution to the Organization
  1. The services being funded are not closely related to other services being provided by the organization.
The services are similar or identical to other services provided by the organization using funds from other sources.
  1. The funder (or another governmental entity) conceived the idea for the program, then approached the organization to run it.**
The organization originally conceived the idea for and planned the program, then approached the funder for financial support.
  1. The funder is largely responsible for defining the nature, location, quantity, and timing of the services, and the qualifications for eligibility to receive the services.**
The organization is largely (although not necessarily exclusively) responsible for defining such parameters.
  1. The funder closely monitors the details of the organization's service provision activities.
Although it may require after-the-fact reports on the program activities, the funder does not closely monitor the activities.
  1. The amount of funding is directly correlated with the quantity of services provided.
The amount of funding is only indirectly related to the quantity of services expected to be provided.
  1. If the funder is a governmental unit, the services are of a type that is often provided by governments.
Factor not present.
  1. The funder—especially if it is a governmental unit—has publicly announced the availability and location(s) of the services to its constituents.
The organization conducts most of the community outreach to advertise the availability and location(s) of the services.
  1. Written and oral materials related to the program (such as publicity surrounding the program informational documents, application and other forms, signage, etc.) give the impression it is the funder's program.
Such materials give the impression it is the organization's program, while acknowledging the funder's financial support.
  1. It is probable that, if this organization were not the provider of the services, the funder would retain another organization to provide the services or would provide the services itself.
If the organization were not going to provide the services, it is unlikely that they would be provided at all.
  1. The payments to the organization are made after the services are provided, on a specific cost-reimbursement basis, or otherwise.
The payments are made in advance, and/or in round dollar amounts.
  1. The activities are conducted in premises owned or leased by the funder.
The activities are conducted in premises owned or leased by the organization.

This distinction is important because contributions are always reported as revenue immediately upon receipt of a gift or of an unconditional promise to make a gift (a “pledge”), while payments for services rendered (“exchange transactions”) are not reported as revenue until the services being paid for are provided to the recipients of those services, who—especially in the case of a government funder—are often not the same as the provider(s) of the funding in question. In the case of exchange transactions, advance payments are initially recorded as deferred revenue; amounts due under cost-reimbursement contracts are recorded as receivables and revenue as costs are incurred.

** Factors that would generally be considered more significant.


An organization should disclose the following in its notes to the financial statements:

  1. The accounting policy that the organization implies time restrictions on the use of contributed long-lived assets (and cash contributed for purchases of long-lived assets) when donors do not place stipulations about how long the assets must be used.
  2. The accounting policy that the organization classifies donor-restricted contributions as unrestricted if the restrictions are met in the same reporting period in which the contributions are received.
  3. Not-for-profit organizations that are the recipients of unconditional promises to give should disclose:
    1. The amounts of promises receivable in less than one year, in one to five years, and in more than five years;
    2. The amount of the allowance for uncollectible promises receivable.
  4. Not-for-profit organizations that are the recipients of conditional promises to give should disclose:
    1. The total of the amounts promised;
    2. A description and amount of each group of promises having similar characteristics, such as amounts of promises conditioned on establishing new programs, completing a new building, and raising matching gifts by a specified date.

The following information about contributed services should be disclosed:

  1. A description of the program or activities for which contributed services were used;
  2. A description of the nature and extent of contributed services received during the period;
  3. The amount recognized as revenues during the period.

However, for services received without charge from an affiliate, the required disclosures for transactions with related parties should be provided in lieu of the contributed services disclosures listed above.


  1. 1   Purchase of service contracts is explicitly excluded from coverage of GAAP's requirements for contributions.
  2. 2   GAAP uses the term “promise to give” to refer to what is more commonly called a pledge.
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