Everyone in the Meyler Campbell community, that extraordinary group of dazzling, generous and mutually supportive people, has been kindly tolerant of me disappearing into my writing cave, and I am most grateful – my heartfelt thanks to you all. In the book I have only written down what we have been saying to each other all these years, and I look forward more than I can say to seeing you all again now the book is done.

This book is dedicated to my husband and Meyler Campbell chairman and Faculty member Daniel Burke, who is loved, appreciated, and deeply respected not just by me, but by everyone in the community who has the privilege of knowing him. If he is my alpha, then Catherine Devitt, Meyler Campbell’s CEO, is my omega – the person who shouldered in its entirety the unexpected task of running the business so I could research and write ‘just for a few months’ – four years later (!) Catherine, I am more grateful than words can express. In your hands Meyler Campbell has grown and shimmered and shone. I could never have done what you have done in creating ever-higher standards, yet always ensuring the office and the community is a humming, happy ship, that we have reached further out into our diverse world, and that we live and breathe our values. One of our gifted graduates shared in his graduation essay his definition of business vision: ‘what the world would look like if your why had come alive’. Catherine everywhere you go, your why comes alive: the entire community and I thank you with all our hearts.

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