
ability 268, 30, 102

accreditation 33, 379, 404, 5760

Act Three career coaching 144, 1605

boards and committees, appointment to 165

identity 1624

pace 161, 164

portfolio careers 160, 163

practical input 161

transition 160, 162

what people want from work 161

action 84, 174, 175

activity 2023

Adjective Checklist (ACL) 113

advanced coaching see also career transitions; change; diversity; motivation

individuals 12532

teams 1256, 13243

advice on careers 147

affiliative style of leadership 12

algorithms 180

The Alliance 1820, 21

Annual Review of High Performance Coaching and Consulting (ARHPCC) 182

anxiety 64, 72, 878, 157, 172, 179, 193

APECS (Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision) 33, 49

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) 133, 139

Association for Coaching (AC) 33, 412

Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS) 33, 49

associations 1723

assumptions 11617, 11921

auditory preferences 93

authoritative style of leadership 12

autonomy 16971

autotelic activity 87

awareness raising 74 see also Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

BAME (black and minority ethnic) 117, 1234

basic skills see Big Five coaching skills

Beck Depression Inventory 102, 106


behaviourism 81

Bullseye diagram 100, 102

economics 140

learned behaviour 112

psychology 83, 92, 1834

psychometrics 101

belonging 161

benchmarking 156, 157, 160

bias 11617, 11921

Big Five coaching skills 5378, 94

Act Three career coaching 161

career management 144, 147, 148

career transitions 144, 156

change 83, 176

checklist 1212

common factors approach 186, 1879

contracting 53, 548, 83, 1334, 1845, 1889

GROW model 53, 5867, 73, 79, 91, 134, 185

individuality of coach 104

listening and hearing 53, 6870, 71, 134, 1856

motivation 173

non-directive approach 53, 757, 134, 1856

Big Five coaching skills (continued)

personality, theory of 104

questioning 53, 705, 1856

why it works 18494

blogs 1967

boards and committees, appointment to 165

body language 69

book groups 50

boundaries 40, 82, 86, 121, 173, 185

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 1934

brainstorming 149, 152

brand building 206, 212

British Psychological Society (BPS) 389, 42, 1012, 131

brokers 32, 203

building coaching skills 7995

models 7980

neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) 923

psychology 8292

sport 802

top ten tools for coaching 945

Bullseye diagram 100, 102

business, building a 195215

business coaching

building coaching skills 935

executive coaching, versus 8

life coaching, versus 78, 43, 989

research 181

business credibility 267, 30

business names 209

cabals 131

Cabinet Ministers 172

Cappfinity (formerly Capp) Strengths Profile 48, 11112, 114

Career Anchors 101

career coaching see also Act Three career coaching; career management; career transitions; portfolio careers

career management 144, 14854

Act Three career coaching 160

Big Five coaching skills 144, 147, 148

changing context 144, 1458, 150

conversations with a purpose 149, 1534

dilemmas, resolving 149, 152

entry mechanisms and structures 1501

environments 149, 153

experience and wisdom 149, 1523

frameworks and paths 149, 1502

funding gap 1467

goalsetting 149

information gathering, tools for 14950

learning styles 149, 153

longevity 144, 1456

pace 1512

three levels 156

tools 14854

transitions distinguished 148, 1556

career transitions 10, 48, 15560 see also change

Act Three career coaching 160, 162

benchmarking 156, 157, 160

Big Five coaching skills 144, 156

emotions and confidence, managing 156, 157, 158

exercise 15960

financial pressures 1578

foot-in-both-camps transition 17

identity, journey to a new working 1623

jobhunting skills 158, 160

management of careers distinguished 148, 1556

mental health 158, 160

momentum, energy and pacing 156, 159

money management 1578

networking 17, 154, 165

new career coaching 147

oneself, managing 156, 158

portfolio careers 234

reading 35

rhythms and seasons 156, 158

risk and reward 164

successful career changes 1656

tools 14866

training school sample events 356

whole life agenda 155

change 1746 see also career transitions

action 84, 174, 175

Big Five coaching skills 83, 176

career management 144, 1458, 150

contemplation 84, 174, 175

GROW model 174, 1756

maintenance 84, 174, 176

MBTI 107

precontemplation 84, 174, 175

preparation 84, 174, 175

Prochaska’s Stages of Change model 834, 174

relapse 174, 176

stages of change 174, 1756

structure 167

Chatham House Rule 133

checklists 58, 1212, 20613

chemistry sessions 323, 54, 56

choice about being coached 556

City of London 3, 153, 211

Civil Service 7, 478, 153

CLEAR model 80

client/extratherapeutic factors 187, 1889

CliftonStrengths (formerly Gallup StrengthsFinder) 48, 111, 112, 114

clinical psychologists 9, 83

closed questions 71

CoachBots 180

coaches 10, 1125 see also freelance coaching; portfolio careers

ability 268, 30, 102

associations, from tight to loose 1823

experience of great coaching 35

full-time professional freelance coaches 245

HR/L&D directors 11, 1516

leaders as coaches 1214

outside organisations 1825

sounding boards, as 17980

specialists 23, 26

within organisations 11, 1217

Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA) 41

Coaches in Government Network 478

Coaching at Work (journal) 49, 207

coaching, definition of 6, 7

co-active model 80

codes of ethics 33

coercive style of leadership 12

cognitive-behavioural psychology 92, 1834

cognitive load 2, 80, 186, 18990

cognitive psychology 83, 186, 18990

collective thinking errors, tackling 133, 13943

commercial nous 26, 2930

commitment 1314, 19, 44, 67, 138, 164

common factors approach 186, 1879

community 43, 467, 50

competence 169, 1712


4 steps to confidence 879, 95, 190, 204

insecure overachievers 87

managing emotions 156, 157, 158

nervousness 2034

Positive Psychology (PP) 85, 879, 190

confidentiality 34, 54, 1324

conflict 101, 1078

conscientiousness 109

Consulting Psychology Journal 49, 182

contact, making 205

contagion, emotional 91


change 144, 1458, 150

common factors approach 186, 1879

contracting 558

individuals 126, 12732

organisational context 568

continuous learning 33, 4750, 201

continuing professional development (CPD) 34, 489

formal new learning 34, 489

practice post-training 478

reading 4950

refresher courses and new techniques 489


Big Five coaching skills 53, 548, 83, 1334, 1845

career management 149

chemistry sessions 54, 56

complex contracting 556

confidentiality 54

during the work itself, elements 54, 55

individuals 558, 127, 133

life coaching 7

psychological aspects 545, 56, 83, 134

psychotherapy 1889

simple contracting 55

conversations with a purpose 149, 1534

core competencies 37


coaching, versus 8, 66

counsellors, role of 9

empirical testing 186

neuroticism 28

psychotherapy 9, 1869

training 40

credibility 267, 30, 187

Cuban missile crisis 1412


coaching culture 1819

contracting 184

cross-cultural leadership 186, 190

difference 5, 11618, 123

environments 90

GLOBE project 190

life coaching 7

organisational culture 5, 14, 56, 77, 116, 186, 190

questionnaires 130

Daniel Difference Model (DDM) 11624

BAME 117, 1234

checklist using the Big Five approach 1212

experience 11819, 124

gender 117, 1223

high congruence 11617, 1201

leadership issue, diversity as a 117

low congruence 11617, 1201

predictions, brain’s propensity to make 11820

response, expectations of a 117

shared bias versus shared assumptions 11617, 11921

social difference 11718

terminology of difference 118

dark side of leadership 112, 114

day job, coaching in the 1617, 23, 48

DDM see Daniel Difference Model (DDM)

decision making 1402

deepening coaching skills 99114

definitions 78

democratic style of leadership 12

demotivation 169, 1723

depression 9, 91, 102, 1067, 15960, 193

development of coaching 3151

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV) 111

differences 5, 11618, 123 see also Daniel Difference Model (DDM)

digital marketing 1958

dilemmas, resolving 149, 152

directive/non-directive approach 7, 76

directors 11, 1516, 312, 412, 165, 172

disaggregated careers 145

discrimination 99100, 115

diversity 11524 see also Daniel Difference Model (DDM) 11624

downloading 190

drive 82

earnings see income

economics 23, 91, 13940

ego identity 76, 130

elevator pitches 159, 208, 214

emotions see also feelings

behavioural economics 91

competence 114

Daniel Difference Model (DDM) 11819

feedback 128

flow 87

listening to understand 69

managing emotions 156, 157, 158

MBTI 104

positive 88, 186, 192

predictions 11819

responses 128

stability 28, 104, 106, 109

suitability for coaching 28

Thinking Environment 137

energy 156, 159, 214

entry mechanisms and structures 1501

environments 90, 133, 1378, 149, 153

equality between coaches and coachees 80, 137

ethics 33, 125, 182

ethnic minorities 117, 1234

European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) 33, 37, 412, 51

evidence-based practice 176, 180

executive/senior management coaching see also leadership

accreditation 412

business coaching, versus 8

Daniel Difference Model (DDM) 117

drive 82

feedback 127

leadership coaching 8

MBTI 108

sounding board, coaches as 17980

sport 812

training 378

usefulness of coaching 910

exercise 83, 89, 15960, 194

experience of great coaching 315

external coaches 1, 11, 16, 30, 41, 478

extratherapeutic factors 187, 1889

extraversion (E) 103, 104, 108

fact-gathering 656, 113

failure 34, 54

families 3, 23, 445, 98, 159, 161, 194

feedback 40, 82, 978, 1278, 150 see also 360° feedback

feeling (F) 91, 103, 1078 see also emotions

fees 212, 48, 199, 201

financial pressures 1578

finding a coach 203

FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour)

access 101

Expressed and Wanted scores 110

inter-personal, as 10910

psychometrics 48, 103, 10910, 113, 114, 132, 136, 150

relational factors 90

first 100 days planning 10

fishbowls 36, 201

flight or fight 192

flow 859, 95

focus 17, 723, 80, 88, 1934

foot-in-both-camps transition 17

forgiveness 157

formal new learning 34, 489

Fredrickson/Losada Ratio 192, 194

freelance coaching 1725, 195215

associations 1723

business, building a 195215

checklist 20612

continuous learning 48

digital marketing 1958

full-time professional coaches 245

goals 198200

GROW model 198215

how long it takes to build a business 2012

impact, doing things that make the most 205

income 2001

freelance coaching (continued)

length of time 2012

marketing 20413

not-very-freelancers 18

options 20313

reality 2003

succeed and those who don’t, difference between those who 2023

will 21315

FT Guide to Business Start-up 203

Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) 126, 127, 132, 173

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour see FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour)

funding gap 1467

gender 117, 1223

pay gaps 117, 122

personality 29

self-awareness 123

general practitioners (GPs) 9

German Chapter of Meyler Campbell 201

Getfeedback 100, 102

global financial crisis of 2008 12

GLOBE project 190

goals (G) 625, 149, 185, 198200

good, how do you know coaches are 323

groups see team/group coaching

groupthink 1413

GROW Model 34, 53, 5867, 126, 185

Big Five coaching skills 53, 5867, 73, 79, 91, 134, 185

career management 149

change 174, 1756

context 132

freelance coaching 198215

goals 59, 60, 626, 91, 132, 134, 185, 198200

listening and hearing 5960, 189

motivation 168, 171

non-directive 189

options 59, 601, 667, 89, 132, 134, 139, 164, 171, 175, 20312

psychotherapy 1889

questions 5961, 73, 189

reality 59, 60, 656, 132, 134, 139, 1756, 2003

short courses 36

team coaching 134, 139

topics 59, 60, 612

venting 179

will 59, 61, 67, 132, 134, 175, 21315


cognitive load 80

cognitive psychology 189

collective thinking errors 139

effective thinking 91

heuristics 140

jargon 93

non-directive coaching 76

reality 656

successful coaches 202

uses of coaching 10, 167

Harrods principle 199200

Harvard Business Review (HBR) 1, 12, 44

headhunting 11, 24, 147, 158, 206

health issues 83, 8891, 145, 15960, 174, 194 see also mental health

health psychologists 83

hearing see listening and hearing

heuristics 140, 189

high achievers (HAs) 82

Hogan suite of personality tests 102, 112, 150

HR (human resources)/L&D (learning and development) directors 11, 1516, 312, 412

human resources see HR (human resources)/L&D (learning and development) directors

humanistic psychology 83, 104, 1856

hypotheses 1278, 131

identity 57, 76, 130, 1614

In the Grip (OPP) 107


Act Three career coaching 161

career transitions 1578

continuous learning 34

fees 212, 48, 199, 201

financial pressures 1578

full-time professional freelance coaches 24

how long it takes to build a business 2012

portfolio careers 24, 1512

reality 2001

return on investment (ROI) 34, 445

target 199200

training 45

individuals 64, 12532

choice about being coached 556

complex contracting 558

context 126, 12732

contracting 556, 57, 127, 133

divergence between organisation and individuals 57

interviews by the coach 12930

motivation, variations in 168

information gathering, tools for 14950

Inner Game approach 81

insecure overachievers 87

insight sessions 114

Institute of Directors 172

intellectual freshness and edge 21415

intelligence 14, 19, 1089

International Coach Federation (ICF) 33, 412, 51

International Coaching Psychology Review (ICPR) 182

An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 182


structured interview approach 99

telephone interviews 129

360° feedback 12930

introversion (I) 25, 1034

intuition (N) 103, 107, 108

inventories see strengths inventories

Iraq WMD crisis 1412

job-hunting 156, 15860

Johari Window 978

journals 49, 1034, 1823, 212

judging or perceiving (J/P) 103

Jungian psychology 103, 1078

jungle metaphor 1989, 204, 213, 215

Katzenbach’s work 133, 138, 139

kinaesthetic preferences 93

Kline’s thinking environment 133, 1378

L&D/HR directors 11, 1516, 312, 412

language 923

lawyers 1523, 1712

leadership coaching

affiliative style 12

authoritative style 12

business coaching, versus 8

coaches, leaders as 1214

coaching style 1214

coercive style 12

cross-cultural 186, 190

dark side 112, 114

democratic style 12

diversity 117

European countries/clusters, attributes in 191

executive coaching 8

Leadership Judgement Indicator (LJI) 113

pace-setting style 12

psychometrics 113

scientific research 183

senior management 10

within organisations 1214

learned behaviours 112

learning 37, 76, 149, 153, 161, 193 see also continuous learning; training

Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of Teams 133, 1389

life background of client 98

life coaching 78, 43, 45, 92, 989

limits of coaching 45

LinkedIn 50, 154, 1956, 203

listening and hearing

active listening 68

Big Five coaching skills 53, 6870, 71, 134, 1856

career transitions 157

GROW model 5960

Kline’s thinking environment 137

respond, listening to 69, 70

Time to Think approach 134

understand, listening to 6970

Lone Rangers (LRs) 1112, 245

loneliness and isolation 3, 18

longevity 144, 1456, 160, 202

maintenance 84, 174, 176

management see career management

market growth, causes of 23

marketing 10, 20313

checklist 20613

digital marketing 1958

resources 215

social media 1958

Master’s courses 44

matrix management 145

MBTI see Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

memory 38, 83, 186, 18990

mental health 158, 160 see also emotions

depression 9, 91, 102, 1067, 15960, 193

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV) 111

professionals, types of 9

mentoring 6, 7

metaphor 80

Meyler Campbell 201, 37, 51, 209

Microsoft 5, 14, 44

Milgram experiments 1256, 1401

mindfulness training 101, 214

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) 102, 113

miracle question 61, 66

momentum 156, 159

money management 1578

morale 76, 132

motivation 16773

autonomy 16971

Bullseye diagram 100, 102

competence 169, 1712

demotivation 169, 1723

extrinsic 1689

GROW model 168, 171

individuals, variation between 168

intrinsic 1689, 1723

psychometrics 101, 168

relatedness 169, 1723

Ryan and Deci Continuum 1689, 170, 1723

will 67

multiple stakeholders 78, 56

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 5, 95, 1039

access to tests 101

applications for coaching 1068

cognitive style 91

conflict 1078

controversy 1039

E/I (extraversion/introversion) 103, 104, 108

five versus four scales 104, 105

how to coach by personality type 1067

intelligence as confound 1089

J/P (judging or perceiving) 103

non-judgemental, as 106

normal distribution versus bimodal 104, 105

options 204

personality 5, 1039

psychologists 5, 1039

psychometrics 1039, 113, 132, 136, 150

rebuttal of criticism 1045

refresher courses 489

S/N (sensing or intuition) 103, 107, 108

stress and getting out of it 107

T/F (thinking or feeling) 103, 1078

type, coaching by personality 1067

type versus trait 1045

understanding 91

value in coaching 1058

Nature (journal) 182

negativity 88, 192

NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) 102, 104, 106, 150

nervousness 2034


career transitions 17, 154, 165

freelancers 2045, 21112, 215

German chapter 201

length of time 201

market growth 2

purpose, conversations with a 1534

referrals 12, 223

training 36, 41, 47

neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) 923

neuroplasticity revolution 1934

neuroscience 723, 145, 187, 1934

neuroticism 28, 104, 106, 109, 171

no, saying 205

non-directive approach

Big Five coaching skills 53, 757, 134, 1856

directive coaching distinguished 7, 76

listening and hearing 68

team coaching 134, 136

training 39

unlearning 76

non-executive directorships 165, 172

oneself, managing 156, 158

open questions 71

options (O)

checklist 20613

confidence 2034

freelance coaching 20313

GROW model 59, 601, 667, 89, 132, 134, 139, 164, 171, 175, 20312

marketing 204

organisational context 568

organisational culture 5, 14, 56, 77, 116, 186, 190

organisational psychology 186, 190, 191

overachievers 87

pace 12, 1512, 161, 164

pause 1778

pen-and-paper approaches 979, 135

pensions 146

perceiving (P) 103

PERFECT model 83, 85, 89, 90, 95, 190, 214


high-performance 192

peak 81, 84, 102, 158, 185, 192

sales performance, improving 1834

team 207

personality see also Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Bullseye diagram 100, 102

chemistry sessions 323, 154, 156

gender balance 29

NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) 102, 104, 106, 150

overall personality 1039

psychologists 5, 1039

psychometrics 101, 1029, 150

spark 95

type versus trait 1045

PhD courses 44

physical health 83, 8891, 145, 15960, 174, 194

placebos 187

portfolio careers 234

Act Three career coaching 160, 163

foot-in-both-camps transition 17

income 24, 1512

management 1512

outside organisations 234

portfolio careers (continued)

pace 1512

quality of life 23

schedule yourself, work you can 151

short notice, intensive and well-paid pace 1512

steady pace 151

transition 17, 234

uncertainty 151

Positive Psychology (PP) 8492

balanced approach 84

broaden and build effect 192

confidence, 4 steps to 85, 879, 190

effective thinking 91

environment 90

flow 857, 889

Fredrickson/Losado Ratio 192

high-performance 192

motivation 168

negativity 192

PERFECT model 85, 89, 90, 190

physical 8990

psychometrics 103, 114

scientific research 187, 1902

strengths inventories 48, 111, 114, 190

teams 192

Thomas–Kilman instrument 90, 101

3:1 ratio 192

transcendence 912

potential, developing high 10

power relationships 8

practical input 165

practice clients 35, 39

predictions, brain’s propensity to make 11820

preparation for change 84, 174, 175

previous employers, offering services back to 18

prior interest in coaching 278, 30

Prochaska’s Stages of Change model 834, 95, 174

productivity, improving 183

professional bodies 180

Professional Career Partnership (PCP) 144

professional ethos 823

professional services firms (PSFs) 13, 131

profiling 136

promotion 106, 122, 171, 211

psychiatrists 9

psychodynamic approaches 83

psychology see also Positive Psychology (PP); psychometrics

accreditation 42

behaviourists 83

building coaching skills 8292

change 834

chartered psychologists 389

chemistry sessions 54, 56

clinical psychology 9, 83

cognitive-behavioural 92, 102, 1834

cognitive psychologists 83, 186, 18990

confidentiality 54

contracting 545, 56, 83, 1334

health psychologists 83

humanistic psychology 83, 104, 1856

Jungian psychology 103, 1078

personality 5, 1039

professional ethos 823

psychodynamic psychologists 83

psychometrics 1012

rationality 1413

regulation 389

social psychology 126, 143

team thinking 13943

training 379, 42

trust 545

psychometrics 52, 99114 see also Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

access to tests 1012

annual staff attitude surveys 132

Bullseye diagram 100, 102

bureaux 102

career management 150

dark side 112

discriminating, test must be 100

FIRO-B 48, 103, 10910, 113, 114, 132, 136, 150

Hogan suite 150

indirect access to tests 102

insight sessions 114

leadership 113

MBTI 1039, 113, 132, 136, 150

medical practitioner, only available to 102

motivation 101, 168

NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) 150

objectivity 99

personality 101, 1029

Positive Psychology 103, 114

practice, what coaches use in 11314

profiling 136

quality, defining 99100

reliability 99

16PF 150

strengths inventories 11012

Strong Interest Inventory 150

structured feedback 150

tests coaches use 10212

360° feedback 103, 150

training 1012

validity 99

what tests measure 1001

psychopathy 12

psychotherapists 9, 186, 1879

psychoticism 104

Public Appointments Office (PAO) 165

purposes of work 161

quality, defining 99100

quality of life 23


Big Five coaching skills 53, 705, 1856

closed questions 71

different questions for different tasks 712

experience of great coaching 334

focusing attention 723

GROW model 5961, 73

individuals 1301

information gathering, tools for 14950

interest, following 734

miracle question 61, 66

open questions 71

physical health 8990

responsibility, generating 745

rationality 1403

reading 345, 4950, 215

real estate salespeople 1834

reality (R)

GROW model 59, 60, 656, 132, 134, 139, 1756, 2003

how long it takes to build a business 2012

income 2001

succeed and those who don’t, difference between those who 2023

recruiting 206

redundancy 147, 148, 155, 164

references 203

referrals 12, 223, 32

refresher courses 489

regulation 389, 170

relapse 174, 176

relatedness 169, 1723

relationships 8, 90, 11718, 156, 159, 187 see also FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour)

remuneration see income

research see scientific research

resilience 84, 88, 116

resources 21315

respond, listening to 69, 70

responsibility, generating 745

retirement 160

return on investment (ROI) 34, 445

rhythms and seasons 156, 158

rigour 456

risk and reward 164

Ryan and Deci Continuum 95, 1689, 170, 1723

sales performance, improving 1834

sample events 356

scheduling work yourself 1512

Schein’s Career Anchors 101

scientific research 18094

algorithms 180

allied fields 18694

Big Five coaching skills 1846

business research distinguished 181

cognitive psychology 186, 18990

combining coaching and training 183

definition 1812

explanations, providing 181

field, considering a different 181

leadership 183

neuroscience 187, 1934

organisational psychology 186, 190, 191

Positive Psychology 187, 1902

professional bodies 180

psychotherapy and common factors of effective therapies 186, 1879

real estate salespeople 1834

sales performance, improving 1834

studies 1824

teams, coaching in 184

training 180, 183

why it matters 1801

Self 1 / Self 2 distinction 81

self-awareness 4, 26, 967, 99, 10810

self-consciousness 87

self-efficacy 878

senior management see executive/senior management coaching; leadership

sensing or intuition (S/N) 103, 107, 108

shared bias versus shared assumptions 11617, 11921

Sherpa Coaching 200

Sherpa coaching survey 2001

short courses 36, 39

silence 94, 134, 178

six degrees of separation 206, 211

16PF test 150

skills see building coaching skills

SMART (Specific, Measured, Achievable, Realistic and Timed) goals 62, 64, 207, 213

smoking 83, 174

social media 50, 154, 1958, 203

social psychology 126, 143

solution-focused coaching 80

sounding boards, coaches as 17980

space stretch 3

space to think 179

spark 95

Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP) 42

specialist coaching 23, 38

sport 802

staff attitude surveys 132

stealth coaching 734

strategy planning 10

strengths 88, 139 see also strengths inventories

strengths inventories 11012

Cappfinity (formerly Capp) Strengths Profile 48, 11112, 114

CliftonStrengths (formerly Gallup StrengthsFinder) 48, 111, 112, 114

Positive Psychology 48, 111, 114, 190

psychometrics 11012

realised and unrealised strengths 112

VIA (Values in Action) Inventory of Strengths 48, 92, 111, 112, 114, 150

stress 10, 23, 70, 86, 88, 107, 178

Strong interest inventory 150

structure of careers 156, 157

structured learning 37

style of learning 1214

succeed and those who don’t, difference between those who 2023

supervision 33, 40, 49, 201

supply side see coaches

support structures 3, 37, 50, 215

team/group coaching 1256, 13243

advanced coaching 1256, 13243

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) 133, 139

Big Five coaching skills 1334

collective thinking errors, tackling 133, 13943

context 126

contracting 1334

cross-border teams 145

FIRO-B 110

groupthink, keys to averting 1423

GROW 134, 139

issues out, getting the 1356

Katzenbach’s work 133, 138, 139

Kline’s thinking environment 133, 1378

Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of Teams 133, 1389

listening and questioning 134

non-directive, as 134, 136

pen-and-paper approach 135

Positive Psychology 192

psychometric profiling 136

scientific research 184

tasks, forming around 138

team, definition of 138

topics exercise 1356

telephone interviews 129

theory 378

therapy see counselling/therapy


errors 1323, 13943

groupthink 1413

Kline’s thinking environment 133, 1378

thinking or feeling (T/F) 103, 1078

Time to Think approach 134

Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal 102

third stage career coaching see Act Three career coaching

Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) 90, 101

360° feedback 48, 12831

bespoke instruments, using 129, 130

BPS best practice guidelines 131

cabals 131

context 12830

contracting 127

ego identity 130

feedback 48

individuals 12831

interviews by the coach 12930

off-the-shelf instrument, using an 129, 130

psychometrics 103, 150

questionnaires 1301


build a business, time it takes to 2012

management 76

shrink 3

space to think 179

stretch 2

Time to Think approach 134

topics exercise 1356

training 3647

ability 102

accrediting organisations 33, 379, 404

career transitions 356

choosing the right course 437

combining coaching and training 183

commercial aspects 54

community 43, 467, 50

continuous learning 33, 4750

costs 445

counselling 40

credibility 27

dipping your toe into the water 356

elements of a good course 3743

fast-track route 42

feedback 40

formal training 367

format of training 46

freelancers 45

goals 63

income 45

level of training 44

training (continued)

life versus business coach learning 43

master’s/PhD or practitioner level 44

non-directive approach 39

non-executive directorships 172

practicalities 46

practice 35, 3940, 478

practice clients 35, 39

productivity, improving 183

psychologists 379, 42

psychometrics 1012

reading 35

return on investment (ROI) 445

rigour 456

sample events 356

scientific research 180, 183

senior-level coaching 378

short courses 36, 39

specialisms 38

structured learning 37

supervision 40

support 37, 50

table of providers 512

theory 378

within organisations 28, 30

traits 1045

transcendence 912, 189

transformation 112

transition see career transitions

transition clients 48, 155, 158

trust 5, 16, 545

truth to power, speaking 180

turbulence, managing through 10

Twitter 68, 154, 196

TXG 32

Type and Change (OPP) 107

Type Differentiation Indicator (TDI) 105

uncertainty 151, 162

unconventional career strategies 1656

understanding 6970, 91

urgency 155

used, how coaching is 910

usefulness of coaching 910

venting 63, 1789

VIA (Values in Action) Inventory of Strengths 48, 92, 111, 112, 114, 150

visual preferences 93

voluntary work 48

Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal 102

websites 154, 165, 207

what people want from work 161

wheel of life diagrams 98

who provides coaching 10

whole life agenda 155

why it works 17794

will (W)

freelance coaching 21315

GROW model 59, 61, 67, 132, 134, 175, 21315

motivation 67

PERFECT model 214

resources 21315

word of mouth 4, 312, 43, 49, 1956, 203, 211

work–life balance 146, 208

working hours 177

working memory 140, 186, 18990

Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC) 41

Zimbardo prison experiment 126

zone, being in the 85

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