


Achievement cultures, 51

Adjourning (teamwork model), 183

Agenda-driven issues, 79

Agenda setting, 62

Ambiguous versus detailed communication style, 150153

AMD, 45

Asynchronous time dimension, 20



online communicative, 135143

problem identification, 97103

proposal making, 108121

solution, 127131

Blogs, 39, 62

Born leader, 198

Boundary between personal and working lives, 51

British Petroleum, 45


CAB intercultural competency framework, 189198, 216

affective aspect, 194195

aspects, 189

behavioral aspect, 195198

cognitive aspect, 192193

cultural adroitness, 189

cultural awareness, 189

cultural blind spot, 197

cultural sensitivity, 189

ethnocentric person, 197

relationship orientation, 191

task orientation, 191

Characteristics and elements of global virtual teams, 1926

asynchronous time dimension, 20

case, 2426

communication barriers, 20

computer-supported cooperative work, 20

culturally distinctive, culturally synergistic, 2122

different times, different urgency, 2324

multinational corporations, 19

social network systems, 27

synchronous time dimension, 20

technology dependent, technology savvy, 22

time dimensions, 20

videoconferencing, 23

working together, working at a distance, 22

Chief listener, 147

Civil Society, see World Summit on the Information Society

CMC, see Computer-mediated communication

Collective mind, 50

Collectivism, see Individualism versus collectivism

Communication, see Intercultural communication, high-context versus low-context; Intercultural communication styles

Communicative behaviors, see Online communicative behaviors

Community media, 117, 167

Computer-mediated communication (CMC)

barrier in situations relying on, 39

challenges arising using, 185

collaboration via, 39

development of, 12

globally distributed collaboration and, 4

participation in, WSIS Geneva listservs, 71

reliance on, 22

tools, 6162

Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), 20

Contexting, 40

Conversational maxim, 151

Corporate-expatriate, 217

Corporate perspective, 31

Cultural dimensions, see Problem-solving in the workplace, mirror image of

Cultural values, 157172, see also Culture and cultural values, overview of

distinction between HC and LC, 212213

individualism versus collectivism, 158163

collectivism, 160

common knowledge,

assumption of, 163

high-context participants, 159, 161

in-group versus out-group, 162

statements, 158

we versus they, 162

relationship orientation, 157

task oriented versus relationship oriented, 163170

Civil Society study, 164

formal salutation, 167

individualistic people, 163

relationship-oriented people, 166

task-oriented message, 165

well-being of other participants, 168

Cultural vignette

diverse communication styles, 1415

virtual workplace (working with strangers in cyberspace), 2426

working at a distance, working with culture, 6

Culture and cultural values, overview of, 2936

cultural characteristics, 32, 3335

artifacts, products, and symbols, 3334

basic assumptions, 3435

external adaptation, 34

internal integration, 34

norms and values, 34

onion model, 33

definition of culture, 29

human mental programming, levels of, 30

national character, 32

personality, 3132

perspectives of culture, 31

software of the mind, culture as, 30

Culture shock, 178, see also Virtual cultural shock (team process)


Dauntless decision maker, 147

Death of distance, 219

Digital-wave workspace, 12

Distributed decision-making process, overview of, 5981

active months of participation, 7173

analysis, 72

email listserv, 72

aesthetic element, 61

agenda setting, 62

blogs, 62

choice, 62

CMC tools, 6162

distribution of active participants, 7376

definition of active participants, 73

key people, 74

patterns of participation, 73

distribution of less active participants, 7781

agenda-driven issues, 79

consensus, 80

decision-making process, 77, 80

dynamic process, 78

feedback, 79

responses and deliberation, 78

documents generated, 63

globalization, 60

information search, 62

logic, 59

problem identification, 64

proposal making, 64

responses and deliberation, 64

solution, 6465

theoretical models of decision-making process, 6571

alternatives, 67

authoritative choice, 67

email use, situational analysis of, 69, 70

implementation, 68

problem recognition, 65

virtual space factors, 61


Elements of global virtual teams, see Characteristics and elements of global virtual teams


lists, 39, 72

use, situational analysis of, 69, 70

English-language culture, 39

Ethnic perspective, 31

Ethnocentric person, 197

Expatriation process, 177, 181


Facebook, 48

Facetime, 187

Forming (teamwork model), 181


Gender perspective, 31

General Motors, 45

Generational perspective, 31

Global leaders, see GVT management (culture and decision making for global leaders); “Working together at a distance,” what global leaders should know about managing

Global virtual team (GVT), 12

challenges, 12

characteristics, 12, see also Characteristics and elements of global virtual teams

description of, 1117

case, 1415

cultural diversity, 13

culturally heterogeneous members, 21

definition of team, 11

digital-wave workspace, 12

teams, importance of, 11

virtualness, 13, 14

global leader development, 174

leaders, see Intercultural competencies, why GVT leaders need

Google+, 19

GVT management (culture and decision making for global leaders), 201214

culture, 202

distinction of cultural values between HC and LC, 212213

dos and don’ts of cultural orientation for GVT leaders, 204211

collectivistic versus individualistic, 204205

relationship building versus task orientation, 210211

specific versus neutral communication styles, 206207

time orientation (rigid versus flexible), 207210

managing distributed decision making in a GVT, 202203

summary, 211


Hall, Edward, 37, see also Intercultural communication, high-context versus low-context

Hampden-Turner, Charles, 45, see also Problem-solving in the workplace, mirror image of

Heineken, 45

High context (HC), see also Intercultural communication, high-context versus low-context

communicative orientation, 202

culture, 145

individualism versus collectivism, 159, 161

intercultural communication styles, 145

online communicative behaviors, 137, 141

problem identification behaviors, 98

proposal making, 108, 116

solution, 127

Honeymoon phase (cultural adjustment), 177

Honeywell, 45

Human mental programming, levels of, 30

Human relations, relationship between time orientation and, 54


IBM, 45

Ice-breaker stage (teamwork model), 181

ICT, see Information communication technology

Indirect versus direct communication style, 146149

Individualism versus collectivism, 204205

collectivism, 160 of, 163

high-context participants, 159, 161

in-group versus out-group, 162

statements, 158

we versus they, 162

Information communication

technology (ICT), 3

Information search, 62

ING, 45

In-group versus out-group, 162

Intercultural communication, high-context versus low-context, 3744

common ground, establishment of, 39

context dimension, 38

contexting, 40

English-language culture, 39

message receivers, 40

nonverbal communication, 37

silent language, 38

summary of high- and low-context cultures, 4142

time talks, 38

Intercultural communication styles, 145156

ambiguous versus detailed style, 150153, 154

chief listener, 147

conversational maxim, 151

dauntless decision maker, 147

high-context culture, 145

indirect versus direct style, 146149

low-context culture, 145, 152

nonassertive approach, 148

out-group member, 149

saving face, 146

social interaction, elements of, 151

types of messages based on HC and LC dimension, 154

Intercultural competencies, why GVT leaders need, 185200

born leader, 198

CAB intercultural competency framework, 189198, 216

affective aspect, 194195

aspects, 189

behavioral aspect, 195198

cognitive aspect, 192193

cultural adroitness, 189

cultural awareness, 189

cultural blind spot, 197

cultural sensitivity, 189

ethnocentric person, 197

relationship orientation, 191

task orientation, 191

description of intercultural competency, 186188

acculturation, 187

process of developing intercultural competency, 187

dimensions of global leadership in the context of GVTs, 199

importance of intercultural competency, 185186

onion model, 186


Johnson & Johnson, 45


Leaders, see GVT management (culture and decision making for global leaders); Intercultural competencies, why GVT leaders need; Working together at a distance,” what global leaders should know about managing

Lean media, 5

Logic, 59, 162, 194

Low context (LC), see also Intercultural communication, high-context versus low-context

communicative orientation, 202

culture, 145

online communicative behaviors, 137, 142143

problem identification, 98, 101

proposal making, 112, 118

solution, 128, 129


Mars, 45

Mental programming, 30

Merrill Lynch, 45

Messenger, 187

Mirror image of individual behaviors, 48, see also Problem-solving in the workplace, mirror image of

Motorola, 45

Multinational corporations (MNCs), 12

consultants working with, 45

current challenge for, 216

scenario, 193

team management and, 19


National perspective, 31

Nonverbal communication, 37

Norming (teamwork model), 182


Onion model, 33, 186

Online communicative behaviors, 135143

ambiguous construct, 140

context cultural dimension, 136

detail and direct construct, 140

divergent behavioral patterns, 138

high-context cultural orientation, 137, 141

indirect construct, 140

low-context cultural orientation, 137, 142143

research question, 135136

Organizational perspective, 31


Particularism, 49

PepsiCo, 45

Personality, 3132

Pfizer, 45

Philips, 45

Polychronic time orientation, 207

Problem identification, 83103

behaviors, 97103

communication style, 99

example, 97

high-context participants, 98

impact of culture, 102

low-context participants, 98, 101

succinct proposal, 100

Civil Society’s contributions in decision-making processes, 8391

degree of effectiveness of active participants, 85

messages, 84, 85

problem identification, 83

ranking and distribution of

active participants, 8688

solution stage, 85

process, 9197

draft document, 93

examples of problem identification statements, 9496

problems identified, 9293

responses, 91

Problem-solving in the workplace, mirror image of, 4558

achievement cultures, 51

achievement versus ascription, 51

boundary between personal and working lives, 51

collective mind, 50

dichotomy, 53

dilemma, 46

emotions, 50

environment orientation, 5153

group-based values, 47

human behaviors in the work-place, orientations of, 48

information technology, introduction of, 47

loose reckoning, 54

mirror image of individual behaviors, 48

particularism, 49

people orientation, 4951

self-opinionated voice, 50

sequential time orientation, 55

status, 51

synchronic time orientation, 54

time orientation, 5355

triangle cultural model, 47

universalism, 49

Proposal making, 105121

agendas, 106108

aggressive tone in message, 115

arguments, 121

behaviors, 108121

community media, 117

constructing or specifying alternatives, 105

difference between low- and high-context participants, 112

example proposals, 106108

high-context participants, 108, 116

low-context participants, 112, 118

“multiple root servers,” 113

strategies, 112

tone of message, 111


Relationship orientation, 157, 191, 210211, see also Task oriented versus relationship oriented

Religious perspective, 31

Rigid versus flexible time orientation, 207210


Saving face, 146

Self-opinionated voice, 50

Sequential time orientation, 55

Significance of culture, 215220

communication, examples of cultural influence on, 218

corporate-expatriate, 217

death of distance, 219

deeper questions, 217

misunderstandings, 219

student-expatriate, 217

switching, 218, 219

Silent language, 38

Skype, 19, 23, 187

Social interaction, elements of, 151

Social network systems, 27

Social perspective, 31

Software of the mind, culture as, 30

Solution, 123134

behaviors, 127131

choice, 123

Civil Society participants, 123, 126

disagreement, 125

draft document, endorsement of, 123

endorsement, 124

high-context participants, 127

low-context participants, 128, 129

self-interest, decision based on, 129

strategies, 131

Specific versus neutral communication styles, 206207

Status, 51, 149, 180

Storming (teamwork model), 182

Stranger phenomenon, 182

Student-expatriate, 217

Switching, 218, 219

Synchronic time orientation, 54

Synchronous time dimension, 20


Task orientation, 191

priority on content in, 157

relationship building versus, 210211

universalism and, 49

Task oriented versus relationship oriented, 163170, 219

Civil Society study, 164

formal salutation, 167

individualistic people, 163

relationship-oriented people, 166

task-oriented message, 165

well-being of other participants, 168

Team, see Global virtual team, description of

Teamwork model, 181

Technological perspective, 31

Time orientation

polychronic, 207

relationship between human relations and, 54

rigid versus flexible, 207210

Time talks, 38

Trello, 19

Triangle cultural model, 47

Trompenaars, Fons, 45, see also Problem-solving in the workplace, mirror image of

Twitter, 48, 187


Universalism, 49


Values (cultural), 157172

distinction between HC and LC, 212213

individualism versus collectivism, 158163

collectivism, 160

common knowledge, assumption of, 163

high-context participants, 159, 161

in-group versus out-group, 162

statements, 158

we versus they, 162

relationship orientation, 157

task oriented versus relationship oriented, 163170

Civil Society study, 164

formal salutation, 167

individualistic people, 163

relationship-oriented people, 166

task-oriented message, 165

well-being of other

participants, 168

Values (cultural), culture and (overview of), 2936

cultural characteristics, 32, 3335

artifacts, products, and symbols, 3334

basic assumptions, 3435

external adaptation, 34

internal integration, 34

norms and values, 34

onion model, 33

definition of culture, 29

human mental programming, levels of, 30

national character, 32

personality, 3132

perspectives of culture, 31

software of the mind, culture as, 30

Videoconferencing, 23

Virtual cultural shock (team process), 181183

adjourning, 183

forming, 181

ice-breaker stage, 181

norming, 182

storming, 182

stranger phenomenon, 182

teamwork model, 181


dimensions of, 14

extent of, 13

Virtual workplace, 310

case, 67

computer-mediated communication, 4

globally distributed collaboration, 4

information communication technology, 3

lean media, 5

management problem areas, 4

unresolved question, 5


Web conferencing, 62

We versus they, 162

WhatsApp, 48, 187

Wiki Webs, 62

“Working together at a distance,” what global leaders should know about managing, 173184

cross-cultural training, 173

cultural adjustments, 177180

adaptation, 180

adjustment, 179

changes in human behavior, 180

culture shock, 178

expatriation process, 177

honeymoon phase, 177

transference of culture, 179

virtual cultural shock (team process), 181183

adjourning, 183

forming, 181

ice-breaker stage, 181

norming, 182

storming, 182

stranger phenomenon, 182

teamwork model, 181

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Civil Society, 62, 63, 202

decision-making process, 8391, 219

participants (solution), 123, 126

study, 164

Geneva, 65, 71, 92

listserv, 68



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