
Table B-1.Mathematical Symbols Related to Sets and Functions

Symbol Description Examples
:= Is defined as P1 := x > y
∈, ∉ Is (not) an element of x ∈ A, y ∉ A
=, ≠ Is (not) equal to
≥, ≤, <, > Other comparison operators
Is a subset of A ⊆ B
Is a superset of A ⊇ B
Is a proper subset of A ⊂ B
Is a proper superset of A ⊃ B
Union A ∪ B
Intersect A ∩ B
Difference A − B
÷ Symmetric difference A ÷ B
× Cartesian product A × B
Natural join A ⊗ B
The empty set
( ; ) Ordered pair (EMPNO; 102)
Function composition f⋄g
⋄⋄ Attribute renaming T⋄⋄g
dom Domain of a function dom(F)
rng Range of a function rng(F)
π1 First coordinate of a pair π1(a;b)
π2 Second coordinate of a pair π2(a;b)
N The set of natural numbers
Z The set of all integers
Limitation of a tuple t↓{...}
Projection of a table T⇓{...}
Powerset of a set ℘A, ℘{...}
П Product of a set function П(F)
# Cardinality of a set #A, #{...}
SUM Sum (of f over A) SUMxA: f(x)
AVG Average (of f over A) AVGxA: f(x)
MAX Maximum (of f over A) MAXxA: f(x)
MIN Minimum (of f over A) MINxA: f(x)
images Choose operator imagesS, images{a}

Table B-2. Mathematical Symbols Related to Logic

Symbol Description Examples
Existential quantifier ∃x∈S: y < 42
Universal quantifier ∀y∈S: y27
∧, ∨, ¬ And, or, not P ∧ (Q ∨¬R)
Implication P ⇒ Q
Equivalence P ⇔ Q
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