Chapter 7. Mazes

  • responding to mouse events

  • calculation of collision between circles and lines

  • responding to the arrow keys

  • form input

  • encoding, saving, decoding, and restoring information from local storage using try and catch for testing if coding is recognized

  • using join and split to encode and decode information

  • using javascript: in a button to invoke functions

  • radio buttons


In this chapter, we'll continue our exploration of programming techniques and HTML5 and JavaScript features, this time using programs that build and traverse mazes. Players will have the ability to draw a set of walls to make up a maze. They will be able to save and load their mazes, and to traverse them using collision detection to make sure they don't cross any walls.

The general programming techniques include using arrays for everything that needs to be drawn on the canvas as well as a separate array for the set of walls in the maze. The number of walls is not known before play starts, so a flexible approach is required. Once the maze is constructed, we'll see how to respond to presses of the arrow keys and how to detect collisions between the playing piece—a pentagon-shaped token—and the walls. With HTML5, we can handle mouse events so the player can press the mouse button down and then drag and release the button to define each wall of a maze; respond to the arrow keys to move the token; and save and retrieve the layout of walls on the local computer. As usual, we'll build more than one version of the application. In the first, everything is contained in one HTML file. That is, the player builds a maze, can travel through it, and can optionally save it to the local computer or restore a set of walls saved earlier. In the second version, there's one program to create the mazes and a second file that offers the player a choice of specific mazes to traverse, using radio buttons. Perhaps one person might build the mazes on a given computer and then ask a friend to try traversing them.

HTML5's local storage facility accepts only strings of characters, and so we'll look at how we can use JavaScript to encode the maze information into a character string and then decode it back to rebuild the walls of the maze. The saved information will remain on the computer even after it is turned off.

The individual capabilities we'll discuss in this chapter: building structures, using the arrow keys to move a game piece, checking for collisions, and encoding, saving, and restoring data on the user's computer, can all be reused in a variety of games and design applications.


HTML files are generally called scripts, while the term program is typically reserved for languages such as Java or C. This is because JavaScript is an interpreted language: the statements are translated one at a time at execution time. In contrast, Java and C programs are compiled, that is, completely translated all at once, with the result stored for later use. Some of us are not so strict and use the terms script, program, application, or, simply, file for HTML documents with JavaScript.

Figure 7-1 shows the opening screen for both the all-in-one program and the first script of the second program.

Opening screen for the maze game

Figure 7.1. Opening screen for the maze game

Figure 7-2 shows the screen after some fairly sloppy walls have been placed on the canvas.

Walls for a maze

Figure 7.2. Walls for a maze

Figure 7-3 shows the screen after the player has used the arrow keys to move the token into the maze.

Moving the token inside the maze

Figure 7.3. Moving the token inside the maze

If the player wants to save a set of walls, he or she types in a name and clicks on the button. To retrieve the walls, which are added to whatever is currently on the canvas, the player types in a name and presses the GET SAVED WALLS button. If there's nothing saved under that name, nothing happens.

The two-script application has the second script present the player with a choice. Figure 7-4 shows the opening screen.

Opening screen of the travelmaze script

Figure 7.4. Opening screen of the travelmaze script

The two-script application assumes that someone has used the first script to create and save three mazes with the specific names used in the second script. Furthermore, the same browser must be used for creating a maze and for the travel maze activities. I do this to demonstrate the local storage facility of HTML5, which is similar to cookies—a way for Web application developers to store information about users.


Cookies, and now HTML5 localStorage, are the basis of what is termed behavioral marketing. They bring convenience to us—we don't have to remember certain items of information such as passwords—but they are also a way to be tracked and the target of sales. I am not taking a position here, just noting the facility.

Figure 7-5 shows an easy maze.

An easy maze

Figure 7.5. An easy maze

Figure 7-6 shows a slightly more difficult maze.

A moderate maze

Figure 7.6. A moderate maze

Figure 7-7 shows a more difficult maze, more difficult mainly because the player needs to move away from the first entry point toward the bottom of the maze to make it through. Of course, it is up to the player/creator to design the mazes.

A harder maze

Figure 7.7. A harder maze

One important feature is that in the two-script application, clicking the GET maze button forces the current maze to be erased and the newly selected maze to be drawn. This is different from what happens in either the all-in-one program or the creation part of the second version, when old walls are added to what is present. As has been the case for the other examples, these are just stubs of programs, created to demonstrate HTML5 features and programming techniques. There is much opportunity for improvement to make the projects your own.

Critical requirements

The maze application requires the display of a constantly updated game board, as new walls are erected and the token is moved.

The maze-building task requires responding to mouse events to collect the information needed to build a wall. The application displays the wall being built.

The maze-traveling task requires responding to the arrow keys to move the token. The game must not allow the token to cross any wall.

The save and retrieve operations require the program to encode the wall information, save it on the local computer, and then retrieve it and use it to create and display the saved walls. Mazes are moderately complex structures: a set of some number of walls, with each wall defined by starting and ending coordinates, that is, pairs of numbers representing x,y positions on the canvas. For the local storage facility to be used, this information has to be turned into a single string of characters.

The two-document version makes use of radio buttons to select a maze.

HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript features

Now let's take a look at the specific features of HTML5 and JavaScript that provide what we need to implement the maze application. This builds on material covered in previous chapters: the general structure of an HTML document; using programmer-defined functions, including programmer-defined objects; drawing paths made up of line segments on a canvas element; programmer objects; and arrays. Previous chapters have addressed mouse events on the canvas (the cannonball and slingshot games in Chapter 4 and the memory game in Chapter 5) and mouse events on HTML elements (the quiz games in Chapter 6). New features we'll be covering include a different type of event: getting input from a player pressing on the arrow keys, called keystroke capture; and using local storage to save information on the local computer, even after the browser has been closed and the computer turned off. Remember, you can skip ahead to the "Building the Application" section to see all the code with comments and return to this section to read explanations of individual features and techniques.

Representation of walls and the token

To start, we'll define a function, Wall, to define a wall object, and another function, Token, to define a token object. We'll define these functions in a more general manner than required by this application, but I believe this is okay: the generality does not affect much, if anything, in terms of performance, while giving us the freedom to use the code for other applications, such as a game with different playing pieces. I chose the pentagon shape because I liked it, and use mypent as the variable name for the playing piece.

The properties defined for a wall consist of the start and finish points specified by the mouse actions. I name these sx, sy, fx, and fy. The wall also has a width and a strokestyle string, and a draw method is specified as drawAline. The reason this is more general than necessary is because all walls will have the same width and style string, and all will use the drawAline function. When it comes time to save the walls to local storage, I save only the sx, sy, fx, and fy values. You can use the same techniques to encode more information if and when you write other programs and need to store values.

The token that moves around the maze is defined by a call to the Token function. This function is similar to the Polygon function defined for the polygon memory game. The Token function stores the center of the token, sx and sy, along with a radius (rad), number of sides (n), a fillstyle, and it links to the drawtoken function for the draw method and the movetoken function for the moveit method. In addition, a property named angle is computed immediately as (2*Math.PI)/n. Recall that in the radian system for measuring angles, 2*Math.PI represents a full circle, so this number divided by the number of sides will be the angle from the center to the ends of each side.

As was the case with previous applications (see Chapter 4), after an object is created, the code adds it to the everything array. I also add all walls to the walls array. It is this array that is used to save the wall information to local storage.

Mouse events to build and position a wall

Recall that in previous chapters we used HTML5 and JavaScript to define an event and specify an event handler. The init function contains code that sets up event handling for the player pressing the main mouse button, moving the mouse, and releasing the button.

canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas'),

We'll also use a variable called inmotion to keep track of whether or not the mouse button is down. The startwall function determines the mouse coordinates (see Chapters 4 and 5 for accessing the mouse coordinates after an event), creates a new Wall object with a reference stored in the global variable curwall, adds the wall to the everything array, draws all the items in everything, and sets inmotion to be true. If inmotion is not true, then the stretchwall function returns immediately without doing anything. If inmotion is true, the code gets the mouse coordinates and uses them to set the fx and fy values of curwall. This happens over and over as the player moves the mouse with the button pressed down. When the button is released, the function finish is called. This function sets inmotion back to false and adds the curwall to an array called walls.

Detecting the arrow keys

Detecting that a key on the keyboard has been pressed and determining which one is called capturing a key stroke. This is another type of event that HTML5 and JavaScript can handle. We need to set up a response to a key event, which is analogous to setting up a response to a mouse event. The coding starts with invoking the addEventListener method, this time for the window:


The window is the object that holds the document defined by the HTML file. The third parameter, which could be omitted because false is the default, relates to the order of responding to the event by other objects. It isn't an issue for this application.

This means the getkeyAndMove function will be invoked if and when a key is pressed.


Event handling is a big part of programming. Event-based programming is often more complex than demonstrated in this book. For example, you may need to consider if a contained object or a containing object also should respond to the event, or what to do if the user has multiple windows open. Devices such as cell phones can detect events such as tilting or shaking or using your fingers to stroke the screen. Incorporating video may involve invoking certain actions when the video is complete. HTML5 JavaScript is not totally consistent in handling events (setting up a time out or a time interval does not use addEventListener), but at this point, you know enough to do research to identify the event you want, try multiple possibilities to figure out what the event needs to be associated with (e.g., the window or a canvas element or some other object), and then write the function to be the event handler.

Now, as you may expect at this point, the coding to get the information for which key was pressed involves different code for different browsers. The following code, with two ways to get the number corresponding to the key, works in all current browsers recognizing other new features in HTML5:

if(event == null)
    keyCode = window.event.keyCode;
    keyCode = event.keyCode;

The preventDefault method does what it sounds like: prevents any default action, such as a special shortcut action that is associated with the particular key in the particular browser. The only keys of interest in this application are the arrow keys. The following switch statement moves the Token referenced by the variable mypent; that is, the location information is changed so that the next time everything is drawn, the token will move. (This isn't quite true. The moveit function contains a collision check to make sure we don't hit any walls first, but that will be described later.)

   case 37:  //left arrow
   case 38:  //up arrow
    case 39: //right arrow
    case 40:  //down arrow


Do put comments in your code as demonstrated by the comments indicating the keyCode for the different arrow keys. The examples in this book don't have comments because I've supplied an explanation for every line of code in the relevant tables, so this is a case of do as I say, not as I (mostly) do. Comments are critical for team projects and for reminding you of what's going on when you return to old work. In JavaScript, you can use the // to indicate that the rest of the line is a comment or surround multiple lines with /* and */. Comments are ignored by the JavaScript interpreter.

How did I know that the keycode for the left arrow was 37? You can look up keycodes on the Web (for example, or you can write code that issues an alert statement:

alert(" You just pressed keycode "+keyCode);

The default action for our maze application, which occurs when the key is not one of the four arrow keys, stops event handling on key strokes. The assumption here is that the player wants to type in a name to save or retrieve wall information to or from local storage. In many applications, the appropriate action to take would be a message, possibly using alert, to let the user know what the expected keys are.

Collision detection: token and any wall

To traverse a maze, the player must not move the token across any wall. We will enforce this restriction by writing a function, intersect, that returns true if a circle with given center and radius intersects a line segment. For this task, we need to be exacting in our language: a line segment is part of a line, going from sx, sy to fx, fy. Each wall corresponds to a finite line segment. The line itself is infinite. The intersect function is called for each wall in the array walls.


My explanation of the mathematics in the intersection calculation is fairly brief, but may be daunting if you haven't done any math in a while. Feel free to skip over it and accept the coding as is if you don't want to work through it.

The intersect function is based on the idea of a parameterized line. Specifically, the parameterized form of a line is (writing mathematical formula, as opposed to code)

Equation a:        x = sx + t*(fx-sx);
Equation b:        y = sy + t*(fy-sy);

As parameter t goes from 0 to 1, the x and y take on the corresponding values of x, y on the line segment. The goal is to determine if a circle with center cx,cy and radius rad overlaps the line segment. One way to do this is to determine the closest point on the line to cx,cy and see if the distance from that point is less than rad. In Figure 7-8, you see a sketch of part of a line with the line segment depicted with a solid line and the rest of what is shown of the line indicated by dots. The value of t at one end is 0 and the other end is 1.There are two points c1x,c1y and c2x, c2y. The c1x,c1y point is closest to the line outside the critical line segment. The point c2x,c2y is closest somewhere in the middle of the line segment. The value of t would be between 0 and 1.

A line segment and two points

Figure 7.8. A line segment and two points

The formula for the distance between the two points (x,y) and (cx,cy) is

distance = ((cx-x)*(cx-x)+(cy-y)*(cy-y)).5

Substituting for x and for y using equations a and b, we get a formula for distance.

Equation c: distance = ((cx-sx+t*(fx-sx))*(cx- sx + t*(fx-sx))+(cy- sy + t*(fy-sy))*(cy- sy + t*(fy-sy))).5

For our purposes, we want to determine the value of t when distance is at a minimum. Lessons from calculus and reasoning about minimum versus maximum in this situation tell us first that we can use the distance squared in place of the distance and so avoid taking square roots. Moreover, the value is at a minimum when the derivative (with respect to t) is zero. Taking the derivative and setting that expression to zero, produces the value of t at which the cx,cy is closest to the line. In the code, we define two extra variables, dx and dy, to make the expressions simpler.

dx = fx-sx
        dy = fy-sy;
              t= 0.0 –((sx-cx)*dx+(xy-cy)*dy)/((dx*dx)+(dy*dy))

This will produce a value for t. The 0.0 is used to force the calculations to be done as floating point numbers (numbers with fractional parts, not restricted to whole numbers).

We use equations a and b to get the x,y point corresponding to the value of t. This is the x,y closest to cx,cy. If the value of t is less than 0, we check the value for t = 0, and if it is more than 1, we check the value for t = 1. This means that the closest point was not a point on the line segment, so we will check the appropriate end of the line segment closest to that point.

Is the distance from cx,cy to the closest point close enough to be called a collision? We again use distance squared and not distance. We evaluate the distance squared from cx, cy to the computed x,y. If it is less than the radius squared, there is an intersection of the circle with the line segment. If not, there is no intersection. Using the distance squared does not make a difference: if there is a minimum for the value squared, then there is a minimum for the value.

Now the very good news here is that most of the equations are not part of the coding. I did the work beforehand of determining the expression for the derivative. The intersect function follows, with comments:

function intersect(sx,sy,fx,fy,cx,cy,rad) {
   var dx;
   var dy;
   var t;
   var rt;
   dx = fx-sx;
  dy = fy-sy;
  t =0.0-((sx-cx)*dx+(sy-cy)*dy)/((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));  //closest t
  if (t<0.0) { //closest beyond the line segment at the start
    t=0.0; }
  else if (t>1.0) {  //closest beyond the line segment at the end
    t = 1.0;

  dx = (sx+t*(fx-sx))-cx; // use t to define an x coordinate
  dy = (sy +t*(fy-sy))-cy; // use t to define a y coordinate
  rt = (dx*dx) +(dy*dy);  //distance squared
  if (rt<(rad*rad)) {  // closer than radius squared?
      return true; }   // intersect
else {
return false;}    // does not intersect

In our application, the player presses an arrow key and, based on that key, the next position of the token is calculated. We call the intersect function to see if there would be an intersection of the token (approximated as a circle) and a wall. If intersect returns true, the token is not moved. The checking stops as soon as there is an intersection. This is a common technique for collision checking.

Using local storage

The Web was originally designed for files being downloaded from the server to the local, so-called client computer for viewing, but with no permanent storage on the local computer. Over time, people and organizations building web sites decided that some sort of local storage would be advantageous. So, someone came up with the idea of using small files called cookies to keep track of things, such as user IDs stored for the convenience of the user as well as the web site owner. The use of cookies, Flash's shared objects, and now HTML5 local storage has grown considerably with the commercial Web. Unlike the situation for the applications shown here, the user often does not know that information is being stored and by whom, and for what purpose the information is accessed.

The localStorage facility of HTML5 is browser-specific. That is, a maze saved using Chrome is not available to someone using FireFox.

Let's take a closer look at using local storage by examining a small application that saves date and time information. Local storage and the Date function, introduced in Chapter 1, provide a way to store date/time information. Think of local storage as a database in which strings of characters are stored, each under a specific name. The name is called the key, the string itself is the value, and the system is called key/value pairs. The fact that local storage just stores strings is a restriction, but the next section shows how to work around it.

Figure 7-9 shows a screen shot from the opening screen of a simple date saving application.

A simple save date application

Figure 7.9. A simple save date application

The user has three options: store information on the current date and time, retrieve the last information saved, and remove the date information. Figure 7-10 shows what happens when clicking "Retrieve date info" the very first time using this application (or after the date has been removed).

Data not yet saved or after removal

Figure 7.10. Data not yet saved or after removal

Our application uses a JavaScript alert box to show a message. The user needs to click the OK button to remove the alert box from the screen.

Figure 7-11 shows the message after a user clicks the Store date info button.

After storing date information

Figure 7.11. After storing date information

If the user later clicks on the Retrieve date info button, he'll see a message similar to Figure 7-12.

Retrieving the stored date information

Figure 7.12. Retrieving the stored date information

You can give your players a way to remove the stored information using a Remove date info button. Figure 7-13 shows the result.

After removing stored information

Figure 7.13. After removing stored information

HTML5 lets you save, fetch, and remove a key/value pair, using methods for the built-in object localStorage.

The command localStorage.setItem("lastdate",olddate) sets up a new key/value pair or replaces any previous one with the key equal to lastdate. The statement

last = localStorage.getItem("lastdate");

assigns the fetched value to the variable last. In the code for our simple example, we just display the results. You can also check for something being null and provide a friendlier message.

The command localStorage.removeItem("lastdate") removes the key/value pair with lastdate as the key.

For our simple date application, we set the onClick attribute of each button object to be some JavaScript code. For example:

<button onClick="javascript:store();">Store date info. </button>

causes store() to be invoked when the button is clicked.

You may be wondering if anyone can read any of the saved information in local storage. The answer is that access to each key/value pair in localStorage (and in other types of cookies) is restricted to the Web site that stored the information. This is a security feature.

The Chrome browser allows testing of local storage with HTML5 scripts stored on the local computer. Firefox does not. This means that to test these applications in Firefox, you'll need to upload the file to a server.

Because browsers may not support local storage or there may be other problems such as exceeding limits set by the user for local storage and cookies, it is a good practice to include some error checking. You can use the JavaScript function typeof to check if localStorage is accepted by the browser:

if (typeof(localStorage)=="undefined")

Figure 7-14 shows the result of loading the date application and clicking on the Store date info button in an old version of Internet Explorer. (By the time you read this book, the latest version of IE may be out and this will not be a problem.)

The browser didn't recognize localStorage.

Figure 7.14. The browser didn't recognize localStorage.

JavaScript also provides a general mechanism for avoiding the display of errors. The compound statement try and catch will try to execute some code and if it doesn't work, go to the catch clause.

try {
        olddate = new Date();
alert("Stored: "+olddate);
 catch(e) {
         alert("Error with use of local storage: "+e);}

If you removed the if (typeof(localStorage) test and tried the code in the old IE, you'd see the message shown in Figure 7-15.

Browser error, caught in a try/catch

Figure 7.15. Browser error, caught in a try/catch

The Table 7-1 shows the complete date application. Remember: you may need to upload this to a server to test it.

Table 7.1. Complete Code for the Date Application




Opening html tag


Opening head tag

<title>Local Storage test</title>

Complete title


Opening script

function store() {

Store function header

        if (typeof(localStorage) == "undefined") {

Check if localStorage recognized

        alert("Browser does not recognize HTML local storage.");

Display alert message


Close if clause

else {


 try {

Set up try clause

         olddate = new Date();

Define new Date


Store in local storage using the key "lastdate"

        alert("Stored: "+olddate);

Display message to show what was stored


Close try clause

 Catch(e) {

Start catch clause: if there was a problem

         alert("Error with use of local storage: "+e);}

Display message


Close try clause

Return false;

Return false to prevent any page refresh


Close function

 function remove() {

Remove function header

             if (typeof(localStorage) == "undefined") {

Check if localStorage recognized

             alert("Browser does not recognize HTML local storage.");

Display alert message


Close if clause

else {



Remove the item stored using the key 'lastdate'.

              alert("Removed date stored.");

Display message indicating what was done


Close clause

              return false;

Return false to prevent page refresh.


Close function

 function fetch() {

Fetch function header

             if (typeof(localStorage) == "undefined") {

Check if localStorage recognized.

             alert("Browser does not recognize HTML local storage.");

Display alert message


Close if clause

else {



Fetch the item stored under the key 'lastdate' and display it.


Close clause

              return false;

Return false to prevent page refresh.


Close function


Close script element


Close head element


Opening body tag

<button onClick="javascript:store();">Store date info

Button for storing

<button onClick="javascript:fetch();">Retrieve date
info </button>

Button for retrieving, that is, fetching the stored data.

<button onClick="javascript:remove();">Remove date
info </button>

Button for removing


Closing body tag


Closing html tag

Combining the Date function with localStorage lets you do many things. For example, you can calculate the elapsed time between a player's current and last use of the application or, perhaps, the player winning two games. In Chapter 5, we used Date to compute the elapsed time using the getTime method. Recall that getTime stores the number of milliseconds from January 1, 1970. You can convert that value to a string, store it, and then when you fetch it back, do arithmetic to calculate elapsed time.

The localStorage key/value pairs last until they are removed, unlike JavaScript cookies, for which you can set a duration.

Encoding data for local storage

For simplicity's sake, the first application consists of just one HTML document. You can use this version to create mazes, store and retrieve them, and move the token through the maze. The second version of the application involves two HTML documents. One script is the same as the first application and can be used for building, traversing, and saving mazes as well as traveling each maze. The second script is just for traveling one of a fixed list of saved mazes. A set of radio buttons allows the player to pick from easy, moderate, and hard options, assuming someone has created and saved mazes with the names easymaze, moderatemaze, and hardmaze. These names can be anything you want and as many as you want. You just need to be consistent between what you create in one program and what you reference in the second program.

Now let's address the issue that localStorage just stores character strings. The applications described here must store enough information about the walls so that these walls can be added to the canvas. In the one-document version, the old walls are actually added to whatever is on the canvas. The two-document version erases any old maze and loads the requested one. I use two forms, each with an input field for the name and a submit button. The player chooses the name for saving a maze and must remember it for retrieving.

The data to be stored is a character string, that is, a piece of text. We will create the text holding the information for a set of walls by doing the following for each wall:

  • Combine the sx, sy, fx, fy into an array called w for a single wall.

  • Using the join method, use the w array to generate a string separated by + signs.

  • Add each of these strings to an array called allw, for all the walls.

  • Using the join method again, use the allw array to produce a string called sw.

The sw string variable will hold all the coordinates (four numbers for each wall) for all the walls. The next step is to use the localStorage.setItem method to store sw under the name given by the player. We do this using the try and catch construction explained in the last section.

try {
catch (e) {
    alert("data not saved, error given: "+e);

This is a general technique that will try something, suppress any error message, and if there is an error, it will invoke the code in the catch block.


This may not always work as you intend. For example, when executing this application on Firefox directly on a computer, as opposed to a file downloaded from a server, the localStorage statement does not cause an error, but nothing is stored. This code does work when the HTML file is downloaded from a server using Firefox and the creation script works both as a local file and when downloaded using Chrome. The two-script version must be tested using a server for each of the browsers.

Retrieving the information works in a corresponding way. The code extracts the name given by the player to set the variable lsname and then uses

swalls = localStorage.getItem(lsname);

to set the variable swalls. If this is not null, we use the string method split to do the opposite of join: split the string on the symbol given (we split at every semicolon) and assign the values to the successive elements of an array. The relevant lines are

wallstgs = swalls.split(";");


sw = wallstgs.split("+");

Next, the code uses the information just retrieved and the fixed information for wall width and wall style to create a new Wall object:

curwall = new Wall(sx,sy,fx,fy,wallwidth,wallstyle);

Finally, there is code to add curwall to both the everything array and the walls array.

Radio buttons

Radio buttons are sets of buttons in which only one member of the set can be selected. If the player makes a new choice, the old choice is deselected. They are an appropriate choice for the hard/moderate/easy selection for this application. Here's the HTML markup in the <body> section:

<form name="gf" onSubmit="return getwalls()" >
<input type="radio" value="hard" name="level" />Hard <br/>
<input type="radio" value="moderate" name="level" />Moderate <br/>
<input type="radio" value="easy" name="level" />Easy<br/>
<input type="submit" value="GET maze"/><br/>

Notice that all three input elements have the same name. This is what defines the group of buttons of which only one may be selected. In this case, the markup creates an array called level. The getwalls function will be shown in full in the next section. It is similar to the function in the all-in-one script. However, in this case, the name of the localStorage item is determined from the radio buttons. The code is

for (i=0;i<;i++) {
 if ([i].checked) {

The for loop iterates over all the input items. The if test is based on the checked attribute. When it detects a true condition, the variable lsname is constructed from the value attribute of that item, and the break; statement causes execution to leave the for loop. If you want your radio buttons to start with one of the items checked, use code like this:

<input type="radio" value="easy" name="level" checked />


<input type="radio" value="easy" name="level" checked="true" />

Building the application and making it your own

Now let's take a look at the coding for the maze applications, first the all-in-one script and then the second script of the two-script version.

Table 7-2 shows the functions in the script for creating, saving, and retrieving, and traveling the maze. Notice that much of the invoking of functions is done through event handling: onLoad, onSubmit, addEventListener calls. These do not invoke the functions directly or immediately, but set up the call to be made when the indicated event occurs.

Table 7.2. Functions in the Maze Application


Invoked By / Called By



Invoked by action of onLoad in body tag








draw method for Walls and for token: drawtoken and drawAline


var statement declaring mypent






drawall using draw method for the token object in the everything array



getkeyAndMove using the moveit method for mypent



drawall using draw method for Wall objects in the everything array



Invoked by action of an addEventListener call in init



Invoked by action of an addEventListener call in init



Invoked by action of an addEventListener call in init



Invoked by action of an addEventListener call in init

movetoken using the moveit method for mypent


Invoked by action of onSubmit for the sf form



Invoked by action of onSubmit for the gf form


Table 7-3 shows the complete code for the maze application, with comments.

Table 7.3. Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application




Opening html tag


Opening head tag

      <title>Build maze & travel maze</title>

Complete title element

      <script type="text/javascript">

Opening script tag

        var cwidth = 900;

To clear canvas

        var cheight = 350;

To clear canvas

        var ctx;

To hold canvas context

        var everything = [];

To hold everything

        var curwall;

For wall in progress

        var wallwidth = 5;

Fixed wall width

        var wallstyle = "rgb(200,0,200)";

Fixed wall color

        var walls = [];

Hold all walls

        var inmotion = false;

Flag while wall being built by dragging

        var unit = 10;

Unit of movement for token

function Token(sx,sy,rad,stylestring,n) {

Function header to build token = sx;

Set sx property = sy;

... sy

    this.rad = rad;

... rad (radius)

    this.draw = drawtoken;

Set the draw method

    this.n = n;

... n number of sides

    this.angle = (2*Math.PI)/n

Compute and set angle

    this.moveit = movetoken;

Set moveit method

    this.fillstyle = stylestring;

Set color


Close function

function drawtoken() {

Function header drawtoken


Set color

        var i;


        var rad = this.rad;

Set rad


Begin path

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Move to first vertex of the token polygon (which is a pentagon)

        for (i=1;i<this.n;i++) {

For loop to draw the n sides of the token: 5 sides in this case

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Specify line to next vertex, setting up the drawing of a side of the pentagon


Close for


Draw token


Close function

function movetoken(dx,dy) {

Function header +=dx;

Increment x value +=dy;

Increment y value

        var i;


        var wall;

Used for each wall

        for(i=0;i<walls.length;i++) {

Loop over all walls

           wall = walls[i];

Extract ith wall

              if (intersect(,
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application,wall.fx,wall.fy,,,
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
this.rad)) {

Check for intersect. If there is an intersection between the new position of the token and this specific wall


... change x back—don't make this move


... change y back—don't make this move


Leave for loop because it isn't necessary to do any more checking if there is a collision with one wall.


Close if true clause


Close for loop


Close function

function Wall(sx,sy,fx,fy,width,stylestring) {

Function header to make Wall = sx;

Set up sx property = sy;

... sy

        this.fx = fx;

... fx

        this.fy = fy;

... fy

        this.width = width;

... width

        this.draw = drawAline;

Set draw method

        this.strokestyle = stylestring;

... strokestyle


Close function

function drawAline() {

Function header drawAline

        ctx.lineWidth = this.width;

Set the line width

        ctx.strokeStyle = this.strokestyle;

Set the strokestyle


Begin path


Move to start of line


Set line to finish


Draw the line


Close function

var mypent = new Token(100,100,20,"rgb(0,0,250)",5);

Set up mypent as a pentagonal shape to be the playing piece


Add to everything

function init(){

Function header init

     ctx = document.getElementById
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Define the ctx (context) for all drawing

     canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas'),

Define canvas1, used for events

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Set up handling for mousedown

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Set up handling for mousemove

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Set up handling for mouseup

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Set up handling for use of the arrow keys


Draw everything


Close function

function startwall(ev) {

Function header startwall

         var mx;

Hold mouse x

        var my;

Hold mouse y

        if ( ev.layerX || ev.layerX == 0) {

Can we use layerX to determine the position of the mouse? Necessary because browsers are different.

                       mx= ev.layerX;

Set mx

               my = ev.layerY;

Set my

               } else if (ev.offsetX
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
|| ev.offsetX == 0) {

Else can we use offsetX?

               mx = ev.offsetX;

Set mx

               my = ev.offsetY;

Set my


Close clause

        curwall = new

Create new wall. It is small at this point.

        inmotion = true;

Set inmotion to true


Add curwall to everything


Draw everything


Close function

function stretchwall(ev) {

Function header stretchwall to that uses the dragging of the mouse to stretch out a wall while the mouse is dragged.

        if (inmotion) {

Check if inmotion

         var mx;

Hold mouse x

        var my;

Hold mouse y

        if ( ev.layerX || ev.layerX == 0) {

Can we use layerX?

                    mx= ev.layerX;

Set mx

               my = ev.layerY;

Set my

               } else if (ev.offsetX
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
|| ev.offsetX == 0) {

Else can we use offsetX? This is necessary for different browsers.

               mx = ev.offsetX;

Set mx

               my = ev.offsetY;

Set my


Close clause

         curwall.fx = mx;

Change curwall.fx to mx

         curwall.fy = my;

Change curwall.fy to my


Draw everything (will show growing wall)


Close if inmotion


Close function

function finish(ev) {

Function header finish

        inmotion = false;

Set inmotion to false


Add curwall to walls


Close function

function drawall() {

Function header drawall


Erase whole canvas

        var i;


        for (i=0;i<everything.length;i++) {

Loop through everything


Draw everything


Close loop


Close function

function getkeyAndMove(event) {

Function header getkeyAndMove

    var keyCode;

Hold keyCode

    if(event == null) {

If event null

      keyCode = window.event.keyCode;

Get keyCode using window.event


Stop default action


Close clause

    else {


      keyCode = event.keyCode;

Get keyCode from event


Stop default action


Close clause

    switch(keyCode) {

Switch on keyCode

        case 37:

If left arrow


Move back horizontally


Leave switch

      case 38:

If up arrow


Move up screen


Leave switch

      case 39:

If right arrow


Move left


Leave switch

      case 40:

If down arrow


Move down screen


Leave switch


Anything else

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Stop listening for keys. Assume player trying to save to local storage or retrieve from local storage.


Close switch


Draw everything


Close function

 Function intersect(sx,sy,fx,fy,cx,cy,rad) {

Function header intersect

     var dx;

For intermediate value

     var dy;

For intermediate value

     var t;

For expression in t

     var rt;

For holding distance squared

 dx   = fx-sx;

Set x difference

 dy   = fy-sy;

Set y difference

 t =0.0-((sx-cx)*dx+(sy-cy)*dy)/
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Taking the formula for the distance squared from each point to cx,cy. Take derivative and solve for 0.

if   (t<0.0) {

If closest is at t <0

       t=0.0; }

Check at 0 (this will be further)

else if (t>1.0) {

If closest is at t>1

      t = 1.0;

Check at 1 (this will be further)


Close clause

dx = (sx+t*(fx-sx))-cx;

Compute difference at this value of t

dy = (sy +t*(fy-sy))-cy;

Compute difference at this value of t

rt = (dx*dx) +(dy*dy);

Compute distance squared

if (rt<(rad*rad)) {

Compare to rad squared

        Return true; }

Return true

else   {


        Return false;}

Return false


Close function

function savewalls() {

Function savewalls header

        var w = [];

Temporary array

        var allw=[];

Temporary array

        var sw;

Hold final string

        var onewall;

Hold intermediate string

        var i;


        var lsname = document.sf.slname.value;

Extract player's name for the local storage

        for (i=0;i<walls.length;i++) {

Loop over all walls


Add sx to w array


Add sy to w array


Add fx to w array


Add fy to w array

              onewall = w.join("+");

Make a string


Add to allw array

              w = [];

Reset w to empty array


Close loop

        sw = allw.join(";");

Now make allw into a string

        try {



Save localStorage


End try

          catch (e) {

If a catchable error

               alert("data not saved,
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
error given: "+e);

Display message


End catch clause

        return false;

Return false to avoid refresh


Close function

function   getwalls() {

Function header getwalls

        var swalls;

Temporary storage

        var sw;

Temporary storage

        var i;


        var sx;

Hold the sw value

        var sy;

Hold the sy value

        var fx;

Hold the fx value

        var fy;

Hold the fy value

        var curwall;

Hold walls being created

        var lsname =;

Extract player's name for storage to be retrieved


Get the storage

        if (swalls!=null) {

If something was fetched

        wallstgs = swalls.split(";");

Split to make an array

        for (i=0;i<wallstgs.length;i++) {

Loop through this array

              sw = wallstgs[i].split("+");

Split individual item

              sx = Number(sw[0]);

Extract 0th value and convert to number

              sy = Number(sw[1]);


              fx = Number(sw[2]);


              fy = Number(sw[3]);


              curwall = new

Create new Wall using extracted and fixed values


Add to walls array


Add to everything array


Close loop


Draw everything


Close if not null

     Else {

Was null

       alert("No data retrieved.");

No data


Close clause

Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Set up keydown action

        return false;

Return false to prevent refresh


Close function


End head element

<body   onLoad="init();" >

Start body, set up call to init

<canvas id="canvas" width="900" height="350">

Canvas tag

Your browser doesn't support the HTML5 element

Warning for certain browser.


Close canvas


Line break

Press mouse button down, drag
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
and release to make a wall.


Use arrow keys to move token. <br/>

Instructions and line break

Pressing any other key will stop key
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
capture and allow you to save the
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
maze locally.


<form name="sf" onSubmit="return savewalls()" >

Form tag, set up call to savewalls

To save your maze, enter in a name and
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
click on the SAVE WALLS button. <br/>


Name: <input name="slname" value="maze_name" type="text">

Label and input field

<input type="submit" value="SAVE WALLS"/>

Submit button


Close form

<form name="gf" onSubmit="return
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
getwalls()" >

Form tag, set up call to getwalls

To add old walls, enter in the name and
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application
click on the GET SAVED WALLS button. <br/>


Name: <input name="glname" value="maze_name"

Label and input field

<input type="submit" value="GET
Complete Code for the All-in-one Maze Application

Submit button


Close form


Close body


Close html

Creating the second maze application

The localStorage data can be accessed by a different application from the one that created the data, as long as it is on the same server. This is a security feature, as mentioned previously, restricting readers of local storage to scripts on the same server.

The second script is based on this feature. Table 7-4 shows the functions calling or being called; it is a subset of the previous one.

Table 7.4. Functions in the Travel Maze Script


Invoked By / Called By



Invoked by action of onLoad in body tag








draw method for Walls and for token: drawtoken and drawAline


var statement declaring mypent






drawall using draw method for the token object in the everything array



getkeyAndMove using the moveit method for mypent



drawall using draw method for Wall objects in the everything array



Invoked by action of an addEventListener call in init

movetoken using the moveit method for mypent


Invoked by action of onSubmit for the gf form


The functions are exactly the same as in the all-in-one script with one exception, the getwalls function, so I've only commented the new or changed code. This application also has radio buttons in place of the form input fields. Table 7-5 shows the complete code for the travelmaze application.

Table 7.5. Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script



      <title>Travel maze</title>

Travel maze

      <script type="text/javascript">
        var cwidth = 900;
        var cheight = 350;
        var ctx;
        var everything = [];
        var curwall;
        var wallwidth = 5;
        var wallstyle = "rgb(200,0,200)";
        var walls = [];
        var inmotion = false;
        var unit = 10;
function Token(sx,sy,rad,stylestring,n) { = sx; = sy;
    this.rad = rad;
    this.draw = drawtoken;
    this.n = n;
    this.angle = (2*Math.PI)/n
    this.moveit = movetoken;
    this.fillstyle = stylestring;
function drawtoken() {
        var i;
        var rad = this.rad;
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
        for (i=1;i<this.n;i++) {
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
function movetoken(dx,dy) {
        var i;
        var wall;
        for(i=0;i<walls.length;i++) {
           wall = walls[i];
              if (intersect(,,
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
wall.fx,wall.fy,,, this.rad)) {
function Wall(sx,sy,fx,fy,width,stylestring) {
 = sx;
 = sy;
        this.fx = fx;
        this.fy = fy;
        this.width = width;
        this.draw = drawAline;
        this.strokestyle = stylestring;
function drawAline() {
        ctx.lineWidth = this.width;
        ctx.strokeStyle = this.strokestyle;
var mypent = new
function init(){
     ctx = document.getElementById('canvas')
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
function drawall() {
        var i;
        for (i=0;i<everything.length;i++) {
function getkeyAndMove(event) {
    var keyCode;
    if(event == null)
      keyCode = window.event.keyCode;
      keyCode = event.keyCode;
        case 37:  //left arrow
      case 38:  //up arrow
      case 39: //right arrow
      case 40:  //down arrow
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
 function intersect(sx,sy,fx,fy,cx,cy,rad) {
     var dx;
     var dy;
     var t;
     var rt;
 dx   = fx-sx;
 dy   = fy-sy;
 t   =0.0-((sx-cx)*dx+(sy-cy)*dy)/((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));
if   (t<0.0) {
       t=0.0; }
else if (t>1.0) {
      t = 1.0;
dx = (sx+t*(fx-sx))-cx;
dy = (sy +t*(fy-sy))-cy;
rt = (dx*dx) +(dy*dy);
if (rt<(rad*rad)) {
        return true; }
else {
        return false;}
function getwalls() {
        var swalls;
        var sw;
        var i;
        var sx;
        var sy;
        var fx;
        var fy;
        var curwall;
        var lsname;
(i=0;i<;i++) {

Iterate through the radio buttons in the gf form, level group

 if   ([i].checked) {

Is this radio button checked?


If so, construct the local storage name using the value attribute of the radio button element


Leave the for loop


Close if


Close for


Fetch this item from local storage

        if (swalls!=null) {

If it is not null, it is good data

        wallstgs = swalls.split(";");

Extract the string for each wall

        walls = [];

Removes any old walls from walls array

        everything = [];

Removes any old walls from everything array


Do add the pentagon-shaped token called mypent to everything

        for (i=0;i<wallstgs.length;i++) {

Proceed to decode each wall. The remaining code is the same as the all-in-one application.

              sw = wallstgs[i].split("+");
              sx = Number(sw[0]);
              sy = Number(sw[1]);
              fx = Number(sw[2]);
              fy = Number(sw[3]);
              curwall = new
        else {
              alert("No data retrieved.");
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
        return false;
<body onLoad="init();" >
<canvas id="canvas" width="900"
Your browser doesn't support the HTML5
element canvas.
Choose level and click GET MAZE button to
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
get a maze:
<form name="gf" onSubmit="return getwalls()" >
<input type="radio" value="hard"
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
/>Hard <br/>

Set up radio button, common level, value hard

<input type="radio" value="moderate"
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script
/>Moderate <br/>

Set up radio button, common level, value moderate

<input type="radio" value="easy"
Complete Code for the Travel Maze Script

Set up radio button, common level, value easy

<input type="submit" value="GET maze"/><br/>
Use arrow keys to move token.

There are a number of ways you can make this application your own.

Some applications in which the user places objects on the screen by dragging limit the possibilities by doing what is termed snapping the end points to grid points, perhaps even limiting the walls for a maze to be strictly horizontal or vertical.

The second application has two levels of user: the creator of the mazes and the player who attempts to traverse the mazes. You may want to design very intricate mazes, and for that you would want an editing facility. Another great addition would be a timing feature. Look back at the timing for the memory game in Chapter 5 for ways to calculate elapsed time.

Just as we added a video treat for the quiz show in Chapter 6, you could play a video when someone completes a maze.

The ability to save to local storage is a powerful feature. For this, and any game or activity that takes a fair amount of time, you may want to add the ability to save the current state. Another common use for local storage is to save the best scores.

Do understand that I wanted to demonstrate the use of local storage for intricate data, and these applications did do that. However, you may want to develop maze programs using something other than local storage. To build on this application, you need to define the sequence of starting and stopping points, four numbers in all, for each wall, and define walls accordingly. Look ahead to the word list implemented as an external script file in the Hangman game in Chapter 9.

This chapter and the previous one demonstrated events and event handling for mouse, keys, and timing. New devices provide new events, such as shaking a phone or using multiple touches on a screen. With the knowledge and experience you've acquired here, you'll be able to put together many different interactive applications.

Testing and uploading application

The first application is complete in one HTML document, buildmazesavelocally.html. The second application uses two files, buildmazes.html and travelmaze.html. The buildmazesavelocally.html and buildmaze.html are identical, except for the titles. All three files are available on the friends of ED site. Please note that travelmaze.html will not work until you create mazes and save them using local storage on your own computer.

To test the save and restore feature, you need to load the file to a server for it to work using Firefox and, perhaps, other browsers. It works locally using Chrome. The two HTML documents for the two-script version must both be uploaded to a server to be tested.

Some people may limit the use of local storage and cookies. There are differences between these constructs. To use any of this in a production application requires considerable work. The ultimate fall-back is to store information on the server using a language such as php.


In this chapter, you learned how to implement a program to support the building of a maze of walls and to store it on the local computer. You also learned how to create a maze travel game. We used the following programming techniques and HTML5 features:

  • programmer-defined objects

  • capturing key strokes; that is, setting up event handling for key presses, and deciphering which key was pressed

  • localStorage for saving the layout of the walls of the maze on the player's computer

  • try and catch to check if certain coding is acceptable

  • the join method for arrays and the split method for strings

  • mouse events

  • mathematical calculations for determining collisions between the token and the walls of the maze

  • radio buttons to present a choice to the player.

The use of local storage was fairly intricate for this application, requiring the encoding and decoding of the maze information. A simpler use might be for storing the highest score or the current score on any game. You can go back to previous chapters and see if you can incorporate this feature. Remember that localStorage is tied to the browser. In the next chapter, you will learn how to implement the rock-paper-scissors game, and how to incorporate audio in your application.

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