A P P E N D I X  B


Open Systems Vendors for packetC

This appendix contains a sampling of vendor information regarding systems designed and developed to support applications developed in packetC. The packetC language and tool-chain are currently supported on platforms employing CloudShield Packet Operating System (CPOS) or an emulation of this environment through the packetC Emulator (which operates on x86 Linux). As of the time of publication, the following is a list of shipping platforms and tools available for packetC application development and deployment:


CloudShield Packet Works Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - Version 3.2 (see Figure B-4)

CloudShield CPOS (CloudShield Packet Operating System) Version 3.0.3 for CS-2000 (see Figure B-3)

CloudShield MC-CPOS (Multi-Chassis CloudShield Packet Operating System) Version 4.1 for BladeCenter

CloudShield MC-CPOS (Multi-Chassis CloudShield Packet Operating System) Version 5.0 for CS-4000


CloudShield CS-2000 – 2U Platform – 1 or 2 DPPM Processors - Supports CPOS 2.x and 3.x Releases (see Figure B-1)

IBM BladeCenter H – 9U Platform – 1-14 CloudShield PN41 Processors – Supports MC-CPOS 4.x Releases

IBM BladeCenter HT – 12U Platform – 1-12 CloudShield PN41 Processors – Supports MC-CPOS 4.x Releases

CloudShield CS-4000 – 4U Platform – 1-3 DPPM or CPA Processors – Support MC-CPOS 5.x Releases (see Figure B-2)


Figure B-1a. CloudShield PacketWorks IDE data sheet


Figure B-1b. CloudShield PacketWorks IDE data sheet


Figure B-2a. CloudShield Packet Operating System (CPOS) datasheet


Figure B-2b.Specifications for the Cloudshield Packet Operating System (CPOS)


Figure B-3a. Datasheet for the CS-2000


Figure B-3b. Specifications for the CS-2000


Figure B-4a. The CS-4000 datasheet


Figure B-4b. Specifications for the CS-4000


Further information can be found on CloudShield's website at www.cloudshield.com or at the packetC website at www.packetc.org.

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