
image  A

Action methods


    CarsContext class



    error responses

        built-in mechanism

        CarsController class

        CreateErrorResponse extension method

        GetCars action method

        GET request

        HttpError class


        internal server error

    GET request


    POST request


    response message

        DELETE request

        GET request


    return values

        error responses

        HTTP exception (HttpResponseException)


        response message


        action-based routing

        HTTP method–based routing

        IHttpActionSelector interface


        SelectAction method

        selector and NonActionAttribute

    Web API Route registration

ASP.NET Web API. See also Asynchronous actions

    ActionResult type


    API Governance

        full-blown REST API



        publish schemas

        quality of service

        top-notch documentation

    architectural features

        asynchronous programming model

        built-in support

        HttpConfiguration class




        ultimate testability

    client-server communication in RPC


    DDD (see Domain-Driven Design (DDD))




        formatting/content negotiation

        message handlers

        parameter, model/binding


    generic request/response

    HTTP (see also HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP))



        NuGet packages


    modern architecture

        cloud services

        middleware/internal API

        public API

        self-hosted HTTP Server




    pipe-and-filter pipeline




    server-side views

    site name anonymized

    SOAP (see Simple Object Application Protocol (SOAP))



    WCF (see Windows Communication Foundation (WCF))

    Web Services Extensions

        software vendors

        WS-I Basic Profile 1.0

ASP.NET Web API service. See also HttpClient; HttpContent



        custom header




        System.Net.Http namespace

        ToString method



        public signature

    servers and clients

Asynchronous actions

    database calls

        action method

        asynchronous call

        connection string

        controller action

        default route

        entity class

        extension method

        query operations and returns results

        SQL Server-script

        synchronous call

    file uploads

        API controller

        console client

    HTTP requests

        Application_Start method

        asynchronous call

        controller action

        synchronous version


    multiple operations

        action-based route

        benchmarking results

        client application

        controller action


        public method

    Web API controller

Authorization filters

    AuthorizationFilterAttribute class


        access-certain users


        AuthController implementation

        AuthorizationService implementation

        CarsController implementation


        fiddler view


        global filter

        jQuery code

        view-cars list

        web page

    require SSL authorization


        properties dialog box


        response message

image  B

image  C

Caching resources

    origin server

        cache-control header

        no-cache directive

    updates and deletions


        conditional GET request

        ETag header

        last-modified header

        Vary and ETag header

C# features

    asynchronous functions

    await and async expressions

    exception handling

        detail view

        multiple asynchronous operation

    multiple operation


        ASP.NET MVC application

        async and await keywords

        HTTP API .NET client

        new look

        Razor view

        web page

    UI application

Custom validation attributes


    error message


        Car class


        initial implementation

        invalid POST

        IsValid method

        valid POST




        invalid POST

        valid POST request


image  D

Data annotation validation attributes


        GET request

        invaild POST


        Person class

        vaild POST

    MaxLength and MinLength

        Car class

        GET request

        invalid POST request

        valid POST request


        Car class

        DateTime field

        invalid POST request


        Car class

        error message-POST

        valid POST


        Car class

        CarsContext class

        controller implementation


        POST request



        validation error

        value types


        custom error message

        invalid POST request


        resource file

        ValidationErrors resource file view

        validation message

    ValidationAttribute class

Dependency resolution

    dependency injection (DI)

        abstract type



        factory pattern

        inversion of control (IoC)

        lifetime scope


        service locator




        for AutoFac

        for Castle Windsor



        for Unity

    model in ASP.Net web API

        HttpRequestMessage and IDependencyScope

        IDependencyResolver and IDependencyScope

        typical scenario

    service location

        ServicesContainer class

Domain model

    DbContext class


        parameterless constructor

        String connection

    EF (see Object-relational mapping (ORM) framework)

    Entities/DbContext Implementation

        Affiliate class

        Modified User class

        ShipmentState class

        ShipmentType class

    Entity Framework Migrations

        Configuration.cs file

        Default project


        Seed method

    Entity objects

        database schema

        POCO classes

    Object-relational mapping (ORM) framework


        IEntity Interface

        NuGet package

        Role class membership system

        User class membership system

        UserInRole Class membership system

        validation attributes

    Repository Pattern

        EntityRepository<T> class

        FindBy method

        GetSingle method

        IEntityRepository Interface

        IQueryable Interface

        PaginatedList Class

    service layer

        CreateUser method


        IMembershipService Interface

        ValidateUser method

image  E

image  F

Filters See also Registering filters

    action filters

        ActionFilterAttribute abstract class

        HttpActionContext class

        HttpActionExecutedContext class

        ModelState validation

    authorization filters

        AuthorizationFilterAttribute class


        require SSL authorization

    exception filters

        abstract class



        output window

    execution order

        action results


        different implementation

        GlobalLogger action filter


        LoggerUtil class

        output window

        SecondaryLogger action filter


    message handlers

    overview and processing model

        CarsContext class

        controller implementation

        default implementation

        execution order

        FilterScope enum


        log method


Formatter processing models. See also Media type formatters



        change option

        existing formatter modification

        new formatter registeration

        remove formatters

    content negotiation algorithm

        content-type header set

        German language and JSON format

        PNG image representation

        product property scenario

        save bandwith

        UTF-8 Charset

    custom formatters



    customizing model binder



    defult model binder


        debugging result

        HTML form

        Post method

        Submit button



        debugging output

        HTML form

        Post method


        camel case

        Indent MaxDepth properties

        properties and methods


        content negotiation

        defult type





    model binder mechanism

        API controller

        controller method

        GET request

        parsing QueryString parameter

        PUT request

        request body content

        search class implementation



image  G

image  H

HTTP API application


        Configure method

        Data Annotations validation

        IContentNegotiator service

        IRequiredMemberSelector implementation

        RequiredMemberSelector properties

    controllers, types

    DTO classes

        IDto interface

        IPaginatedDto interface

        PaginatedDto class

        ShipmentDto class

        ShipmentStateDto class

    IoC container

        DbContext instance

        IMembershipService implementation

        MembershipService and CryptoService

        RegisterServices method

        Repository registration

        UsingConstructor method

    PingYourPackage.API.Model project

    request commands

        IRequestCommand interface

        PaginatedRequestCommand class

        parameter binding rules

    request models


        GuidRouteConstraint implementation

        RegisterRoutes method






        SendAsync method

        WebAPIConfig.Configure method




        BindShipmentAttribute implementation

        Constants class

        DeleteShipment action method

        EmptyParameterFilterAttribute class



        GetShipments action method

        GetShipments class

        HttpConfiguration object

        HttpRequestMessageHelper class

        IntegrationTestHelper class

        IShipmentService implementation



        per-route message handler

        PostShipment action method

        PutShipment action method

        ServicesMockHelper class

        ToShipmentDto extension method

    validation attributes

        action filter

        MaximumAttribute class

        MinimumAttribute class



        Deflate content encoding




        use of

    HttpContent class

        abstract base class

        base class

        Content-Location header

        CopyToAsync methods

        CreateContentReadStreamAsync method

        customer representation

        HttpContentHeaders class

        IEnumerable interface



        SerializeToStreamAsync method


HTTP-level caching



        conditional GET request

        final implementation

        GET request

        initial class

        POST request

        PUT request


    message handler


        cacheable entities

        CacheableEntity class

        conditional GET request

        core structure

        extension method

        GenerateETag method

        GET request

        GetRequestUri method

        GetResourceKey method


        HttpCachingHandler class

        POST request

        SendAsync method




        origin server

        updates and deletions


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


        Apress web site


        header fields

        Internet media types

        left section

        302 response

        WebView tab

    cloud-based systems

    communication protocol

    HTTP request

    HTTP response

    HTTP timeline


        browser and server



        safe methods


    parabolic form

    POST method

    request and response technique

    resources and URIs

    status codes


    World Wide Web

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack

    kernel caching

        performance counters

        static and dynamic content


        ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application

        concurrent requests

        in IIS

        queue length reduction

        working principle

image  I

Internet Information Services (IIS)

    server configuration

        advanced settings

        application pools

        default configuration

        queue length option

    web server


        thread pool

        thread starvation


    console application

    ConsoleTraceWriter implementation


    NLog implementation

        event log entry

        logToNLog method


        TraceConfig class

        trace log file

        trace method

        TraceRecord levels



    TraceRecord implementation

    user code

        controller action

        .Debug extension method

        log file entry

image  J

image  K

image  L

image  M

Media type formatters

    ASP.NET Web API content negotiation

        accept header

        Car Class Implementation


        Get method

        MediaTypeFormatter class

        XML representation

image  N

image  O

image  P, Q

PingYourPackage Application

    API project

        AutofacWebAPI.cs class

        IoC container

        NuGet Package Manager test


    Class Library project

    DbContext object

    domain entities






    Project structure

        blank solution

        using Visual Studio 2012

    WebHost project

        ASP.NET Web application project

        Global Application Class

    work flow chart

image  R

Registering filters

    controller and action

        action level

        controller level

        .NET attributes

    global filters

Representational State Transfer (REST)

    RESTful architecture


        client responses

        content-type header



        request and response


    richardson maturity model


        customer name


        response header

        response message

        SOAP request message

        web services


        cache responses

        client/server constraint

        client side

        constraints and benefits


        layered system


        uniform interface

image  S

image  T

Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)

    Async method


        console window

        GetIntAsync method




        console window

        ContinueWhenAll method

        static methods

        Task or Task<T>

        task WhenAll

    continuations, errors and task status

        ContinueWith method

        TaskStatus enumeration values

    linked cancellation tokens

        console window

        InternalGetIntAsync method



        AsyncFactory.GetIntAsync method


        Task.FromResult method

    task instance


Tracing and logging






        console application

        ConsoleTraceWriter implementation



        TraceRecord implementation

    NLog (ITraceWrite Implementation)

        event log entry

        logToNLog method


        TraceConfig class

        trace log file

        trace method

        TraceRecord levels



    user code(ITraceWriter)

        controller action

        .Debug extension method

        log file entry

image  U

Unit testing



    grasp controller


        Data Builder’s Fluent API

        Delete method

        GetAll() method

        Get method

        Post method

        Request Context

        Request Property

    message handlers

        SendAsync method


    NUnit frameworks


        controller and action selection

        Data-Driven Cases

        GetRouteData method

        GetVirtualPath method



    xUnit frameworks

image  V

image  W

Web API documentation

    Cars API

        Car class implementation






Web API routes

    custom route constraint





        registration code

    default values

    Global.asax file

    HTTP methods and routing


        CarsController.Get method

        ExecuteAsync method


        request options

        sample controller

    MapHttpRoute extension method

    multiple routes

        /api/SUV/vehicles and 200 response

        /api/SUV/vehicles and 404 response

        controller parameter

        sample code

    optional parameters

    overload method

    regular expression

    route constraints

    sample code

image  X, Y, Z

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