
images  A

images  B


    array sorting

        BlockArraySorter main.m file

        block literal


        project execution

        project testing


        const imports

        instance variable access

        lexical scope

        mutable block variables



    concurrent programming

        BlockConcurrentTasks main.m file

        project testing


    memory management


        block literal expression

        block literal use outside lexical scope



        block expression definition and invocation

        block type

        compound block declaration and definition

        declaration and definition

        function argument

        literal expression

        method parameter

        syntactic elements comparison


    URL loading

        BlockURLLoader main.m file

        project testing





images  C


    atom class implementation coding

    atom class interface coding


        declaration syntax


        Nuclear Category Implementation

        Nuclear Category Interface

        Nuclear Category testing code



    instance variables





    new class creation





        Property-Backed Instance Variables


        adoption of a

        Atom Class Implementation

        declaration syntax


        interface adopting a protocol

        method declarations

        other protocols using similar syntax

        protocol creation using Xcode

        Protocol Template File


    software object


images  D

Data types



Directives, Preprocessor language

    conditional compilation

        #elif directive

        #else directive

        #ifdef directive

        #if directive

        #ifndef directive


        #error directive

        #line directive

        #warning directive

    header file inclusion

        #import directive

        #include directive

    #pragma directive

images  E

Error handling

    exception condition


    key points



        dictionary keys

        domain object


        error domains

        error objects

        error objects via indirection

        error recovery

        handling delegation method errors



        exception handling

        memory management

        nested exception handlers


    runtime error



        error codes

        error object



    standard exception names

images  F

Foundation functions

    bundles, localized strings

    decimal numbers and byte ordering

        byte ordering

        NSDecimal functions

        rounding modes


    file paths


    key points


    runtime interaction


images  G

General purpose classes


        index sets






        NSMap table




    root classes

        abstract root class

        NSObject class

        NSObject protocol


    value objects

        date and time




        NSValue class

    XML DTD processing

        event-driven manner

        tree-based data model

images  H

images  I

images  J

images  K

images  L





    Core class

    Data formatters

    Expressions class






LLDB Commands



    Command-Line Tool




    help commands






images  M

Memory management

    automatic reference counting

        circular reference avoidance

        lifetime qualifiers

        usage of

        usage rules and conventions

    with blocks


        block literal expression

        block literal use outside lexical scope


    Manual Retain-Release

        autorelease method

        memory deallocation

        MRR example usage

        object reference and ownership

        ownership claiming

        ownership relinquishment

        ownership taking

        usage of

    Objective-C memory model

    program memory usage

        dangling pointers


        memory leaks

        Objective-C program


        statement block




images  N

images  O



        Elements Project



    classes (see Classes)

    concurrent programming (see Concurrent programming)


    development environment


        Apple technologies

        C language support

        dynamic runtime

        introspection and reflection

        memory management

        object messaging

        object-oriented programming

        program development

    program development

        project creation

        test drive

Objective-C elements

    access modifiers

        package access modifier

        private access modifier

        protected access modifier

        public access modifier

    class elements

        Category interface

        class extension

        class implementation

        class method

        instance method

        instance variables

        interface directive

        Property Attributes

        protocol declaration

        return type

    data types

        block data type


        class definition types

        enumeration types

        id type

        instancetype keyword




        block scope variable

        file scope variable

        function prototype scope variable

        function scope variable

        reserved words

images  P, Q



    declaration, attributes



        dynamic generation

        explicit definition

        synthesis via keyword

    Property-Backed Instance Variables

images  R

Runtime APIs

    class and instance

        associated object

        class instance

        memory management policy

        method implementation


        register and create


        variable addition

    dynamic proxy


        AuditingInvoker inetrface

        coding the class

        implementing AspectProxy

        implementing AuditingInvoker

        invoker protocol

        testing AspectProxy

    dynamic proxy, AOP

    loadable bundles

        adding Greeter.h file

        arguments tab

        automatic reference count (ARC)

        BasicGreeter implementation

        BasicGreeter interface

        BasicGreeter main () function

        bundle class

        creation of

        CustomGreeter interface

        CustomGreeter template


        dynamical loading

        file addition


        full path of CustomGreeter

        Greeter Protocol

        implementation of CustomGreeter

        NSBundle object creation

        output, DynaLoader

        project scheme

        retrieve, path argument

        scheme editor

        template selection

        unloading bundle

        using NSBundle

Runtime error



    error codes

    error object



Runtime system


        automatic reference count (ARC)

        class code generation

        class elements

        class inspection

        C library

        creation dynamic class

        data structures view

        data types, library

        dispatch table

        dyld Shared Cache

        DynaClass main() function

        examine, class methods

        Foundation Framework

        functions of library

        id type definition

        implement, object messaging

        inspection of object


        instance method, class access

        introspection of object

        isa pointer

        isa variable

        library API

        loading dynamically

        message dispatching

        messaging code generation


        method lookup, library



        objc_object data type

        object messaging

        opaque data type

        operation, messaging

        resolution, dynamic method


        Runspector main() function

        selector uniquing

        source code compiler


        variables, instance


    dynamic binding

    dynamic features

    dynamic loading

    dynamic method resolution

        method implementation

    dynamic typing

    interactions with



        introspection, object


        navigator pane

        NSObject, methods

    message passing

        method signature


        usage of

    object introspection


images  S

Shared memory model



        hold and wait conditions prevention


        lock acquisition

        mutual exclusion policy


        resource starvation

        timeouts on waits

Specialized system services


        enconding/decoding objects

        keyed archives

        marshal and unmarshall process

        sequential archives

    distributed Objects

    notifications support


        constant values




        queue creation

        synchronously queues

    object graph (archives)

        archiver interface and implementation

        class hierarchy

        family interface and implementation

        order interface and implementation

        subfamily interface and implementation




        property list

        XML plist files


    class cluster design pattern

    format string







        mutable and immutable

        scanning values

        search and comparison

    NSString literals


images  T



        computeTask method

        ConcurrentProcessor implementation

        ConcurrentProcessor interface

        ConcurrentThreads main() function

        ConcurrentThreads program output

    NSObject threads

    NSThread APIs


        condition variables


images  U, V, W

images  X, Y



    breakpoint action

        AppleScript command

        Debugger command

        Log message command

        Shell command

        Sound command

    breakpoint navigator

    debug area

    debug bar

    debug navigator

    disassembly view

    executable environment



        project content

        test content

        Xcode project file




        Build configuration

        Build phases

        Build rules

        configuration settings file

        test coverage

    using LLDB

        Automatic Reference Counting

        BrokenCalculator main() Function

        Class Interface

        Exception Breakpoint

        main() function

        method/function call

        NSLog function


        using po command


        add an existing project



        static libraries

        workspace build directory

images  Z

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