Chapter 5. Ecommerce

In this chapter, we’ll look at how MongoDB fits into the world of retail, particularly in two main areas: maintaining product catalog data and inventory management. Our first use case, Product Catalog, deals with the storage of product catalog data.

Our next use case, Category Hierarchy, examines the problem of maintaining a category hierarchy of product items in MongoDB.

The final use case in this chapter, Inventory Management, explores the use of MongoDB in an area a bit outside its traditional domain: managing inventory and checkout in an ecommerce system.

Product Catalog

In order to manage an ecommerce system, the first thing you need is a product catalog. Product catalogs must have the capacity to store many different types of objects with different sets of attributes. These kinds of data collections work quite well with MongoDB’s flexible data model, making MongoDB a natural fit for this type of data.

Solution Overview

Before delving into the MongoDB solution, we’ll examine the ways in which relational data models address the problem of storing products of various types. There have actually been several different approaches that address this problem, each with a different performance profile. This section examines some of the relational approaches and then describes the preferred MongoDB solution.

Concrete-table inheritance

One approach in a relational model is to create a table for each product category. Consider the following example SQL statement for creating database tables:

CREATE TABLE `product_audio_album` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `artist` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_0` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`))
CREATE TABLE `product_film` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `rating` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`))

This approach has limited flexibility for two key reasons:

  • You must create a new table for every new category of products.
  • You must explicitly tailor all queries for the exact type of product.

Single-table inheritance

Another relational data model uses a single table for all product categories and adds new columns any time you need to store data regarding a new type of product. Consider the following SQL statement:

CREATE  TABLE `product` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `artist` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_0` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `rating` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`))

This approach is more flexible than concrete-table inheritance: it allows single queries to span different product types, but at the expense of space. It also continues to suffer from a lack of flexibility in that adding new types of product requires a potentially expensive ALTER TABLE operation.

Multiple-table inheritance

Another approach that’s been used in relational modeling is multiple-table inheritance where you represent common attributes in a generic “product” table, with some variations in individual category product tables. Consider the following SQL statement:

CREATE TABLE `product` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `price`, ...
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`))

CREATE TABLE `product_audio_album` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `artist` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_0` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `genre_1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`),
    FOREIGN KEY(`sku`) REFERENCES `product`(`sku`))
CREATE TABLE `product_film` (
    `sku` char(8) NOT NULL,
    `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `rating` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`sku`),
    FOREIGN KEY(`sku`) REFERENCES `product`(`sku`))

Multiple-table inheritance is more space-efficient than single-table inheritance and somewhat more flexible than concrete-table inheritance. However, this model does require an expensive JOIN operation to obtain all attributes relevant to a product.

Entity attribute values

The final substantive pattern from relational modeling is the entity-attribute-value (EAV) schema, where you would create a meta-model for product data. In this approach, you maintain a table with three columns (e.g., entity_id, attribute_id, and value), and these triples describe each product.

Consider the description of an audio recording. You may have a series of rows representing the following relationships:






Audio Album



A Love Supreme




John Coltrane







This schema is completely flexible:

  • Any entity can have any set of any attributes.
  • New product categories do not require any changes to the data model in the database.

There are, however, some significant problems with the EAV schema. One major issue is that all nontrivial queries require large numbers of JOIN operations. Consider retrieving the title, artist, and two genres for each item in the table:

SELECT entity,
    t0.value AS title,
    t1.value AS artist,
    t2.value AS genre0,
    t3.value as genre1
FROM eav AS t0
    LEFT JOIN eav AS t1 ON t0.entity = t1.entity
    LEFT JOIN eav AS t2 ON t0.entity = t2.entity
    LEFT JOIN eav AS t3 ON t0.entity = t3.entity;

And that’s only bringing back four attributes! Another problem illustrated by this example is that the queries quickly become difficult to create and maintain.

Avoid modeling product data altogether

In addition to all the approaches just outlined, some ecommerce solutions with relational database systems skip relational modeling altogether, choosing instead to serialize all the product data into a BLOB column. Although the schema is simple, this approach makes sorting and filtering on any data embedded in the BLOB practically impossible.

The MongoDB answer

Because MongoDB is a nonrelational database, the data model for your product catalog can benefit from this additional flexibility. The best models use a single MongoDB collection to store all the product data, similar to the single-table inheritance model in Single-table inheritance.

Unlike single-table inheritance, however, MongoDB’s dynamic schema means that the individual documents need not conform to the same rigid schema. As a result, each document contains only the properties appropriate to the particular class of product it describes.

At the beginning of the document, a document-based schema should contain general product information, to facilitate searches of the entire catalog. After the common fields, we’ll add a details subdocument that contains fields that vary between product types. Consider the following example document for an album product:

  sku: "00e8da9b",
  type: "Audio Album",
  title: "A Love Supreme",
  description: "by John Coltrane",
  asin: "B0000A118M",

  shipping: {
    weight: 6,
    dimensions: {
      width: 10,
      height: 10,
      depth: 1

  pricing: {
    list: 1200,
    retail: 1100,
    savings: 100,
    pct_savings: 8

  details: {
    title: "A Love Supreme [Original Recording Reissued]",
    artist: "John Coltrane",
    genre: [ "Jazz", "General" ],
    tracks: [
      "A Love Supreme, Part I: Acknowledgement",
      "A Love Supreme, Part II: Resolution",
      "A Love Supreme, Part III: Pursuance",
      "A Love Supreme, Part IV: Psalm"

A movie item would have the same fields for general product information, shipping, and pricing, but different fields for the details subdocument. Consider the following:

  sku: "00e8da9d",
  type: "Film",
  asin: "B000P0J0AQ",

  shipping: { ... },

  pricing: { ... },

  details: {
    title: "The Matrix",
    director: [ "Andy Wachowski", "Larry Wachowski" ],
    writer: [ "Andy Wachowski", "Larry Wachowski" ],
    aspect_ratio: "1.66:1"


For most deployments, the primary use of the product catalog is to perform search operations. This section provides an overview of various types of queries that may be useful for supporting an ecommerce site. Our examples use the Python programming language, but of course you can implement this system using any language you choose.

Find products sorted by percentage discount descending

Most searches will be for a particular type of product (album, movie, etc.), but in some situations you may want to return all products in a certain price range or discount percentage.

For example, the following query returns all products with a discount greater than 25%, sorted by descending percentage discount:

query = db.products.find( { 'pricing.pct_savings': {'$gt': 25 })
query = query.sort([('pricing.pct_savings', -1)])

To support this type of query, we’ll create an index on the pricing.pct_savings field:



Since MongoDB can read indexes in ascending or descending order, the order of the index does not matter when creating single-element indexes.

Find albums by genre and sort by year produced

The following returns the documents for the albums of a specific genre, sorted in reverse chronological order:

query = db.products.find({
    'type':'Audio Album',
    'details.genre': 'jazz'})
query = query.sort([
    ('details.issue_date', -1)])

In order to support this query efficiently, we’ll create a compound index on the properties used in the filter and the sort:

    ('type', 1),
    ('details.genre', 1),
    ('details.issue_date', -1)])


The final component of the index is the sort field. This allows MongoDB to traverse the index in the sorted order and avoid a slow in-memory sort.

Find movies based on starring actor

Another example of a detail field-based query would be one that selects films that a particular actor starred in, sorted by issue date:

query = db.products.find({'type': 'Film',
                          '': 'Keanu Reeves'})
query = query.sort([('details.issue_date', -1)])

To support this query, we’ll create an index on the fields used in the query:

    ('type', 1),
    ('', 1),
    ('details.issue_date', -1)])

This index begins with the type field and then narrows by the other search field, where the final component of the index is the sort field to maximize index efficiency.

Find movies with a particular word in the title

In most relational and document-based databases, querying for a single word within a string-type field requires scanning, making this query much less efficient than the others mentioned here.

One of the most-requested features of MongoDB is the so-called full-text index, which makes queries such as this one more efficient. In a full-text index, the individual words (sometimes even subwords) that occur in a field are indexed separately. In exciting and recent (as of the writing of this section) news, development builds of MongoDB currently contain a basic full-text search index, slated for inclusion in the next major release of MongoDB. Until MongoDB full-text search index shows up in a stable version of MongoDB, however, the best approach is probably deploying a separate full-text search engine (such as Apache Solr or ElasticSearch) alongside MongoDB, if you’re going to be doing a lot of text-based queries.

Although there is currently no efficient full-text search support within MongoDB, there is support for using regular expressions (regexes) with queries. In Python, we can pass a compiled regex from the re module to the find() operation directly:

import re
re_hacker = re.compile(r'.*hacker.*', re.IGNORECASE)

query = db.products.find({'type': 'Film', 'title': re_hacker})
query = query.sort([('details.issue_date', -1)])

Although this query isn’t particularly fast, there is a type of regex search that makes good use of the indexes that MongoDB does support: the prefix regex. Explicitly matching the beginning of the string, followed by a few prefix characters for the field you’re searching for, allows MongoDB to use a “regular” index efficiently:

import re
re_prefix = re.compile(r'^A Few Good.*')

query = db.products.find({'type': 'Film', 'title': re_prefix})
query = query.sort([('details.issue_date', -1)])

In this query, since we’ve matched the prefix of the title, MongoDB can seek directly to the titles we’re interested in.

Regular Expression Pitfalls

If you use the re.IGNORECASE flag, you’re basically back where you were, since the indexes are created as case-sensitive. If you want case-insensitive search, it’s typically a good idea to store the data you want to search on in all-lowercase or all-uppercase format.

If for some reason you don’t want to use a compiled regular expression, MongoDB provides a special syntax for regular expression queries using plain Python dict objects:

query = db.products.find({
    'type': 'Film',
    'title': {'$regex': '.*hacker.*', '$options':'i'}})
query = query.sort([('details.issue_date', -1)])

The indexing strategy for these kinds of queries is different from previous attempts. Here, create an index on { type: 1, details.issue_date: -1, title: 1 } using the following Python console:

>>> db.products.ensure_index([
...     ('type', 1),
...     ('details.issue_date', -1),
...     ('title', 1)])

This index makes it possible to avoid scanning whole documents by using the index for scanning the title rather than forcing MongoDB to scan whole documents for the title field. Additionally, to support the sort on the details.issue_date field, by placing this field before the title field, ensures that the result set is already ordered before MongoDB filters title field.

Conclusion: Index all the things!

In ecommerce systems, we typically don’t know exactly what the user will be filtering on, so it’s a good idea to create a number of indexes on queries that are likely to happen. Although such indexing will slow down updates, a product catalog is only very infrequently updated, so this drawback is justified by the significant improvements in search speed. To sum up, if your application has a code path to execute a query, there should be an index to accelerate that query.

Sharding Concerns

Database performance for these kinds of deployments are dependent on indexes. You may use sharding to enhance performance by allowing MongoDB to keep larger portions of those indexes in RAM. In sharded configurations, you should select a shard key that allows the server to route queries directly to a single shard or small group of shards.

Since most of the queries in this system include the type field, it should be included in the shard key. Beyond this, the remainder of the shard key is difficult to predict without information about your database’s actual activity and distribution. There are a few things we can say a priori, however:

  • details.issue_date would be a poor addition to the shard key because, although it appears in a number of queries, no query was selective by this field, so mongos would not be able to route such queries based on the shard key.
  • It’s good to ensure some fields from the detail document that are frequently queried, as well as some with an even distribution to prevent large unsplittable chunks.

In the following example, we’ve assumed that the details.genre field is the second-most queried field after type. To enable sharding on these fields, we’ll use the following shardcollection command:

>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.product', {
...     key : { 'type': 1, 'details.genre' : 1, 'sku':1 } })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.product", "ok" : 1 }

Scaling read performance without sharding

While sharding is the best way to scale operations, some data sets make it impossible to partition data so that mongos can route queries to specific shards. In these situations, mongos sends the query to all shards and then combines the results before returning to the client.

In these situations, you can gain some additional read performance by allowing mongos to read from the secondary mongod instances in a replica set by configuring the read preference in the client. Read preference is configurable on a per-connection or per-operation basis. In pymongo, this is set using the read_preference keyword argument.

The pymongo.SECONDARY argument in the following example permits reads from the secondary (as well as a primary) for the entire connection:

conn = pymongo.MongoClient(read_preference=pymongo.SECONDARY_PREFERRED)

If you wish to restrict reads to only occur on the secondary, you can use SECONDARY instead:

conn = pymongo.MongoClient(read_preference=pymongo.SECONDARY)

You can also specify read_preference for specific queries, as shown here:

results = db.product.find(..., read_preference=pymongo.SECONDARY_PREFERRED)


results = db.product.find(..., read_preference=pymongo.SECONDARY)

Category Hierarchy

One of the issues faced by product catalog maintainers is the classification of products. Products are typically classified hierarchically to allow for convenient catalog browsing and product planning. One question that arises is just what to do when that categorization changes. This use case addresses the construction and maintenance of a hierarchical classification system in MongoDB.

Solution Overview

To model a product category hierarchy, our solution here keeps each category in its own document with a list of the ancestor categories for that particular subcategory. To anchor our examples, we use music genres as the categorization scheme we’ll examine.

Since the hierarchical categorization of products changes relatively infrequently, we’re more concerned here with query performance and update consistency than update performance.

Schema Design

Our schema design will focus on the hierarchy in Figure 5-1. When designing a hierarchical schema, one approach would be to simply store a parent_id in each document:

{ _id: "modal-jazz",
  name: "Modal Jazz",
  parent: "bop",
A music classification hierarchy
Figure 5-1. A music classification hierarchy

While using such a schema is flexible, it only allows us to examine one level of hierarchy with any given query. If we want to be able to instead query for all ancestors or descendants of a category, it’s better to store the ancestor list in some way.

One approach to this would be to construct the ID of a subcategory based on the IDs of its parent categories:

{ _id: "ragtime:bop:modal-jazz",
  name: "Modal Jazz",
  parent: "ragtime/bop",

This is a convenient approach because:

  • The ancestors of a particular category are self-evident from the _id field.
  • The descendants of a particular category can be easily queried by using a prefix-style regular expression. For instance, to find all descendants of “bop,” you would use a query like {_id: /^ragtime:bop:.*/}.

There are a couple of problems with this approach, however:

  • Displaying the ancestors for a category requires a second query to return the ancestor documents.
  • Updating the hierarchy is cumbersome, requiring string manipulation of the _id field.

The solution we’ve chosen here is to store the ancestors as an embedded array, including the name of each ancestor for display purposes. We’ve also switched to using ObjectId()s for the _id field and moving the human-readable slug to its own field to facilitate changing the slug if necessary. Our final schema, then, looks like the following:

{ _id: ObjectId(...),
  slug: "modal-jazz",
  name: "Modal Jazz",
  parent: ObjectId(...),
  ancestors: [
    { _id: ObjectId(...),
      slug: "bop",
      name: "Bop" },
    { _id: ObjectId(...),
      slug: "ragtime",
      name: "Ragtime" } ] }


This section outlines the category hierarchy manipulations that you may need in an ecommerce site. All examples in this document use the Python programming language and the pymongo driver for MongoDB, but of course you can implement this system using any supported programming language.

Read and display a category

The most basic operation is to query a category hierarchy based on a slug. This type of query is often used in an ecommerce site to generate a list of “breadcrumbs” displaying to the user just where in the hierarchy they are while browsing. The query, then, is the following:

category = db.categories.find(
    {'slug': slug },
    {'_id': 0, 'name': 1, 'ancestors.slug': 1, '': 1} )

In order to make this query fast, we just need an index on the slug field:

>>> db.categories.ensure_index('slug', unique=True)

Add a category to the hierarchy

Suppose we wanted to modify the hierarchy by adding a new category, as shown in Figure 5-2. This insert operation would be trivial if we had used our simple schema that only stored the parent ID:

doc = dict(name='Swing', slug='swing', parent=ragtime_id)
Adding Swing to the hierarchy
Figure 5-2. Adding Swing to the hierarchy

Since we are keeping information on all the ancestors, however, we need to actually calculate this array and store it after performing the insert. For this, we’ll define the following build_ancestors helper function:

def build_ancestors(_id, parent_id):
    parent = db.categories.find_one(
        {'_id': parent_id},
        {'name': 1, 'slug': 1, 'ancestors':1})
    parent_ancestors = parent.pop('ancestors')
    ancestors = [ parent ] + parent_ancestors
        {'_id': _id},
        {'$set': { 'ancestors': ancestors } })

Note that you only need to travel up one level in the hierarchy to get the ancestor list for “Ragtime” that you can use to build the ancestor list for “Swing.” Once you have the parent’s ancestors, you can build the full ancestor list trivially. Putting it all together then, let’s insert a new category:

doc = dict(name='Swing', slug='swing', parent=ragtime_id)
swing_id = db.categories.insert(doc)
build_ancestors(swing_id, ragtime_id)

Change the ancestry of a category

This section addresses the process for reorganizing the hierarchy by moving “Bop” under “Swing,” as shown in Figure 5-3. First, we’ll update the bop document to reflect the change in its ancestry:

    {'_id':bop_id}, {'$set': { 'parent': swing_id } } )
Adding Swing to the hierarchy
Figure 5-3. Adding Swing to the hierarchy

Now we need to update the ancestor list of the bop document and all its descendants. In order to do this, we’ll first build the subgraph of bop in memory, including all of the descendants of bop, and then calculate and store the ancestor list for each node in the subgraph.

For the purposes of calculating the ancestor list, we will store the subgraph in a dict containing all the nodes in the subgraph, keyed by their parent field. This will allow us to quickly traverse the hierarchy, starting with the bop node and visiting the nodes in order:

from collections import defaultdict

def build_subgraph(root):
    nodes = db.categories.find(
        { 'ancestors._id': root['_id'] },
        { 'parent': 1, 'name': 1, 'slug': 1, 'ancestors': 1})
    nodes_by_parent = defaultdict(list) 1
    for n in nodes:
    return nodes_by_parent

The defaultdict from the Python standard library is a dictionary with a special behavior when you try to access a key that is not there. In this case, rather than raising a KeyError like a regular dict, it will generate a new value based on a factory function passed to its constructor. In this case, we’re using the list function to create an empty list when the given parent isn’t found.

Once we have this subgraph, we can update the nodes as follows:

def update_node_and_descendants(
    nodes_by_parent, node, parent):

    # Update node's ancestors
    node['ancestors'] = parent.ancestors + [
        { '_id': parent['_id'],
          'slug': parent['slug'],
          'name': parent['name']} ]
        {'_id': node['_id']},
        {'$set': {
            'ancestors': ancestors,
            'parent': parent['_id'] } })

    # Recursively call children of 'node'
    for child in nodes_by_parent[node['_id']]:
            nodes_by_parent, child, node)

In order to ensure that the subgraph-building operation is fast, we’ll need an index on the ancestors._id field:

>>> db.categories.ensure_index('ancestors._id')

Rename a category

One final operation we’ll explore with our category hierarchy is renaming a category. In order to a rename a category, we’ll need to both update the category itself and also update all its descendants. Consider renaming “Bop” to “BeBop,” as in Figure 5-4.

Rename “Bop” to “BeBop”
Figure 5-4. Rename “Bop” to “BeBop”

First, we’ll update the category name with the following operation:

    {'_id':bop_id}, {'$set': { 'name': 'BeBop' } } )

Next, we’ll update each descendant’s ancestors list:

    {'ancestors._id': bop_id},
    {'$set': { 'ancestors.$.name': 'BeBop' } },

There are a couple of things to know about this update:

  • We’ve used the positional operation $ to match the exact “ancestor” entry that matches the query.
  • The multi option allows us to update all documents that match this query. By default, MongoDB will only update the first document that matches.

Sharding Concerns

For most deployments, sharding the categories collection has limited value because the collection itself will have a small number of documents. If you do need to shard, since all the queries use _id, it makes an appropriate shard key:

>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.categories', {
...     'key': {'_id': 1} })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.categories", "ok" : 1 }

Inventory Management

The most basic requirement of an ecommerce system is its checkout functionality. Beyond the basic ability to fill up a shopping cart and pay, customers have come to expect online ordering to account for out-of-stock conditions, not allowing them to place items in their shopping cart unless those items are, in fact, available. This section provides an overview of an integrated shopping cart and inventory management data model for an online store.

Solution Overview

Customers in ecommerce stores regularly add and remove items from their “shopping cart,” change quantities multiple times, abandon the cart at any point, and sometimes have problems during and after checkout that require a hold or canceled order. These activities make it difficult to maintain inventory systems and counts and to ensure that customers cannot “buy” items that are unavailable while they shop in your store.

The solution presented here maintains the traditional metaphor of the shopping cart, but allows inactive shopping carts to age. After a shopping cart has been inactive for a certain period of time, all items in the cart re-enter the available inventory and the cart is emptied. The various states that a shopping cart can be in, then, are summarized in Figure 5-5.

Shopping cart states
Figure 5-5. Shopping cart states

Here’s an explanation of each state:

In this state, the user is active and items may be added or removed from the shopping cart.
In this state, the cart is being checked out, but payment has not yet been captured. Items may not be added or removed from the cart at this time.
In this state, the cart has been inactive for too long and it is “locked” while its items are returned to available inventory.
In this state, the shopping cart is inactive and unavailable. If the user returns, a new cart must be created.


Our schema for this portion of the system consists of two collections: product and cart. Let’s consider product first. This collection contains one document for each item a user can place in their cart, called a “stock-keeping unit” or SKU. The simplest approach is to simply use a SKU number as the _id and keep a quantity counter for each item. We’ll add in a details field for any item details you wish to display to the user as they’re browsing the store:

{ _id: '00e8da9b', qty: 16, details: ... }

It turns out to be useful to augment this schema with a list of shopping carts containing the particular SKU. We do this because we’re going to use product as the definitive collection of record for our system. This means that if there is ever a case where cart and product contain inconsistent data, product is the collection that “wins.” Since MongoDB does not support multidocument transactions, it’s important to have a method of “cleaning up” when two collections become inconsistent, and keeping a carted property in product provides that avenue here:

{ _id: '00e8da9b',
  qty: 16,
  carted: [
    { qty: 1, cart_id: 42,
      timestamp: ISODate("2012-03-09T20:55:36Z"), },
    { qty: 2, cart_id: 43,
      timestamp: ISODate("2012-03-09T21:55:36Z") }

In this case, the inventory shows that we actually have 16 available items, but there are also two carts that have not yet completed checkout, which have one and two items in them, respectively.

Our cart collection, then, would contain an _id, state, last_modified date to handle expiration, and a list of items and quantities:

{ _id: 42,
  last_modified: ISODate("2012-03-09T20:55:36Z"),
  status: 'active',
  items: [
    { sku: '00e8da9b', qty: 1, details: {...} },
    { sku: '0ab42f88', qty: 4, details: {...} }

Note that we’ve copied the item details from the product document into the cart document so we can display relevant details for each line item without fetching the original product document. This also helps us avoid the usability problem of what to do about a SKU that changes prices between being added to the cart and checking out; in this case, we always charge the user the price at the time the item was added to the cart.


This section introduces operations that we’ll want to support on our data model. As always, the examples use the Python programming language and the pymongo driver, but the system can be implemented in any language you choose.

Add an item to a shopping cart

Moving an item from the available inventory to a cart is a fundamental requirement for a shopping cart system. Our system must ensure that an item is never added to a shopping cart unless there is sufficient inventory to fulfill the order.


For this operation, and for several others in this section, we’ll use patterns from Chapter 3 to keep our product and cart collections consistent.

In order to add an item to our cart, the basic approach will be to:

  1. Update the cart, ensuring it is still active, and adding the line item.
  2. Update the inventory, decrementing available stock, only if there is sufficient inventory available.
  3. If the inventory update failed due to lack of inventory, compensate by rolling back our cart update and raising an exception to the user.

The actual function we write to add an item to a cart would resemble the following:

def add_item_to_cart(cart_id, sku, qty, details):
    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # Make sure the cart is still active and add the line item
    result = db.cart.update(
        {'_id': cart_id, 'status': 'active' },
        { '$set': { 'last_modified': now },
          '$push': {
              'items': {'sku': sku, 'qty':qty, 'details': details } } })
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        raise CartInactive()

    # Update the inventory
    result = db.product.update(
        {'_id':sku, 'qty': {'$gte': qty}}, 1
        {'$inc': {'qty': -qty},
         '$push': {
             'carted': { 'qty': qty, 'cart_id':cart_id,
                         'timestamp': now } } }) 2
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        # Roll back our cart update
            {'_id': cart_id },
            { '$pull': { 'items': {'sku': sku } } }) 3
        raise InadequateInventory()

Here, we’re using the quantity in our update spec to ensure that only a document with both the right SKU and sufficient inventory can be updated. Once again, we use safe mode to have the server tell us if anything was updated.


Note that we need to update the carted property as well as qty when modifying product.


Here, we $pull the just-added item from the cart. Note that $pull means that all line items for the SKU will be pulled. This is not a problem for us, since we’ll introduce another function to modify the quantity of a SKU in the cart.

Since our updates always include _id, and this is a unique and indexed field, no additional indexes are necessary to make this function perform well.

Modifying the quantity in the cart

Often, a user will wish to modify the quantity of a particular SKU in their cart. Our system needs to ensure that when a user increases the quantity of an item, there is sufficient inventory. Additionally, the carted attribute in the product collection needs to be updated to reflect the new quantity in the cart.

Our basic approach here is the same as when adding a new line item:

  1. Update the cart (optimistically assuming there is sufficient inventory).
  2. Update the product collection if there is sufficient inventory.
  3. Roll back the cart update if there is insufficient inventory and raise an exception.

Our code, then, looks like the following:

def update_quantity(cart_id, sku, old_qty, new_qty):
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    delta_qty = new_qty - old_qty

    # Make sure the cart is still active and add the line item
    result = db.cart.update(
        {'_id': cart_id, 'status': 'active', 'items.sku': sku }, 1
        {'$set': { 'last_modified': now },
         '$inc': { 'items.$.qty': delta_qty } 2
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        raise CartInactive()

    # Update the inventory
    result = db.product.update(
         'carted.cart_id': cart_id, 3
         'qty': {'$gte': delta_qty} },
        {'$inc': {'qty': -delta_qty },
         '$set': { 'carted.$.qty': new_qty, 'timestamp': now } })
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        # Roll back our cart update
            {'_id': cart_id, 'items.sku': sku },
            {'$inc': { 'items.$.qty': -delta_qty } }) 4
        raise InadequateInventory()

Note that we’re including items.sku in our update spec. This allows us to use the positional $ in our $set modifier to update the correct (matching) line item.

2 3

Both here and in the rollback operation, we’re using the $inc modifier rather than $set to update the quantity. This allows us to correctly handle situations where a user might be updating the cart multiple times simultaneously (say, in two different browser windows).


Here again, we’re using the positional $ in our update to carted, so we need to include the cart_id in our update spec.

Once again, we’re using _id in all our updates, so adding an index doesn’t help us here.

Checking out

The checkout operation needs to do two main operations:

  • Capture payment details.
  • Update the carted items once payment is made.

Our basic algorithm here is as follows:

  1. Lock the cart by setting it to pending status.
  2. Collect payment for the cart. If this fails, unlock the cart by setting it back to active status.
  3. Set the cart’s status to complete.
  4. Remove all references to this cart from any carted properties in the product collection.

The code would look something like the following:

def checkout(cart_id):
    now = datetime.utcnow()

    result = db.cart.update( 1
        {'_id': cart_id, 'status': 'active' },
        update={'$set': { 'status': 'pending','last_modified': now } } )
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        raise CartInactive()

            {'_id': cart_id },
            {'$set': { 'status': 'active' } } )
        {'_id': cart_id },
        {'$set': { 'status': 'complete' } } )
        {'carted.cart_id': cart_id},
        {'$pull': {'cart_id': cart_id} },
        multi=True) 2

We’re using the return value from update here to let us know whether we actually locked a currently active cart by moving it to pending status.


We’re using multi=True here to ensure that all the SKUs that were in the cart have their carted properties updated.

Here, we could actually use a new index on the carted.cart_id property so that our final update is fast:

>>> db.product.ensure_index('carted.cart_id')

Returning inventory from timed-out carts

Periodically, we need to “expire” inactive carts and return their items to available inventory. Our approach here is as follows:

  1. Find all carts that are older than the threshold and are due for expiration. Lock them by setting their status to "expiring".
  2. For each "expiring" cart, return all their items to available inventory.
  3. Once the product collection has been updated, set the cart’s status to "expired".

The actual code, then, looks something like the following:

def expire_carts(timeout):
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    threshold = now - timedelta(seconds=timeout)

    # Lock and find all the expiring carts
        {'status': 'active', 'last_modified': { '$lt': threshold } },
        {'$set': { 'status': 'expiring' } },
        multi=True ) 1

    # Actually expire each cart
    for cart in db.cart.find({'status': 'expiring'}): 2

        # Return all line items to inventory
        for item in cart['items']:
            db.product.update( 3
                { '_id': item['sku'],
                  'carted.cart_id': cart['id'] },
                {'$inc': { 'qty': item['qty'] },
                 '$pull': { 'carted': { 'cart_id': cart['id'] } } }) <
        db.cart.update( 4
            {'_id': cart['id'] },
            {'$set': { status': 'expired' })

We’re using multi=True to “batch up” our cart expiration initial lock.


Unfortunately, we need to handle expiring the carts individually, so this function can actually be somewhat time-consuming. Note, however, that the expire_carts function is safely resumable, since we have effectively “locked” the carts needing expiration by placing them in "expiring" status.


Here, we update the inventory, but only if it still has a carted entry for the cart we’re expiring. Note that without the carted property, our function would become unsafe to retry if an exception occurred since the inventory could be incremented multiple times for a single cart.


Finally, we fully expire the cart. We could also delete it here if we don’t wish to keep it around any more.

In order to support returning inventory from timed-out carts, we’ll need to create an index on the status and last_modified properties. Since our query on last_modified is an inequality, we should place it last in the compound index:

>>> db.cart.ensure_index([('status', 1), ('last_modified', 1)])

Error handling

The previous operations do not account for one possible failure situation. If an exception occurs after updating the shopping cart but before updating the inventory collection, then we have an inconsistent situation where there is inventory “trapped” in a shopping cart.

To account for this case, we’ll need a periodic cleanup operation that finds inventory items that have carted items and check to ensure that they exist in some user’s active cart, and return them to available inventory if they do not. Our approach here is to visit each product with some carted entry older than a specified timestamp. Then, for each SKU found:

  1. Load the cart that’s possibly expired. If it’s actually "active", refresh the carted entry in the product.
  2. If an "active" cart was not found to match the carted entry, then the carted is removed and the available inventory is updated:
def cleanup_inventory(timeout):
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    threshold = now - timedelta(seconds=timeout)

    # Find all the expiring carted items
    for item in db.product.find( 1
        {'carted.timestamp': {'$lt': threshold }}):

        # Find all the carted items that matched
        carted = dict(
                  (carted_item['cart_id'], carted_item)
                  for carted_item in item['carted']
                  if carted_item['timestamp'] < threshold)

        # First Pass: Find any carts that are active and refresh the carted
        #    items
        for cart in db.cart.find(
            { '_id': {'$in': carted.keys() },
            cart = carted[cart['_id']]

            db.product.update( 2
                { '_id': item['_id'],
                  'carted.cart_id': cart['_id'] },
                { '$set': {'carted.$.timestamp': now } })
            del carted[cart['_id']]

        # Second Pass: All the carted items left in the dict need to now be
        #    returned to inventory
        for cart_id, carted_item in carted.items():
            db.product.update( 3
                { '_id': item['_id'],
                  'carted.cart_id': cart_id },
                { '$inc': { 'qty': carted_item['qty'] },
                  '$pull': { 'carted': { 'cart_id': cart_id } } })

Here, we’re visiting each SKU that has possibly expired carted entries one at a time. This has the potential for being time-consuming, so the timeout value should be chosen to keep the number of SKUs returned small. In particular, this timeout value should be greater than the timeout value used when expiring carts.


Note that we’re once again using the positional $ to update only the carted item we’re interested in. Also note that we’re not just updating the product document in-memory and calling .save(), as that can lead to race conditions.


Here again we don’t call .save(), since the product’s quantity may have been updated since this function started executing. Also note that we might end up modifying the same product document multiple times (once for each possibly expired carted entry). This is most likely not a problem, as we expect this code to be executed extremely infrequently.

Here, the index we need is on carted.timestamp to make the initial find() run quickly:

>>> db.product.ensure_index('carted.timestamp')

Sharding Concerns

If you need to shard the data for this system, the _id field is a reasonable choice for shard key since most updates use the _id field in their spec, allowing mongos to route each update to a single mongod process. There are a couple of potential drawbacks with using _id, however:

  • If the cart collection’s _id is an increasing value such as an ObjectId(), all new carts end up on a single shard.
  • Cart expiration and inventory adjustment require update operations and queries to broadcast to all shards when using _id as a shard key.

It’s possible to mitigate the first problem at least by using a pseudorandom value for _id when creating a cart. A reasonable approach would be the following:

import hashlib
import bson

def new_cart():
    object_id = bson.ObjectId() 1
    cart_id = hashlib.md5(str(object_id)).hexdigest() 2
    return cart_id

We’re creating a bson.ObjectId() to get a unique value to use in our hash. Note that since ObjectId uses the current timestamp as its most significant bits, it’s not an appropriate choice for shard key.


Now we randomize the object_id, creating a string that is extremely likely to be unique in our system.

To actually perform the sharding, we’d execute the following commands:

>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.inventory'
...            'key': { '_id': 1 } )
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.inventory", "ok" : 1 }
>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.cart')
...            'key': { '_id': 1 } )
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.cart", "ok" : 1 }

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