
synopsis — A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions


synopsis ::= (, ((text | lineannotation | Bibliography inlines | Computer-output inlines | Error inlines | Graphic inlines | GUI inlines | Indexing inlines | Keyboard inlines | Linking inlines | Markup inlines | Math inlines | Object-oriented programming inlines | Operating system inlines | Product inlines | Programming inlines | Publishing inlines | Technical inlines | Ubiquitous inlines | User-input inlines)* | textobject))

Attribute synopsis

Common attributes and common linking attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • continuation (enumeration) = “continues” | “restarts”

  • linenumbering (enumeration) = “numbered” | “unnumbered”

  • startinglinenumber (integer)

  • language

  • xml:space (enumeration) = “preserve”

  • label


A synopsis is a verbatim environment for displaying command, function, and other syntax summaries.

Unlike cmdsynopsis and funcsynopsis which have a complex interior structure, synopsis is simply a verbatim environment.

Processing expectations

This element is displayed “verbatim”; whitespace and line breaks within this element are significant. A synopsis element is usually displayed in a fixed-width font.


Common attributes and common linking attributes.


Determines whether line numbering continues from the previous element or restarts.

Enumerated values:

Line numbering continues from the immediately preceding element with the same name.


Line numbering restarts (begins at 1, usually).


Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes.


Identifies the language (i.e., programming language) of the verbatim content.


Determines whether lines are numbered.

Enumerated values:

Lines are numbered.


Lines are not numbered.


Specifies the initial line number.


Can be used to indicate explicitly that whitespace in the verbatim environment is preserved. Whitespace must always be preserved in verbatim environments whether this attribute is specified or not.

Enumerated values:

Whitespace must be preserved.

See Also

cmdsynopsis, computeroutput, funcsynopsis, lineannotation, literallayout, programlisting, screen, screenshot, userinput


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example synopsis</title>

<synopsis>chgrp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] group file...</synopsis>

<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example synopsis</title>

<synopsis>int max(int int1, int int2);</synopsis>

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