TARGETS /// delts, traps (primary); forearms (secondary)

EQUIPMENT /// EZ bar and plates

Of all the upright row variations, the wide-grip upright row is the safest and most effective. It targets the side and rear delts, which creates width in the shoulders and makes the waist appear smaller. If you’ve tried upright rows in the past and found them uncomfortable, the wide-grip should feel better.

[1]Stand tall with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Hold the EZ bar with your arms extended downward, and with an overhand grip that’s twice as wide as your shoulders.

[2]Using your delts, pull the bar up to your chin, stopping just before your wrists bend, then slowly lower the bar back down to the starting position.


DO: keep your shoulders rotated back and pinned down throughout the exercise.

DON’T: bend your wrists. (Keeping them straight helps avoid strain.)


^ Dumbbell upright row Hold dumbbells in front of you, using an overhand grip. Perform the upright row as instructed. (Dumbbells allow you to work both sides independently to balance out any asymmetries. This variation can also be better for lifters who may have existing wrist issues.)

Cable upright row (more challenging) Adjust the cable to the bottom pin and use the EZ bar attachment. Hold the bar with an overhand grip and stand close to the cable. Perform the upright row as you would with free weights. (Cables provide the benefit of constant tension, which can help with activating and building muscle.)

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