TARGETS /// glutes, hamstrings (primary); lower back (secondary)

EQUIPMENT /// low-pulley cable and rope attachment

The cable pull-through teaches better hip extension, which is critical for performing compound lifts and for kettlebell work. It’s also great for developing the glutes and hamstrings. The cable provides constant tension, which helps improve the mind-muscle connection.

[1]Set the cable to the lowest pin and attach the rope attachment. Face away from the cable and straddle the rope, reach down and grab the ends of the rope attachment with an overhand grip, and secure the rope against your inner thighs. Walk out about 2 to 3 feet (.5m to 1m), or until you feel tension in the cables. With your feet shoulder-width apart and soft knees, hinge at the hip and slowly lower your upper body down toward the ground.

[2]Explosively push your hips forward while pulling the rope upward until you achieve a full hip extension (the movement of this exercise should very closely resemble a kettlebell swing).


DO: keep your shoulders and back flat, and lift using only your glutes and hamstrings.

DON’T: squat down.


^ Banded pull-through (easier) If you don’t have access to a cable, or you want to accentuate the tension on the last quarter of the rep, banded pull-throughs are the perfect alternative. Secure a resistance band to the bottom of a stable object, grasp the other end of the band with both hands, and perform the exercise as you would with cables.

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