TARGETS /// calves (primary); none (secondary)

EQUIPMENT /// seated calf raise machine

Well-developed calves are the finishing touch of a balanced physique—they add curves to the legs and strength for jumps and power movements. The seated calf raise targets the soleus, a small muscle that lies under the larger gastrocnemius.

[1]Place your knees under the pads and place the balls of your feet on the platform.

[2]Unrack the weight and slowly allow your heels to drop into a full stretch.

[3]Using your calves, push the weight back up to the starting position, squeezing your calves at the top of the movement.


DO: use a weight that’s not overly challenging to lift.

DON’T: use your upper body to lift—use only your calves.


^ Seated calf raise (no machine) Place a small step or stacked plates on the ground and in front of a bench. Sit on the bench with a plate or barbell positioned across your legs and just above your knees. Place the balls of your feet on the plates or step and perform the exercise as you would on the machine.

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