TARGETS /// inner abs, abs, lower back (primary); shoulders (secondary)

EQUIPMENT /// yoga mat

It’s important to not only work the surface muscles of the abs, but the underlying muscles, as well. The plank is the perfect exercise for targeting all of those core muscles, including the transverse abdominus, or TVA, which acts as an internal girdle to provide stability for heavy lifts, and also can create the look of a smaller waist.

[1]Begin stomach-down on the mat. Prop yourself up onto your forearms, clasp your hands, and rise up onto your toes to form a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold.


DO: keep your core engaged to prevent your hips from sagging.

DON’T: drop your hips or raise them above the line of your body. (This can cause lower back strain and make the exercise ineffective.)


Side plank Perform on your side, while propped up on one forearm and on the outer edge of one foot. Your body should be aligned from head to toes, and your opposite hand should be placed on your hip. Repeat on the opposite side. (This variation better targets the obliques.)

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