TARGETS /// triceps (primary); chest, shoulders (secondary)

EQUIPMENT /// bench, barbell, and plates

A variation of the traditional bench press, the close-grip bench press will help improve your pressing power for other lifts, and will develop both strength and definition. Opt for a lighter weight to maintain proper form, and keep the focus on lifting the weight with just your triceps.

[1]Lay flat on the bench with your feet flat on the ground and a slight arch in your back. Wrap your thumbs around the bar, and grasp the bar using an overhand grip that’s half the width of your shoulders.

[2]Pin your shoulder blades back and down. Keeping your knuckles pointing upward, unrack the bar and lower it to just above your chest.

[3]Press the bar upward and slightly back until your arms are fully extended. Pause momentarily, then return the bar to the starting position.


DO: keep your elbows close to your body throughout the range of motion.

DON’T: bounce the weight off of your chest.


^ Close-grip EZ bar press Lie flat on a bench as you hoist the bar over your chest. Use a narrow grip and perform the exercise as instructed. (This variation is great as a burn out or finisher, and may help lifters who have existing wrist issues.)

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