Parc de la Ciutadella

J7 Passeig de Picasso 21 q Barceloneta, Ciutadella-Vila Olímpica, Arc de Triomf, Jaume I

With a boating lake, orange groves and palm trees, this park is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. It was once the site of a massive star-shaped citadel, built for Felipe V, which became a notorious prison under Napoleon. But in 1878 it was pulled down and the park given to the people.

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t Cyclists taking a break in front of the arch that crowns the Cascada

Experience Old Town

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Castell dels Tres Dragons

¢ To the public museuciencies.cat

At the entrance to the Parc de la Ciutadella is the Castell dels Tres Dragons (Castle of the Three Dragons), named after a play by Frederic Soler. A fine example of Modernista architecture, it was built by Lluís Domènech i Montaner for the 1888 Universal Exhibition and the combination of visible iron supports and exposed red brickwork were radical innovations at the time.

Part of the Museu de Ciències Naturals, the Castell is currently closed for renovations.



Located in the northwest corner of the park, opposite the lake, the cascade was the first thing to be built in the newly established park. When it was initially built in 1881, it was very plain in design but the triumphal arch, modelled on Rome’s Trevi Fountain, was added in time for the 1888 Universal Exhibition. The golden figure of Aurora, who represents dawn in Roman mythology, riding four frisky horses crowns this arch. And beneath it is a statue of Venus, goddess of love, standing on an open clam with her arms raised aloft. It is from this figure that the water seems to tumble down a mossy bank.


Museu Martorell

¢ To the public museuciencies.cat

Part of the Museu de Ciències Naturals, the Museu Martorell opened in 1882 and was the first building in Barcelona to be constructed expressly for the purpose of housing a public museum.

The building is currently closed to the public for extensive renovations and a reopening date remains to be announced.

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Hivernacle and Umbracle

Beside the Museu Martorell, you’ll find the Hivernacle (conservatory) and Umbracle (palm house), which both date from 1884 and were designed for the 1888 Universal Exhibition. The Hivernacle, designed by Josep Amargós, has a soaring glass-roofed terrace, while the Umbracle, imagined by the park’s architect Josep Fontseré, houses a café where you can take a break, surrounded by tropical plants.


The Boating Lake

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t Spending a sunny day on the park's tree-fringed boating lake

Although it’s not nearly as dramatic as the cascade, the boating lake is a similarly iconic element of the park. The lake is fringed by palm trees and willows that overhang the water’s edge. The only interruptions to the peaceful scene are the little green boats.

Did You Know?

As a young student, Antoni Gaudí helped Josep Fontseré build the triumphal arch on the Cascada.



Park Activities

Rowing a Boat

On a sunny day, why not hire a rowing boat, and head out on the lake? The boats are particularly popular on Sunday afternoons, so arrive early to beat the crowds.


Hire a bicycle from Happy Rental Bike to cover as much ground as possible (www.happyrentalbike.com).


Groups of people swing or tap dance on the bandstand every Sunday afternoon.

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