About the Author


Dikshant Shahi is a software engineer with expertise in developing search engines and enterprise applications using Java technologies. He is currently working as a solution architect at The Digital Group, focusing on developing a suite for advanced text processing and for incorporating semantic capabilities in Apache Solr.

Dikshant developed interest in search engines during his college days, where he submitted his thesis on developing a personality-based search engine. In his first job, he initially worked on developing enterprise applications and then on a project to build a distributed log processing search engine. After evaluating various alternatives, Apache Solr was chosen. It was Solr 1.3 and the year 2008, and his journey with Solr began. Since then, he has developed several search engines catering to industries including e-commerce, healthcare, music, mobile, manufacturing, and legal. He has worked on diverse problems related to full-text and metadata search, textual fingerprinting, log processing, and analytics.

He loves coding and building disruptive systems. He is the developer of TripBuddy, a chatbot that answers your travel questions, which won the Tnooz Travel Hackathon. He has keen interest in the fields of information retrieval, natural language processing, and machine learning. When not at work, you can find him backpacking solo!

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