© Paul Bradt and David Bradt 2020
P. Bradt, D. BradtScience and Engineering Projects Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pihttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5811-8_7

7. Light and Imaging Projects

Paul Bradt1  and David Bradt2
Houston, TX, USA
Houston, USA

The objective of this chapter is to gain insight into how light provides us with heat and when reflected off the moon or other celestial objects provides beautiful images. With regard to the latter, this chapter teaches novice astronomers how to develop a modern, automated imaging system for a telescope through two projects.

The first project demonstrates how to use an Arduino with a unique light sensor to gain an understanding of radiation heat transfer. The second project uses a Raspberry Pi and its camera to capture unique images to study the moon and several planets.

These concepts associated with light and imaging will provide inspiration and guidance for novice astronomers and heat transfer engineers, who would like to improve their ability to measure energy in light or capture images of the moon, planets, and other celestial points of interest.

Radiation Heat Transfer

Most of the heat comes to our planet from the sun via light and the radiation method of heat transfer. On a cold morning, it feels very nice to stand in the sunlight. There is a lot of heat energy in sunlight, and it is mostly transmitted via the visible and infrared wavelengths of light. This project uses a very unique sensor along with the Arduino to measure both infrared and visible light.


Develop an understanding of light and radiation heat transfer.


Using the Arduino and a unique light sensor to capture light intensity.


Conversion of radiation data to Lux in the code and estimation of radiation heat transfer directly from the sun or through a window with a reflective coating.

This project utilizes a very unique new sensor from Adafruit, the TSL 2591. It uses two photodiodes to measure various wavelengths of light. One photodiode is sensitive to infrared only, and the other is sensitive to visible light, infrared, and the full spectrum of light. This incredibly low-cost device then compares and integrates those measurements to calculate Lux (which is defined as lumens/square meter) and outputs values for visible and infrared light.

The purpose of this experiment is to estimate how much heat via radiation from the sun is transferred into a house through a window.

The parts needed are
  • Arduino Uno

  • Adafruit light sensor, TSL 2591 luminosity sensor

  • Window

  • Optional: Reflective window covering material

  • Miscellaneous wires and proto-board

Figures 7-1 and 7-2 show the system set up in front of a window for the purpose of measuring the radiation heat transfer with and without the window closed.
Figure 7-1

Open Window

Figure 7-2

Closed Window

Figure 7-3 shows the schematic and connections of the TSL 2591 light sensor to the Arduino.
Figure 7-3

Light Sensor Schematic

Listing 7-1 has only very slight modifications to fit in this book. It is also configured to accept bright light. The new TSL 2591 sensor and this code work very well. It is a very amazing device to measure light in all kinds of conditions.

The Adafruit_Sensor.h and Adafruit_TSL2591.h libraries are needed for this code.


The code that is bold below is on one line and should not overwrap when typed into the IDE.

//SN108 minor modifications by Paul Bradt to
//Original code on Adafruit site
// TSL2591 Digital Light Sensor
// Dynamic Range: 600M:1
// Maximum Lux: 88K
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include "Adafruit_TSL2591.h"
// Example for demonstrating the TSL2591 library –
// public domain!
// connect SCL to I2C Clock
// connect SDA to I2C Data
// connect Vin to 3.3-5V DC
// connect GROUND to common ground
Adafruit_TSL2591 tsl = Adafruit_TSL2591(2591);
// pass in a number for the sensor identifier (for
// your use later)
//Displays some basic information on this sensor//from the unified sensor API sensor_t type (see//Adafruit_Sensor for more information)
void displaySensorDetails(void)
  sensor_t sensor;
  Serial.print  (F("Sensor:       "));
  Serial.print  (F("Driver Ver:   "));
  Serial.print  (F("Unique ID:    "));
  Serial.print  (F("Max Value:    "));
  Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Min Value:    "));
  Serial.println(F(" lux"));
  Serial.print  (F("Resolution:   "));
  Serial.print(sensor.resolution, 4);
  Serial.println(F(" lux"));
//Configures the gain and integration time for the//TSL2591
void configureSensor(void)
  // You can change the gain on the fly, to adapt to
  //brighter/dimmer light situations
  tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_LOW);//1x gain
  //(Use line above for bright light)
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_MED);      // 25x gain
  //tsl.setGain(TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH);   // 428x gain
  // Changing the integration time gives you a longer
  //time over which to sense light
  // longer timelines are slower, but are good in
  // very low light situations!
  // Use line above for bright light
  // shortest integration time (bright light)
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS);
  // tsl.setTiming(TSL2591_INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS);
  // longest integration time (dim light)
  //Display the gain and integration time for
  //reference sake
  Serial.print  (F("Gain:         "));
  tsl2591Gain_t gain = tsl.getGain();
    case TSL2591_GAIN_LOW:
      Serial.println(F("1x (Low)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MED:
      Serial.println(F("25x (Medium)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_HIGH:
      Serial.println(F("428x (High)"));
    case TSL2591_GAIN_MAX:
      Serial.println(F("9876x (Max)"));
  Serial.print  (F("Timing:       "));
  Serial.print((tsl.getTiming() + 1) * 100, DEC);
  Serial.println(F(" ms"));
    Program entry point for the Arduino sketch
void setup(void)
  Serial.println(F("Starting TSL2591 Test!"));
  if (tsl.begin())
    Serial.println(F("Found a TSL2591 sensor"));
    Serial.println(F("No sensor found ?"));
    while (1);
  /* Display some basic information on this sensor */
  /* Configure the sensor */
  // Now we're ready to get readings ... move on to
//Shows how to perform a basic read on visible,//full spectrum or infrared light (returns raw 16-//bit ADC values)
void simpleRead(void)
  // Simple data read example. Just read the
  //infrared, fullspecrtrum diode
  // or 'visible' (difference between the two)
  // This can take 100-600 milliseconds! Uncomment
  //whichever of the following you want to read
  uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_VISIBLE);
  //uint16_t x =
  //uint16_t x = tsl.getLuminosity(TSL2591_INFRARED);
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis());
  Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("Luminosity: "));
  Serial.println(x, DEC);
//Show how to read IR and Full Spectrum at once
//and convert to lux
void advancedRead(void)
  // More advanced data read example. Read 32 bits
  // with top 16 bits IR, bottom 16 bits full
  // spectrum.  That way you can do whatever math and
  //comparisons you want!
  uint32_t lum = tsl.getFullLuminosity();
  uint16_t ir, full;
  ir = lum >> 16;
  full = lum & 0xFFFF;
  Serial.print(F("[ ")); Serial.print(millis());
  Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  Serial.print(F("IR: ")); Serial.print(ir);
  Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Full: ")); Serial.print(full);
  Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Visible: "));
  Serial.print(full - ir);
  Serial.print(F("  "));
  Serial.print(F("Lux: "));
  Serial.println(tsl.calculateLux(full, ir), 6);
//Performs a read using the Adafruit Unified
//Sensor API.
void unifiedSensorAPIRead(void)
  /* Get a new sensor event */
  sensors_event_t event;
  //Display the results (light is measured in lux)
  Serial.print(F("[ "));
  Serial.print(F(" ms ] "));
  if ((event.light == 0) |
      (event.light > 4294966000.0) |
      (event.light <-4294966000.0))
    // If event.light = 0 lux the sensor is probably
    // saturated and no reliable data could be
    // generated!
    // if event.light is +/- 4294967040 there was a
    // float over/underflow
    Serial.println(F("Invalid adjust gain_timing"));
    Serial.println(F(" lux"));
void loop(void)
  // unifiedSensorAPIRead();
Listing 7-1

Arduino SN108_TSL2591 Light Sensor Code

Table 7-1 shows the data captured on a sunny day. The raw visible and infrared light was captured with the window open, and then the data was observed when the window was closed. The window had a reflective film on it to reduce the light coming through it.
Table 7-1

Example Radiation Heat Transfer Data


Avg IR

Avg Visible

Sum of IR + Visible

Improvement with Covering

Raw sunlight





Window w/ reflective covering




70% reduction

Analysis of Heat Transfer

The authors then used the preceding data to develop an analysis of the heat transferred through a window. This can be used to do design trades of the number and size of windows. Another study could look at which direction a building or home faces and how many windows are located on the south-facing walls.

Start with the equation of the solar radiation hitting the Earth:
  • dq/dt = (1000 W/m2) ϵ A cos Ѳ

For this experiment, the 1000 W/m2 value will be adjusted based on the visible and infrared readings taken from the sensor:
  • dq/dt = (Window Reduction Factor) (1000 W/m2) ϵ A cos Ѳ

  • Window Reduction Factor = (1 -0.7) = 0.3 from observations

  • ϵ = 0.96 for a white-painted surface

  • A = 1 m2 using a square meter which can easily be scaled up or down for larger or smaller areas

Assume a 30-degree incidence of light hitting the window.

Calculate the heat transfer for the window with reflective coating with reduction factor:
  • dq/dt = (0.30) (1000) (0.96) (1) cos 30 = 249 watts for one m2

Calculate the heat transfer for the raw sunlight with no reduction factor:
  • dq/dt = (1000) (0.96) (1) cos 30 = 831 watts for one m2

Taking this analysis one step further for a large house with six windows that are 2 m2, the heat transfer rate would be, at this time of day with this angle of incidence, 6 × 2 × 831 watts, or approximately 10,000 watts. That is a lot of heat entering through those windows.

Adding the reflective coating reduces that to 3000 watts which is a lot less but still quite a bit of energy.

Engineers can use analysis like this to ensure the air-conditioning system is sized properly and provides adequate cooling on hot days.

Radiation Heat Transfer Recap

The preceding data shows how beneficial from a heat transfer perspective using windows with reflective coatings can be to reduce the amount of solar radiation (heat) that enters a window. It can also be utilized to estimate the amount of heat contribution and develop changes to the number and size of windows when designing a building or house.

Astrophotography with the Raspberry Pi Camera

This project shows another way to use sunlight as it is reflected off other planets which can be captured here on Earth using telescopes. This project also demonstrates an innovative concept and a great example of dedicating a low-cost Raspberry Pi to a permanent task by converting it into a modern astrophotographic machine. Figure 7-4 is one of the first images the authors captured with the Raspberry Pi 3 telescope system, and it just made them want to capture more examples.
Figure 7-4

Image the Authors Captured of the Moon with Raspberry Pi and Telescope

This final project shows how to attach the Raspberry Pi to some older telescopes to convert them to nice modern imaging machines. The first subsection shows how a Raspberry Pi camera system can be added to a Meade ETX-60AT telescope. This is a very nice little scope that has a controller and a drive system that will keep it tracking the object despite the Earth’s rotation. The second subsection attaches the same Raspberry Pi camera system to a standard 4 ½-inch reflector telescope.


Develop an understanding of astronomy, the moon, and planets.


Using the Raspberry Pi and its camera along with telescopes to gather images of astronomical items. Planning and building a complex system. Learning how to use a 3D printer.


Develop an understanding of how mathematics is used to ensure multiple assemblies fit together.


This section is a great example of the difference between engineering and science. The majority of this section covers the engineering needed to develop this unique combination of modern Raspberry Pi technology with two different older telescopes. These devices are then used by the scientist to explore astronomy, gather data, and capture beautiful images of the moon and the two largest planets.

The first subsections describe how to do the setup of the Meade ETX-60AT telescope and the 4 ½-inch reflector telescope. They also highlight the code that operates the cameras to take both still images and videos. The later subsections show how to build the components for these complex but very useful devices. In the “Appendix” section, there is information regarding the Meade ETX-60AT telescope. This telescope is no longer available from the manufacturer, but the reader may be able to obtain one on eBay or some other similar telescope.


The section “Astrophotography with the Raspberry Pi Camera” is presented in reverse order; it may be confusing at first, but the reason for this is to help the reader understand the final goal first and then explain how the authors reached that goal. The objective of this project is to set up an astrophotography telescope system that is adaptable to different telescopes and easy to use.

The following is a list of the subsections, and the reader may want to jump around them based on their interest:
  • 7.2.1: Assembling the Meade ETX-60AT and Raspberry Pi

  • 7.2.2: Assembling the 4 ½-Inch Reflector Telescope and the Raspberry Pi

  • 7.2.3: Basic Raspistill Previewing an Image with the Terminal Command Line

  • 7.2.4: Astrophotography Raspberry Pi Python GUI

  • 7.2.5: Assembling the Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen in the Case

  • 7.2.6: Camera Modifications, Camera Case, and Power Cables

  • 7.2.7: Building the Shelf for the Meade ETX-60AT

  • 7.2.8: Helpful Hints Using the Telescope and Raspberry Pi

  • 7.2.9: Example Images and Enhancing Them Using a Video Capture GUI

Assembling the Meade ETX-60AT and Raspberry Pi

The individual pieces (telescope, Raspberry Pi/touchscreen/case, and the shelf) have their own sections later that describe them. The following diagrams in this section show how the major pieces are assembled.

The authors tried to modularize the system so that it can quickly be assembled or disassembled. One unique feature of this design is the Raspberry Pi 3 system can be removed with one screw and set up as its own work station to review and select the pictures remotely from the telescope. Note that in the top view in Figure 7-5, the telescope and support yokes are not shown.
Figure 7-5

Top View of the Shelf and Raspberry Pi

Figure 7-6 shows the assembled system with identification labels for the components.
Figure 7-6

Assembled Raspberry Pi, Shelf, and Telescope

After all key components are built, the astronomer should follow these seven steps to assemble the system:
  1. 1.

    Insert AA batteries into the telescope (Figure 7-7) in accordance with the telescope instructions. Because of their location, under the shelf, the batteries need to be inserted first.

  2. 2.

    Attach the Raspberry Pi 3 and case to the shelf (Figure 7-8).

  3. 3.

    Slide the shelf through the telescope yoke (Figure 7-9).

  4. 4.

    Place the movable clamp against the front of the yoke and screw in the eye bolt through the movable clamp into the RIVNUT angle bracket (Figure 7-9).

  5. 5.

    Tighten the eye bolt until the clamp secures the shelf in place.

  6. 6.

    Insert the Raspberry Pi 3 camera case into the telescope eyepiece (Figure 7-10).

  7. 7.

    Follow the Meade telescope setup instructions to enable star tracking. Now it is ready to start capturing beautiful images!

Figure 7-7

Battery Installation in Meade Telescope

Figure 7-8

Attaching Raspberry Pi to Shelf

Figure 7-9

Tightening the Clamp with the Eye Bolt

Figure 7-10

Insert Pi Camera Case into Eyepiece

Astrophotography Meade ETX-60AT Setup Recap

The small size of the Meade ETX-60AT with the Raspberry Pi attached to it is perfect for an amateur astronomer as it can be left set up. It has a small footprint, takes a small space, and is ready to go at a moment’s notice!

Assembling the 4 1/2-Inch Reflector Telescope and the Raspberry Pi

This section shows the same Raspberry Pi system mounted to a different telescope using a body mount method. It uses a system that mounts the Raspberry Pi 3 using a 5-inch hose clamp and a few pieces of ½ × 3/16-inch wood to the body of the telescope tube. The Raspberry Pi 3 and touchscreen were too heavy to body mount to the Meade ETX-60AT as the motors were not strong enough to move it. However, it works very well on this non-powered old reflector telescope.

The following images show the greater magnification a more powerful telescope provides compared to the images of the moon from the smaller Meade ETX-60AT. The authors included some other images here too from this old telescope and an explanation of how they accomplished them. Then enhancement is provided in the section “Example Images and Enhancing Them Using a Video Capture GUI.”

Figure 7-11 is a beautiful image of the Sea of Serenity taken with the 4 ½-inch reflector.
Figure 7-11

Moon: Sea of Serenity Image from 4 ½-Inch Reflector, April 8, 2018

The next image, Figure 7-12, is of Saturn taken using this system.
Figure 7-12

Saturn from 4 ½-Inch Reflector, April 11, 2018

Figure 7-13 shows an image of Saturn that was taken from a video and processed per the steps listed in the section “Example Images and Enhancing Them Using a Video Capture GUI”.
Figure 7-13

Enhanced Saturn Image from 4 1/2-Inch Reflector, April 25, 2018

Figure 7-14 is an image of Jupiter from a video that was taken with the 4 ½-inch reflector and enhanced using the techniques outlined in Section 7.2.9. It was the first time from this 40-year-old telescope the authors had been able to discern the great red spot!
Figure 7-14

Enhanced Jupiter Image from 4 1/2-Inch Reflector, May 4, 2018

Components Needed to Assemble the Raspberry Pi 3 Mounting System to the 4 1/2-Inch Telescope

This system is relatively simple and does not require as complex a system to mount the Raspberry Pi 3 as the Meade ETX-60AT telescope; see Figures 7-15 through 7-19 for details on the mounting system and that will allow attaching a Raspberry Pi to this older telescope.
Figure 7-15

4 1/2-Inch Reflector with Raspberry Pi

Figure 7-16

Hose Clamp for Body-Mounted Raspberry Pi 3

Figure 7-17

Close-Up of Body-Mounted Version

Figure 7-18

Body-Mounted Raspberry Pi System

Figure 7-19

Parts for the Body Mount System

Sighting this telescope on a distant planet like Saturn is a little difficult. The authors found it best to find it first with the eyepiece, then remove it, and insert the Raspberry Pi camera to get the image. Due to the Earth’s rotation, the image moves rather quickly across the telescope’s view, so the astronomer will need to install the Pi camera and take the image quickly.

After adding the Raspberry Pi and camera, the 4 1/2-inch reflector telescope is now set up and ready to take some pictures of the larger planets.

Reflector Telescope Setup Recap

Turning these two older telescopes into modern astrophotography machines was a real joy. The next sections detail first a simple method without programing to start taking images. Later sections detail how to program two GUIs for easy picture and video captures. The final sections provide details on building the complex shelf set up to attach the Raspberry Pi to the Meade ETX-60AT.

Basic Raspistill Previewing an Image with the Terminal Command Line

If the reader is not interested in programming the Raspberry Pi, these first methods using built-in tools and simple commands in the terminal are perfect for using the system right away. Later sections provide code that creates a nice GUI. One other use for Raspistill is to test the Raspberry Pi camera and the telescope system to make sure it is functioning before starting to work on the GUI described in later sections.

The first method that the authors used to capture images is the onboard program named Raspistill. Todd Franke provided the info on how to use this very useful tool.

Using Raspistill requires a keyboard to type in commands in the terminal program command line. This is very similar to using the old DOS program line. Using a keyboard is a little awkward when the scope is outside and it’s dark. Functionally however, the program works very well. See Figure 7-20 for the terminal input.
Figure 7-20

Raspistill Typed into Terminal Command Line

Figure 7-20 previews an image for an extended period of time. In this example, the program previews images for 100,000 milliseconds (i.e., 100 seconds) or a little more than 1 1/2 minutes. If you just want to show the image to others, this might be a nice long view.

The preview length shown at the top of the screen to the right uses the following command:
Raspistill –t 100000.

If the astronomer is planning to take a number of photos, this might be too long, and the time can be shortened. If no time is specified, it previews for 5 seconds.


Having the preview for an extended period is a great way to focus the telescope. In the case of the Meade telescope, the focus knob is at the end of the body tube and moves the front lens forward and backward.

Using Raspistill to Capture an Image

Another way to use Raspistill is to capture an image. The following needs to be typed into the terminal command line:
raspistill -o cam.jpg

Raspberry Pi 3 saves an image with the name cam.jpg. The following site provides additional information regarding using Raspistill including how to add a time stamp to the image captured:


More Advanced Raspistill Input Without a Keyboard

The authors also came up with a way to input the commands using only a mouse. This is a lot less awkward outside at night during an observation session. It requires some setup time prior to the observation session. The astronomer uses either the simple text editor or a program on the Pi called Libre Word Processor. Use these programs to set up the Raspistill commands in a file. Using only a mouse, the astronomer can open the document file and then highlight, copy, and paste the text command into the command line. This capability simplifies and reduces commanding time. The no-keyboard configuration may also make it easier to operate outside during an observation session.

One important trick to make this work is inserting a return or a line break at the end of the line of code. The astronomer is able to shorten the time it takes to use the Raspistill commands by typing them in by performing the following steps:
  1. 1.

    Save the document on the Raspberry Pi desktop.

  2. 2.

    Open the document.

  3. 3.

    Open the terminal command line.

  4. 4.

    Copy and paste the line and the line break into the command line in the terminal program.

The results of these steps can be seen in Figure 7-21.
Figure 7-21

Copy and Paste Commands into Script Line

The authors used these stored commands:
  raspistill – t 70000
  raspistill –t 10000
  raspistill –o pic20.jpg
 raspistill –o pic30.jpg

The first two of these commands turn the preview on for 10,000 or 70,000 milliseconds, which is equivalent to 10 or 70 seconds. The 70 seconds is probably needed to focus the object. The 10 seconds is enough to look quickly before taking a picture and to ensure the object is still in view or in focus. The next two commands take a picture. It names the file image pic20.jpg or pic30.jpg.

The astronomer will need to change the file name or move these files from the Raspberry Pi, or the Raspistill will overwrite them the next time you run these lines of code.

The astronomer can insert his/her own code into the command file if some other name is desired.

Raspistill Image Capture Recap

Since the Raspberry Pi is a full-blown computer, there are already built-in tools that the reader can access and use. If the reader would like to automate taking images, the next section provides code to develop a GUI using the built-in Tkinter module.

Astrophotography Raspberry Pi Python GUI

The authors wanted to minimize working on coding, yet provide an easy way to operate the Raspberry Pi 3 camera and functionally provide great images, such as that shown in Figure 7-4. There are sites that provide excellent information regarding GUIs and the Raspberry Pi 3 camera, and they can aid in minimizing programming and provide useful and easy methods to operate the telescope with a Raspberry Pi 3. For other astronomers who are interested in more intricate or elaborate coding, there are sites that may provide starting points to develop their own version.

The following site provides the astronomer with a good basic understanding of how to set up a GUI to command the Raspberry Pi 3 to perform a desired function and was the starting point for the authors’ code in Listing 7-2:


This site contains a very impressive GUI design for operating the Raspberry Pi camera, for those who want to adjust and manipulate the image:


The authors chose a more modest path and created the following code that runs in Tkinter and uses the Pi camera program to capture and display the images shown in this book. Figure 7-22 shows this very straightforward GUI. It reminds the authors of the view screen on the bridge of the Enterprise in the Star Trek in the original series TV shows!
Figure 7-22

GUI for Raspberry Pi Camera

The code shown in Listing 7-2 has three main parts:
  1. 1.

    The first part is setting up the Tkinter main window and camera basic functions.

  2. 2.

    The second part of the program initializes the widgets that run the commands when you click the buttons.

  3. 3.

    The third part configures how the window should look. Once that is complete, root.main loop () starts up the program and will not run or load anything after that point.

The faint numbers are line numbers for the code; they need to be deleted if the reader copies this code. Be sure that the indention for the program is identical to what is shown in the following. The indention is how the Python compiler knows what is in scope or not.
0 #Code Developed by Paul Bradt
1 import tkinter as tk
2 import picamera
3 import os
4 import traceback
5 import datetime
6 import time
7 import sys
8 pwd = os.getcwd()
9 root = tk.Tk() #makes the window
10 root.geometry('200x1100+0+0')# Z x Y is how big window is and +0+0 is where window starts
11 camera = picamera.PiCamera()
12 root.wm_title("Camera GUI Program") #Makes the title that will appear      in the top left
13 root.config(background = "#FFFFFF") #Sets background color to white
14 #put widgets here
15 def previewcapture():
16                camera.start_preview (fullscreen=False,window = (200,0,1100,640))
17 def picapture():
18        try:
19               now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%F -- %X") + '.jpg'
20              debugLog.insert(0.0, "Date Initialization Done ")
21               debugLog.insert(0.0, now + " ")
22               time.sleep(5)
23                camera.capture(now, format = 'jpeg')
24                debugLog.insert(0.0, "Camera Capture Done ")
25        except:
26                print(traceback.format_exc( limit=10))
27 def stopcapture():
28        camera.stop_preview()
29 #Main Frame and its contents
30 mainFrame = tk.Frame(root, width=200, height = 900)
31 mainFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=2)
32 btnFrame = tk.Frame(mainFrame, width=200, height = 200)
33 btnFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
34 debugLog = tk.Text(mainFrame, width = 20, height = 10, takefocus=0)
35 debugLog.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
36 previewBtn = tk.Button(btnFrame, text="Start Preview", command=previewcapture)
37 previewBtn.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
38 cameraBtn = tk.Button(btnFrame, text="Take a Picture", command=picapture)
39 cameraBtn.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
40 stopBtn = tk.Button(btnFrame, text="Close Preview", command=stopcapture)
41 stopBtn.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
42 root.mainloop() #start monitoring and updating the GUI. Nothing  below here runs.
Listing 7-2

Raspberry Pi Code PI_SN003_Astrophotograhy_Image Capture

The light-gray numbers at the start of the line represent the line of code and are not in the program.

Make sure this code is saved in a file as “your file name here.py” for Python and saved in the main folder.

Initiating the GUI

  1. 1.

    Open Programming and then open Python.

  2. 2.

    Open the file that contains the preceding program.

  3. 3.

    Open Run and then Run module.


The authors learned these tips and tricks while developing this code.

If for some reason the window does not show up, it may be outside the view of the monitor. The following part of the code

sets the location of the GUI at 200 × 1100 pixel sizes. It is the window size, and +0+0 is the x–y position using pixels again. The code may need to be adjusted to move the location to a different one. The authors wrote this code to match the 7-inch touchscreen. For other monitor sizes, the programmer may need to change the position and size to fit.

The authors found that the touchscreen can be used to take a picture, but it might set up a vibration and potentially blur the image. Using a wireless mouse prevented that from happening.

PI_SN003 Raspberry PI GUI Recap

This program PI_SN003 is very easy to use during an observation session. It lets you observe the object constantly, and then when the perfect image appears, with a simple click of the mouse you capture a fantastic image!

Assembling the Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen in the Case

There is a bit of engineering required to develop the system that connects the Raspberry Pi to the Meade ETX-60AT. The first part is the housing and touchscreen which is a nice package for the system. The second part shows how to 3D print the Pi camera case. The final part is the shelf bracket that grips the telescope and holds the Raspberry Pi/touchscreen assembly.

Raspberry Pi, Touchscreen, and Case

This section describes the assembly of the Raspberry Pi, touchscreen, and housing for them. One of the key features for this project is the touchscreen to show the image to ensure it is in focus. The 7-inch screen is an excellent choice for this application, as it is large with good contrast and definition. The authors found a case they liked that nicely integrated the touchscreen and the Raspberry Pi 3. It was also easy to modify the case with a single hole and add a RIVNUT to attach it to the shelf.

The parts needed are
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (≈$25)

  • Raspberry Pi 7-inch touchscreen (≈$80)

  • Raspberry Pi camera V2 (≈$30)

  • Premium case for Raspberry Pi 7-inch touchscreen (≈$17); Digi-key part#: ASM-1900035-21

  • Camera cable, 12 inches long (≈$2)

  • Two 5-volt Raspberry Pi power supplies with a micro-USB connector (≈2 × $7.50)

  • Cable wrap to combine power supply cords ($3)

  • 8-32 RIVNUT

  • 8-32 × ¾ flat head screw

Total cost ≈ $185

For remote operations where there is no power, the reader may want to use a power inverter. It is a device that plugs into a lighter connection in a car and changes the DC to AC and can power the Raspberry Pi and touchscreen. The authors needed this device to capture the eclipse images. The model used was the remote operations power inverter ($35), Wagan Tech part number: SmartAC 200 USB+.

Modification of the Case and Assembly

The authors made two modifications to the Raspberry Pi 3 case. The first is drilling a hole so that the RIVNUT could be attached. A RIVNUT, as seen in Figure 7-23, is a unique device which is installed like a rivet and therefore is locked to the housing. Internally, it has female threads so that a screw can be threaded into it. The installation procedure is shown in Figure 7-24.
Figure 7-23


Figure 7-24

RIVNUT Installation Procedure

Figure 7-25 shows it installed in the Raspberry Pi touchscreen case.
Figure 7-25

RIVNUT Installed in the Case

An alternative to the RIVNUT approach is to simply glue a small nut inside the case using epoxy. This should be adequate to apply enough torque to secure the Raspberry Pi to the shelf.

One other important aspect is to apply tape over the end of the RIVNUT. This will catch any potential metal shavings when the screw is threaded into the case, clamping it down. Metal shavings could potentially short out circuit paths or connections which could damage the Raspberry Pi.

The second modification was gluing a small piece of plastic to the inside of the case to aid in restraining the ribbon cable as it twists to exit the case; this can be seen in Figure 7-26.
Figure 7-26

Modification to the Case Backplate

As a reminder, the touchscreen and case the authors selected result in the image being upside down initially. The following command must be added to the CONFIG.TXT file:

The case comes with instructions regarding this modification to the Raspberry Pi 3 setup.

Components and Assembly of the Raspberry Pi Case Recap

This case was perfect for this application; it had a great place to use for mounting to the shelf and contained the touchscreen and the Raspberry Pi. It has been used on many observation outings with no issues.

Camera Modifications, Camera Case, and Power Cables

The telescope becomes the lens for the Raspberry Pi camera, so the lens that comes with the camera must be removed. This section also describes making the camera case using 3D printing and the final assembly of the camera/case.

Camera Modifications

It is a little tricky, because two tools are needed to carefully remove the lens. One set of pliers holds the outside of the camera, and then the lens must be rotated out with forceps or another small tool (Figure 7-27).
Figure 7-27

Removing the Lens from Pi Camera

Building the Camera Case

3D printing is an awesome technique that provides a unique way to create many different shaped parts. This is similar to the replicators in the original Star Trek series. Many creator spaces online can help a person develop parts using the 3D printing process. Mitch Long was very helpful in showing the authors how to create these camera cases.

The first step is to use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a virtual model. The next step is to load that model in the correct format into the 3D printer, which uses a device that heats a material so that it flows easily. It precisely controls laying the melted material, layer upon layer, leaving voids in accordance with the input model, and gradually shaping the object until completion in each dimension. Hence, the process actually creates a 3D hardware object using a procedure that is partially analogous to ordinary paper printing.

The authors used a CAD program (see Appendix) to design and build the Raspberry Pi camera case. They output it in an STL format and took that (Figures 7-28 to 7-31) to a local library that had a 3D printer (MakerBot Replicator2). In about an hour, the basic part was completed.
Figure 7-28

Camera Case for Raspberry Pi, Ready for 3D Printing

Figure 7-29

3D Printed Camera Case (Dimensions in Inches)

Figure 7-30

3D Printer: Camera Case Taking Shape

Figure 7-31

Cleaning Up the 3D Printed Camera Case

The authors then drilled and tapped four holes for a flat cover plate as illustrated in Figures 7-32, 7-33, and 7-34, and the camera case was nearly ready to be used.
Figure 7-32

Camera Case Cover (Dimensions in Inches)

Figure 7-33

Drilling Screw Holes in the Camera Case

Figure 7-34

Tapping the Screw Holes in the Camera Case

The authors have uploaded their Pi camera case to Thingiverse, which is a repository of 3D files. The authors created both a version for the Meade ETX-60AT (1 ¼-inch diameter) and the 4 ½-inch telescope (1-inch diameter). The files are located at the following site:


Figure 7-28 shows the image of the camera case in the CAD program.

The dimensions for the camera case are shown in Figure 7-29.


Drawings in this book may not be to scale.

The camera case is starting to take shape in Figure 7-30.

The material used to print the camera case was standard black PLA (polylactic acid) which is a common material for 3D printers. The MakerBot slicer software sets up the file for 3D printing. The slicer software used by the authors is CURA. A few parameters are set that relate to the fill and the supports. To minimize material, the shape is mostly hollow. The fill percentage creates a honeycomb structure inside the shape. The authors set it at 20% since it will be drilled and tapped. Typically the fill is set at 10%. Another setting that was selected is to add supports; these keep a section with nothing under it from collapsing as it cools. The supports will need to be removed after the shape is finished printing as seen in Figure 7-31.

If the reader does not have access to a 3D printer, there are several companies that will (for a fee) print out an object. Shapeways is one: www.shapeways.com.

Figure 7-31 shows how the case comes from the printer and the items that need to removed. The first step is to remove what is called the raft. It is the plate that the 3D printer puts down first and ensures the print has a solid base to prevent warping. The next step is to remove the supports which were located in the square box of the camera case.

To finish the camera case, cut a small styrene sheet (0.030 inches thick) of plastic 1 ½ × 1 ½ inches square (Figure 7-32). Draw lines that guide where the holes will be drilled. If you use the authors’ 3D case on Thingiverse, the holes should be approximately 0.095 inches in from the edge.

Tape the cover in place on the camera case (Figure 7-33) and drill through the cover plate, keeping the drill bit perpendicular to the plate. When the drill penetrates the cover plate, it leaves a mark where the hole will be drilled in the case. The reader can use extra 2-56 tap drill bits to help with alignment by placing them in each hole as it is drilled to keep the parts lined up. Otherwise, make sure the tape keeps the plate from shifting when drilling the next hole.

The authors cut a small notch in the cover and the case to guide the assembly. This is done while the tape is still in place and helps to ensure the cover can be placed in the correct orientation later, so that the holes line up properly after the tape is removed. Tap the holes using a 2-56 tap. Then the last modification is to file a slight gap for the camera cable to pass through. See Figures 7-33 and 7-34.

Final Assembly of the Camera in the Case

Finally, add two pieces of double-sided foam tape to help prevent the camera from shifting in the case (Figures 7-35 and 7-36). Then insert the camera into the case and tighten the screws. Make sure the camera does not shift out of the hole. The foam tape may not be tall enough to adhere to the case, so you may need two layers or put it on the cover plate.
Figure 7-35

Foam Tape on Raspberry Pi Camera

Figure 7-36

Final Assembly of Camera into Case

However, if the astronomer does not want to utilize 3D printing for the camera case, the following web site describes a unique way to build up a similar case using a large modified SD card case and a piece of PVC pipe to construct it:


Power Cord Combination

The final aspect is a modification the authors made to the Raspberry Pi astrophotography system after using it for a short time. There are two power cables: one for the Raspberry Pi and the other for the touchscreen. They were constantly getting tangled up. The authors decided to wrap the two power cables with the slit cable wrap. This effectively created one power cable. See Figure 7-37. It significantly improved setup and cord entanglement issues.
Figure 7-37

Power Cable Wrap

Camera, Camera Case, and Power Cord Assembly Recap

This section outlines all of the changes needed to set up and assemble these key components for the Raspberry Pi astrophotography system.

Building the Shelf for the Meade ETX-60AT

This section describes the steps needed to construct the shelf assembly which contains the clamping device that provides a secure mounting place for the Raspberry Pi to the Meade ETX-60AT telescope. The shelf assembly makes a self-contained, easily transported setup for the telescope and Raspberry Pi combination. This shelf requires a bit of woodworking skills, but each step is described. It provides the base for mounting the Raspberry Pi on and then using a clamp system that attaches it to Meade ETX-60AT. Building this requires a bit of engineering skills, using mathematics to lay out the hole patterns, and some manufacturing skills to fabricate the parts. Each section shows the steps required to build each part. There are four main parts: the shelf, fixed clamp, movable clamp, and eye screw/bracket (see Figures 7-38 and 7-39).
Figure 7-38

Assembled Shelf

Figure 7-39

Shelf Pieces

The shelf assembly is made up of the subassemblies shown in Figure 7-39. Each component will be described in detail in the next few sections. It may look somewhat complex, but it is really straightforward.

As always, safety first when using saws and tools, especially if the reader is not familiar with their operation. Remember to use hearing protection and safety glasses when using power tools such as saws and drills. Inexperienced young astronomers should get assistance from an adult or visit a maker group. These are groups around the country and are set up to aid people who want to learn how to make things.

Figure 7-40 shows the two areas that due to rotation of the scope to the vertical (overhead viewing) position may need some clearance added to the shelf and the fixed clamp. The authors did this, but the reader may find it unnecessary.
Figure 7-40

Areas Modified to Ensure Clearance

Plywood shelf base

Material: 3/16-inch-thick plywood, 3 5/8 inches wide by 13 inches long

After the shelf is cut to size, the astronomer must modify it slightly by milling out a small area for clearance of the end of the telescope. The authors used a Dremel grinder to grind or mill out the clearance area. Figure 7-41 shows the top and bottom views of the shelf base along with the dimensions for the features and holes including the required milled-out area. A summary of the modifications is shown in Figure 7-41.
Figure 7-41

Shelf (Dimensions in Inches)

  1. 1.

    Mill out area for clearance.

  2. 2.

    One Raspberry Pi mounting hole.

  3. 3.

    Two holes for the fixed clamp.

  4. 4.

    One hole for the RIVNUT/bracket.


The authors used flat head screws so the holes must be countersunk on the shelf bottom.

Using the Dremel grinder tool, grind or mill out the clearance area, which is approximately 2 1/8 inches square and approximately 1/16–3/32 inches deep.

Fixed clamp (Figure 7-42)
Figure 7-42

Fixed Clamp

Material: 1/2-inch square wood that is 5 1/2 inches long

Summary of the modifications (See Figure 7-42):
  1. 1.

    Cut the ends at a 45-degree angle.

  2. 2.

    Chamfer one edge for clearance for telescope rotation.

  3. 3.

    Drill clearance holes for screws that are 2 1/8 inches apart and match the two holes in the shelf where the fixed clamp is attached.

Movable clamp (Figure 7-43)
Figure 7-43

Movable Clamp

Material: 1 ½ × 2 ½ × 5 ½-inch wood

Summary of the modifications (See Figure 7-43):
  1. 1.

    Cut the ends at a 45-degree angle.

  2. 2.

    One hole was drilled that matches the height of the RIVNUT/bracket.


The hole needs to be positioned so the movable clamp is slightly above and not resting on the shelf, so it does not drag when the eye bolt is tightened.

Bracket and RIVNUT (Figure 7-44)
Figure 7-44

Angle Bracket with RIVNUT

Material: 1 inch × 1 inch angle bracket and RIVNUT

Summary of the modifications (See Figure 7-44):
  1. 1.

    The hole in the bracket may need to be enlarged slightly for the RIVNUT to fit through prior to being expanded.

  2. 2.

    Install and expand RIVNUT in the same manner completed for the Raspberry Pi case.


Shelf Components and Assembly Recap

This section provides details on how to fabricate and assemble the shelf and the interfaces between the telescope and the Raspberry Pi. It makes a nice integrated package and is easy to assemble.

Helpful Hints Using the Telescope and Raspberry Pi

When the authors started using the astro-Pi telescope, they learned a few tricks and techniques that may be helpful to astronomers and science buffs:
  1. 1.

    Always make sure the telescope lens, camera, and the mirror are clean from debris, so that the astronomer captures a good clean image. The authors had several beautiful pictures ruined because of debris on the mirror that sends the image to the eyepiece.

  2. 2.

    If possible, plan ahead and position needed items for easy access. A table, power cords, and a flashlight are very helpful. Also, have the keyboard handy just in case you need to type in commands. The authors had to reboot the Raspberry Pi 3 during one observation session, because it locked up. They resorted to typing in the commands again.

  3. 3.

    If the astronomer copies and pastes commands into the script line, the authors recommend using the simple text editor rather than the word processor. The text editor seems more robust for setting this up, but you need to press “Enter” at the end of the line and make sure that you copy and paste this keystroke into the script.

  4. 4.

    Chairs for the astronomer and any other viewers make this an enjoyable experience.

  5. 5.

    To protect the touchscreen, the authors left the protective film on it. It did not seem to affect the functionality of the touchscreen and image quality, and it protected it from many bumps and potential scratches that occurred during assembly and use of the scope.

  6. 6.

    When doing the Autostar alignment of the Meade telescope, the authors found it helpful to cover the Raspberry Pi 3 screen with a cloth, because it is so bright that it makes it hard to see where the scope is pointing.

  7. 7.

    The authors sometimes accepted the Autostar alignment without verifying it through the eyepiece. If the telescope was in the general direction toward a bright star, then they accepted it. The fine alignment was done on the moon by loosening the yoke and adjusting it by hand.

  8. 8.

    The batteries for the Meade telescope tended to last no more than two or three observation sessions. It may appear as if it is working, but there may not be enough power to operate the motors in the upright yokes. The scope will rotate horizontally, but not vertically. If the astronomer does a lot of observing, she/he may want to invest in two sets of rechargeable batteries, always prepared to swap out discharged with charged batteries.

  9. 9.

    The authors used a power inverter to power the Raspberry Pi for a remote location. Make sure the configuration is tested before going remote, as it may or may not be able to supply enough current to drive the Raspberry Pi 3 and touchscreen.

    The astronomer may want to try to power the Raspberry Pi 3 and touchscreen from a battery pack. The following web site explains how the astronomer may want to accomplish this goal. The site indicates the screen requires 500 mA and the Raspberry Pi draws 2.5 amps:


    On one remote observation session, the authors powered the Pi using an inverter plugged into the car. The inverter supplied a little over 2 amps, but had some surge capability. It worked fine and ran the system during one observation session for about an hour.

  10. 10.

    When focusing the Meade telescope, the primary lens moves up and down the barrel. As an aid, the authors put a piece of tape on the barrel and marked the location close to the normal focus for the moon. This helped to speed up focusing the scope during an observation session.

  11. 11.

    The astronomer may want to do a screen capture at some point. For the Raspberry Pi 3, the command typed into the terminal program is “scrot,” and it will save the image in the main folder with date and time info in the file name.

  12. 12.

    An important lesson the authors learned is that the Raspberry Pi 3 power supply needs to deliver the amount of current required. The authors used one official Raspberry Pi 3 power supply and one random spare supply. It turned out that spare one would not deliver enough current to the Pi. It worked well for the touchscreen monitor. The system would crash often if the wrong power supply was used to power the Raspberry Pi 3. This caused a lot of challenges until the cause of the crashes was determined and corrected.

  13. 13.

    A wireless mouse eliminated one cable and made the system easier to use outside. The touchscreen can be used to activate the “take picture” button on the GUI, but the astronomer may cause a vibration or other movement when using it and potentially blur the image.

  14. 14.

    The authors had some challenges using a flash drive with the Raspberry Pi. It may be caused by the configuration. Normally the files are not too large, so it is easy to email the images. The authors used Gmail to do this on the Pi.

  15. 15.

    The authors found it very helpful to have a program on their personal computer that helps identify the location of the planets and stars. The program Stellarium, used by the authors, is an open source free code that does a great job: http://stellarium.org/.

  16. 16.

    The authors found the following helpful site while researching this project, which contains a lot of great images and information about the moon: www.alanchuhk.com/.


This book does not focus on how to take videos using this system, but there are real benefits for image enhancement using a video. One way to obtain a video is using the program Raspivid which works in a similar way to Raspistill.

Lessons Learned Recap

After several observation sessions, the authors learned several lessons they wanted to pass on to the reader. These items help to make a fun successful observation session and can improve the experience for everyone involved.

Example Images and Enhancing Them Using a Video Capture GUI

The authors also developed a GUI that will take a video (the code is shown later in this chapter). It is a modification to the authors’ camera GUI. It will create a video file with a unique file format that will need to be converted to standard formats. This is described after the video GUI code.

If the astronomer becomes very interested in cleaning up the images, there is a protocol called Planetary Image Pre-processing and image stacking. It requires a video file and does an amazing job of overlapping and correcting images. There is a short overview of these techniques later in this chapter, but significant detail is beyond the scope of this book. The authors thank Jeff Dunehew for providing the process to use videos to create enhanced images. As the astronomer gains skills with their system, this amazing technology can be explored.

Example Images Taken with the Upgraded Meade ETX-60AT Astrophotography System

The image in Figure 7-45 was taken when the temperature outside was 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and the Raspberry Pi 3 worked well. The crater details near the terminator are fascinating. With a little math, the astronomer might be able to determine a rough height for the crater wall given the known diameter of the moon.
Figure 7-45

Moon on January 13, 2018

Figure 7-46, taken early morning on January 29, 2018, clearly shows Jupiter and three of its moons. One unique historical fact regarding the Jovian moons is that Galileo used them to reason that the Earth orbited the sun. Over time he observed the paths of Jupiter’s moons with respect to the planet. They were not stationary, and the only way he could explain those positional changes was orbital paths around Jupiter. Once he understood the orbital hierarchy of objects in the solar system, he reasoned that a similar orbital path existed in the Earth/sun relationship.
Figure 7-46

Jupiter and Its Three Moons on January 29, 2018

With the Raspberry Pi attached to the telescope, you too can capture sequential images over time and observe phenomena such as the motion of Jupiter’s moons as they orbit the planet just like Galileo.

This set of images (Figure 7-47) of the lunar eclipse was taken on January 31, 2018, just as the moon was setting. It exemplifies time-lapse photography as it shows the progression of the eclipse in approximately 10-minute increments. One item of note that can be seen in the images is the terminator line is not very sharp. Compared to normal phased moon images, the terminator here appears “fuzzy.” In a lunar eclipse, as the Earth passes between the sun and moon, particles in the Earth’s atmosphere degrade the sun’s light before it strikes the moon and produce the fuzzy nature of the terminator.
Figure 7-47

Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018

Figure 7-48

Full Moon on March 1, 2018

The next photo is of a full moon that occurred on March 1, 2018 (See Figure 7-48). It is pieced together from individual sections, as the whole moon does not fit in the screen.

Using an image such as this, the astronomer can start finding and labeling craters and features on the moon they observe.

Finally, one more image, Figure 7-49, taken with the Meade ATX-60AT, was of a full moon on April 19, 2019. It shows the southern region very nicely and the crater Tycho.
Figure 7-49

Full Moon on April 19, 2019, Southern Region

Example Images Taken with the Upgraded 4 1/2-Inch Reflector Telescope Astrophotography System

The photos in this section were taken with the 4 ½-inch reflector using the body mount method previously described. It was a 40-year-old reflector telescope! There are some blemishes on the mirror, but they don’t impact the image. The tripod and vernier controls still work well.

Making an Astronomical Video and Creating Enhanced Images

The following images (Figures 7-50 to 7-52) are repeated to demonstrate how an image can be enhanced using the video GUI Python program and the steps outlined later in this section.
Figure 7-50

Saturn from 4 1/2-Inch Reflector, April 11, 2018

Figure 7-51

Enhanced Saturn Image from 4 1/2-Inch Reflector, April 25, 2018

Figure 7-52

Enhanced Jupiter Image from 4 1/2-Inch Reflector, May 4, 2018

Figure 7-50 is unenhanced image and 7-51 is after enhancement.

Figures 7-51 and 7-52 are enhanced images using the techniques outlined in this section.

Figure 7-52 is the enhanced image taken with the 4 1/2-inch reflector showing the red spot and bands of Jupiter. This was the first time using this telescope the authors had seen the red spot and it was because of the enhancement techniques!

The following Raspberry Pi code (Listing 7-3) was used to capture the videos that created single images which were then enhanced to create the preceding images. The faint numbers are line numbers for the code; they need to be deleted if the reader copies this code. Be sure that the indention for the program is identical to what is shown in the following. The indention is how the Python compiler knows what is in scope or not.
0  #Code Developed by Paul Bradt
1  import tkinter as tk
2  import picamera
3  import os
4  import traceback
5  import datetime
6  import time
7  import sys
8  import subprocess
9  from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
10  pwd = os.getcwd()
11  root = tk.Tk() #makes the window
12  root.geometry('200x1100+0+0')
13  camera = picamera.PiCamera()
14  root.wm_title("Camera GUI Program") #Makes the title that will appear in the top left
15  root.config(background = "#FFFFFF") #Sets background color to  white
16  global now
17  #put widgets here
18  def picapture():
19       try:
20                global now
21                debugLog.insert(0.0, "Date Initialization Done ")
22                now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%F_%X")
23                debugLog.insert(0.0, now + " ")
24                camera.start_preview (fullscreen=False,window = (200,0,1100,640))
25               camera.start_recording('/home/pi/' + now + '.h264')
26       except:
27                print(traceback.format_exc(
28  def stopcapture():
29                camera.stop_recording()
30               camera.stop_preview()
31  #Main Frame and its contents
32  mainFrame = tk.Frame(root, width=200, height = 900)
33  mainFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=2)
34  btnFrame = tk.Frame(mainFrame, width=200, height = 200)
35  btnFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
26  debugLog = tk.Text(mainFrame, width = 20, height = 10, takefocus=0)
27  debugLog.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
28  cameraBtn = tk.Button(btnFrame, text="Start recording", command=picapture)
29  cameraBtn.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
30  stopBtn = tk.Button(btnFrame, text="Stop recording", command=stopcapture)
31  stopBtn.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=2)
32  root.mainloop() #start monitoring and updating the GUI. Nothing  below here runs.
Listing 7-3

Raspberry Pi Code PI_SN004_Astrophotograhy_Video Capture

Image Creation and Enhancement from a Video

These excellent image enhancement techniques were provided by Jeff Dunehew. The first step is to convert the video to a useable format and then use it to create an improved image. There are three tools that the reader will need to download: VLC media player, PIPP, and Registax. Download the full version of Registax (size is about 3 MB).
  • Converting the file to a normal video:

  • To open the “.h264” files that the Raspberry Pi creates in Windows

  • Install VLC player.

  • Open VLC player.

  • Drag the file onto the VLC player app.

  • Note: You don’t need to do this section; this is just to watch your video without doing any conversion.

  • To prepare the file to convert:

  • Open VLC player.

  • Click Media ➤ Convert/Save.

  • Click Add. Open the h264 file you saved that you want to convert.

  • Then select the Convert/Save button at the bottom right.

  • Select the destination toward the bottom of the next window. It will allow you to change file types if necessary. “.mp4” files seem to work great.

Once the file is converted to “.mp4”, you want to use PIPP to align the video where the planet is always in the middle:

Open PIPP.

Drag the “.mp4” video into the file window.

Check the planetary radio button at the bottom of the window.

Click Processing on the menu at the top and then start processing.

Once it is done, it will create a PIPP file folder in whatever directory your original “.mp4” video was in. The new video in the PIPP folder will have the planet aligned in the middle and will have an .avi format.

Registax is the tool that will rip the images out of the video and stack them in order to enhance the image. The following steps are what the authors used to create some of the images in this book.

There are several steps that the astronomer needs to take when using Registax. It is also a bit of trial and error to obtain images that are enhanced without too much enhancement:
  1. 1.

    Load the .avi file that was created using PIPP into Registax.

  2. 2.

    To set the alignment points, it is best to step through the frames of the video and find a good image that has the features you want to use for alignment. Click each alignment point. Registax leaves a little circle for each alignment point.

  3. 3.

    To do the alignment, click Align, and then the software goes through the video and tries to find key images that have the alignment points and then lines them up.

  4. 4.

    This step is a bit of trial and error; this process is called limit, and it tells Registax how to limit the number of frames used for the stacking process. The astronomer needs to select either the best percentage of frames to use or the actual number of best frames to use. Again this requires a bit of trial and error.

    Then click Limit to reduce it down to the frames selected.

  5. 5.

    Next, click Stack. Stacking images creates a single image with the focused parts of all the images.

  6. 6.

    After it is finished stacking the images, click the Wavelet tab and use the slider bars to adjust the image to enhance it.

  7. 7.

    Once the astronomer has a clean enhanced image they are happy with, they need to save it.


The following YouTube video is a very good overview of this process:


Recap of Example Images and Enhancement Techniques

This section shows a few images captured by the authors and provides a high-level overview of some of the tools and techniques used to enhance and create some spectacular images of the two largest planets in the Solar System.


This chapter provides the reader with some very exciting projects that expand on the use of the Arduino and Raspberry Pi to capture and record data regarding light and astronomical images in a way that would have been impossible just a few short years ago. The introduction of powerful devices like the light sensor and advanced digital cameras makes this possible. Add on the ability to utilize and share the data via computers, and again that approaches the original Star Trek tricorder!

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