About the Author

Dianna Booher’s lifework has centered around communication in all its forms: oral, written, interpersonal, and enterprise-wide. As author of forty-eight books, translated into sixty foreign language editions (as well as numerous other coauthored books), she has traveled the globe, talking with clients and organizations on six continents about communication challenges they face at work and at home. Despite cultural differences, two things remain the same: Communication is the basic business act. And communication either cements or destroys personal and work relationships.

Improving communication skills, habits, and attitudes dramatically changes life—for an individual, a family, an organization, and a nation. Dianna considers that an exciting and rewarding business and personal goal.

Based in the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, her firm, Booher Research Institute, works with organizations to help them communicate clearly and with leaders to expand their influence by a strong executive presence.

During her more than three decades at Booher Research Institute and earlier at Booher Consultants, she and her team have provided communication training programs, coaching, and consulting to governmental agencies and more than one-third of the Fortune 500 organizations.

Successful Meetings magazine has named Dianna to its list of “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century.” The National Speakers Association has awarded her its highest honor: induction into the Speaker Hall of Fame. She is also listed among the “Global Gurus Top 30 Communicators” and Richtopia’s “Top 200 Most Influential Authors in the World.”

The national media frequently interview Dianna for opinions on communication issues: Good Morning America, USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Success, Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Daily, FOX, CNN, Bloomberg, NPR, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

She also blogs regularly for Forbes and The CEO Magazine.

Dianna holds a master’s degree in English literature from the University of Houston.

For more information about Dianna’s work and her speaking engagements, visit www.BooherResearch.com.

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