acknowledging: apologies, 113, 135

empathy, 154

adults, 145

advancement: feedback for, 54–55

talent reviews for, 175

trust for, 63

agendas, 13, 118, 128

development, 106

future, not, 148

multiple, 99

amygdala, 31

angry words, 11

annual reviews: feedback tainted by, 12

memories of, 10

apologies: acknowledgement and, 113, 135

on feedback, 113

after reflection, 165

appease, 31, 66, 80

avoiding, 162

cooling-off period to, 155

deflecting with, 32

stress response, 32

appreciation: gratification of, 26, 110

strength from, 114, 128

asking for feedback, 165

in advance, 94

clarity in, 115, 163–164

context and clarity in, 81–82, 84

extenders, 94, 96, 136

good stuff, 100–101

insights, 16

on intention, 118–119

judgments versus, 93

leaders, 23–24

movement for, 94–96

noticing, 95, 123, 160

permission given in, 95

on problems, 24

seekers, 93, 124, 160

assumptions, 120

authenticity, 80, 145

apology with, 113

fearless and, 110

humanity and, 64

seekers for, 92

world of, 174

autonomy, 87, 145

avoidance: appease for, 162

feedback, 166

of G.R.I.T., 81–82

protection by, 37

of shame, 167–168

of triangulation, 171

belonging, 36, 66

bias: assumptions with, 120

confirmation, 72

diversity reducing, 98

fairness and cognitive, 72

feedback and negative, 41–42

noticing for, 77

positive, 118

precedent setting, 167

steps against, 73, 153

trust broken by, 153

bite size feedback, 81, 99, 117, 175

extenders giving, 146–147

gratitude in, 74

planning for, 124

blind spots, 72–73, 96

FAN for, 103

seekers of, 104

trust for, 102

body attention, 34

bosses: fixed compared with growth mindset of, 49

negative chatter of, 37–38

perspectives and, 37

planning with, 124

yelling or sliding, 38

boundaries, 137

brain: amygdala of, 31

on feedback, 30–31

neural pathways, 33–34, 51, 76–77

neuroplasticity, 51

prefrontal cortex, 34

processing, 146–147

sympathetic nervous system and, 31

branding, 19

feedback problem in, 9–10, 13

leadership, 140

new feedback, 68, 173

businesses: employees and performance of, 4

feedback for, 3

feedback problems for, 1, 4–5

capabilities, 111

capacity, 147

“carry water,” 129

celebrate progress, 107, 110, 114, 175

Center for Effective Organizations (CEO), 18

challenges: mindset on, 45

offering, 39

change: movement for, 5, 15–17

for reset, 93

children, 145

clarity: asking for, 81–82, 84, 115, 163–164

extenders, seekers with, 121

facts, examples for, 120

in positive feedback, 114

specifics in, 115–116

coaching, 105, 149

collaboration: frequency, 75

managers in, 16–17

with purpose, 129

reflection for, 112

stress calmed in, 33

collective: approach, 2

opportunity, 29

commitments: agree to, 81

leaders and, 90

to listen, 110

trust and kept, 64–65

communication: clarity for, 115, 163–164

connections and guide of, 80

conversation models in, 5, 73, 81, 83, 85

to extenders, 170

feedback as, 56

managers selected on, 18

regular and varied, 18

connections, 91

conversation guide for, 80

empathy for, 129

feedback from, 6, 89, 173

feedback influence on, 36

gratitude for, 68, 143

planning for, 156

preserving, 37

problems addressed with, 169

prove mode for, 50

relationships created by, 89, 128

seekers building, 88

triangulation addressed with, 171

trust in, 65–66

uplift from, 26–27

consistency, 75

consulting, 4

context: asking, clarity as, 81–82, 84

feedback with, 56

providing, 89

conversation models: bias minimized by, 73, 153

on feedback, 5

trust and, 24–25

understanding from, 81, 83, 85

Corporate Leadership study (2002), 69, 75

criticisms: feedback as, 11

mindset on, 45

response to, 36

seeking, 97

deflecting: appeasing in, 32

distortion and, 37

positive feedback, 114

reaction versus, 120

delivery style, 119, 132, 138–139

developmental feedback, 19

dialogue, 155

direct and solve style, 148

discipline, 2

distortion, 37

Dweck, Carol, 44–45

effect, 81, 83, 85

effort, 45

emotional responses, 31, 41, 111

empathy, 68

acknowledging as, 154

for connections, 129

problems addressed with, 169

reluctance from, 39

employees: as assets, 4

feedback for, 3–4

performance management and, 19

retaining, 19

thriving, 20

Employer Brand Score, 19

encouragement: offering, 39

for receivers, seekers, 141

engagement: aspirations, wishes for, 175

by extenders, 127

feedback on, 23–24

for organizations, 3

evaluative feedback, 19

examples, 159–171

explorers, 16–17

extenders, 173

advance asking from, 94

asking for feedback, 136

bite-size from, 146–147

board of, 160–161

broad ask of, 96

for clarity, 121

as coaches, 149

communications to, 170

declining, 121

definition of, 126

delivery style of, 119, 132, 138–139

engagement by, 127

fairness, focus, frequency for, 69, 130

feedback, 60

Feedback Guide for, 92, 137

future anchored by, 148

intentions, approach of, 132–133

judging, 127, 166–167

movement of, 174

noticing by, 107

planning by, 156

power imbalance and, 79

praise by, 128

problems averted by, 167–168

problems misunderstood by, 168–169

putting off, 166

questions by, 81, 121, 137, 154

reflecting after, 117–118

rough and cold, 134

seeking of, 95

techniques for, 154–155

facts: with examples, 151–152

explanations for, 169

FAN for, 153

neutral, 150

receivers requesting, 114, 120

triangulation and, 151

failures, 46

fairness: choosing, 95

cognitive bias and, 72

extenders for, 69, 130

in FAN, 77

feedback with, 69, 71–72

managers with, 69–70

noticing for, 78

protection mode and, 71

fairness, focus, frequency movement, 69, 130

families, 3

FAN. See Fine Art of Noticing

fear: authentic without, 110

body attention easing, 34

collective opportunity and, 29

feedback producing, 29

of isolation, ostracism, abandonment, 35

kept in check, 51

lessened, 91

lose-lose outcome from, 38

processing reduced by, 147

released, 174

responses to, 109

feedback: definitions, 54–55. See also specific subjects

Feedback Fridays, 175

Feedback Guide template, 92, 137

“fight, flight, or freeze”: body attention easing, 34

on feedback, 31–32

perpetuating, 33

trust quelling, 63, 66

financial results, 19, 98

Fine Art of Noticing (FAN), 80

blind spot feedback in, 103

facts from, 153

in fairness, focus, frequency, 77

frequency in, 78, 167

movement with, 77

ratings, rankings, comparisons and, 79, 130

5:1 ratio: positive interactions in, 67–68

trust from, 67, 128

fixed mindset, 44–45, 133

bosses exhibiting, 49

inner voice in, 48–49

shifting from, 47

fixing, 56–57

focus, 175

choosing, 95–96

clarity in, 115–116

on coaching, 105

extenders for, 69, 127, 130

in FAN, 77

feedback with, 69

on future, 106, 124, 148

on important issue, 81–82, 84, 96, 99, 107

noticing for, 78

not sh*t sandwich, 142–143

preparation for, 89

on progress, 122

seekers establishing, 88

specific action for, 74

Folkman, Joe, 23, 91, 110 4-7-8

breathing, 35, 121, 154

frankness, 9

frequency, 131, 175

choosing, 95

extenders for, 69, 130

in FAN, 77, 167

feedback with, 69, 75

habit from, 128

increasing, 97

informal, spontaneous, 75

learning and, 145

in noticing, 78, 167

sources plus, 97

two weeks, 76

future: focus on, 106, 124

planning for, 163

receiver steps for, 168

shared view of, 148

Give and Take (Grant), 152

Glassdoor, 19

Global State of Employee Engagement study (2018), 13

Godin, Seth, 43, 74

good stuff: feedback for, 58

requested, 100–101

savoring, 114

shared, 140–143

gossip, rumor, innuendo, triangulation (G.R.I.T.), 81–82

Gottman, John, 67

Gottman 5:1. See 5:1 ratio

grace: on feedback, 110, 119–120

for self, 106, 123

Grant, Adam, 152

gratitude: bite-size, 74

for connection, 68, 143

relationships from, 128

shared, 107, 110, 114, 175

G.R.I.T. See gossip, rumor, innuendo, triangulation

growth: choice for, 166

feedback for, 54–55

from insights, 24

noticing for, 78

reflect and, 114

strengths in, 101

trust producing, 64

growth mindset, 44–45, 133

bosses exhibiting, 49

improve mode for, 50

inner voice in, 48

shifting to, 47

habits: feedback, 5

frequency, 128

leaders modeling, 90–91

helping, 129

Holy Grail of Feedback, 128

honesty: commitments in, 64–65

permission for, 95

Hubbard, Elbert, 36

humanity: biases and, 118

categories and, 153

trust from, 64

i4cp. See Institute for Corporate Performance

IAT. See Implicit Association Test

identity: feedback influencing, 36

feedback threat to, 50

Implicit Association Test (IAT), 153

improvement oriented: feedback, 54–55, 57

from prove, 120

proving to, 166

improve mode, 50, 120

inner voices, 48–49

innovations, 66

input: accepting, 113

assimilating, 37

catastrophizing, 9, 30, 33, 36, 71–72, 122, 155

judgments versus, 93

tough, 164–165

insights: asking for, 16

feedback in, 12–13, 21

good from, 15

growth from, 24

sources for, 97

Institute for Corporate Performance (i4cp 18

intention: asking for, 118–119

check, 167

extenders, 132–133

feedback, 54—55

of helping 174

judgments: by extenders, 127, 166–167

feedback as, 11

feedback without, 73, 170

inner voices with, 48–49

input request versus, 93

noticing without, 78, 81

observation versus, 152

kindness, 64–65

laughter, 129

leaders: commitment by, 90

courage, humility in, 24

feedback request by, 23–24

habits modeled by, 90–91

movement by, 24, 110, 130–131

practices of, 110

leadership: branding, 140

feedback influencing, 23–24, 91

performance needing, 22

learning: from failure, 46

feedback during, 145

high frequency and, 145

insights for, 12–13, 21

managers, 16–17

mindset mattering to, 44

seekers, 87

sources for, 97

strengths in, 101

thriving from, 20–21

“liked it, learned it, lacked it,” 175

listening, 34, 110

managers: accuracy of, 150

communication by, 18

explorer, learner as, 16–17

fairness and strength of, 69–70

feedback multipliers, 131

knowers, tellers as, 16–17, 148

movement led by, 24, 110, 130–131

overestimation by, 140. See also bosses

manager-to-subordinate, 2, 16–17

manipulation, 9

micromanagement, 145

misconceptions, 5

modeling: communications, 18

new habits, 90–91

monitoring, 18

movement: asking in, 94–96

fairness, focus, frequency, 69, 130

FAN in, 77

feedback change, 5, 15–17

managers leading, 24, 110, 130–131

new definition for, 54, 66, 79

of seekers, extenders, receivers, 174

“need to be right,” 154

negatives: chatter on, 37–38

feedback on, 23, 30, 57

heavy weighting of, 40–41

outside perspective on, 123

permanent, person, pervasive, 43

place for, 57–58

threading, 122

Velcro/Teflon phenomenon on, 41–42

negativity bias, 41–42

neural pathways, 33–34, 51, 76–77

neuroplasticity, 51

noticing: asking for, 95, 123, 160

bias into, 77

description in, 140

details, 81–82, 84

extenders and time for, 107

without judgments, 78, 81

skill list for, 78. See also Fine Art of Noticing

observation, 152

obstacles, 45

ongoing feedback, 12

optimists, 43

organizations: engagement for, 3

feedback problems for, 1, 4–5

ostracism, 35

overestimation, 140

overreacting, 9, 30, 33, 36, 71–72, 122, 155

passive-aggressive: insinuation, 9

praise, 144

pausing, 154

peer feedback, 98

perfection, 78, 91

performance: employees thriving, 20

feedback improving, 18

leadership for, 22

mindset mattering to, 44

Performance Feedback Culture (PFC), 18, 130

performance management: approaches to, 1

employee outcomes from, 19

feedback in, 2, 19

techniques, 18

performance review: annual monologue, 10, 12, 42, 75

evaluative feedback in, 19

recency influence on, 12

permission, 95

perspectives, 37

pessimists, 43

PFC. See Performance Feedback Culture

planning: bite size steps, 124

by extenders, 156

future for, 163

for growth, 124

for receiving, 160–161

for trust, 81, 83, 85

working backward in, 107

PM Reboot, 19

point of view, 129

positional power: extenders releasing, 128

move of, 169

performance review with, 12

positive feedback, 23–24

recognition and, 59

reinforcement, 11, 57–58

thanks and clarification for, 114

Velcro/Teflon phenomenon on, 41–42

Positivity Quotient reps, 34

power: feedback and, 56

imbalance, 79

move of, 169

noticing not, 78

praise, 128, 140, 144

prefrontal cortex, 34

privacy, 137, 141

process: brain, 146–147

of feedback, 15

stress reducing, 147

after thanks, 120

professional services, 4

progress, 99

celebrating, 107, 110, 114, 175

not punishment, 122

punishment versus, 149

setbacks for, 123

witnessing, 78

protection mode, 71

prove mode: awareness of, 50

to improvement, 120, 166

to self or someone else, 50

punishment: feedback as, 9, 56

positional power for, 169

progress versus, 149

questions: by extenders, 81, 121, 137, 154

frequency, 145

by receivers, 114, 120, 155

reflecting, 122

rankings, 79, 130, 151

reactions, 120, 163

receivers, 173

choosing by, 109

definition of, 108

encouraging, 141

extenders board for, 160–161

facts requested by, 114, 120

fairness, focus, frequency for, 69, 130

feedback, 60

future steps for, 168

movement of, 174

needs of, 149

questioning, 155

reactions chosen by, 163

reflecting, 117–118

rejecting feedback, 9, 30, 36, 71–72, 113, 122, 155

resiliency and, 134

self-beliefs for, 31, 41, 111

strength for, 110

techniques for, 119–120

time needed by, 155

tone influencing, 132

tough input for, 164–165

recency influence, 12

recognition: communication rewarded by, 18

5:1 ratio with, 67–68

passive-aggressiveness and, 144

positive feedback and, 59

praise and, 128, 140, 144

of success, 149

threat neutralized with, 165

redirection: feedback as, 11

offering, 39

reflecting, 56

apologies after, 165

collaboration and, 112

extenders, receivers and, 117–118

growth and, 114

questions, 122

threat neutralized with, 165

reframe, 149

rejection of feedback, 9, 30, 36, 71–72, 113, 122, 155

relationships: connections creating, 89, 128

5:1 ratio for, 67–68

reset, 156, 161

apologies for, 113, 135

change for, 93

resiliency, 134

schools, 3

science of feedback, 5

seekers, 173

asking by, 124, 160

for autonomy, 87

of blind spots, 104

bold asking, 93

for clarity, 121

connections, focus for, 88

in control, 90, 106

critics for, 97

definition of, 86

encouraging, 141

of extenders, 95

fairness, focus, frequency for, 69, 130

feedback, 54–55, 60

Feedback Guide for, 92, 137

focus for, 95–96

information and truth, 16

judgments into, 93

learning for, 87

movement of, 174

reasons for, 91

relationship before, 89

soaring versus flapping, 101

strengths for, 100–101

trust generated by, 87

self-image, 44, 48

emotional responses from, 31, 41, 111

feedback influencing, 36, 50

grace and, 106, 123

“need to be right,” 154

optimist, 43

preserving, 37

reflection and, 56

self-protection, 31, 41, 111

Seligman, Martin, 43

shame: avoiding, 167–168

feedback for, 9

sharing, 91

credit, 114

good stuff, 140–143

neutral facts, 150

sh*t sandwich, 142–143

slights, 43

specifics, 54, 74, 115–116, 140

stereotypes, 47, 153

strengths: from appreciation, 114, 128

learning, growth in, 101

of managers, 69–70

for receivers, 110

shoring up, 100

stress: acute response to, 31–32, 167

appease response to, 32

collaboration calming, 33

4-7-8 breathing for, 35

physical responses of, 33

processing reduced by, 147

styles, 119, 132, 138–139, 148

success: feedback, 53

mindset on, 44–45

recognition of, 149

sympathetic nervous system, 31

talent reviews, 175

team-to-team feedback, 2, 141, 174

techniques, 18, 119–120, 154–155

thanks: positive feedback, 114

processing after, 120

three Fs, 69, 77–78, 80, 95–96, 130

time: pausing for, 154

trust over, 5

timing, 121, 138–139

tone, 132

training, 18

triangulation, 79

avoiding, 171

facts and, 151

shutting down, 170

support not, 121

triggers: crippling, 51

getting ahead of, 95

for self-protection, 31, 41, 111

trust, 91

for advancement, 63

bias breaking, 153

for blind spots, 102

building, 63–64

in connections, 65–66

conversations for, 24–25

feedback as, 56, 63

“fight, flight, or freeze” and, 63, 66

5:1 ratio for, 67–68, 128

for innovations, 66

judgments earning, 93

in kindness, commitments, 64–65

place of, 134

planning for, 81, 83, 85

seekers generating, 87

shared future in, 148

shared laughter for, 129

sh*t sandwich and, 143

sincere apology for, 113, 135

time building, 5

truth: lack of, 33

permission for, 95

safety in, 110

seekers of, 16

unregistered feedback, 12–13

validation, 50, 120, 166

Velcro/Teflon phenomenon, 41–42

vitality: drivers of, 21

thriving from, 20–21

weapon, 2, 56

yell and tell style, 16–17, 148

Zenger, Jack, 23, 91, 110

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