


agendas, 2726

arguments, control of, 50, 5253

arrangements of meeting room, 2628

attitude-creating meetings, 12, 1312

audiovisual aids

characteristics of, 41

Murphy's Law on, 3135

in participant questions, 34

purpose of, 44

in training meetings, 66

usage tips for, 67

uses of, 4143


benefit/cost comparisons. See cost/benefit comparisons

brainstorming, in problem-solving meetings, 7678

brainstorming meetings, 4, 23

breaks, 28, 23, 25, 3032

buzz groups, 6465


case studies, 6669

chairpersons. See coordinators; leaders

conclusion of meetings, 1820, 5657

in problem-solving meetings, 74

quiz, 58

in training meetings, 72

control of meetings, 1918, 2628, 4956


agenda creation by, 2726

concluding the meetings, 1820

control by, 1918

evaluating the meetings, 2021

facility selection by, 2527, 46

final arrangements by, 2829

objective selection by, 22

participant selection by, 2324

physical arrangements by, 26

preparing the speaker, 1419

selecting the time, 2425

See also leaders

cost/benefit comparisons

Econometer, 11

for in-house training meetings, 4

meetings analysis, 1312


debates, control of, 50, 5253

departmental meetings. See staff meetings



during conclusion, 5657

of leader, 4648

of participants, 4546, 48


for leader self-evaluation, 8183

by participants, 8693

by trained observer, 8386


facilities, selection of, 2527, 46

future meetings, 9093, 09


information-getting meetings, 3, 3235

information-giving meetings

leadership roles in, 30, 35

necessity of, 1

objectives of, 1, 2223

physical arrangements of, 26

time selection for, 25

in-house training meetings, 24

See also instructional meetings

instructional meetings

conclusion for, 20

evaluation of, 8791, 93

guided participation in, 6465

leadership roles in, 30, 35

in participant knowledge, 24

tests in, 7071

See also in-house training meetings

introduction of meetings, 72

characteristics of, 1719

length of, 19

in problem-solving meetings, 74



in information-getting meetings, 3235

in information-giving meetings, 30

for instructional meeting evaluation, 8790

in instructional meetings, 30, 35

off-topic, 5556

in participation, 78

for participation control, 79

in problem-solving meetings, 3235, 73

questioning techniques for, 3389

self-evaluation by, 8183

See also coordinators

length of meetings, 19, 25, 2628, 50, 54


Mackenzie, R. Alec, on timewasters, 7

managers, overview for, 101

See also coordinators; leaders

meeting places, 2527, 46


don'ts for, 2427

down time for, 23

key points for, 2022

Murphy's Law on, 2735

strategies for, 2124

See also specific meeting types

minutes, 21, 1013

multiple role playing, 70


nonproductive meetings, 45, 046

note-taking techniques, 16


objectives, 13, 2223, 25

observers, trained, 8386, 93

Odiorne, George, on problem solving, 3



contributions from, 1319

as control inhibitors, 5055

evaluations by, 8693

in facility selection, 27

as ingredient in productive meetings, 1312

notification to, 2829

preparation strategies for, 20

profile of, 17

selection of, 2324

participation, in problem-solving meetings, 7879

physical arrangements of meeting room, 2628

posttest, 9598


don'ts of, 23

Murphy's Law on, 2830

for problem-solving meetings, 7374

strategies, 1921

presentations, 3740, 56

pretest, viix, 30, 3235

problem-solving meetings

brainstorming in, 7678

leadership, roles in, 3235, 73

method for, 1517

objectives of, 3, 23

participation in, 7879

physical arrangements of, 26

practical problems of, 7475

preparations for, 7374

solution acceptance in, 3

time selection for, 25

productive meetings, 9394

benefits of, 11

conduct suggestions for, 078

criteria for, 45

ingredients of, 13

necessity of, 1

significant factors of, 046


questions, 3389


meeting conclusion, 58

training meeting introduction, 63 See also posttest; pretest; tests


role playing, 6970


scheduling meetings

control of, 19, 25, 2628

enthusiasm for, 45

length of, 50, 54


concluding the meetings, 1820

controlling the meetings, 1918

evaluation of, 2021

introduction of, 1719

Murphy's Law on, 30

orientation of, 1516

preparations by, 3738

preparations of, 43

presentations, 39, 4243

selection of, 1415

techniques for, 3940

staff meetings

audiovisual aids in, 66

evaluation of, 90, 9293

wasted time in, 11


techniques, note-taking, 16

tests, 7071

See also posttest; pretest; quizzes


break don'ts, 125

break dos, 23

control of, 1918, 25, 2628

as ingredient in productive meetings, 13

management of, 4956

Murphy's Law on, 3032

robbers, most frequent, v


as participants, 13

profiles of, 811

study conducted by R. Alec Mackenzie, 7

top ten, 7

trainers, overview for, 101

See also coordinators; leaders

training approaches, 2

training meetings

aids for, 66

audiovisual tips for, 67

case studies for, 6669

control of, 62

exercises for, 72

four-step approach in, 72

games for, 72

introduction for, 6364

participant selection for, 6162

participation, 62, 6465

role playing in, 6970

techniques for, 6364

tests in, 7071

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