Example 3.9. Reporting on Multiple-Choice Survey Data


Count the different responses to each question in a set of questions from a survey. Consolidate this information into a report. Each observation in the data set contains one participant’s responses to all the survey questions.


                                 Town Survey Results
                             Number of
 Participants: 482

|                  | Strongly |          |        
  |          | Strongly |  Total   |
|                  |Disapprove|Disapprove| Neutral
  | Approve  | Approve  |Responses |
|                  | N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row
 %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %|
|Survey Question   |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|------------------|    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|1. Road           |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|Maintenance       |   5|  1.2| 134| 31.7| 115| 27
.2| 143| 33.8|  26|  6.1| 423|100.0|
|2. Parks Upkeep   |   4|  1.0|  86| 21.0|  93| 22
.7| 195| 47.6|  32|  7.8| 410|100.0|
|3. Snowplowing    |  76| 17.3| 169| 38.5|  86| 19
.6|  93| 21.2|  15|  3.4| 439|100.0|
|4. Sheriff        |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|Patrolling        |   0|    0|  94| 22.3| 111| 26
.4| 180| 42.8|  36|  8.6| 421|100.0|
|5. Ordinance      |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|Enforcement       |  20|  4.6| 156| 35.9| 121| 27
.9| 107| 24.7|  30|  6.9| 434|100.0|
|6. Town Office    |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|Hours             |   1|  0.2|  80| 19.1| 124| 29
.7| 177| 42.3|  36|  8.6| 418|100.0|
|7. Community      |    |     |    |     |    |   
  |    |     |    |     |    |     |
|Events            |   1|  0.2|  38|  9.2|  51| 12
.3| 204| 49.4| 119| 28.8| 413|100.0|
|8. Youth Programs |   2|  0.5|  50| 11.7|  45| 10
.5| 201| 47.1| 129| 30.2| 427|100.0|
|9. Senior Services|   3|  0.7|  94| 22.2| 121| 28
.6| 167| 39.5|  38|  9.0| 423|100.0|

Example Features

Featured Step Statements and OptionsPROC TABULATE

TABLE statement: ROWPCTN statistic

Formatting FeaturesTABLE statement: MISSTEXT= option TABLE statement: RTS= option when sending output to the LISTING destination
Additional FeaturesMacro programming SAS file input/output functions
Related TechniquePROC REPORT:

DEFINE statement: ACROSS, GROUP, NOPRINT, and ORDER= options

Nesting statistics under ACROSS variable

COMPUTE blocks

Explicitly referencing table columns in a COMPUTE block

Using arrays in a COMPUTE block

Using aliases to multiply reference the same variable

A Closer LookReshaping Data Working with Missing Class Variable Values in PROC TABULATE
Other Examples That Use This Data SetExample 2.8

Example Overview

This report shows the results of a survey submitted to town residents regarding their opinions of town services. The survey participants were asked to rate nine services on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being the least favorable and 5 being the most favorable.

Each observation in the TOWNSURVEY data set represents the responses to the nine questions for one participant. The survey also included a comment line, but this example does not include this comment variable. See Example 2.8 for a program that processes the comments.

To construct this crosstabulation of service and opinion of service, you must have a data set that contains a variable for type of service and a variable for the respondent’s evaluation of the service. This will allow the five possible responses to be treated as five classifications by PROC TABULATE.

PROC TRANSPOSE reshapes the data into a new data set that contains the variables for type of service and for evaluation of the service. Each observation in the transposed data set contains the response to one question for one survey participant. The transposed data set that PROC TABULATE analyzes contains nine times as many observations as the original data set, because there are nine questions.

Open code macro language statements use SAS functions to open and close the analysis data set and determine the number of nondeleted observations in the analysis data set. This value is inserted in the title. For more information on working with SAS functions, see Example 3.10.

Collecting the Data

Figure 3.9a shows the survey form submitted to town residents.

Figure 3.9a. Survey Form Used to Collect the Data Saved in Data Set TOWNSURVEY


Create formats that will apply to the variables in the transposed data set.
proc format;
  value $q 'q1'='1. Road Maintenance'
           'q2'='2. Parks Upkeep'
           'q3'='3. Snowplowing'
           'q4'='4. Sheriff Patrolling'
           'q5'='5. Ordinance Enforcement'
           'q6'='6. Town Office Hours'
           'q7'='7. Community Events'
           'q8'='8. Youth Programs'
           'q9'='9. Senior Services';
  value response 1='Strongly Disapprove'
                 5='Strongly Approve'
                 .='No response';

Arrange the observations in the data set in the order that PROC TRANSPOSE will use them.
proc sort data=townsurvey;
  by surveyid;

Reshape the data.
proc transpose data=townsurvey

Create a new data set containing the transposed observations. Assign a more meaningful name to the transposed variable COL1 (the default name). This variable corresponds to the respondent’s evaluation of the service.

Specify the name to assign to the variable in the output data set that will contain the name of the transposed variables, which are the variables listed on the VAR statement. This variable corresponds to type of service, and it will have nine values that correspond to the nine questions.

Transpose the data set in groups defined by the values of the BY variable. Within each BY group, create one observation for each variable that you transpose.
  by surveyid;

Transpose the nine variables representing the nine survey questions into observations. Within each BY group, create one observation for each evaluation variable in the list.
  var q1-q9;

Open the original data set for input. Assign the identifier for this opened data set to the macro variable DSID. Do not enclose the arguments in quotation marks, because the function is being used in macro language.
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(work.townsurvey,i));

Obtain the number of nondeleted observations in the original data set and save that value in the macro variable NOBS.
%let nlobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nlobs));

Close the opened data set.
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));

proc tabulate data=townsurvey2;
  title 'Town Survey Results';

Include the total number of participants in the title.
  title2 "Number of Participants: &nlobs";

Specify the classification variables, which were created and named by PROC TRANSPOSE.
  class question choice;

Establish the layout of the table. Specify the questions as the rows of the report.
  table question='Survey Question',

Define the columns of the report as the question responses.
        (choice=' '

Total the number of respondents to the question and place that information in the rightmost column.
        all='Total Responses')*

Compute the N statistic.

Compute the percentages within each row.
        rowpctn='Row %'*f=5.1) /

Specify the text to put in cells that have missing values.

When sending output to the LISTING destination, specify the space allocated to row titles.

  format question $q. choice response.;


Related Technique

PROC REPORT can produce a report similar to one produced by PROC TABULATE as shown in Figure 3.9b. The following PROC REPORT step defines QUESTION as a grouping variable. This definition causes QUESTION to act as the class variable in the row dimension. The program defines CHOICE as an across variable. This definition causes CHOICE to act as a class variable in the column dimension.

It’s not quite as easy to specify row percentages in PROC REPORT as it is in PROC TABULATE. To do this in PROC REPORT requires programming statements in a COMPUTE block. If you nest the PCTN statistic underneath CHOICE, the percentages will have as their denominator the total frequency count of the response column.

Figure 3.9b. Output from PROC REPORT
                                       Town Survey Results
                                   Number of Participants: 482

|                           Strongly                                            Strongly  
|                          Disapprove   Disapprove     Neutral      Approve      Approve  
|Survey Question              N    Pct     N    Pct     N    Pct     N    Pct     N    Pct
|1. Road Maintenance     |    5|   1.2|  134|  31.7|  115|  27.2|  143|  33.8|   26|   6
.1|   423|
|2. Parks Upkeep         |    4|   1.0|   86|  21.0|   93|  22.7|  195|  47.6|   32|   7
.8|   410|
|3. Snowplowing          |   76|  17.3|  169|  38.5|   86|  19.6|   93|  21.2|   15|   3
.4|   439|
|4. Sheriff Patrolling   |    .|   0.0|   94|  22.3|  111|  26.4|  180|  42.8|   36|   8
.6|   421|
|5. Ordinance Enforcement|   20|   4.6|  156|  35.9|  121|  27.9|  107|  24.7|   30|   6
.9|   434|
|6. Town Office Hours    |    1|   0.2|   80|  19.1|  124|  29.7|  177|  42.3|   36|   8
.6|   418|
|7. Community Events     |    1|   0.2|   38|   9.2|   51|  12.3|  204|  49.4|  119|  28
.8|   413|
|8. Youth Programs       |    2|   0.5|   50|  11.7|   45|  10.5|  201|  47.1|  129|  30
.2|   427|
|9. Senior Services      |    3|   0.7|   94|  22.2|  121|  28.6|  167|  39.5|   38|   9
.0|   423|

The following program reshapes the input data set the same way as in the main example. Note that the default split character (/) has been inserted in the RESPONSE format. This was not needed in the PROC TABULATE step.

proc format;
  value $q 'q1'='1. Road Maintenance'
           'q2'='2. Parks Upkeep'
           'q3'='3. Snowplowing'
           'q4'='4. Sheriff Patrolling'
           'q5'='5. Ordinance Enforcement'
           'q6'='6. Town Office Hours'
           'q7'='7. Community Events'
           'q8'='8. Youth Programs'
           'q9'='9. Senior Services';

Insert the default PROC REPORT split character in labels that are long.
  value response 1='Strongly/Disapprove'
                 .='No response';

proc sort data=townsurvey;
  by surveyid;

proc transpose data=townsurvey
     out=townsurvey2(rename=( col1=choice))
  by surveyid;
  var q1-q9;

%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(work.townsurvey,i));
%let nlobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nlobs));
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));

proc report data=townsurvey2 nowindows box;
  title 'Town Survey Results';
  title2 "Number of Participants: &nlobs";

Compute the total N for the row, which is needed to compute the percentages. This must appear before it’s needed in the COMPUTE block. Assign this column an alias, because it’s necessary to reference the N statistic in the COLUMN statement more than once.
  column n=totaln1

Specify the variable that will serve as the row dimension class variable and ensure that it is defined as a GROUP variable below in its DEFINE statement.

Stack CHOICE above two variables, the N statistic and a computed variable.
         choice,(n pct)

Compute the total frequency count and assign this column an alias, because it’s necessary to reference the N statistic in the COLUMN statement more than once.

Compute the total frequency count for the row before it is referenced in the COMPUTE block. Suppress the display of its values.
  define totaln1 / noprint;

Identify the grouping variable that defines the row classifications in the report.
  define question / group 'Survey Question'

Specify the variable that acts as the class variable in the column dimension.
  define choice / across ' '

Order the display of the values of CHOICE by its internal, unformatted values.

Compute the N statistic for the cell defined by the current value of QUESTION and CHOICE.
  define n / format=4. 'N';

Specify a computed variable that will contain the frequency percentage of the current value of QUESTION and CHOICE. This percentage is based on the total frequency count in the row, which equals the total number of nonmissing responses to the question.
  define pct / format=5.1 computed 'Pct';

Determine the total frequency count in the row and display the results in the last column.
  define totaln2 / format=5. 'Total/N';

Compute the frequency percentages that are nested under CHOICE.
  compute pct;

Because there are five values for CHOICE, define two arrays with five elements each. Define the CN array to hold the frequency counts for each value of CHOICE within the row currently being processed. Start the explicit column reference at column 3, even though the first column of frequency counts appears in column 2 of the report. The first item on the COLUMN statement is a NOPRINT variable, and PROC REPORT counts it as a column.
    array cn{5}    _c3_ _c5_ _c7_ _c9_  _c11_;

Define the CPCT array to hold the computed percentages for each value of CHOICE within the row currently being processed.
     array cpct{5} _c4_ _c6_ _c8_ _c10_ _c12_;

Compute each of the five frequency count percentages for the row currently being processed.
     do i=1 to 5;

Compute the percentage only when the frequency count in the array element currently being processed is not missing, and the total frequency count for the row is greater than zero. Otherwise, set the percentage to zero.
      if cn{i} ne .  and totaln1 gt 0
         then cpct{i}=100*(cn{i}/totaln1);
      else cpct{i}=0;

A Closer Look

Reshaping Data

The original input data set has all the information that you need to make the crosstabular report, but PROC TABULATE cannot process the information in that format to produce the report.

PROC TRANSPOSE rearranges the data so that each observation in the new data set contains the variable SURVEYID, a variable for question number (QUESTION), and a variable for question response (CHOICE). PROC TABULATE can process this structure to create the desired crosstabular report.

If you submit the following PROC TABULATE step using the original data set, you will obtain frequency counts and percentages, but they will not be shown in a crosstabular fashion. The questions and their responses define the rows. The two columns of the report are the N and PCTN statistics.

    proc tabulate data=townsurvey missing;
      class q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9;
      table (q1 all) (q2 all) (q3 all) (q4 all) (q5 all)
            (q6 all) (q7 all) (q8 all) (q9 all),
            n*f=4. pctn*f=5.1;

The first page of this report is shown in Figure 3.9c. Note that the MISSING option on the PROC TABULATE statement forces inclusion of missing values as valid categories. If you omit the MISSING option, only observations where all question responses were nonmissing are included in the report. Out of a total of 482 respondents, 146 responded to all nine questions. For more information on how PROC TABULATE works with missing values, see “Working with Missing Class Variable Values in PROC TABULATE” later in this section.

Figure 3.9c. First Page of PROC TABULATE Report Run on TOWNSURVEY Data Set Before It Is Reshaped
         Town Survey Results
     Number of Participants: 482

|                        | N  |PctN |
|q1                      |    |     |
|------------------------|    |     |
|.                       |  59| 12.2|
|1                       |   5|  1.0|
|2                       | 134| 27.8|
|3                       | 115| 23.9|
|4                       | 143| 29.7|
|5                       |  26|  5.4|
|All                     | 482|100.0|
|q2                      |    |     |
|------------------------|    |     |
|.                       |  72| 14.9|
|1                       |   4|  0.8|
|2                       |  86| 17.8|
|3                       |  93| 19.3|
|4                       | 195| 40.5|
|5                       |  32|  6.6|
|All                     | 482|100.0|
|q3                      |    |     |
|------------------------|    |     |
|.                       |  43|  8.9|
|1                       |  76| 15.8|
|2                       | 169| 35.1|
|3                       |  86| 17.8|
|4                       |  93| 19.3|
|5                       |  15|  3.1|
|All                     | 482|100.0|
|q4                      |    |     |
|------------------------|    |     |
|.                       |  61| 12.7|
|2                       |  94| 19.5|
|3                       | 111| 23.0|
|4                       | 180| 37.3|
|5                       |  36|  7.5|
|All                     | 482|100.0|
|q5                      |    |     |
|------------------------|    |     |
|.                       |  48| 10.0|
|1                       |  20|  4.1|
|2                       | 156| 32.4|

PROC TRANSPOSE restructures the data so that values that were stored in one observation are written to one variable. In this example, the values of the variables Q1 through Q9 are transposed and saved in the variable CHOICE. You can specify which variables you want to transpose. The following paragraphs illustrate how PROC TRANSPOSE reshapes the data in this example.

When you transpose with BY processing, as this example does, you create from each BY group one observation for each variable that you transpose. In this example, SURVEYID is the BY variable. Each observation in the input data set is a BY group, because the value of SURVEYID is unique for each observation.

This example transposes nine variables, Q1 through Q9. Therefore, the output data set contains nine observations from each BY group. These observations correspond to the nine questions per survey participant.

Figure 3.9d uses the first two observations in the input data set to illustrate the transposition.

Figure 3.9d. Transposing Two Variables

Working with Missing Class Variable Values in PROC TABULATE

The TOWNSURVEY data set contains some missing responses. The counts in the “Total” column of the main report are the frequencies of nonmissing values. The counts, therefore, are less than 482, the total number of survey participants that was printed in the title.

By default, when you define a variable as a class variable, PROC TABULATE omits observations that have missing values for that class variable. This rule applies to all TABLE statements in the PROC TABULATE step, even if you do not include the variable in any of the TABLE statements.

To compute statistics for categories that are defined by missing values, add the MISSING option to the PROC TABULATE statement. When you add MISSING to the PROC TABULATE step in the main program of this example, PROC TABULATE adds a new column to the report that contains the N and ROWPCTN statistics for missing responses. This is shown in Figure 3.9e. The new column is the one labeled “No response.”

Figure 3.9e. Output from the PROC TABULATE Step That Includes the MISSING Option
                                       Town Survey Results
                                   Number of Participants: 482

|                  |    No    | Strongly |          |          |          | Strongly | 
 Total   |
|                  | response |Disapprove|Disapprove| Neutral  | Approve  | Approve 
 |Responses |
|                  | N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N  |Row %| N 
 |Row %|
|Survey Question   |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|------------------|    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|1. Road           |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|Maintenance       |  59| 12.2|   5|  1.0| 134| 27.8| 115| 23.9| 143| 29.7|  26|  5.4|
|2. Parks Upkeep   |  72| 14.9|   4|  0.8|  86| 17.8|  93| 19.3| 195| 40.5|  32|  6.6|
|3. Snowplowing    |  43|  8.9|  76| 15.8| 169| 35.1|  86| 17.8|  93| 19.3|  15|  3.1|
|4. Sheriff        |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|Patrolling        |  61| 12.7|   0|    0|  94| 19.5| 111| 23.0| 180| 37.3|  36|  7.5|
|5. Ordinance      |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|Enforcement       |  48| 10.0|  20|  4.1| 156| 32.4| 121| 25.1| 107| 22.2|  30|  6.2|
|6. Town Office    |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|Hours             |  64| 13.3|   1|  0.2|  80| 16.6| 124| 25.7| 177| 36.7|  36|  7.5|
|7. Community      |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |    |     |   
 |     |
|Events            |  69| 14.3|   1|  0.2|  38|  7.9|  51| 10.6| 204| 42.3| 119| 24.7|
|8. Youth Programs |  55| 11.4|   2|  0.4|  50| 10.4|  45|  9.3| 201| 41.7| 129| 26.8|
|9. Senior Services|  59| 12.2|   3|  0.6|  94| 19.5| 121| 25.1| 167| 34.6|  38|  7.9|

The total N is now 482 for all questions, and the row percentages are now based on a denominator of 482, not on the total number of nonmissing responses for a question.

The PROC TABULATE statement with the MISSING option looks as follows:

   proc tabulate data=townsurvey2 missing;

The output from the PROC TABULATE step that includes the MISSING option on the PROC TABULATE statement is shown in Figure 3.9e.

Where to Go from Here

PROC REPORT reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The REPORT Procedure” in the “Procedures” section of Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

PROC TABULATE reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The TABULATE Procedure” in the “Procedures” section of Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

PROC TRANSPOSE reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The TRANSPOSE Procedure” in the “Procedures” section of Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

SAS File Input/Output Functions. See “Functions and CALL Routines” in SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

SAS Macro Programming. In the “Understanding and Using the Macro Facility” section of SAS 9.1 Macro Language: Reference, see “Macro Variables” and “Using SAS Language Functions in the DATA Step and Macro Facility” in the “Interfaces with the Macro Facility” section. Also see “Macro Language Dictionary.”

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