
Back in 2000, Gary Cornell, co-founder of a small but ambitious computer publisher called Apress, contacted me and asked whether I'd be interested in writing a book about PHP. At the time a developer and aspiring technical writer, I jumped at the opportunity, albeit wondering how I'd ever be able to finish such a large writing project. Like running a first marathon, success was gauged by way of mere completion rather than by any other benchmark.

Eight years have since passed, and that original book is still alive and kicking, its current incarnation being what you hold in your hands. Suffice it to say this project has exceeded my wildest expectations, and I thank Gary and Apress (now a much larger but still ambitious publisher) profusely for the opportunity.

I'd also like to thank my project manager Tracy Brown Collins for her infinite patience and organizational talents. Technical reviewers Jay Pipes and Matt Wade offered valuable insight that greatly improved the material. Copy editor Bill McManus once again proved his keen ability to turn my jabbering into coherent English. All other members of the Apress team also deserve a hand for all of the hard work behind the scenes.

Last but certainly not least, I'd like to thank my family and friends for reminding me there is indeed life beyond the keyboard.

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