
191 Tower, 82

344 Design, 173–176, 178–179


Adams, Sean, 182

AdamsMorioka Posters, 182–183

agility, 25

Allen, Chad, 74–75

Alliance for Climate Protection, 38–39

And Partners, 190–193

Aspen Leaf Soap Factory, 181

asset management, 87

Asylum, 18–21

At Random, 195–199

AtelierWorks, 54–57

autocratic leadership style, 139


Back Label, 47

balance, 25

ballpark estimates, 105

Barendse, Jeroen, 195

Bates, 142–144

BBC2, 156–157

Behind Closed Doors (PBS), 72–73

Ben & Jerry’s, 150

benchmarking, 88–89

Benjamin Moore, 152

Bierut, Michael, 180

BIG/Ogilvy & Mather, 34–39

Blaesbjerg, Rasmus, 70, 74

blended hourly rate, 102

BP Helios House, 34–36

Bucher, Stefan G., 173, 177

budget, 9

budget worksheets, 103

budgetary estimates, 105


for design, 92

pricing and, 92–97, 102–103

project profiles in, 98–101, 108, 110–111

Butcher, Nick, 117


Carslake, Scott, 42

case studies

in client management, 168–171, 173–176, 178–179

in design teams, 120–124

in organizing and persuading, 42–47

in people management, 140–145, 148–152

in planning, 70–75, 80–85

in profitability, 190–193

in project setup, 34–39, 54–57

Castro, Thomas, 195

change orders, 40

Chase, Margo, 162–163

Chase Design Group, 162–163

Chilvers, Ian, 54, 56

Church, Stanley, 120

clarity, lack of, 16

Clément, René, 22


Bierut on, 180

Bucher on, 177

collaboration with, 7, 155, 166, 177

getting approval from, 167

management of, 166–183

money and, 104–105

relationships with, 194

time management and, 78


with clients, 7, 155, 166, 177

problems with, 154–155

collective hourly rate, 102

COLLINS:, 34–39

Collins, Brian, 34

commitment, lack of, 16

communication, 9, 16, 45, 155

compensation, 109. See also pricing

constraints, 9, 14–15

contingency planning, 79, 87

contracts, 31–33, 109, 137

copyright, 109

cost management, 15

creative assets, 87

creative brief, 31, 66

creative leadership, 89

creative meetings, 172


giving feedback to, 153

hiring, 130

managing, 136–163

creativity, 22

crisis management, 161

culture, 89


David Hockney Catalog, 173–176

De Leo, Anthony, 42

deadlines, 68

decisiveness, 25

Decker, Amy, 181

deferred payment, 107

definitive estimates, 105

delivery media, 9

Dell, 122

democratic leadership style, 139

design, critique of, 147

design leadership, 6

design management, 6, 9, 194

design managers, 153

design process

constraints on, 9

outlining, 41

steps in, 10–11

design projects. See projects

design teams. See also teamwork

assembling, 116–117

case study, 120–124

characteristics of successful, 126–127

composition of, 114–115

giving feedback to, 153

interviewing for, 130

management of, 125, 136–163

motivating, 59

problems in, 153, 154–155

project profiles, 117, 131–133

responsibilities, 118–119, 146

roles, 146

technology tools for, 128

virtual, 128–129

work flow, 116

designer-client agreements, 31–33, 66

designer-client collaboration, 7, 155, 166, 177

designers, work flow of, 30

development phase, 11

Dig Design, 181

digital asset management, 87

disorganization, 16

Dunkin’ Donuts, 123


ego, 154

Elavia, Farhad F., 140

employees. See also creatives

evaluating, 136

managing, 136–163

employment agreements, 137

estimates, 105

exit interviews, 187

expenses, 97

exploration phase, 10


feedback, 153

fees, 97

Fibonacci Design Group, 108

file management, 87

Finn, Kevin, 131, 132

Finn Creative, 131–133

Finsbury Green Report, 42–43

firm hierarchy, 119

fixed fees, 106

focus, 24

forecasting work, 51

FreedomWig 2, 76–77

Frolick Frozen Yogurt, 18–21


Gagnon, Louis, 22

Gantt charts, 69

Garaz, 88

Good Design Company, 62–63

The Graphic Eye, 178–179

Greektown Casino, 83

Green Dahlia, 122

Grimmett, Doug, 168, 169

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI), 14


Hallmark Channel, 169

Haus Design Communications, 70–75

Helios House, 34–36

hiring decisions, 130

Hockney, David, 173–176

Honda, 110–111

hourly rates, 93–96, 102, 107

House Styling magazine, 62–63


Il Milano, 82

Illumivision, 26–27

intellectual property rights, 109

interview questions, 130

Iris, 195–199

Isaora, 72


Jaikisshan, Pallavi, 140

job numbers, 53


Kama Sutra Company, 162–163

Karjakuoto, Eric, 26–27

King’s College London, 56


LA Louver Gallery, 173–176

laissez-faire leadership style, 139

Larsen, 98–101

Larsen, Tim, 98

launch phase, 11

leadership styles, 138–139

Lean Cuisine, 120–121

Lee, Chris, 18, 21

Lefebvre, Joanne, 22

Les Allusifs, 23

Lewin, Kurt, 138

licensing options, 109

Longview Vineyard, 46

Lorenc, Jan, 80, 85

Lorenc + Yoo Design, 80–85

Los Angeles magazine, 70

LUST, 195–199


Magabala Diary, 131–133

Mally, 151

Mann, Greg, 108

manufacture/launch phase, 11

Marcnondes, Guilherme, 156–157

Marriott U magazine, 141

meetings, 172

Metropolis, 37

Millman, Debbie, 150, 152

Mine, 145

Mizuno, Manabu, 62

modular payments, 106


attitudes about, 102

clients and, 104–105

Morioka, Noreen, 182

motivation, 89


Nakanishi, Nadine, 117

Neenah Paper, 190–193

negotiation, 24, 104

Newark, Quentin, 54

Nieuwenhuizen, Dimitri, 195


Objects of Affection, 117

Old Republic Title Company, 98–101

open jobs list, 51

organization skills, 30

organizational tools, 50–53

orientation/research phase, 10


Paige Black Label, 71

Paprika, 22–23

Parry, Bruce, 156–157

payment strategies, 106–107

PBS, 72–73

PBS Kids, 170

people management, 136–163

Pepperidge Farm, 150

perfectionism, 158–159

personnel, 89, 119

personnel management, 136–163

persuasion skills, 30, 58–59


asset management and, 87

basics of, 66–67

case studies, 70–75, 80–85

project profiles in, 76–77, 88

scheduling, 68–69, 76, 86

time management and, 78–79

PMBOK Guide (PMI), 14

Polar, 44–45

postmortems, 187

potential jobs list, 51

Powner, John, 54

pricing, 92–97, 102–103

Primal Screen, 168–171

problem management, 161

problem solving skills, 24

product scope, 15

production phase, 11

productivity, 136

profit and loss (P&L) statements, 193

profit participation, 107


case study, 190–193

client relationships and, 194

factors impacting, 186–187

in graphic design, 186–187

increasing, 188–189

project profile in, 195–199

progress payment, 106

project completion, 11

project fee, 93

project hierarchy, 119

project initiation, 10

project management, 6

affects of, 14

common mistakes in, 16

constraints on, 14–15

creativity and, 22

history of, 14

overview of, 16

persuasion and, 58–59

project profiles in, 18–21, 23, 26–27

steps in process, 17

traits for success in, 24–25

Project Management Institute (PMI), 14

project management software, 53, 78–79, 87, 187

project managers, 16, 51

persuasion skills and, 58–59

tips for, 60–61

project phase descriptions, 41

project profiles

in budgeting, 98–101, 108, 110–111

in client management, 181–183

in creatives management, 156–157, 162–163

in design teams, 117, 131–133

in planning, 76–77, 88

in profitability, 195–199

in project management, 18–21, 23, 26–27

in project setup, 62–63

project scope, 15

project setup, 30–63

case studies, 34–39, 54–57

contracts and, 31–33

initial questions, 30

organizational tools, 50–53

project profile in, 62–63

scoping the work, 40–41


constraints on, 14

coordinating multiple, 79


quality assurance (QA), 160–161

quality control (QC), 160–161


RACI matrix, 125

Rake, Marshall, 155

rate determination, 92–97

refinement phase, 11

research phase, 10

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), 125

retainers, 106

revisions, 105

Rhamnathkar, Bhupal, 140, 145

Rich, Martha, 76–77

rights, 109

risk taking, 25

Roncal, Mally, 151

Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 57

royalty-based licensing, 109


Samsung Electronics, 84

Sansare, Deven, 140

scheduling, 68–69, 76, 86

scheduling software, 78–79

Schimmel, David, 190, 191

scope of work (SOW), 9, 15, 40–41

Shelkie, Eric, 26

Siedemzero, 88

Simply Enjoy brand, 148–149

smashLAB, 26–27

software, 53, 78–79, 87, 187

Sonnenzimmer, 117

status reports, 52

Sterling Brands, 148–152

Stop and Shop, 148–149

storytelling, 85

strategy phase, 10

Sun Microsystems, 108

Suntory Iyemon Cha, 124

supplemental staff, 118

suppliers, 129


TCM Prime Time Movie Open, 171

teamwork. See also design teams

basics of, 114–115

responsibilities, 118–119

virtual, 128–129

Think Ink, 190–193

time management, 15, 16, 78–79

time sheets, 53, 78

timing, 9

tracking documents, 51

trade, 107

Turner Classic Movies (TCM), 171


Umbrella Design, 140–145

UPS, 80–81

urgency, 24

use-based licensing, 109


virtual teams, 128–129

Voice, 42–47

Volkswagen (VW), 54–55


Wallace Church, 120–124

Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo, 110–111

work breakdown structure (WBS), 66–67

work flow, 30, 116

work habits, 155

work-for-hire contracts, 109


Yoo, Chung Youl, 80

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