Your IDA Installation

Once you calm down from the initial excitement of receiving your shiny, new IDA CD and get down to the task of installing IDA, you will see that your CD contains directories named utilities and sdk containing various add-on utilities and the IDA software development kit, respectively. These will be discussed in detail later in the book. In the root directory of the CD you will find an installation binary. For Windows users, this binary is a traditional Windows installer executable. For Linux and OS X users, the installation binary is a gzipped .tar file.

Windows Installation

Installing IDA on Windows is very straightforward. IDA’s Windows installer requires a password that is supplied with your CD or via email if you have downloaded your copy of IDA. Launching the Windows installer walks you through several informational dialogs, only one of which requires any thought. As shown in Figure 3-1, you will be offered the opportunity to specify an installation location or to accept the default suggested by the installer. Regardless of whether you choose the default or specify an alternate location, for the remainder of this book we will refer to your chosen install location as <IDADIR>. In your IDA directory, you will find your key file, ida.key, along with the following IDA executables:

  • idag.exe is the Windows native GUI version of IDA. Beginning with version 6.2, this file will cease to be shipped with IDA.

  • idaq.exe is the Windows Qt GUI version of IDA (versions 6.0 and later).

  • idaw.exe is the Windows text-mode version of IDA.

Choosing your installation location

Figure 3-1. Choosing your installation location

With the move to the Qt cross-platform GUI library in IDA version 6.0, the native Windows version of IDA (idag.exe) has been deprecated and will cease to ship with IDA beginning with version 6.2.

OS X and Linux Installation

For installation on either OS X or Linux, gunzip and untar the appropriate archive to a location of your choosing. On a Linux system, it might look like this:

# tar -xvzf ida61l.tgz

On an OS X system, it will look like this:

# tar -xvzf ida61m.tgz

In either case, you will have a top-level directory named ida that contains all required files.

For both OS X and Linux, the name of the GUI version is idaq and the name of the console version is idal. The appearance of the console version is very similar to the Windows console version of IDA, which is shown in Figure 3-2. Linux users may need to verify (using ldd) that all shared libraries required by IDA are available on their systems. One plug-in in particular, IDAPython, expects to find Python version 2.6 installed. You may need to upgrade your Python installation or create symbolic links as necessary to satisfy IDA requirements.

The console version of IDA Pro

Figure 3-2. The console version of IDA Pro

IDA and SELinux

If you are a Linux user that has SELinux enabled, you may find that IDA complains it “cannot enable executable stack as shared object” when attempting to load your desired processor module. The execstack command may be used to fix this problem on a per module basis as shown here:

execstack -c <IDADIR>/procs/pc.ilx

32-bit vs. 64-bit IDA

Users of the advanced version of IDA will notice that they have two versions of each IDA executable, such as idag.exe and idag64.exe or idaq and idaq64. The distinction between the versions is that idax64 is capable of disassembling 64-bit code; however, all of the IDA executables themselves are 32-bit code. As a result, users running IDA on 64-bit platforms need to ensure that any supporting software required by IDA is available in a 32-bit version. For example, 64-bit Linux users must ensure that a 32-bit version of Python is installed if they wish to use IDAPython for scripting. Consult the documentation for your operating system for details on mixing 32- and 64-bit software.

The IDA Directory Layout

Instant familiarity with the contents of your IDA installation is by no means a requirement before you start using IDA. However, since our attention is turned to your new IDA install for the moment, let’s take an initial look at the basic layout. An understanding of the IDA directory structure will become more important as you progress to using the more advanced features of IDA covered later in the book. A brief description of each of the subdirectories within the IDA installation follows (for Windows and Linux users, these are found under <IDADIR>; for OS X users, these will be found under <IDA-DIR>/


The cfg directory contains various configuration files, including the basic IDA configuration file ida.cfg, the GUI configuration file idagui.cfg, and the text-mode user interface configuration file idatui.cfg. Some of the more useful configuration capabilities of IDA will be covered in Chapter 11.


The idc directory contains the core files required by IDA’s built-in scripting language, IDC. Scripting with IDC will be covered in more detail in Chapter 15.


The ids directory contains symbol files (IDS files in IDA parlance) that describe the content of shared libraries that may be referenced by binaries loaded into IDA. These IDS files contain summary information that lists all entries that are exported from a given library. These entries describe the type and number of parameters that a function requires, the return type (if any) of a function, and the calling convention utilized by the function.


The loaders directory contains IDA extensions that are used during the file-loading process to recognize and parse known file formats such as PE or ELF files. IDA loaders will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 18.


The plugins directory contains IDA modules designed to provide additional, and in most cases user-defined, behavior for IDA. IDA plug-ins will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 17.


The procs directory contains the processor modules supported by the installed version of IDA. Processor modules provide the machine-language-to-assembly-language translation capability within IDA and are responsible for generating the assembly language displayed in the IDA user interface. IDA processor modules will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 19.


The sig directory contains signatures for existing code that IDA utilizes for various pattern-matching operations. It is through such pattern matching that IDA can identify sequences of code as known library code, potentially saving you significant amounts of time in the analysis process. The signatures are generated using IDA’s Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology (FLIRT), which will be covered in more detail in Chapter 12.


The til directory contains type library information that IDA uses to record the layout of data structures specific to various compiler libraries. Customizing IDA type libraries will be discussed further in Chapter 13.

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