Building Your Plug-ins

On Windows, plug-ins are valid DLL files (that happen to use a .plw or .p64 extension), while on Linux and Mac, a plug-in is a valid shared object file (that uses a .plx/.plx64 or .pmc/.pmc64 extension, respectively). Building plug-ins can be a tricky matter, because you must get all of the build settings correct or the build process is almost certain to fail. The SDK contains a number of sample plug-ins, each containing its own makefile. The makefiles were all created with Borland’s build tools for Windows in mind. This poses some challenges when you wish to build with a different tool chain or on a different platform. The install_xxx.txt files included with the SDK discuss the use of <SDKDIR>/bin/ to build plug-ins using GNU make and gcc. The purpose of is to generate a GNU make-style makefile from the Borland-style makefiles and then invoke GNU make to build the plug-in.

Our preference for building plug-ins is to use simplified makefiles with the GNU tools (via MinGW on Windows). The simplified makefile in Example 17-1 can easily be adapted to your own plug-in projects:

Example 17-1. A sample makefile for IDA plug-ins

#Set this variable to point to your SDK directory

PLATFORM=$(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d _)

ifneq "$(PLATFORM)" "MINGW32"

#Set this variable to the desired name of your compiled plugin

ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "MINGW32"
PLATFORM_CFLAGS=-D__NT__ -D__IDP__ -DWIN32 -Os -fno-rtti
LIBDIR=$(shell find ../../ -type d | grep -E "(lib|lib/)gcc.w32")
ifeq ($(strip $(LIBDIR)),)

else ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "Linux"

else ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "Darwin"

#Platform specific compiler flags

#Platform specific ld flags

#specify any additional libraries that you may need

# Destination directory for compiled plugins

#list out the object files in your project here


all: $(OUTDIR) $(BINARY)

    -@rm *.o
    -@rm $(BINARY)

    -@mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)


%.o: %.cpp
    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $< -o $@



#change idabook_plugin below to the name of your plugin, make sure to add any
#additional files that your plugin is dependent on
idabook_plugin.o: idabook_plugin.cpp

The preceding makefile uses the uname command to determine the platform on which it is running and configures some build flags accordingly. Additional source files can be added to the plug-in project by appending the names of the associated object files to the $OBJS variable and to the end of the makefile. If your plug-in requires additional libraries, you should specify the library names in $EXTRALIBS. The $IDA_SDK variable is used to specify the location of the <SDKDIR>, and $IDA_SDK may be specified as an absolute or a relative path. In this example, $IDA_SDK is specified as a relative path, indicating that <SDKDIR> lies two directories above the plug-in’s directory. This is in keeping with locating plug-in projects within <SDKDIR>/plugins (<SDKDIR>/plugins/idabook_plugin in this case). If you choose to locate your plug-in’s project directory in some other location relative to <SDKDIR>, you must ensure that $IDA_SDK properly refers to <SDKDIR>. Finally, the preceding example is configured to store successfully compiled plug-ins in <SDKDIR>/bin/plugins. It is important to understand that successfully compiling a plug-in does not necessarily install the plug-in. We cover plug-in installation in the next section.

The use of Microsoft’s Visual C++ Express to build IDA modules is discussed in install_visual.txt. To create a project from scratch using Visual Studio 2008, perform the following steps:

  1. Select FileNewProject to open the New Project dialog shown in Figure 17-1.

    Visual Studio new project-creation dialog

    Figure 17-1. Visual Studio new project-creation dialog

  2. Specify the project type as Visual C++/Win32, choose the Win32 Project template, and provide the name and location for your project. We typically create new plug-in projects within the <SDKDIR>/plugins directory in order to keep all of our plug-ins grouped together. When you click OK, the Win32 Application Wizard appears. Click Next to get to the Application Settings step and then set the Application type to DLL and the Additional options to Empty project before clicking Finish, as shown in Figure 17-2.

    Visual Studio Win32 Application Wizard

    Figure 17-2. Visual Studio Win32 Application Wizard

  3. Once the basic framework of the project has been created, you must configure a few additional settings. Project properties in Visual Studio 2008 are accessed via Project ▸ Properties, which brings up the dialog shown in Figure 17-3. C/C++ configuration options only become available once a source file has been added to the project, either by adding and editing a new file or adding an existing file.

    Visual Studio project properties dialog

    Figure 17-3. Visual Studio project properties dialog

The settings that require modification are spread throughout the Configuration Properties section at the left side of the dialog. Figure 17-3 is representative of the manner in which properties are set throughout a project. For each property category selected in the left-hand portion of the dialog, a list of configurable properties is displayed in the right-hand portion of the dialog. Note that property categories are organized in a hierarchical fashion. Properties are edited using file-selection controls, single-line edit controls, multiline edit controls, or drop-down-list-selection controls. Table 17-1 details the properties that must be edited to create a plug-in project.

Note that Visual Studio allows you to specify separate configuration options for Debug and Release versions of the project (see top left of Figure 17-3). If you intend to build separate Debug and Release versions of your plug-in, make certain that you have modified the properties in both configurations. Alternatively, you may save some time by selecting All Configurations from the Configurations drop-down list (at the top left of the Properties dialog), in which case your property changes will be applied to all build configurations.

Table 17-1. Visual Studio Plug-in Configuration Values (32-bit)

Configuration Property Category

Specific Property

Property Value


Output Directory

As desired, often <SDKDIR>inplugins


Additional Include Directories

Add <SDKDIR>include


Preprocessor Definitions

Append “;__NT__;__IDP__”

C/C++▸Code Generation

Runtime Library

Multithreaded (Release)[a] Multithreaded Debug (Debug) (Not the DLL versions)[b]


Output File

Change extension to .plw


Additional Library Directories

Add <SDKDIR>libx86_win_vc_32[c]


Additional Dependencies

Add ida.lib (from lib86_win_vc_32)

Linker▸Command Line

Additional options


[a] Multithreaded in this case refers to the C++ runtime library itself. IDA just happens to be a single-threaded application that makes use of this library. A single-threaded version of the C++ runtime library does not exist.

[b] Choosing the DLL versions of the C++ library requires that MSVCR80.DLL be present on the system on which the plug-in will ultimately run. In order to remove this restriction, choose the non-DLL version of the C++ runtime libraries, which produces a statically linked plug-in that is more portable.

[c] Prior to SDK version 6.1, add library directory <SDKDIR>libvc.w32.

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