
accomplishments, measuring your, 68

accountability, 245


partner, 248-249

techniques, 246-253

action plan, 210-211

appoint an accountability partner for, 248-249

using a friend for, 248

visual reminders for, 247

work with a coach or mentor for, 249-250

asset, your most valuable, 50

Ayers, Andrea, 80, 195


fleeting nature of perfect, 91

media-hyped ideal of, 119

moving toward or away from, 119

balanced, feel more, 91

boundaries, 97, 218-219

break, taking a, 231


importance of scheduling, 109

take mini mental, 127

burnout, 115, 117


"adolescence” of your, 194-197

"birth” of your, 188-189

building your, analogy of pregnancy for, 166, 185

first step toward planning a, 36

"gestation” of your, 186-188

having unreasonable “ expectations for your, 185

incorporate a passion into your, 58

"infancy” of your, 190-191

maturity of your, 202-204

"teenagerhood” of your, 197-202

"toddlerhood” of your, 192-194

business plan, one page, 183, 206-214

sample, 207

business planning, 85, 183-214

busyness, 112


consider overscheduling some tasks on your, 110

criteria for deciding what goes on your, 107-108

plot out your to-dos on your, 105-110

calendaring, 105-110

change, resistance to, 220-221

Churchill, Jill, 54

circumstances, your life, 63-64


hire a, 155, 197

work with a, 249-250

confidence, 159-161

one of the best ways to build, 160

comparing yourself to others, 68-69, 160

as a way to undo your self-care, 131

courage, 161-165

delegating, 219-220

Dempsey, Rachel, 54

distractions and interruptions, 219

down time, importance of scheduling, 109

Duckworth, Angela, 154

effectiveness vs. efficiency, 234

80/20 rule. See Pareto principle.

Einstein, Albert, 155

eMyth Revisited, The, 187

energy, things that sap your, 130-134

energy levels, your, 108-109

expectations, unreasonable, 185

experience, work and volunteer, 169-171


fear of, 68

know you can fail without being a, 159-160

setting yourself up to feel like a, 69-70

Ford, Henry, 74, 85

fear, 81, 239, 243

of success, 68

Ferris, Tim, 99

Gerber, Michael, 187


personal, 209

set appropriate and empowering, 185

SMART, 185, 208-209

staying on track toward our, 237-257

what are your unique, 36

your time-off, 136

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 53

grit, 154-159

Guillemets, Terri, 61

habits, time-wasting, 91-92

Horan, Jim, 183

human resources, your, 171-173

(see also support system)

ideals and standards, 37

integrity, 53

intuition, 179-181

Lean In, 81

life, true up your current, 37

life events, major, 253-256

Loehr, Jim, 108

measure ourselves, the most common ways we, 68-70

meditate, reasons people don't, 128

meditation, benefits of, 127-128

mentor, hire a, 197

metric, money as, 205

metrics for success,

society's, 68

your, 74

mission, 208

mistakes, 241

Mom Biz Coach, 58

MomCom, 72, 73

Morrison, Trish, 72-75, 77

motivation, name and own your, 48

motivations, your, 47-49

motivators, some common, 49

negative past experiences, lessons gleaned from, 170-171

negative self-talk, 80, 138-144

awareness as the first step toward stopping, 143

ways to handle, 142


get comfortable saying, 50

sometimes you have to say, 93

objective, sample, 212-214

objectives, 208

One Page Business Plan, The, 183

parameters, benefits of knowing your, 64

Pareto principle, 226

passion, relationship between success and, 58


definition, 57

your, 57-61

path, designing your own, 36

patience, 165-169

benefits of increased, 166-167

passivity is not, 166

personality traits, 153-169



one page, 183, 206-214

sample, 207

importance of a solid, 35

tips to help you get back on track with your, 251-253


business, 85

lack of, 94


bigger obstacles to following our, 253-256

obstacles to following our, 238-245

Pomodoro technique, 224

Power of Full Engagement, The, 108

priorities, 100

changeability of, 55

get really clear on your, 49

sample, 52

match up your time with your, 102-105

your four main, 52


increasing your, 217

techniques to increase, 223-233

productivity tools, 217-235

progress, measuring your, 68

project mapping, 225

Rath, Tom, 151

reward yourself, 110, 135-138, 251-253

rewards, material, 137

Riegel, Deborah Grayson, 209

risk, 81

rut, possible reasons for, 242

ruts, 242-245

great ways to get out of, 242

Sandberg, Cheryl, 81


all activities that make up your life, 110

realistic and sustainable, make your, 223

the basics, 121

the end of your workday, 107


build a buffer into your, 234

create a comprehensive daily, weekly, and monthly, 189

Schwartz, Tony, 108


ideas, 124-125

items, create a list of, 120

"twofers,” 122

self-care, 115-145

benefits of good, 116

dealing with guilt regarding, 125, 128

definition, 115

drains on, 130-133

how to know if something is good, 133

necessity of, 117

potential “obstacles” to, 129-130

rewards as, 135-138

your plan for getting good, 121-129

self-sabotage, 118-119

self-talk, negative, 80, 138-144

awareness as the first step toward stopping, 143

ways to handle, 142

Sinek, Simon, 260

Sinetar, Marsha, 57

skills, 152-153

SMART goals, 185, 208-209

Deborah Grayson Riegel's version of, 209-210

solitude, importance of, 137

strategies, 210

strengths, 150-152

playing to your, 151

women's, 24-25

strengths and skills inventory, 178-179

Strengthsfinder 2.0, 151


criteria, clarify your, 83

on your own terms, envisioning, 68


crafting your own version of, 81-82

don't let fear create your vision of, 81

envisioning, 67-88

evolution of your vision of, 75

fear of, 68

having a too narrow definition of, 69-70

having an outdated vision of, 70, 77-79

path to, 72-82

redefine, 79

relationship between passion and, 58

society's metrics for, 68

your metric for, 74

your vision of, 83-87

successes, financial and/or outward, 68

successful self, craft a vision of your, 80

support system, 171-176

benefits of having a strong, 175-176

build a strong, 176


automate or delegate, 220

consider overscheduling yourself for some, 110

group your, 230

non-negotiable, 105-107

reward yourself for accomplishing, 251

taking regular breaks from mental, 125-126

TIKEs, 239-240


and priorities, match up your, 102-105

as currency, 91

management, 89-113

off, benefits of taking, 136


budget your, 91

calendaring as a way to manage your, 105-110

"contaminated,” 144

creating boundaries to manage your, 97-100

estimating your, 221-223

giving away your, 92-93

importance of planning your, 94-96

managing energy rather than, 109

making lists to make good use of your, 95-97

solution for having extra, 95-96

stumbling blocks when it comes to, 218-223

taking ownership of your, 100

track your use of, 89

ways to find more, 111

to-do list, put yourself at the top of your, 134-135


let your priorities dictate your, 91

link most of your outcomes with, 247

plot out your, 105

toolkit, your, 149-182 (see also resources)

reasons to articulate the tools in, 177

tools, productivity, 217-235

true up your current life, 37


author's brief list of, 46-47

consistency of, 46

definition, 45

identify and live by your, 46

importance of revisiting your, 46

your top five, 46

your, 45-47

Vanderkam, Laura, 100

VAs, 220

victim or martyr, avoid becoming a, 133

virtual assistants. See VAs.


be on a path that leads to your, 37

your business, 83. 208

What Works for Women at Work, 54

Williams, Joan C., 54

Whole Foods, 195

who you are,

be clear about, 35

importance of determining, 36-65

yes, don't automatically say, 92-93

Yutang, Lin, 228

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